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"I left something for you on the bed."

John popped his head out of the shower and saw a playful smile on his wife's face. He took a moment to admire how good she looked in a tight black skirt and a shiny, white satin blouse and asked, "Something fun?"

"Fun for me," she replied. "I suspect it won't be anywhere near as fun for you, though. Text me your choice once you've made it and make sure to send a picture as proof that you've done as I desire."

"Of course," John said. "You know I always do as you desire."

Cynthia approached and kissed him softly. John closed his eyes and his wife's lips parted a moment before her tongue pushed into his mouth. He welcomed the invasion and sucked gently on her slippery flesh, doing so to signify his submission to her.

"Have a good day at work," she said.

"You too," John replied.

Cynthia turned, let him stare at her ass for just a moment, and then walked out of the bathroom. John looked down at his stiff cock and wondered what his wife had left him on the bed. She hadn't offered even the slightest hint, though he knew that whatever she'd left would involve him making a choice of some sort and that neither outcome would be something he'd enjoy. That wasn't the point, though. He wasn't supposed to enjoy it. He was supposed to suffer - even in a small way - for his wife's pleasure.

John ignored his erection - Cynthia was in charge of his orgasms and he was forbidden from masturbating without her permission - and quickly finished his shower and dried off before heading to the bed.

Even from afar John could see a pair of pink panties and a bra sitting on the comforter. He saw a small pink chastity cage, too. Next to the feminine underwear was a folded piece of paper that no doubt contained a note from Cynthia that would explain John's choice. Next to the note was a sex toy of some sort, though John wasn't sure of its purpose.

John picked up the note, took a deep breath, and unfolded the paper:

Good morning, my sweet submissive. I require you to make a choice today, a choice that will have a significant effect on your work day.

On the left you'll find your first option. If you choose it, you'll wear the chastity device, the bra, and those cute little pink panties to work. You'll remain in them all day long, running the risk of being exposed as a panty-wearing submissive to your coworkers. You'll be required to take a selfie at random intervals throughout the day to prove that you've kept your pretty little underwear and chastity cage on.

On the right you'll find your second option. It's a remote-controlled butt plug. It slides into your tight little asshole and it will remain there throughout the day. It's more than just a butt plug, though. It vibrates at a speed of my choosing. The tip moves, too, generating pleasure for your prostate and doing so at my command on an app I control with my phone. I'll activate the plug at random times during the day, so you might find yourself feeling quite a bit of unexpected pleasure while in an important meeting.

The choice is yours, my sweet submissive cuckold. Choose wisely and enjoy your day. I know I will.

John set the note down and stared at the items on the bed. Cynthia had come up with yet another devious choice for him. Either option brought with it the risk of rather intense public humiliation, whether it was being discovered in women's underwear or losing control if his prostate was being pleasured while in a meeting.

After a few minutes of consideration - any longer and he would have been late for work - John slipped his cock into the little pink chastity cage and put on the bra and panties. The simple act of dressing in women's underwear was humiliating and that sensation only deepened when John stepped in front of the bathroom mirror to take a selfie. He looked foolish, but that was absolutely Cynthia's intent, for she wanted to make him uncomfortable, to make him suffer just a little for her pleasure.

"I chose the chastity cage, bra, and panties," John texted before sending the image along.

"You look so cute," Cynthia replied. "I hope no one sees you in your cute little bra and panties. They might think that you're an eager little cocksucker. They might push you to your knees and make you suck them off. You might end up becoming a coworker's filthy little suck slut just so they'll keep your secret safe."

John knew she was teasing him, but he felt a deep sense of angst at any version of her suggestion playing out. It would unquestionably prove costly in some manner if he was discovered, but that was the point, at least for Cynthia, and John couldn't help but want to submit to his dominant wife, which meant he would spend his day suffering for her.

"They wouldn't be entirely wrong to think of you as a cocksucker, would they cuckold?" Cynthia texted.

"No, they wouldn't," John replied.

He'd sucked cock for Cynthia's pleasure. He'd done so numerous times, in fact. He'd always done so with her present, though, and he'd always offered his mouth in service to one of her lovers. He'd never sucked cock outside the context of his cuckolding and he never planned on doing so.

"Keep your phone close," Cynthia texted. "I'll be asking for selfies several times throughout the day."

"I will," John replied. "Thank you for offering me a choice. Thank you for letting me serve you."

"You're welcome," she said. "And for what it's worth, my pussy is already wet just thinking of you going to work in those pretty panties and that cute bra and that tight, tiny little pink cage. I'm going to have a very, very good day, my sweet submissive."

