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Melanie sat on the toilet and stared at the two blue lines.


She kept looking from the lines to the sheet of paper in her hand, as if the pregnancy test was somehow lying to her or she’d made a mistake in interpreting it. They’d made it idiot proof, though.


She didn’t want to take the next step. She didn’t want to start dealing with the repercussions.


One time. That’s all it was. She let Caleb fuck her bareback just once. It felt so good. She couldn’t resist.

Melanie stood up and pulled up her panties. She wrapped the pregnancy test in toilet paper and carefully placed it under the rest of the garbage in the bathroom trash can. She stood in the mirror and considered her options.

An abortion was out. Even if she wanted one it would have been too difficult to hide from her husband.

Telling Jason that she’d let her boyfriend fuck her bareback, cum inside her, and get her pregnant seemed insane too. The one thing they’d agreed on was that she would always use protection.

Melanie cursed herself for giving in to her lust. The idea of having Caleb’s bare cock inside her was irresistible. It felt so good. She was just going to let him slide in and out a few times before making him put on a condom, but she couldn’t resist.

Then she was going to make him pull out before he came, but she didn’t. In the midst of her lust she got caught up in the possibility of him getting her pregnant. In the moment it felt like the hottest thing in the world, so she wrapped her legs around Caleb and told him to cum inside her. They’d shared a beautiful kiss as they climaxed together and it felt deeply satisfying to have her boyfriend’s cum in her pussy.

Now, staring in the mirror, Melanie felt stupid. She’d made a mistake that was going to last a lifetime, all in the name of an incredible orgasm.

Fucking Jason seemed like the only sane option. She’d read about other hotwives making the same mistake. For some it was a simple condom or birth control failure. It happens. Most of the time those wives decided to try and cover it up by having their husbands cum inside them.

Jason was due home in an hour, so Melanie went to work. She put aside her anxiety and did her hair and makeup exactly as she knew her husband would love. Soon her blonde locks were long and wavy and her skin looked smooth and flawless.

Melanie stepped into their walk-in closet and picked out a navy blue lace bodysuit with a plunging neckline that clung to her big natural breasts and exposed a great deal of flesh. She paired it with navy blue stockings and a pair of strappy high heels that Jason loved.

She decided to wait for him in the bedroom. It was always his first stop as he couldn’t wait to get out of his work clothes and into something more comfortable after getting home.

Melanie felt her pulse racing as she heard the garage door open. She knew she was being deceitful, but she saw it as the only way to preserve her marriage. She couldn’t take the idea of breaking Jason’s heart by confessing that she’d broken the one clear rule they’d agreed upon. She just couldn’t do it.

Instead, Melanie played the part of the seductress. She was lying on her side with a lusty look on her face when Jason stepped through the bedroom doorway.

“Whoa. You look incredible. Is Caleb on his way over?” he asked.

“No,” Melanie said as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up. “I got all dressed up for you.”

Jason’s eyes devoured her body as Melanie slowly approached him. She let her hips sway back and forth and made sure to push her breasts forward. She wanted her husband to be unable to think about anything other than fucking her.

“Really?” Jason said. “What did I do to deserve this?”

For a moment, Melanie regretted having cuckolded him so effectively. Jason had been conditioned to believe that she wasn’t all that interested in what his cock had to offer because Caleb was so much better. It happened to be true, but it was working against her interests in the moment.

Melanie reached her husband and ran her fingers down his tie. She looked up at him and said, “You’re a wonderful husband, Jason, and sometimes a wonderful husband deserves a treat from his wife.”

“Are you my treat?” he said.

Melanie’s fingers found their way to the back of his neck and played with his hair. She pulled her husband’s lips to hers and said, “Yes,” before kissing him.

Justin moaned as Melanie’s tongue moved into his mouth. She knew what he liked. She knew he craved just a touch of dominance from her when they fooled around. He liked that she took the lead in foreplay.

Melanie’s fingers moved between his legs and found that her husband’s disappointingly small cock had already gotten hard. She felt a surprising lack of interest in having him inside her. Cuckolding him had trained her to crave Caleb’s cock too. It wasn’t nearly as satisfying to have Jason’s much shorter, thinner dick inside her.

She pushed forward, though. Her need to have Jason believe he was the father of her baby was far greater than her need for Caleb’s cock.

“Do you want to fuck me?” Melanie asked.

“Holy shit, yes,” Jason said. “You look so hot, Melanie. Of course I want to fuck you.”

She smiled and undressed him. She ran her fingers over his thin body and wished it was Caleb’s muscular frame she was touching.

Before she could stop him, Jason dropped to his knees and made his way between her legs. He licked her pussy, demonstrating the talent she’d helped refine since Caleb came into their lives.

“Mmmm, that’s so good, baby,” Melanie said.

