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Hi guys! sorry for the radio silence! Saying that the end of November and December were insane is an understatement, but here's a quick summary:

- I moved 800 km north to my parents at the beginning of December

- Travelled 500 km to pick up my lovely girlfriend at the border and get a booster shot

-Got denied the entry to USA two times thanks to the brand of my vaccine (Cansino)

-Holiday Shenanigans

-Complex Family dynamics Shenanigans

-Got Covid

-Immigration Shenanigans

-Roadtrip 1900 kms


Now that I'm here I can finally say that I was able to get to my girlfriend's place and stay with her for a couple of months. which makes everything worth it :), and now that we're both Covid free, and the drive and the crazyness has stopped I will be able to draw to my heart's content! So stay tuned for more art soon!

Thank you all for your patience and support and care, I hope that this 2022 is surviveable and even enjoyable, but mostly safe for you all :) 

Now, to say goodbye and start drawing some I'll share a funny anecdote with you:

It's dark and Devi and I are walking through the parking lot
Me, sniffing the air and confused by the strong smell: Oh wow, is that a skunk?
Devi: nah, one of the neighbors is smoking weed
Me, realizing that the smell is actually weed: .... I failed as a mexican


Ell Superguest

If you are confused about the smell of weed, then brace yourself for high fructose corn syrup Coke...


Im glad you were able to spend some time with her! It sounds like your life has been insane