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1: secret w.i.p.s and you'll see the final pic soon ;)

2. this one needs a bit more explanation. Since last december I've been using Boxing and Fitness: Rythm and Excercise for Switch, which I highly recommend for switch owners that want to start moving more during the pandemic, and the game gives you an "fitness age" at the end of each session. I started at 40 years old and started going down the more I used it. Devi, Fex and I joked that when I reached 19 I will be emo again and I'll create a new OC named Pain McSufferson. So, a few days ago the game said my fitness age was 18... and here you have Pain McSufferson. 

3: a w.i.p. commission for Elementrexxx! 



Misty F.

I cannot wait to see the second one 💕




all of these makes me super excited. That first one especially


Nice, been a while since I saw Raenbu and Galatea. :D