She knew Jason loved eating her pussy. He loved preparing her for another man to fuck, but that’s not what she wanted tonight. She needed him to fuck her. She needed him to flood her womb with his cum, just like Caleb had done the night she got pregnant.

Melanie pulled Jason to his feet. He seemed reluctant to leave her pussy, but eventually he rose up and kissed her. Melanie backed into the bed and pulled her husband on top of her.

She slipped the straps of her bodysuit off her shoulders and guided his mouth to her nipples. Jason licked and sucked on them.

“Oh, fuck,” Melanie said before moaning loudly. Her nipples were insanely sensitive. It must have been the pregnancy. His tongue felt astoundingly good, like there was a direct connection between her nipples and her pussy and he was flicking it over and over.

Melanie closed her eyes and reached between her legs. She found her husband’s cock. She imagined it was Caleb’s. She imagined how good it would feel to have him sliding inside her. She imagined how he stretched her out and gave her that sense of fullness she craved. She almost whispered his name as Jason continued to suck on her nipples.

“Do you want to be on top?” Jason asked.

“No, baby. I want you on top. I want your cock inside me,” Melanie said as she stroked him.

Jason smiled and groaned as Melanie took him inside her. Her fingers moved to his back and she wrapped her legs around him.

“Fuck me, Jason,” she said.

Melanie closed her eyes as her husband pushed in and out of her pussy. She couldn’t feel much. His cock simply wasn’t big enough. It was short and thin and it couldn’t compare to Caleb.

She didn’t want to be cruel, though. That’s not the kind of hotwife she was. It wasn’t the kind of play they enjoyed. Denial was a part of their cuckolding, but she wasn’t openly hostile towards Jason’s cock. She was just disinterested in a way he found thrilling.

Melanie put on a show. She feigned interest. She moaned for her husband. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and pulled him close. She kissed him.

When she closed her eyes, Caleb popped into her head. She imagined the last time she was on her back for him. She imagined him slowly filling her with his cock. She imagined how good his muscular arms and chest felt as they fucked. She imagined telling him to cum inside her despite the risk of pregnancy. She felt herself get wetter. Despite the outcome, reliving it proved to be intensely arousing.

“What’s going on?” Jason said.

He’d stopped fucking her. Melanie’s eyes shot open. She saw a concerned look on her husband’s face.

“What do you mean?”

Melanie grabbed Jason’s ass and tried to pull him deeper inside her. His cock was as deep as it could go.

“Melanie, what’s going on?” he asked again.

Melanie felt a deep sense of discomfort. She’d been cuckolding Jason long enough that he clearly didn’t buy her sudden lust for him. She’d blown it. She’d done it wrong. She should have taken a different tact.

“Jason, I really don’t know what you mean. All that’s going on is that I want my husband to fuck me,” Melanie said.

She tried to pull his lips to hers for a kiss, but Jason resisted. He pulled out and sat back on his knees. His cock was stiff and slick with wetness from her pussy.

“Melanie, you’re lying to me,” he said.

The look on his face was as serious as she’d ever seen. He was right, too. She was lying to him. Melanie was trapped. She had to come clean.

She sat up and looked into her husband’s eyes. She saw fear and a touch of pain. She was ready for something far worse.

“I’m sorry,” Melanie said softly. “I’m so sorry.”

Jason reached out and took her hands in his. “Sorry for what?”

Melanie felt strange confessing her mistake while she was dressed in lingerie and Jason was naked and still stiff. She had to do it, though.

“I’m pregnant,” she said.

For a few seconds, Jason just stared at her. He offered no hint of what he was feeling.

“It can’t be mine, can it,” he said.

Melanie shook her head. He was right. Jason hadn’t been inside her in more than a month. Caleb had taken his place. Melanie had given the superior cock full access to her pussy.

“What happened?” Jason asked.

“I let him cum inside me, just once,” Melanie answered.

Jason still didn’t offer any notion of what he was feeling. His face was blank.

“You’re pregnant with Caleb’s baby,” he said. It wasn’t a question. He was flatly stating a fact.

“Yes,” Melanie said softly.

Jason’s hand moved towards her stomach and his eyes followed. She wasn’t close to showing yet, but he seemed drawn to the area that would soon be growing with another man’s baby.

He pressed his hand against the soft lace of her bodysuit and looked into Melanie’s eyes before asking, “Why does this turn me on?”

Melanie studied his face and found no anger. She saw the arousal he was talking about, though. His eyes were alive with it. He seemed confused, too.

“I don’t know,” Melanie said as she reached out and grasped her husband’s cock. He was still hard.

Jason groaned as Melanie stroked him. He kept his hand against her stomach.

“When we had sex, just a few minutes ago,” Jason began, “you didn’t really enjoy having me inside you, did you?”

Melanie shook her head as she gently played with the head of his cock. The precum that had gathered at the tip made it easy to rub her fingers along the underside.

