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Here's an update on Alcoholic Alley! A sequence I started but dropped quite a while ago, until now!

There's multiple reasons for why I stopped working on it:

- I wasn't happy with my art and with the way this sequence was turning out.

- I was struggling with some personal issues which I've dealt with for over a year now.

- The layers were a mess, I started working on this at a time where the layers in all my works were a mess.

So what am I doing now?

-I'm reworking and redoing the sketches!

-I'm doing some tweaks to the pics and adding more to it!

-I've organized, deleted and merged the layers in the file, everything is much more organized now!

Hope you guys like the final result, I'm eager to complete this finally!

I'm also making part I available for everyone from the get go so enjoy!



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