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She never knew why radioactive toxic waste was such a controversial issue, it was that, and the remains of those who died in the accident, what gave her life anyway.


Hello friends! I'm exhausted and super excited to announce the launch of the Teratober E-Book for halloween tomorrow, which will be FREE for all of mine and Monstrifex's patrons as well as for sale for the public. Tomorrow I'll create a post uploading the Drive file for free download :) we've been working reall hard all month, both with the illustrations and the book design and we're pretty proud of the product we'll be able to launch.

This is as well a perfect time to thank every single one of you, since it's thanks to all my patrons the reason I've been able to survive this hellish year, as well to create the Teratober artbook. I know many creators have said this before, in their own words, but I feel like it's so common because, as creators, there are no words to describe the feeling of having people supporting you the way you guys are. 

Honestly guys, thank you so much! ok, so imma gonna go cry at the corner right there bye! 




Thank -you- for all your wonderful art!