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An update on what's to come this month.

The next Patreon pic
Here's a sneak peak on the upcoming Patreon pic, it's going to be a pretty big one, it's a wip of 38's room in the space station she works at, expect a catrobis filling that room soon, this pic was originally meant for January but I got caught up with some college related things as well as a commission I needed to finish up first, designing this room has been a bigger challenge than I originally expected but everything is taking shape now, so expect the finished sketch hopefully tomorrow.

Request Streams
I had to put the request streams on hold in January due to some internet speed issues I experienced half way through the month, I've got an answer to why this happened, when we originally changed of internet service 3 months ago we were offered 30 Mbps for the price of 15 Mbps for 3 months, once those 3 months passed our internet speed was cut in half, this happened much earlier than we expected hence the confusion, we're going to upgrade to upgrade to 50 Mbps this month, once that gets sorted out I'll resume the Streams, expect the next stream this upcoming week.

3D models?
I've really been wanting to get into 3D modeling for the past couple of years, I've been doing some testing these past days and I think I'm ready to really give it a go, if you want me to add model downloads as a reward let me know!

Thanks for sticking with me this month, I'll get back to posting regularly again from now on, I've got some ideas I'm excited to draw.




ooo I like where this one's going! super excited to hear about potential 3D work! ... as for downloads being offered as rewards - that's a yes from me!


what happens when you accidentally turn on oxygen in her room?