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Sorry for the wait on my decision, I quite like all the ideas here! It was hard to choose, I was thinking of picking both Jason and Smeg's ideas! Both because I've haven't drawn 38 with her lingerie in a while, and haven't drawn an overly stuffed Elisa for quite some time! Also who knows, I may save some of these ideas for later, thanks a lot for sharing them with me!

I wasn't sure how to name this, but I was thinking of giving that idea I mentioned a try!

   A few weeks ago I talked about the idea of letting people share their own ideas for artwork in here, the idea I like the most I'll work on it and credit the Patron in the description both here and publicly once the pics are posted on my Twitter and FurAffinity.

   You can share ideas involving my characters but to make things more interesting I'm also accepting ideas involving characters from media like movies, cartoons and video games, it should make things more interesting!

These would be the rules:

  • If it involves my characters it can't be too out of character, I'll let you know if that's the case
  • It's preferable if ideas involving my characters are not out of place Example: Elisa fighting aliens with her ass in space this is not an obligatory rule since some ideas are just too good to let pass
  • It can't involve themes such as violence or gore
  • Every Patron can participate
  • Only one idea per Patron
  • Only anthropomorphic and non humanoid characters ( No human faces)
  • Must be an adult character
  • It can't be a character from an online artist
  • The character must be established, it can't be made up

Here are these basic rules! If I have to I'll be updating this post with additional rules, feel free to share your idea below! 

   The idea I like the most I'll add it to the post! And who knows, maybe I'll choose more than one! have fun! I'll be working on my upcoming Patreon pic while I decide!



Bea from nitw getting fat from Mae giving her alot of pizza

Based Andrew

Elisa carrying multiple trays of food on her newly widened arse due to her indulging too much in her own cooking, cheeks wide enough to carry 5 or 6 trays each.


Sort of a sequel pic to this https://www.furaffinity.net/view/31674954/ of 38 getting big enough for her lingerie to rip from eating various food


Karen wins millions of dollars and a lifetime supply of candy. Now that she’s set for life she never has to work at the bob-omb factory again and can finally spend all day eating candy and playing games like she’s always wanted. As expected she puts on lots of weight and gets very lazy. (Could be a sequence or a single picture. Would include a slob alt)


Elisa unable to fit through her front door after months of social distancing


Elisa being force fed by all the people she’s been feeding as revenge for ruining their figures


idk if oc's are allowed, but other than that, my idea for a pic would be your character Karen and my oc Aqua (the one i request on the last All Patrons stream you did, if you don't remember here's the full color vers. to prove https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/701328289599586407/701735416340152370/Fatty_Aqua_by_Rattie_with_better_textures_2.png) have their big butts pressed up against each other with Karen looking shocked and Aqua looking happy. potential alts you could do (if you would like to) are a fat alt and an alt where they're having a bit of a feud of whose butt is bigger (nothing to significant, maybe just the facial expression of the both of them looking a bit peeved towards each other).


Elisa gets into a fight with a water hose. The water hose wins. Sloshy rat =3=


https://www.furaffinity.net/view/14400682/ not sure how open you are to the idea of redraws, but I'd think it'd sound fun if Elise were caught in this predicament again nearly six years later


Ellie filling up a booth at Elisa's restaurant while Elisa brings her more and more food


Maybe a sequel drawing to this (https://www.furaffinity.net/view/36376606/) but with just 38, and her butt somehow grew to a hyper size, and is testing the "structural integrity" of her new outfit.


Elisa unable to move around in her kitchen because she's gotten so fat from eating her own cooking.