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Hello friends!

I know Patreon has been a little quiet lately, I apologize! I've been in the process of moving and it has been incredibly complex, emotionally and mentally draining as well as time consuming. I apologize if I'm keeping the cards a little too close to my chest right now, but I'm a pessimistic asshole  that their first thought is that everything will go wrong, and there are still a couple variables that are out of my control, but hopefully I'll be able to share a little more about this life project soon enough!.

I hope everyone is good and getting close to have a winter break with their loved ones, I appreciate everyone's patience and I'll come back with more art soon!


Tentacle Tiefling

Hoping everything goes right for you! You deserve to come out on top 🤗


Seconding the hope that everything works out, and that you manage to have an excellent holiday : )


Best wishes!! I hope everything works out, or goes even better!