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Hello everyone! 

I hope all of you are fine! I'm sorry I've been absent this month :( been missing you all.

As many of you know, I moved across the country in order to find a better situation where I could live away from my emotionally abusive family and have better opportunities. Things have been crazy but thanks to your generosity I've been able to sustain myself until now (the administration manager in this place is a bitter person who has been delaying my payment as much as she's been physically capable of, and she owes me two months of salary now) so I have no way to thank all of you for your patience and generosity, without your help I wouldn't be able to be here now, literally.  You are definitely the best friends and Patrons someone could ever have.

In that regard, I'm more than aware of the lack of art updates this past month, I've not forgot about your rewards and commissions I promise! but since I'm in probation to see if I get a more permanent position here I had to do everything in my power to show I'm a professional and capable slave, I mean person-demon thing, and that translated in an entire month of 8 to 15 day shifts with no days off and some days where I had to go home and continue working, sometimes till 5 am. Needless to say I was exhausted and had no time to work on commissions and... surprising no one, last week I got sick with bronchitis due exhaustion.

BUT! My dear friends! I'm not saying all of this so you can have pity for me, I just want you to have an idea of what has been going on behind the screen.  The good thing is that it seems like things seem brighter now, from now on most of my days will be regular 9 - 6 days, which means I'll have plenty of time to work on comms after work and during lunch breaks, and inktober is going fine, which means I'll be able to catch up with Patreon pending rewards and commissions, you've no idea how happy it makes me to realize I have time to draw and produce content for you <3 

I hope everyone is fine, I miss you all. 


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