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Mere minutes before he's due to be married, a bridesmaid barges in and shows Drew that his bride-to-be isn't the girl he thought she was.


Drew studied his vows like he was cramming for a midterm. He’d have the note cards as they stood at the altar, but he wanted to be able to look into Penny’s eyes when he was saying them. He wanted to see his bride’s reaction to the words he’d crafted.

The note cards scattered when Drew jumped at the sound of a knock on the door. “Come in!” he called out while scrambling to pick them up.

“Hey Drew,” came a pretty voice from the doorway. “Oh, let me help you.”

“Thanks,” Drew said as he and the maid of honor quickly collected the note cards that contained his thoughts on marrying the woman of his dreams.

“Wow, you look beautiful,” Drew added after re-ordering the cards and looking up at Bridget.

Theirs was a more casual wedding, so Penny had chosen knee length dresses for her bridesmaids. She’d made sure the girls looked good in them, too, and Bridget was no exception.

“So, what’s up?” Drew asked.

“I just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing. You mentioned last week that you were feeling a little nervous about the whole thing and I know your best man got a little too drunk last night so he’s busy trying not to barf.”

Drew smiled. He’d always liked Bridget. “That’s really nice of you,” he said. “I’m still a little nervous, but nothing out of the ordinary. I’m not great in front of crowds, and this is a little like public speaking.”

“Can I see?” Bridget asked as she pointed to Drew’s note cards. “I was an English major, after all.”

Drew felt a little self conscious, but he handed the cards over anyway. He figured if anyone would have a good idea of what Penny would think of them, it would be her best friend.

He sat silently as Bridget read through the first half of them. Drew wasn’t sure, but it looked like she was on the verge of tears when she looked up. “This is all really beautiful, Drew. Penny’s going to love it.”

“Thanks,” he said as Bridget passed them back.

Bridget looked down at her hands and rubbed them together. She seemed nervous. Eventually, she looked up and offered a nervous smile.

“There was another reason I stopped by,” she said.

“Okay,” Drew said as her nervousness seemed to infect him. “What’s up?”

“I want to apologize,” Bridget began.

“For what?”

“Well, the truth is, it’s probably fair to say that I wasn’t always your biggest fan. Penny probably never said anything, but I wasn’t exactly super supportive of the two of you dating,” Bridget explained.

“Why?” Drew asked. He knew he should have waited for her to finish and actually deliver the apology, but he felt a little frustrated. He always thought Bridget had liked him.

“Well, at first it was because you were so different from the guys Penny had dated before. I thought you were just a rebound guy, so I didn’t really pay you much mind. I figured she’d just move on.”

“Oh,” Drew said. He was aware that Penny had largely dated a different type of guy before him. He’d met a few of those guys. There were almost all of the meathead variety.

“Then you started getting serious and I still kind of figured she was still just bouncing back from when she was with Paul. Plus, she…well, never mind. I just wanted to say I’m sorry for not getting on board with your relationship sooner. I hope I didn’t seem like too much of a bitch.”

“You really didn’t,” Drew said. “I never really noticed you being mean to me, though I guess I don’t know what you were saying to Penny behind my back.”

Bridget laughed. “Well, it was a long time ago, but I’ll admit that in the very beginning I said some pretty harsh stuff about you to her.”

Drew knew it was probably unwise to pick at that particular scab, but he couldn’t help it. “Like what?” he asked.

Bridget hesitated before saying, “Well, I remember telling her I didn’t see how you could possibly give Penny what she needed,” It seemed like she cut herself off before going too far. She looked away from Drew, like she was embarrassed about what was on her mind.

“What she needed?” Drew asked as he leaned forward.

“Oh, it’s not worth talking about now. Today’s your wedding. It’s supposed to be a day of celebration, not a day to hear the shitty things some girl that didn’t know you said about you a year and a half ago.”

Bridget had inadvertently tapped into Drew’s deepest insecurity. Her tossed-off comment brought up his own worries about being unable to give Penny what she needed. He’d met her ex-boyfriends. He’s seen the way they looked at her. He’d seen how Penny acted after running into a few of the guys she used to sleep with.

“Were you talking about sex?” Drew asked. “Did you think I wouldn’t be able to give Penny the kind of sexual satisfaction she needed?”

“Penny’s my best friend, Drew. She’s been my best friend since high school. I know her. I might know her better than she knows herself. I know that there’s one thing all her other boyfriends have had in common.”

Bridget didn’t seem nervous anymore. She didn’t seem particularly apologetic, either.

“What’s that?” Drew asked.

Bridget laughed. “They were all strong, dominant alpha males. They were all the kind of men that knew exactly what a woman needed just by looking at her. They were all the kind of men that could fuck Penny to multiple mind-bending orgasms in one session.”

Drew squirmed in his seat. He wasn’t lacking in confidence, but he knew he wasn’t that kind of man. He’d never had that kind of intuition when it came to a woman’s needs. He’d never been one to take charge, sexually speaking.

