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“You need to be with a nice guy,” Sydney’s friends had said. “A nice guy won’t cheat on you. He won’t forget your anniversary. He’ll get you flowers. He’ll take you on nice vacations. He’ll treat you right.”

She’d heard it all and on numerous occasions. Her friends weren’t wrong and they said those things because Sydney had a habit of dating assholes that would disappoint her in myriad ways, leaving her with a broken, hardened heart.

What Sydney’s friends didn’t tell her was that the sex would be so bad. They didn’t tell her that it’s a lot harder to find a nice guy with a great body and a big dick. They didn’t tell her that the nice guy wouldn’t know how to take charge in the bedroom if his life depended on it.

All of that was running through Sydney’s mind as she sat on the couch and stared at Ryan, the nice guy. She’d been with him for six months. They’d gotten comfortable. They were planning on moving in together soon, and here they were sitting in front of the TV on Saturday night and watching some horrible, terrible, boring movie on Netflix.

“Hey, why don’t we go to a club?” Sydney asked. “You know, have some drinks, do some dancing, get a little wild.”

She left out the part about flirting with hot guys and trying to take one home since that was out of the picture since she’d started dating the nice guy.

Ryan gave Sydney the same look he’d offered so many times. It was a look she’d grown tired of. It felt patronizing, like he was telling her that it was cute that she still wanted to go clubbing but that she needed to grow up because she was in a real relationship now.

“Do you want a glass of wine?” Ryan asked. “Or I could mix a cocktail if you’d like. You know I’m pretty good at that. We could have our own little version of a night at the club. Just, you know, without the dancing and the loud music.”

He smiled and ran his fingers up the soft skin of her calves. His touch felt genuinely good and Sydney suddenly felt bad for being bored. Ryan really was a nice guy. Her friends were right. He wasn’t going to break her heart. He wasn’t going to cheat on her. If she told him to take off her shorts and go down on her he would have gladly done so, which is something many of her ex-boyfriends would have refused to do.

Still, Sydney knew that when they inevitably moved to the bedroom that she was going to be disappointed with the outcome. Ryan’s tongue was wonderful and he always emotionally connected with her when they made love, but it always left something to be desired.

Sydney needed to be fucked from time to time. She needed to feel like the man fucking her was in total control and that he was going to ensure they both had the most deeply satisfying orgasms imaginable. Ryan was never going to be that man, which is why Sydney felt such a strong sense of dissatisfaction.

“I will take that cocktail,” Sydney said. “Make it strong.”

Ryan hopped off the couch and Sydney smiled. Again she felt guilty. She’d dated guys that wouldn’t have gotten off the couch for anything, let alone to do something for her. Why couldn’t she just be happy with what Ryan offered?

A few minutes later he returned with an expertly made cocktail. Sydney took a sip and smiled. He’d made it strong, just like she wanted.

It didn’t take long for Sydney to feel a beautiful buzz and with that came the kind of amorousness she so enjoyed.

Fueled by the effects of the cocktail, Sydney felt a deep, almost desperate desire to convince Ryan to fuck her like she needed to be fucked. She was utterly convinced that he was capable of it, that she just had to find the right way to unlock it.

She started by snuggling up next to him. She rubbed his leg a little and when she saw movement in his pants Sydney moved to kissing his neck. That always did it for Ryan. He couldn’t resist it. Even if he was doing something important, the moment Sydney’s lips found his neck he turned all his attention to her.

Soon the movie had been forgotten and they were engaged in a heavy make out session on the couch. Sydney straddled Ryan and ground her hips into his. She felt the telltale bulge of an erection between his legs. She felt his desire for her.

“I need you to fuck me, Ryan,” she said.

“That’s what I was planning on doing,” he replied with a smile.

Sydney did her best to fight off a strong wave of frustration before saying, “No, Ryan. That’s not what I mean. I don’t want to have sex like we usually do. I don’t want you to make love to me. I want you to fuck me.”

The look of confusion on his face only frustrated Sydney more.

“What’s the difference?” he asked.

Sydney found herself momentarily befuddled by the question. She wasn’t sure she could adequately explain the difference, because the difference was found in how getting fucked made her feel. Making love to Ryan was beautiful and she usually had an orgasm, but her climaxes with him were nothing like the orgasms her ex-boyfriends gave her.

“It’s harder and faster and more aggressive. It’s you taking control. It’s you fucking me,” she explained.

“Is that the kind of sex you like?” he asked.

“Yes, Ryan, it is,” Sydney answered as she continued to move her hips over his crotch. Her desire hadn’t waned.

