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"Let's go home, sweetie."

That was all Carissa said after three hours in the bedroom with Simon. Her hair was a mess. Her eye makeup had run. Her chest was flushed red. She had a warm, sweet smile on her face.

Alice - the beautiful older woman Vince had spent the past three hours worshiping in a variety of ways - nodded and said, "Go. Enjoy yourselves."

Vince wasn't entirely sure what she meant by that, but he stood and hurried towards Carissa. She took his hand, gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, and whispered, "Thank you," before opening the front door of their neighbor's house and leading him out.

Carissa smiled the entirety of the short walk back to their house. Her legs seemed to wobble a few times, like she'd been fucked so thoroughly that she could hardly stand up. Vince was quite certain he'd never fucked his wife so thoroughly.

He unlocked their front door and Carissa stepped inside with Vince right behind her. She took a few steps and then spun around and took off her sports bra and skintight workout shorts. Her breasts were red - like they'd been handled roughly - and her pussy lips were red and puffy, no doubt from the vigorous fucking she'd received.

"You look so beautiful," Vince said.

Carissa smiled and held out her hand. Vince stepped closer, took it, and kissed his wife. In an instant he felt an explosion of desire. He'd been denied an orgasm for so long that it didn't take much to get him to a place of intense need.

"I want you," he whispered.

"You can have me," Carissa replied.

Vince reached down and ran his fingers over her pussy lips. He felt far more wetness than he'd expected though. Then he remembered what Simon had said about cumming inside Carissa. It wasn't entirely her wetness Vince was feeling. Simon had left a contribution inside her. Vince lifted his hand and stared at his finger. It was wet with a thin layer of Carissa's juices and another man's cum.

"He claimed my pussy," Carissa said. "Four times, in fact."

Vince's eyes went wide. "He came inside you four times?"

She nodded. "I begged for it. Especially the first time. He told me it would mean that my pussy was his, that he was the only one that would be allowed to cum inside me and that he would have full control over who was granted the pleasure of fucking me. He told me that he would own my pussy the moment he seeded me."

Simon had made it perfectly clear that's what would happen. He'd asked Vince if he still wanted another man to fuck his wife despite knowing that would happen. Vince had let it happen. He'd asked for it to happen, in fact.

"He said you can fuck me. But just once. And you have to use a condom," Carissa said. "He's the only one that gets to cum inside me anymore, Vince. My pussy belongs to him."

It shouldn't have been so arousing to hear her say that. It was, though. It was more than just the words he found arousing. It was the look in Carissa's eyes. It was the intense pleasure she obviously felt at the notion that another man - a dominant man, as Simon was - now controlled her pussy.

Carissa leaned closer and took Vince's finger in her mouth. She met his gaze and sucked it clean, moaning while she did so and swirling her tongue around it in a way he'd never felt before.

"He said my mouth is his, too. All my holes are his. They're meant for his pleasure and occasionally for yours if you behave yourself. He didn't give me permission to suck your cock, though. He said he might never give me that permission again, that he might keep my mouth all for himself," she explained.

"Is that...is that what you want?" Vince asked. He knew the answer. The answer turned him on, in fact. That's why he wanted to hear her say it.

Carissa nodded. "Yes, it's what I want." She smiled and added, "Honestly, baby, it turns me on just to think about it."

"Was it...was it good? The sex...was it good?"

Carissa leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. She moaned softly and her lips found his neck for a series of sensual kisses with just a hint of her tongue dancing over his skin. "Did it sound good?"

"Yes," Vince admitted. "You sounded different, but there's no question it sounded like you were having good sex."

Carissa took Vince's hand and led him towards the stairs. He followed and they made their way into the bedroom. She let his hand go and opened the nightstand to pull out a box of condoms.

"When did you buy those?" Vince asked.

"Last week," she replied while pulling out a condom and setting it on the nightstand along with the box. "Simon told me to. He told me you'd need them. He told me that once he fucked me and seeded my pussy that he'd be the only man to do so going forward."

Vince still couldn't quite get over how much it turned him on to think of Simon having taken control over Carissa's pussy in that way.

She crawled into the bed, looked at him while on her hands and knees, and said, "I can't tell you how hard it was not to masturbate that night, how desperately I wanted to orgasm when I thought about Simon cumming inside me, and when I thought about him being the only man that's allowed to cum inside me. I just...the idea of giving him my pussy like that, of offering it to him as a form of submission...it makes me so wet, Vince."

Carissa rolled onto her back and spread her legs and Vince stared at her pussy. It still seemed to be gaping open a little and there was no question her labia were pink and puffy from the seemingly endless pounding Simon had given her.