“You’re not that kind of man, are you Drew?” Bridget asked.

“No,” Drew said.

He made Penny cum. He always made her cum. It didn’t always happen during sex, though. Sometimes he went down on her afterwards. Sometimes he used his fingers as they kissed. She always seemed to enjoy her orgasms, though.

“That’s what I was worried about, Drew. I was worried that my friend was going to marry a man that wouldn’t be able to keep her happy. I was worried that she was going to marry you and be unhappy, or find herself getting divorced just a few years after tying the knot. I didn’t want that for her,” Bridget explained.

Drew remembered that she’d showed up seeking to apologize. He wondered if that meant Bridget discovered she was wrong about Penny’s needs.

“Are you still worried?” he asked.

“No. Now I’m worried about you,” Bridget said.

“Me?” Drew said as he sat back in the chair. “I don’t understand.”

Bridget leaned forward and smiled. Any sense of nervousness had washed away. She looked downright gleeful. “You will soon enough,” she said.

Bridget stood and moved to the elegant white couch against the far wall. She patted the cushion next to her. “Join me, Drew. I have something to show you.”

Drew did as she desired. He couldn’t discern Bridget’s intentions, but it seemed as though she was going to share something he needed to see.

“How much did your lovely bride-to-be tell you about her bachelorette party?” Bridget asked as she pulled her phone from the small handbag that matched her dress.

“Not much,” he said. “She said it was a pretty typical bachelorette party. Dancing, drinking, and a stripper, which I guess isn’t actually that typical these days.”

Bridget pulled up a video on her phone and played it. Drew watched as an insanely fit, good looking guy danced for Penny. He watched his bride-to-be laugh, clap her hands, and scream gleefully as the guy gyrated in front of her and pulled off his tear away pants to reveal a sizable bulge in a skimpy thong.

Drew felt a touch of jealousy, but nothing out of the ordinary. The party didn’t seem all that crazy, either. He wasn’t sure why Bridget was showing him the video.

“Penny never dated a male stripper,” Bridget said as she stopped the video, “but she did date guys like that. She always had a type, at least until you came along. She liked her men handsome, fit, and capable of extraordinary things in the bedroom.”

Bridget leaned close enough that Drew could smell her perfume. “She liked a man that could fuck her exceptionally well, Drew. You’re not that kind of man, are you?”

“Bridget, please. I’m getting married today,” Drew said, though his voice lacked conviction.

“I know, Drew. That’s why I’m here.”

Drew felt a touch of unexpected anger as he looked at her. “Really? With that video? There are a million bachelorette parties every year that produce videos like that. Who cares? Just because Penny used to date guys like that doesn’t mean she wants to date those guys anymore. I don’t care that she got a lap dance. Lots of guys and girls get lap dances before they get married.”

“Drew, you’re so sweet, I almost hate to do this,” Bridget said. “The lap dance is not the reason I’m here. You’re right. No one cares about a lap dance. It’s not the slightest bit meaningful.”

“So why are you here, Bridget?” Drew asked. His patience had worn thin.

Bridget brought up another video on her phone. She tapped the screen and turned up the sound. The screen was black but there was no question Drew heard moans.

“What is this?” he asked.

“Wait for it,” Bridget said.

Anxiety filled Drew. He recognized the moans. He just didn’t want to admit it.

The camera approached the source of the moans. A sliver of light shined through a doorway as Bridget, who must have been filming, approached the couple that was clearly having sex.

“Get ready,” Bridget whispered as she rested her hand on Drew’s knee.

The camera poked around a corner and Drew saw his bride-to-be on her hands and knees. She was wearing the same dress she had on during the lap dance video. The stripper was there too, only now he was behind Penny, fucking her hard and fast.

“Fuck me,” Penny said. “Fuck me harder. Pound me.”

“Do you hear your bride, Drew? Do you hear her begging him to fuck her?” Bridget whispered as she held the camera in front of Drew.

“Why are you showing me this?” Drew asked, though he couldn’t take his eyes off the screen.

Bridget didn’t answer. She simply held her phone in front of Drew and let him watch the video of Penny getting fucked.

The stripper pulled out of Penny’s pussy and she immediately spun around and took him into her mouth. Drew watched his bride-to-be give the kind of blowjob she’d never given him.

“Look at her go,” Bridget said. Her fingers moved a few inches towards Drew’s thigh. “Your fiancée is quite the cocksucker, isn’t she?”

Drew couldn’t believe it. Penny was being so voracious with the stripper’s big cock.

“She’s not satisfied yet, Drew. She needs more of that big dick,” Bridget said as Penny flipped onto her back and spread her legs.

“Fuck me,” Penny said.

The stripper smiled, slipped his cock into Penny’s wet, waiting pussy and resumed pounding her. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him deep into her body. She groaned for him in a way she hadn’t ever groaned for Drew.