“We’ve been together for six months. Why haven’t you said anything?”

He looked hurt and Sydney realized his question was perfectly valid. Why hadn’t she said anything? Why had she been insisting that Ryan be able to read her mind and guess the exact kind of sex she wanted to be having?

“I…I don’t know,” Sydney said.

Ryan smiled and stood up with Sydney in his arms. He put her on the couch and yanked off her shorts and panties. Moments later he was naked and his hard cock looked ready to fill her.

Sydney felt a sense of overwhelming excitement. She felt kind of silly for not saying something sooner, but it seemed like she was going to get what she wanted. It seemed like the nice guy was going to fuck her like she needed to be fucked.

Ryan moved between her legs, slipped his cock inside her, and pumped her pussy. It was different than usual. It was harder and a little faster. It still wasn’t what she needed, though. If anything, it was worse than when he made love to her.

Sydney wrapped her legs around Ryan and moaned for him. She couldn’t tell him he wasn’t good enough. She couldn’t tell him that his idea of fucking her felt like a pale comparison to when she’d been fucked in the past. She just couldn’t.

Instead, she pretended to like it. She faked it. She faked it until he came inside her.

“Was that what you wanted?” he asked.

“You were wonderful,” she said.

“It didn’t seem like you came,” Ryan said.

Sydney could see the insecurity on his face. She could see how badly he wanted to be a good boyfriend for her. It crushed her to know that he wasn’t able to measure up.

“I didn’t. I’m sure it was the alcohol. That was an awfully strong drink you made me, after all,” Sydney said before pulling him close for a kiss. She wrapped her legs around him again. She couldn’t bear to look in his eyes and see that mixture of sadness and eagerness.

“I love you, Ryan,” Sydney said. The thing that really broke her heart was that it was absolutely true. Outside of the sex, Ryan was a wonderful boyfriend.

“I love you too,” he answered.


Sydney looked at the clock. It was 3 a.m. She couldn’t sleep. Making a second drink was probably foolish as she could still feel the alcohol.

She turned to her side and looked at her boyfriend. He slept so peacefully. He was blissfully unaware of the turmoil going on in her head.

Perhaps it was the alcohol messing with her head, but Sydney felt a desperate kind of desire. She felt an overwhelming need to get fucked. Masturbating wasn’t going to get the job done and Ryan wasn’t up to the task of making her cum like she needed. It felt like she had six months of pent up desire coursing through her and she needed a release.

Sydney slipped out of bed and grabbed her phone off the nightstand. She quietly closed the bedroom door behind her and tiptoed down the hallway.

Sydney paced back and forth in the living room as she stared at Trent’s entry in her phone’s address book. She tapped the text button. Her fingers hovered over the keypad as her mind raced. Was she really considering texting her ex-boyfriend to arrange a quickie?

The longer she stood there staring at her phone, the more desperate Sydney felt. She remembered what it was like when Trent fucked her. She remembered how he could take her to a place of pure, perfect sexual bliss in no time. She remembered how easily he would take charge. She remembered how hard he would make her cum when they fucked.

Finally, she gave in to her desires and texted him. She typed out, “I need you to fuck me,” and stared at the words for a few moments before sending the text.

Guilt washed over her. She was trying to cheat on her boyfriend. She loved him and yet she was going to cheat on him. If it wasn’t Trent she would text someone else. She couldn’t wait any longer. She couldn’t deny herself what she needed.

“Where?” Trent texted back. “Can’t do it at my place.”

Sydney felt weak in the knees. She was moments away from committing to cheating on Ryan and she was going to do it while he slept. Some part of her knew it was stupid, but she was too horny to stop herself.

“Come to my place,” she texted.

“I’ll be there in 10 minutes,” Trent replied.

Sydney’s heart pounded as she continued to pace back and forth in the living room. She was torn between the logical part of her brain that knew it was insane to cheat on Ryan while he slept and the part of her brain that absolutely needed the kind of orgasm that she knew Trent could provide.

As the minutes passed, Sydney thought less about Ryan and more about the man coming over to fuck her. She thought of how much she missed his cock and the way he fucked her. She thought about how she always wanted to make him feel so good, about how that drive always made her willing to do whatever Trent craved.

When Trent texted, “I’m here,” Sydney stripped. She wanted to answer the door in the nude. She wanted to get right down to business.

She watched through the peephole and opened the door as Trent lifted his hand to knock.

“Well, well,” Trent said as he looked up and down her naked body. “You look as hot as ever.”