"I love you, Cynthia," he texted.

"I love you too," she replied.

John set his phone on the bed and headed for the closet to get dressed. He chose his shirt more carefully than usual to ensure it wasn't even a little bit see through. He looked at himself in every mirror in the house and with as much light as possible, for he didn't want anyone catching even a glimpse of his pink bra through his clothes.

Once John was satisfied that his choice of underwear was well-hidden, he put on his jacket and shoes, took a deep breath, and headed out of the house with his heart beating a far quicker pace than usual.

The drive to work was the same as always, but John felt deeply self-conscious as he walked through the building's lobby and headed for the elevators. Despite knowing it wasn't true, John felt like everyone was staring at him and examining him. He worried that people could see the pink straps of the bra through his shirt. He worried that the bra was somehow showing through. He worried that his panties were visible despite the shirt being tucked in. He worried that the chastity device had created a bulge in his pants that was noticeable.

No one said a thing, though. Not in the elevator. Not as John walked to his office.

"Good morning, Marie," John said as he approached his assistant's desk.

"Good morning, John," she replied with a friendly smile before collecting three sticky notes from her desk and offering them. "You have a few calls to return."

John took the notes from her, nodded, and headed for his office.

"Oh, and your wife called. She said she couldn't reach you on your phone. She said don't forget to send her a picture as soon as you get settled in your office," Marie added.

John felt a sudden tightness in his chest as his pulse raced. He pulled out his phone to check that it was still working and there was nothing amiss. Cynthia had clearly chosen to call his assistant as a means of teasing him and it had worked like a charm as he stood there filled with panic and unable to say anything.

"Right, yes, well, thank you Marie," John said in the most awkward manner imaginable. He couldn't even look back at his assistant as he opened the door to his office and stepped inside.

His phone buzzed and John looked down to see a message from his wife. "Did Marie give you my message?"

"Yes," he replied. "She did. My heart just about stopped when she said you'd called, so thank you for that."

"My pleasure. Truly. My pussy is soaked, John. My panties are legitimately wet. I love thinking of you dressed in that cute pink bra and panty set. I love thinking of your cock in that tiny little cage. I love thinking of you in your office, panicking about a coworker discovering you," she texted. "Now send me a picture."

John's office had a window but he could easily close the blinds to give him a little privacy. It felt hugely risky, though, for if someone knocked on the door while he was stripped down to his underwear John wouldn't be able to get dressed in a timely manner. He didn't have a private bathroom, though, which meant using one of the office bathrooms to strip and take the picture his wife required.

Ultimately, John chose to strip in the bathroom. He nodded at Marie as he walked by her desk, made his way to the one bathroom on the floor that had a door that could be locked, and shut himself inside. John leaned against the door, took a deep breath, and set his phone on the bathroom sink before stripping.

He carefully folded his pants and jacket to prevent wrinkling, removed his shirt, and grabbed his phone to take a quick selfie in the mirror.

A moment after snapping the picture someone tried to enter the bathroom. They jiggled the door handle and John felt that same incredible tightness in his chest as pure panic gripped him. He worried that he hadn't locked the door or that the lock would somehow fail and a coworker would step into the bathroom and see him there in a pink bra and panties.

Thankfully, the door held and John got dressed as quickly as possible. He checked himself in the mirror to make sure nothing was showing, flushed the toilet, and headed out. He nodded at the man waiting to use the bathroom - he recognized him from the accounting department - and walked away as quickly as possible.

"Wait," the guy called out.

John turned to see him holding a phone.

"You left your phone," he said.

Again John panicked. Had he left the phone on? Did his coworker see the picture he'd taken? John rushed back, took the phone as panic gripped him, and said, "Thanks. Thanks so much."

"No problem," the guy replied with a smile. It seemed that he hadn't seen anything on the phone and John breathed a sigh of relief before hurrying back to his office.

He nodded at Marie again, stepped into his office, shut the door, and slumped down in his chair. His heart pounded as he set his phone on the desk, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes to try and relax.

Once he'd calmed down, John sent the photo to his wife, put his phone aside and booted up his computer. He grabbed the sticky notes Marie had made for him and picked up his office phone to make the first call. Before he could dial the number, Cynthia called.

Though John's heart was still pounding, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of his wife's picture on his phone as he picked it up to answer.

"Hey," he said.

