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A new post!  hooray!!

If you follow me on Twitter you might have read that 2021 has been challenging for my mental health, specially during the last few months, and although is not the best financial move when you're a freelancer, but I've been focusing on working on improving my mental health.

Saying that, I'd like to thank everyone for sticking trough my ups and downs, people online have been incredibly supportive and knowing I have friends out there caring for me has been a huge difference during the harsher days, thank you fam :heart:

Anyyywayyyy right now it's raining which makes running errands a little more difficult when you have to walk and iPad is charging so I can't work on comms, so it's time to chill, make some tea and schedule a ton of pending artwork, enjoy :) 



Tentacle Tiefling

Enjoy this, and every, cup of tea. A chance to unplug and decompress is a real luxury with so many people demanding their lives go "back to normal", so do whatever keeps your headspace safe.

Tentacle Tiefling

(And if it helps to vent about stuff, or you just want to share more Blue Flame story, all my inboxes are open. Even if it takes 12 hours to properly respond)


Looking after yourself is the best thing to do! Enjoy your cuppa and glad to see you back on your feet