Sydney stepped back and welcomed her ex-boyfriend to her apartment. Trent moved behind her and ran his hands over her smooth, taut stomach and up to her breasts. He took them in his hands and played with her nipples, causing Sydney to moan quietly.

“What’s got you so worked up you couldn’t wait until tomorrow to get fucked?” he asked while pulling on her nipples.

“It’s been six month since I had the kind of orgasm I need,” she answered while turning around and undoing Trent’s belt. “I love my boyfriend, but he just can’t fuck me like you can.”

She pulled his pants down and sank to her knees. Her fingers wrapped around Trent’s beautiful cock and she stroked him slowly.

“Does your boyfriend know what you’re doing right now?” Trent asked.

Sydney smiled and took his cock in her mouth. She moved down the shaft, sucking vigorously. She instantly remembered how much she loved making Trent feel good. She even loved going down on him, which isn’t something she could say for Ryan.

“My boyfriend is sleeping in the bedroom and he has no idea what I’m doing,” Sydney said. “Are you okay with that?”

“You know I don’t give a fuck about your boyfriend,” Trent answered. “Now get your mouth back on my dick.”

Sydney did exactly that. She could feel the wetness and desire building between her legs as Trent’s cock disappeared into her mouth once more.

“Fuck, I missed your mouth,” he said.

Sydney reached up and played with his balls as she blew him. She knew what he liked and loved his moans of pleasure.

When Trent grabbed a handful of her hair and pushed his cock into her throat, Sydney reveled in the pleasure of surrendering control.

Trent maintained his grip on her hair as he pulled his long, thick cock from Sydney’s mouth. She looked up at him with a trail of spit running from her lips to the tip of his erection.

He walked towards the couch and Sydney crawled just behind him. Trent tugged on her hair and she climbed onto the soft cushions.

“Tell me what you want,” Trent asked.

“I want you to fuck me,” Sydney answered.

Trent rubbed the head of his cock over Sydney’s swollen pussy lips and she moaned.

“I’m not sure I believe you,” he said.

“Please, Trent, fuck me. Please, I miss your cock so much. I miss the way you fucked me. I miss the way you made me feel. I need it. I need you. I need you inside me.”

Sydney knew she was begging. She didn’t care though. It was all true. She did need him to fuck her. She needed it desperately.

Trent pushed inside her from behind. Sydney bit her lower lip to prevent a scream of pleasure from escaping. She couldn’t help but think that Ryan had never fucked her like this. He’d never taken her like this. Even if he’d tried to do what Trent was doing he would have failed. He simply couldn’t match up.

“Yes, Trent. Fuck yes. Oh my God. You feel so good. You fuck me so good. I missed this so much,” Sydney said as she took a pounding from behind.

Trent brought his hand down on her ass. The sound of flesh meeting flesh filled the room. Sydney cried out. She couldn’t help it. She could feel her orgasm building. Any thoughts not related to the pleasure of taking dick from behind were emptying out of her head.

Sydney saw movement out of the corner of her eye. She looked to her left and saw Ryan standing at the edge of the living room. He’d heard the commotion. He’d come out to see what was going on. Now he was staring at his girlfriend and another man having wild, aggressive doggystyle sex.

“What the fuck?” he yelled.

Trent stopped thrusting, though he didn’t pull his cock from Sydney’s pussy.

“Don’t stop,” she said. “Don’t you dare fucking stop.”

Trent laughed and resumed pounding her pussy from behind. The sounds of sex soon filled the room again, including Sydney’s loud moans.

Ryan came closer. “Sydney, what are you doing? Why are you doing this?” He didn’t sound angry. He sounded confused. He sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

“Shut the fuck up, Ryan” Sydney said. “Shut the fuck up and watch him. Learn from him. This is how I need to be fucked, Ryan. This is what I need from my boyfriend. This is the kind of sex I crave.”

Just then Trent grabbed Sydney’s hair and pulled back as he pounded her harder. He spanked her ass and her cries of pleasure reverberated around the walls of the apartment.

“Yes!” Sydney yelled. “Show him how to fuck me! Show him how a man is supposed to fuck a woman.”

Sydney knew she was being cruel. She knew she was likely destroying her relationship with Ryan. She just didn’t care. She was getting what she needed. She was getting what she’d been missing for six months.

“Tell me you love my cock,” Trent said.

“Sydney, please!” Ryan pleaded.

“I love your cock, Trent. I fucking love it. I love every inch of it. I love the way it pounds me. I love the way it makes me feel,” Sydney said. She’d long since stopped caring about anything other than her orgasm.

