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By drawing herself, and her butt.

Update on the Banner

Here's a sketch for that image cover I mentioned a few days ago, most of you voted for Elisa on her casual clothes, so here we have her wearing her tight jeans! This isn't going to be a Patreon exclusive, but I'll keep you all up to date with it!

School finals and a new laptop!

   I'd also like to apologize for the lack of updates and stream these last days, I'm currently on my school finals and haven't had much time to draw in general, I also finally got a new laptop which arrived last Saturday and I've been moving everything important  from my old laptop to the new one, so far it's been huge improvement! the old one was giving me too many problems, and slowing down my work, I'll share some pictures of it later on Twitter!

Plans for next week

 - I'm planning to do the pending 10$ Tier Stream next Tuesday since I need to focus on  a project I have to deliver that day and don't worry, there's going to be the All Patron Stream and the two 10$ Tier Streams just like every month.

-After the pending stream I'm going to start working on the Elisa sequence I mentioned previously, it's going to be a two part sequence starring both Elisa and her sister Bonnie, it'll work as a continuation to the previous pic, I'm really looking forward to it!

Plans for these upcoming months

 -Now that I have a new laptop and summer break is around the corner now it's a perfect time to venture again into 3D modeling and sculpting and add these models as rewards on Patreon.

-2D Animations! I tried to work on 2D animation last year but due to time constraints and laptop limitations I had to stop but now it's the best time to get back at it again! just like the 3D modeling I'll add these as Patreon rewards as well.



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