Cynthia didn't reply. Instead, John heard the distinct sounds of masturbation, of Cynthia rubbing her wet pussy with great vigor.

"Do you hear that?" she asked.

"Yes," he replied. "You're masturbating."

"That's right. I'm masturbating because my husband was a good submissive. Because you're going to put yourself through a form of hell today and you're going to do it for me," she said.

The sounds of masturbation got louder, and with good reason. Cynthia had the blessing of a private bathroom at her job. She also made a lot more money than John, thus the better office with the bathroom attached that was all hers to use as she saw fit.

"I also scheduled a lunch visit with Steven," she said. "I couldn't wait until this weekend. I had to have him."

John's cock stirred in its cage as he thought of his wife enjoying her bull's cock. "Where are you meeting him?" he asked.

"His car. He's picking me up. We'll find a quiet spot. He'll fuck me in the backseat. He'll make me cum all over that massive cock of his and then he'll cum inside me," she said breathlessly. "Fuck...I love that I'm going to get fucked while you're dressed up in that pretty little bra and panty set, while your dick is locked in that tiny little cage. I love the choice you made, John."

"Can I...can I join you? Can I watch?" he asked.

"You're such a cuckold," she said. "Such a good fucking cuckold."

John was suddenly desperate to watch. He craved the pleasure of the humiliation he'd experience at watching his wife fuck someone else while he was dressed in a bra and panties.

"You'll have to strip to your bra and panties," Cynthia said before unleashing a moan. "You'll have sit in the front seat in your pretty bra, your pretty panties, and that cute little cock cage. That's the only way I'm letting you watch."

John couldn't help but worry about someone seeing him dressed that way, about the scandal that would unfold if someone took a video or even a picture, about the potential that someone might call the police if they saw a man in a bra and panties sitting in the front seat of a parked car.

None of that was enough to soften John's desire, though. "I'll strip to the bra and panties if I get to watch," he said. "I...I just want to watch him fuck you, Cynthia."

"I know you do, cuckold," she said. "He's picking me up at 11:30. If you're here by then, he'll pick you up too. Hopefully I'll see you then."

Cynthia hung up, leaving John in a state of intense desire. His heart was still pounding, but for an entirely different reason. He loved watching his wife and her bull. He loved watching Cynthia's pussy stretch out around Steven's exceptionally thick cock. He loved hearing the way she moaned while getting fucked by someone that possessed far more size and power than John could muster.

Though he felt a touch of angst at the notion of having to wear women's underwear in front of Steven, John got off on the humiliation, too. Sometimes it was torturous, but there was always arousal, even if it occurred after the fact.

With his lunch activity set, John set about getting as much work done as possible. He returned the calls that had come in, dealt with the emails that had piled up over the course of the night and the early morning, and sat in on an exceedingly boring conference call that ended with just fifteen minutes to spare.

That's when Cynthia sent a text. "I want another selfie. I want it from your office. I want it before you can leave for lunch. If you can't take it, don't bother coming."

An office selfie in his underwear was insanely risky, and yet John didn't think twice about it. There was a reward on offer. A reward he wanted.

John rushed to his door and slowly, carefully locked so as not to make even a hint of a noise that Marie might hear. He made sure the blinds were closed, made sure he was standing in a place where no one could peek through even the smallest crack in the blinds to see him, and then he stripped swiftly.

He didn't bother folding his clothes. He tossed his jacket on the floor, unbuttoned his shirt as fast as possible, and lowered his pants to his ankles before grabbing his phone and holding it up to take a selfie that showed off the decidedly feminine bra and panty set with his little dick locked tightly in a cage.

John checked to make sure the picture was clean, tossed his phone aside and hurried to get dressed. There was a knock on the door as he was pulling up his pants. John panicked and nearly fell over as someone pulled on the handle in an attempt to enter his office.

"John?" Marie said from outside the door. "I have something you need to sign."

John hastily pulled his shirt on and buttoned it as fast as he could as he said, "I'll be right there!"

He tucked in the shirt, made sure his belt looked right, and then grabbed his jacket and hastily put it on while heading for the door. John flipped the lock and pulled on the handle and offered a smile.

"Sorry about that," he said.

"Is everything okay?" Marie asked as she looked him up and down.

"Uh, yeah, of course," he replied.

She looked skeptical, and with good reason. Her eyes quickly wandered over his frame once more, too, making John feel relatively certain he'd done a poor job of getting dressed and looked a little messy.

"I was talking to Cynthia," he said as a way to cover, "and I didn't want to get interrupted. You know, it's never good to interrupt a call with your wife."