"I didn't expect Simon to have such stamina," she said with a smile. "He's at least ten years older than you and it felt like he could have fucked me for the rest of the day. I swear he didn't even get tired, Vince."

Vince stripped as Carissa watched and played with her tits and pussy. His dick was hard - it had been so long since he'd cum that it didn't take much for him to get stiff - and he was desperate to be inside his wife.

"Come here, baby," Carissa said once he was naked.

Vince crawled into the bed and towards his wife. He leaned down to kiss her impossibly soft thighs and made his way to her stomach. Vince was headed for her breasts when Carissa put a hand on the top of his head, stopping his progression.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" she asked.

"I don't think so."

She smiled sweetly. "You know what you're supposed to do, Vince. Alice has made you do it plenty of times. It's not like you'll be unfamiliar with the taste."

Vince looked down at his wife's pussy. He thought of the times he'd cleaned Simon's cum from Alice, of how he'd go to her home, get on his knees, and service her pussy soon after Simon had deposited his load inside her.

Despite having cleaned Simon's cum, Vince was reluctant to do so for Carissa. He could only guess that it felt different to clean his wife's pussy. That it was somehow more humiliating.

"You don't have to," Carissa said.

Vince looked up with hope in his eyes.

"But if you don't, you won't be able to fuck me, condom or not. The best you can hope for is a handjob, though you'll also have to wear a condom for that," she said.

The hope disappeared. Vince adjusted, though. He'd swallowed a fair amount of Simon's cum already and he hadn't really struggled with it. As Alice had often told him, he was clearly meant to be the sort of man that cleaned a superior man's load from the pussies of women lucky enough to be fucked by that man.

Vince's cock had always throbbed when Alice reminded him of his submissive nature, of his inferiority when compared to Simon. It was hard to argue with her on that point. Even if Vince had wanted to he wouldn't have been able to summon the sort of easy dominance that Simon managed to exude.

"A submissive man must learn to consume cum, especially when another man has deposited it inside his wife's pussy," Carissa said as if she was parroting Simon's exact words. "Just as a submissive woman must learn to worship the cock of the dominant man she serves. Just as she must learn to offer him her pussy anytime he wants it, for it is a submissive's purpose to serve its dom."

Vince didn't think of himself in such clear terms, though in that moment he understood that it was simply because he still found it difficult to admit that he experienced such pleasure when offering his submission. He wondered why it came so easily for Carissa, though Vince suspected that his reluctance was based largely in a fear the judgment that might fall upon him should his friends or neighbors - outside of Simon and Alice - find out about his submissive activities.

"Clean me, Vince," she said with a smile. "Clean Simon's seed from my pussy."

Vince surrendered to the sense of submissive desire coursing through him. He laid on his stomach between Carissa's legs, looked up at her, and plunged his tongue between her labia. He bathed his taste buds in another man's seed and he saw the look of pure pleasure on Carissa's face.

"It's so beautiful," she said. "Watching you clean his cum from my pussy...it's so beautiful, Vince. It's so fucking hot, too."

Vince let her lust guide him. He pushed his tongue deeper inside her. He licked up the cum he could find - much of it had already leaked out of her - and swallowed. He swallowed over and over and over and while he did Carissa played with her tits, ran her fingers over her stomach and chest, and moaned relentlessly.

Vince cleaned his wife's pussy of their neighbor's seed until the salty taste had dissipated. He cleaned until her thighs trembled from the pleasure - perhaps the pleasure of his submission - and then he looked up and asked, "Can I fuck you, Carissa?"

"Yes," she said before rolling over and grabbing the condom from the nightstand.

Vince got to his knees and crawled closer as Carissa sat up and rolled the condom down his shaft until it was snug around the base of his cock. She stroked him a few times, looked up with a delighted smile on her face, and then laid back and spread her legs.

"Fuck me," she said.

Vince guided his cock into his wife's pussy and filled her slowly. It had been years since he'd last used a condom and the sensation wasn't quite as pleasurable as going bareback, but in this case there was the addition of a wealth of arousal offered by the fact that another man had determined that Vince would use a condom. A man that had dominated and satisfied Carissa so thoroughly that she'd given him control of her pussy.

"Did Simon make you cum hard?" Vince asked as he slid in and out of Carissa's pussy at an achingly slow pace.

She smiled, moaned softly, and took his head in her hands to pull his lips to hers for a kiss. "Vince, my love, Simon made me feel things that no man ever has. That no man probably ever will. I haven't known him for very long, but it feels like he knows me to my very core, like he understands the desires of my soul, Vince. It wasn't just that he has a big cock, or a really nice body, or the stamina to fuck me long and hard. He has all of that and much more, of course, but it's more than that."

