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I designed Alma a while back to be Jill’s antagonist but I was never really happy with her original design, and now I can’t choose lol. Which one do you like?



Ell Superguest

Invalid question - Jill has no enemies, only friends :)


Now that's a gal that can Take Me to Church, I really like the first design because those gold accents are really nice

Ell Superguest

Also I'd say 3, the white outfit gives a false projection of safety and comfort for - what I assume - is someone that will try to (un)corrupt someone.

Not Fenimore

Lol, correct ;) and I'd say 3 or 4. White and gold is a good contrast to Jill's dark colours.


I like 1 and 4 the most. Whatever thats worth


I agree with Ell's second comment here, but with #4

Tentacle Tiefling

I love how 4 is completely covered down the middle, and how that illusion of chasteness falls away on the sides. I like to imagine her rear would likewise feature some side cleavage.😉


Thank you! I’m still unsure if I’ll make more mods in the future, but I’m feeling much better with this options


Ell is absolutely correct on the concept of the character! And I can see how white and golden contrast more with Jill’s blues and blacks… HMMM


Thank you! That’s the idea! But there’s something about the silhouette that I don’t love and I’m not sure what is

Ell Superguest

Could be that the trailing aspect of the dress in 4 gives her the appearance of floating/hovering while the other three make her look literally grounded. AKA should she be someone that casually walks over to someone, or glides over to them.


Option 1 and 4 are by far my favorites. And I cant choose either! 😭

Astro Striker

I love 1 with 4 being close but thematically as an antagonist to Jill, I agree with the others that the white and gold is a better contrast. Also, my personal opinion is that Black and Blue > White and Gold, everytime :P


The demonic/angel mix aesthetic is something not done enough. 10/10

Devi Lacroix

I like #4, and I think that Ell's comments about the hem of the trailing dress creates the impression of levitating, which make her look less grounded, which is maybe what you don't like about the silhouette?

Misty F.

I like both 3 and 4. Maybe she powers up from one to the other?