An amused smile crossed Marie's face, though John wasn't sure if it was because she didn't believe him or if she liked the idea that was so concerned about his wife.

"Well, I just need your signature on this," she said while offering a folder.

"Of course. I'll have that for you in a minute," he said.

John turned, walked back to his desk, and gave the document a quick perusal before adding his signature. He took a deep breath, sent the picture to Cynthia, and then slipped his phone in his pocket and headed out for lunch.

"Here you are," he said while offering the folder with the freshly signed document. "I'm heading out for lunch."

"Enjoy yourself," Marie said.

Again she offered an amused smile, though this time it was a little disconcerting, mostly because John had no idea what had amused her to such a degree. There was nothing to be done about it, though, as John had to rush to get to Cynthia's work in time.

"You look so cute," she texted as he rode the elevator to the parking garage. "I especially love how your cock looks in that tiny cage and those panties. It's just adorable, John, and it makes my pussy so fucking wet to see you dressed like that and to know that you're so eager to be obedient for me, that you rushed to take that picture. My pussy is so wet for Steven's cock. I hope you make it here in time to watch me get fucked."

"I'll make it in time," John texted back before bolting out of the elevator and damn near running for his car.

He made it out of the parking garage, hit the gas, and gleefully broke the speed limit on his way to Cynthia's office, getting there with a full five minutes to spare. He parked, got out, and happily waited in front of the building.

John waved like a giddy teenager when he saw Cynthia step out into the sunshine. She looked exquisite in her skirt and blouse and he restrained himself from running over to kiss her.

"I'm glad you made it, cuckold," she whispered after giving him a kiss on the cheek. "It's even more fun to get fucked when I know you're watching."

John's cock throbbed in its cage as Steven's car - a beautiful black Range Rover - pulled up to the curb. John opened the back door for her and she smiled and got in.

"You're driving," she said.

John rushed to the driver's side and Steven got out, offered a confident smile, and immediately got in the backseat with Cynthia. They were kissing by the time John got behind the wheel. He took a moment to watch his wife welcome another man's tongue into her mouth and then he hit the gas and pulled away before anyone from her office could see what was unfolding in the car.

"Where to?" John asked.

"To the Target that's just down the street. The parking lot is nice and roomy and not that busy this time of day. Find a space out of the way, and make sure you strip out of your clothes the moment you're parked, cuckold," Cynthia instructed.

"Of course," John said.

He drove to the Target as Cynthia and Steven fooled around in the backseat. He heard pants being unzipped and a cock being stroked. He heard the bull moaning. He heard the sound of Cynthia's pussy being fingered.

"You're so wet," Steven said.

"I'm desperate for you," she replied. "I need your cock inside me, Steven. I need you to fuck me, and fuck me hard. I need you to show my cuckold why I have a bull, why I have you, why you're the one that fucks me instead of him."

John pulled into the Target and directed the car to a fairly empty part of the lot where they'd be most likely to have privacy. As soon as he put the car in park he stripped, doing so hastily because he wanted to do as his wife had instructed.

"Are you out of your clothes?" Cynthia asked.

"Yes," John replied.

"Show us," she demanded.

John turned and crawled across the console. He rested his hands on the passenger seat, showing off his body in the bra and panty set.

"No covering up," she said. "Even if someone comes along. You'll stay in those pretty pink panties and that adorable bra until Steven's done fucking me. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand," John said.

Cynthia smiled and then hiked up her skirt as Steven took his pants off. A moment later she'd straddled him and taken his cock in her pussy. She did so in a manner that gave John a perfect view and his eyes were glued to the sight of another man's big dick disappearing inside the woman he loved.

As always, Cynthia rode her bull slowly to start. Her pussy needed time to get used to his size, but once she'd stretched out enough she began to bounce in the most wondrous fashion. The sounds of sex got louder, as did the moans of pleasure coming from both of them.

"How does it look, cuckold?" Cynthia asked as she looked over her shoulder.

"It's beautiful," John said.

"Was it worth skipping lunch for?" she asked.

He nodded, though he hadn't even thought about the fact that he was quite literally skipping lunch to watch his wife get fucked. It was absolutely worth it, though.

"You can play with your little locked up dick in those panties if you'd like," she said. "If you can manage to make yourself cum you should feel free, though you'll have to wear the cum in your panties for the rest of the day if you do."

