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Sup friends! I hope you're doing fine! 
From this side of the screen life has keep getting crazy, I feel like this picture can summarize how I feel right now: 

But before we start with the sad stuff I want to thank to all the new patreons <3 I still can't believe that everyone still here and I'm extremely grateful for that, I hope that the increase in frecuency of posts keeps this account interesting instead of simply flooding your notifications.
Having all day to draw has helped a TON catching up with pending Patreon rewards and commissions, and not to pat myself on the back, but I'm proud cause this month I've done 40 illustrations so far! that's 1.4 illustrations a day!

(please ignore the fact that 50% is in spanish and the other 50% is in english)
But more importantly! all $15 pending rewards are cleared!! and I'm currently working towards clearing the $30 pending rewards 

I know what you're thinking friends, and I agree with you, that's the ugliest bullet journal to ever exist, but hey, it's working!. 
Now, I've talked to a few of you about this but I didn't want to tweet about it because, I dunno, it feels to personal, you know? So, yesterday one of my mother's brother passed away (DON'T WORRY I'M FINE, HE WAS AN ASSHOLE)  but I know this is hard for my mother since she basically had to care for him and all the shit that came from his addiction to substances all her life, and my gut tells me she needs the support right now, so I'm going to take the bus tonight to stay with my parents for a few days and hope that my dark sense of humor helps them a bit. 
Now, the support I've received from you has been incredible and it's thanks to you that I've been able to literally buy groceries and pay my bills (Corruption Seduction's adoptable was a week worth of groceries <3) but this is definitely an unexpected expense, which forces me to open commissions a bit early, and as was published in the last update Patreon's get the first shot at claiming slots, (what I'm not sure is for how long should I keep Patreon's exclusivity before I open them to the public, suggestions?), but anyway, before continuing I want to remember:

  • All patrons have discounts (even $1 patrons get a wee one)
  • Patrons who are in a tier that don't get rewards will get the total amount discounted from the commissions they choose to get

Also, I can't tell this enough: 

Do not feel obligated to commission me just because life has been chaotic lately. 

If you can read this post then you've probably have helped me more than I could hope for. I'm aware that all of you have their own issues on your side of the screen, life is messy for everyone.


  • Now, on the commissions, these are the available slots:
  • 2 color slots - 1 slot available
  • 3 b/w slots  
  • 5 sketchbook pages-spread pages slots
  • unlimited sketch slots 

But Jill, what are sketchbook pages-spread pages?  wtf are you talking about? Well, you know that this month I've been using weekends to draw personal stuff and that was a way to remind me how entertaining was to draw on a sketchbook, so these are the the options:
monotone sketch pages $35 (pardon the terrible photo quality, they were taken in a rush):

Sketchbook spread $50 :

these are made with ballpoint pens and markers, mostly copics or koi coloring pens, and you can choose between blue, black, pink, green or purple. 
Color sketch page: $50 spread $80

These are done mainly with ballpoint pens, micron liners, Copic markers and Prismacolor alcohol markers, plus white Molotow or POSCA for details. 
They're done in a ILLO sketchbook (thanks again Devi!) so the pages are square 8 x 8 inches, and of course you'll get a better quality, better photo than the ones you're seeing here (shame Jill!) 
Well guys, thank you so much for reading, I have to pack and get ready now, but I hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you guys for everything! 


Not Fenimore

My feeling is... a week maybe? Most people dont check patreon hourly (at least, *I* don't 😜) but I imagine once a week is long enough for everyone to get a swing without needlessly delaying from the wider public.