“This is the kind of man Penny used to date. This is what they all had in common. They all fucked her like this. They all fucked her until her whole body was trembling with pleasure. You don’t fuck her like that, Drew. I know you don’t. I know I’m right about you.”

Even if he wanted to argue with her, Drew knew it would be stupid. She was right. He didn’t fuck Penny like that. He preferred to make love to her. He liked sex to be slow and sensual. He liked to connect with her. He thought she liked it too.

“Make me cum!” Penny screamed in the video.

The guy found another gear and pounded her harder and faster. Bridget’s hand moved closer to Drew’s crotch. For some reason he didn’t stop her.

Finally, Penny screamed as an orgasm ripped through her. If Drew hadn’t been so horrified he might have been amazed that any man could make a girl cum that hard. He certainly hadn’t made her cum like that before.

The guy slowed down as Penny’s climax spread through her. “You can keep fucking me,” she said. “I want you to cum.”

“You sure?” he said.

“Yes,” Penny assured him. “Cum inside me.”

“How about that?” Bridget asked. “Listen to your bride-to-be asking a stranger to cum inside her. Isn’t she naughty?”

“Bridget, please,” Drew said.

Bridget rubbed his thigh and said, “It’s okay, Drew. It’s almost over.”

The fucking resumed. The stripper pounded Penny’s pussy. Her moans resumed. She seemed to be totally into it once more.

Eventually, the guy cried out and came inside her. Drew saw a big smile cross Penny’s face. She felt genuine joy at making the stranger cum. He couldn’t believe it.

The video ended and Bridget put her phone down. She was practically curled up next to Drew. He realized that her hand was just a few inches from his cock.

“You know what I realized the night of the bachelorette party?” Bridget asked.


“I realized that Penny is going to get what she needs. She’s going to be fine. If she needs to get fucked, she’s going to find someone to fuck her. If she needs a gentle tongue to make her cum, she’ll let you between her legs.”

Bridget moved her fingers closer to his cock. Normally, he would have stopped her, but he’d just watched a video of his fiancée cheating on him.

“But what about you, Drew? Are you going to be happy with that?” she asked. “Are you the kind of man that’s going to let your wife cheat on you because she’s not satisfied with what you’re giving her?”

“I don’t know,” he said.

Bridget leaned closer. “I don’t believe you, Drew. I think you do know. I think you are that kind of man. I think you would have run out of here and called off the wedding if you weren’t.”

Bridget’s fingers found Drew’s cock. She played with it through his pants.

“I knew you’d be hard, Drew,” she said while stroking him. “You’re the kind of man that gets hard watching his fiancée get fucked by a stripper. You’re the kind of man that has no plans on canceling the wedding.”

Drew couldn’t think clearly. He could barely think at all. He knew he was supposed to be angry. He knew he was supposed to be canceling the wedding. He knew he wasn’t supposed to have an erection.

“Do you remember the night of the bachelorette party, Drew? Do you remember what happened when Penny got home?” she whispered.

Drew did remember. He nodded.

“What happened, Drew?” Bridget asked.

Her fingers continued to massage his cock through his pants. He was painfully erect.

“I went down on Penny,” he admitted.

“That’s right. You ate your fiancée’s pussy after she’d fucked someone else. You didn’t know she had someone else’s cum inside her though, did you?”

“No,” Drew said.

“Could you taste his cum, Drew?” Bridget whispered softly.

“I don’t know,” he said. Penny had tasted different that night. It hadn’t been obvious what was different, though. It wasn’t like she had a river of thick cum dripping out of her. She got home a few hours after the party ended.

“You tasted another man’s cum and you didn’t even know it. Your fiancée fed you another man’s cum and you didn’t know it.” Bridget unzipped his pants and her fingers found their way to his cock.

“Penny told me the next day. She told me you tasted the stripper’s cum.” Bridget stroked Drew in his pants. “She told me it turned her on. She told me she came so hard because you were unwittingly licking someone else’s cum out of her.”

Drew groaned. He felt pained and aroused. He felt angry and ready to cum.

“Is that the kind of woman you want to marry, Drew? Do you want to marry a girl that’s going to feed you the cum of strange men?” Bridget asked.

Drew felt his brain had betrayed him. It was screaming “Yes!” That couldn’t be what he really wanted, though.

“Yes,” he answered. “Yes, that’s the kind of woman I want to marry.”

Bridget released his cock and zipped his pants back up. She kissed his cheek and said, “You’re a very lucky man, Drew.”

Bridget stood up, slipped her phone into her handbag, and headed for the door. She turned just before leaving and said, “Penny is a very lucky girl, too. I think you’re both going to be very happy.”

Drew checked the clock. He only had thirty minutes before he had to be at the altar. If he was going to call off the wedding, he had to do it immediately.

A few moments later, Drew’s best man popped his head in the room and said, “Hey man, everything okay in here? You ready for this?”

Drew looked up at him and smiled. “I can’t wait to be a married man,” he said.



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