John reached down and rubbed the tip of his cock through the cage. He didn't even think twice. It occurred to him that he was masturbating like a woman did, but he didn't give a damn. That was probably the point, in fact. That was probably what Cynthia wanted him to feel and for some reason the notion of it turned John on even more.

He masturbated like that while Cynthia rocked the car back and forth with her wild dick riding. He watched Steven smack her ass until it was red and heard her cry out in pleasure every time he did it. His cock throbbed in the cage in a way that hurt, but there was such intense pleasure to go along with it that John couldn't stop playing with himself.

"I'm close," Cynthia said after what felt to John like a blissfully long cock ride. "I want you to cum with me. I want you to cum inside me when I cum, Steven. I want you to cum in my pussy while my pantied, chastised husband watches."

Steven grabbed her ass hard and they kissed as Cynthia rode him even faster. Her pussy was soaking wet and the sounds of sex were loud and wild and wondrous. John leaned a little closer and his dick throbbed painfully as his wife and her bull cried out in pleasure and came together.

Steven's cock pulsed and his balls jumped in their sack as he pumped his load inside her. She sat down on his dick and took every inch, ensuring his cum would be planted deep in her pussy.

While coming down from her climax, Cynthia kissed her bull and caressed his face as she softly told him how good he made her feel and how much she loved his big cock.

"You can enjoy my cock any time you want it, Cynthia," Steven replied. "You fuck better than any woman I've been with."

She laughed softly, kissed him once more, and then lifted her pussy from his cock, sat down next to him, and spread her legs wide to give John a view of her gaping hole.

"You know, you could have lunch if you'd like," she said. "I'm sure there's a lot of protein inside me."

"I'd love that," John replied. "I'd love to clean your pussy."

"Well, if you can clean me in the time it takes Steven to drive back to the office, you're welcome to it," she said before adding, "Actually, you should probably do it a little faster as Steven's not going to wait around while you put your work clothes back on, so unless you want to be getting dressed in the parking lot, you better get to work cleaning my cunt, panty boy."

Steven got out of the car and John hastily crawled into the backseat and plunged his tongue into Cynthia's pussy. She moaned and a put a hand on the back of his head as he devoured the cum inside her, scooping up and swallowing as much of it as he could while she moaned.

The car started moving. It had only taken a few minutes to drive to the parking lot, which meant John had just a few minutes to clean his wife's messy pussy and get dressed. He wanted to savor the task of cleaning her, though. He wanted to bask in the beautiful humiliation of it. He wanted to lose himself in it because it felt so good.

"You look so good eating my pussy in a bra and panties," Cynthia said before reaching down and gently snapping his bra strap, causing just a hint of pain. "I think I might have you do this more often, John. I think I like seeing my cuckold husband dressed in pretty women's underwear while he does his duty."

John moaned into her pussy. He moaned and he pushed his tongue as deep inside her as he could, scooping up more of her bull's cum while she ran her fingers through his hair and moaned softly.

"We're almost back to the office, John. You better hurry. You better clean up the rest of his mess and get your clothes on," Cynthia said.

John licked as quickly as he could. He licked until he couldn't taste cum anymore and then he sat up, leaned into the front seat, and grabbed his clothes. He put his pants on as Steven pulled into the building's parking lot. The car slowed as John put on his shirt and hastily buttoned it up. The car stopped as he finished the last button and Cynthia opened the door without hesitation.

"Get out," Steven said as he looked over his shoulder at John.

John grabbed his shoes and jacket and got out of the SUV. He dropped his shoes and quickly stepped into them as Cynthia came up and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"You have a little cum on your lips," she whispered. "And your breath probably smells like sex, so make sure you chew some gum before going back to the office, my sweet submissive. I'll text you soon."

John wiped his lips and said, "I love you, Cynthia."

"I love you too," she replied with a smile.

He watched her go and then rushed to his car. He looked at himself in the rearview mirror and saw an absolute mess looking back at him. His hair was tousled. His lips and chin glistened with saliva, pussy juice, and cum. His neck and upper chest were flushed red. John was thankful none of Cynthia's coworkers had come out of the building in the minute or so he'd been standing there.

It had been a good experience, though. An excellent, thrilling experience, even. One that John would no doubt fantasize about in the future. One that he would tell Cynthia he was deeply grateful for at the end of the day, hopefully while worshiping her pussy or giving her a foot massage.

In the meantime, John had to clean up and get back to work, and of course he had to be prepared to take more selfies for his wife, and to take them at the most inopportune moments.

That's what life was like as her submissive, but it was unquestionably the life John wanted to live.



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