Vince watched Carissa lose herself in the fresh memory of sex with Simon. He didn't really need all the details because he could see on her face and hear in her voice that their neighbor had taken Carissa to a place of pleasure that she'd never been before.

"I felt completely taken, Vince. Possessed, even. Like Simon had completely subsumed me, like he'd made me his toy in the best way possible," she continued. "I've never felt so...well, so completely submissive. I felt like I wanted nothing more than to satisfy him, to make him cum. I wanted to give him my body to make that happen. He could have asked for anything, Vince, and I would have given it to him. Anything at all."

She meant it. Vince could see that she meant it and he couldn't help but find intense pleasure in Carissa's desire to surrender to another man.

"I'm close," he said.

"Fuck me harder, Vince," she replied with a smile. "Fuck me harder and flood that condom with your load." Carissa kissed him deeply and whispered, "Then I can feed your cum to you."

Vince came in a condom for the first time in years. He came in that condom because another man had taken his wife's pussy from him. He came because of the delight in Carissa's voice as she whispered one last little bit of kinky instruction.

She grabbed his ass and kissed his neck while he came with his dick buried inside her. It wasn't lost on Vince that Carissa hadn't cum, though given how good Simon had made her feel it wasn't exactly a surprise that Vince couldn't get her there in the brief time he'd lasted inside her.

"I love you, Vince," Carissa whispered.

He smiled as the pleasure continued to course through him even after his orgasm. "I love you too, Carissa."

"Simon said I can let you choose how you'd like to consume your cum," she said.

He lifted his head and stared at down at his beautiful wife. "Simon's the one that instructed you to feed it to me?"

She nodded and caressed his face. "Training you to be a good submissive is just as important as training me. Though of course Alice has been doing quite a lot of work training you, hasn't she?"

Vince hadn't really thought of it as training, but he found the idea oddly enthralling despite the fact that he'd just expelled all of his desire into the condom that enclosed his cock.

"How would you like to eat your cum?" she asked. "You could lick it off my tits. You could drink it directly from the condom. I could pour it onto my stomach or over my pussy lips. I suppose I could pour a little of it all over my body."

Vince pulled out and sat back on his knees. He looked down at his cock and saw what looked like a remarkably large load of cum resting at the tip of the condom. Weeks without an orgasm had seemingly led to quite a build up in his balls.

"If you poured it over your body, over your pussy in particular, would I get to make you cum as I cleaned it up? Could I lick your clit?" he asked.

Carissa nodded. "Absolutely. I think I'd enjoy that, actually."

Vince pulled the condom off and handed it to his wife. "Then I'd like to lick it off your body."

She held up the condom and smiled at the cum resting in the tip and then slowly upended it over her breasts. She drizzled his thick semen over each of them and then crisscrossed over her stomach before lifting her hips a little and doing her best to coat her pussy lips in what remained of his load. Carissa then set the used condom in the bed as Vince admired the cum-soaked artwork her body had become.

"You're going to consume all of your cum from now on," Carissa said. "And of course you'll be consuming quite a lot of Simon's cum, too, though I'll get to enjoy my fair share of it when he cums in my mouth."

There was a small part of Vince that knew how utterly insane their sex life - which was now dominated by their neighbors - had become. The rest of Vince was enthralled, though, as their new sex life was far more exciting than the old one.

"Now clean me, Vince. Clean your cum off of me. Start with my tits and work your way down. Take your time, too. Lick it all up. Swallow it all. Savor it all. As Simon made clear, you and I are being trained to be eager cum sluts for him and Alice, so there's no point in anything other than fully embracing it," she said.

Vince could already feel a touch of arousal brewing inside him. He never imagined he'd be confronted with cleaning his own cum from his wife's body and that he'd find it arousing, but that was absolutely the case and Vince was ready to get to work.

"I love you, Carissa," he said before leaning over and taking one of her cum-covered nipples in his mouth.

She moaned, ran her fingers through his hair, and softly replied, "I love you too, Vince. I love you so much."

Vince hoped that he might get to fuck Carissa again before the night was over, though he suspected that hope would be in vain. Simon seemed to take great pleasure in denial so there was every chance it would be quite some time before Vince was permitted to have sex with his wife again.

Because of that, Vince resolved to find pleasure in every little detail. In the taste of his cum. In how hard Carissa's nipples were. In how much tighter her stomach felt since she'd started regularly working out with Simon. In how he was going to make his wife cum while cleaning his load off of her.

As Vince had learned thanks to Alice and Simon, sex and the pleasure that came with it was about more than cumming. It was about so much more, and Vince was ready to deepen his exploration of that.



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