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And here's another update! Sorry for the wait on it, I'll be focusing on it more for the next few days.

The animatic is almost one minute in! The original idea was to make the short about two minutes long, but it seems like it'll be a bit longer than that! Perhaps 3 or even 4 minutes long! ( We have yet to get to the part where Ellie gets stuffed) So far I'm really happy with how things are turning out!

I also finally found someone who can voice them! She'll record the lines once I'm done with the dialogue, I'd say I'm about 75% there.


Doe Meal ( Animatic Update 5)



I hope this means someday we’ll get to hear Elisa speak in her Scottish accents someday.

R. E. D.

Elisa is such a goober, she's adorable!

Lauren Hahn

I love this ratto!!!!!