“Sydney!” Ryan screamed.

Sydney looked up at her boyfriend as Trent continued to fuck her from behind. She saw the pain on his face. She saw the agony she was putting him through. She was surprised to find that she didn’t care. Not in that moment.

“You deserve this, Ryan,” she said.

Trent fucked her harder. Each thrust brought a hint of pain along with an overwhelming sense of pleasure. It seemed that her ex-boyfriend was motivated by showing Sydney’s current boyfriend just how inadequate he was.

“This is what happens to a boy that can’t fuck his girlfriend. This is what happens when you refuse to act like a fucking man and give me the pounding I crave. You have to watch a real man fuck me. You have to watch a real man make me cum. Watch and learn, Ryan,” Sydney said. Her voice was dripping with cruelty and anger. The rage that had built up over six months of inadequate sex was coming out in the span of just a few minutes.

Ryan was trembling as he watched his girlfriend give herself to another man. Sydney’s words seemed to have brought him to the edge of despair. When he turned to leave, she stopped him.

“Don’t you fucking leave!” she yelled. “You stay and watch him fuck me. You stay and watch him give me what I need. You stay and you watch a real man fuck your girlfriend.”

Ryan stopped. It looked like he was fighting with himself. Part of Sydney wanted him to leave and part of her wanted to punish him for being such an inadequate lover for so long.

When he turned around, Sydney smiled. The cruel part of her had won. “That’s right,” she said. “Watch him fuck me. Watch him stretch my tight little pussy with his big cock. Learn from him, Ryan. Learn so you can be less pathetic.”

Sydney wasn’t sure, but she thought she detected a hint of desire in Ryan’s eyes. Was she tapping into a side of him he didn’t know existed?

Trent leaned over and grabbed Sydney’s tits as he fucked her from behind. She turned her head and they shared a wet tongue kiss. She screamed into his mouth as he pulled hard on her nipples.

“He does what he wants, Ryan,” Sydney said as Trent returned to fucking her from behind. “He’s a real man. He does what he wants with my body. He fucks me like I need to be fucked. He makes me feel like a woman. He makes me feel like his slut.”

Sydney felt like she was setting herself free. She was letting go of the desire for a calmer, easier relationship. She was embracing the need to get fucked like a slut.

“Come here,” Sydney said to her boyfriend.

Ryan came closer, though his hesitance was obvious with each step.

Sydney reached out and unzipped his pants. Her fingers snuck inside Ryan’s fly and pulled out his cock, which was almost fully erect. She looked up at her boyfriend and stroked his cock.

“You’re so fucking weak that I had to text an ex-boyfriend in the middle of the night,” she said. Ryan’s cock throbbed in her hand. “I had to invite him over to fuck me while you slept. I had to get his dick inside me because I was so sick of fucking you.”

Ryan moaned. Sydney couldn’t tell if he was getting off on the dirty talk or he just liked the handjob and she didn’t care. Her orgasm was fast approaching.

“He’s gonna make me cum, Ryan. Pay attention. Watch and see what it looks like when a real man makes your girlfriend cum!”

Trent kept up his powerful pace and Sydney kept stroking Ryan’s cock. Then a supernova went off in her loins. She screamed loud enough for her neighbors to hear and stroked Ryan even faster. The orgasm exploded from her pelvis and spread to the rest of her body. Six months of unreleased sexual tension found its way out of her.

Ryan’s cock spurted seconds later. He made a mess all over the back of Sydney’s couch as she slowed her stroking and smiled at his orgasm.

Trent kept up his thrusting for another thirty seconds before pumping his load in Sydney’s pussy. She smiled as his cock throbbed while he unloaded.

When he pulled out, Sydney looked up at Ryan and said, “Did you learn anything?”

He looked traumatized by the experience, but there was a glimmer of pleasure in his eyes.

“I don’t know,” he said.

Trent dressed quickly and let himself out, leaving Sydney and Ryan to deal with the aftermath.

“You might not be the right woman for me,” Ryan said as he sat on the couch.

Sydney felt Trent’s cum leaking out of her pussy as she looked over at the “good guy” she’d been dating for the past six months.

“I think you’re right,” she said. “I think I need something different.”

Ryan took a deep breath, put his cock back in his pants, zipped up, and said, “Okay. I’m gonna head home then.”

He looked a little dazed, but he seemed to be taking their breakup better than Sydney expected, especially given what she’d just done to him.

“Okay. Bye,” she offered softly as he grabbed his things and let himself out.

“Nice guys just aren’t for me,” Sydney said to herself. “Lesson learned.”



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