“You prefer his cock now, don’t you?” he asked.

Melanie nodded. “I do.”

Jason closed his eyes and unleashed a low, guttural moan. Melanie stroked his cock with one hand and used the other to play with his balls.

“Do you want to have his baby?” Jason asked.

It was the first time Melanie had considered the question in that context. Jason wasn’t asking if she wanted to have a baby. He was asking if she wanted to Caleb’s baby. The answer came to mind immediately.

“Yes,” she said.

Melanie released her husband’s cock and stripped out of her lingerie. She spread her legs and looked at Jason. She still wasn’t quite sure what he was feeling and she wanted him to make the decision.

Jason tentatively moved forward. He leaned closer. Melanie was certain he was going to lick her pussy. Instead, he kissed her stomach. She reached down and ran her fingers through his hair.

It felt like a beautiful moment of acceptance. It felt like he was embracing the place he’d arrived at in their relationship. Someone else had replaced him as Melanie’s primary sexual partner and that man had gotten her pregnant. It was an accident, but it was a natural consequence of no longer having sex with his wife.

Melanie moaned as he gently kissed and caressed her stomach. In some ways, it felt so much better than if he had gone down on her. They didn’t have to exchange any words for Jason to tell her that he accepted that another man had gotten her pregnant and that she was choosing to have that man’s baby.

Melanie felt unexpectedly aroused. Jason wasn’t playing with her pussy in any way and yet she felt like she could cum without much work. She wondered if letting Caleb fuck her without protection was more than a foolish mistake driven by overpowering lust. Perhaps it was a subconscious decision. Perhaps it was her body demanding that the better man inseminate her.

“Make me cum,” Melanie said.

Jason moved between her legs without hesitation. His fingers stayed on her stomach. He caressed her soft skin as his tongue licked her clit and brought Melanie the pleasure she craved.

“That’s so good. That’s so good, honey. Make me cum!”

Jason did as he was told. He made her cum with ease. Less than a minute after his tongue found her clit he brought his wife to a body-shaking climax.

Melanie pulled him on top of her. She kissed her husband softly and slowly. She tasted her pussy on his lips and tongue. She tasted the juices of her climax.

“Lie on your back,” she whispered.

Jason smiled and moved to his back. Melanie straddled him and moved her pussy over his still-hard cock. She took him between her lips and inside her. She sat still on top of him and bathed his cock in the slickness of her post-orgasmic cunt.

“Does that feel good?” she asked.

“It’s incredible,” Jason said.

Melanie ran her fingers over her stomach and up to her breasts. She gently pulled on her nipples. Jason eye’s followed her fingers. The look on his face made it clear that her teasing was effective. He was thinking about the baby inside her.

“I’m going to get bigger,” Melanie said. “I’m going to swell up as his seed grows inside me.”

Jason groaned as Melanie gently lifted off his cock and sank back down again. She was soaking wet and her pussy made a sloppy sound as it dropped back down onto his pelvis.

Melanie began to grind back and forth on her husband as she reached up and played with her breasts again.

“My breasts are going to swell up for his baby. They’re going to fill with milk to feed his baby,” she said. “They’re going to get so big because his seed has taken hold inside me.” She looked into her husband’s eyes. “I’m going to grow because another man impregnated me.”

Melanie knew she was taking a risk. She knew playing with him like that could backfire after he’d had his orgasm. She saw his lust, though. It looked similar to how she felt. She was betting they were both equally aroused by the idea of Caleb getting her pregnant.

Jason reached up and ran his fingers over Melanie’s stomach. She saw the spark of lust in his eyes. She knew he was dreaming about what it would look like when she began to show.

“I’ll be showing soon,” she said. “People will know I’m pregnant. They’ll think you’re the father. They’ll congratulate you.”

Jason let his fingers roam over her breasts. He played with her nipples. He groaned and enjoyed the slickness of her cunt on his cock.

“You’ll know, though,” Melanie continued. “You’ll know that another man got your wife pregnant. You’ll know that I picked his seed instead of yours.”

Jason groaned. Melanie knew he was close. She rode him harder.

“Picture it. Picture my belly swollen with his baby. Picture my breasts growing large and round with milk. Picture another man’s seed making my body change.”

Jason seemed to be doing just that. He closed his eyes and caressed Melanie’s stomach. He held his hands against it and groaned. He arched his back.

Jason grunted and came inside her. Melanie sat still on his cock as he ejaculated in her pussy. He was free to do so. There was no risk of getting her pregnant. Someone else had already done that.

Melanie leaned forward and kissed him. “I think we’ll have to do that again. It was even more fun than denying you,” she said.

Jason kissed her back. It thrilled Melanie. She took it to mean he was on board. Even after cumming she wanted more. She couldn’t wait to give it to him.



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