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“Wow,” Drew said as his bride stepped out of the bathroom in a breathtaking white lingerie set. The sheer bodice teased the taut pleasures of her stomach and the lace that clung to her pussy made his cock twitch with desire. The little white lace choker around her neck was the perfect final touch.

Willow smiled and approached the bed with slow, deliberate steps as Drew’s eyes roamed over her body. She leaned over and he stared at her cleavage as the wavy tendrils of her long, dark hair swayed gently.

“How long has it been?” she asked.

“Two weeks,” Drew replied.

The period of abstinence had been Willow’s idea. She said it would make their wedding night so much hotter and the sense of need coursing through Drew’s body made him think she was right.

“It makes me so happy that you went two weeks without an orgasm,” Willow said as she crawled into the bed and moved between his legs. “In fact, you have no idea how happy it makes me.”

Drew had some idea. They’d each gone two weeks without an orgasm, but Willow had thoroughly enjoyed teasing him on a near-daily basis. She’d taken to spending her days in as little clothing as possible and there had been a great deal of making out and groping, all of it seemingly designed to drive them both mad with desire.

“I like making my wife happy,” Drew said.

Willow unleashed a giddy smile. “And I love being married to a man that wants to make me happy.”

She leaned down and kissed his thigh just above the knee. Her tongue danced over his flesh and Drew felt his cock come to life. Two weeks was the longest he’d gone without an orgasm since his very first climax, so it didn’t take much to drive him crazy with need.

“Are you going to be a good husband, Drew?” Willow asked as she reached up and slowly pulled off his underwear.

“I am,” he said.

She tossed his boxers aside and leaned down to kiss his thigh once again, this time coming a great deal closer to his stiff cock.

“Are you going to dedicate yourself to my happiness?” she asked between kisses.

“You know I will,” he said.

Willow wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock and softly kissed the head. Just a flick of her tongue over the sensitive flesh was enough to send a wild pulse of pleasure through Drew’s body.

She tossed her hair back, looked up, and smiled before taking the head of Drew’s cock into her mouth and sucking hard. He gripped the bed sheets and closed his eyes as bliss enveloped his body. He savored every little movement of his bride’s tongue and the way she moved her hand up and down his shaft in time with her mouth.

“It feels better after two weeks, doesn’t it?” she asked.

“It does,” Drew said as he admired the wild look of lust in Willow’s eyes.

She released his cock and sat up on her knees, pulled aside the white lace of her lingerie, and rubbed her pussy.

“It’s been two weeks for me, you know,” she said.

“I do,” Drew replied as he watched his wife masturbate.

Willow closed her eyes and her head slowly rolled towards the ceiling as she moaned. Drew wasn’t sure if she wanted him to join in or watch as she pursued her pleasure, so he decided he’d enjoy the show. He didn’t want to run the risk of cumming before he got to enjoy the wedding night sex he’d been looking forward to for the past two weeks.

“My pussy is so wet,” Willow said as she slipped two fingers between the folds of her labia.

Drew heard the wetness as his wife fingered herself. The sounds of her desire were intoxicating and he had to fight to keep his hands on the bed and away from his cock.

“Do you know why I’m so wet, Drew?” she asked.

“Because it’s been two weeks since we had sex?” he replied.

Willow opened her eyes, looked down at him with a naughty smile on her face, and shook her head. “That’s not it,” she said. “Try again.”

Drew’s mind was blank. He couldn’t imagine another reason his beautiful bride would be soaking wet. What else was there?

“No guesses?” she asked.

“No, sorry,” Drew said.

“Will you lie flat on your back for me?” she asked.

Drew was still confused, but he wasn’t about to refuse such a simple request, especially when he figured that Willow was preparing to lower her wet pussy onto his cock. He tossed aside the pillows he’d been leaning against and laid back until he was staring up at the ceiling.

Willow straddled him, but she didn’t drop her pussy onto his cock. Instead, she continued her journey up his chest until Drew was staring up at his beautiful, lingerie-clad wife. Her wavy hair swayed as she looked down at him with a smile on her face.

“I’m wet because I’ve decided you’re not cumming tonight,” Willow said as she continued to masturbate just a few inches from Drew’s face.

“What?” he asked of a genuine sense of confusion.

“I’ll be the only one that cums tonight,” she said. “You’re going to give me as many orgasms as I want and you’re not going to enjoy a single climax.”

Drew was certain his wife was messing with him, but he didn’t find it particularly amusing. “Willow, what are you talking about?”

“I know this is going to be hard for you,” she said. “But I’m in charge of your orgasms from now on. I’ll decide when you get to cum. I’ll decide when you get to have sex. I’ll decide when you get to experience the pleasure you crave and when you should be denied.”

Drew wanted to believe she was messing with him, that she’d cooked up some sort of elaborate wedding night prank and she was going to sink her pussy onto his cock in a few moments and let him explode inside her. It was increasingly difficult to buy that explanation, though. The look on her face made it seem like she was entirely serious.

“Willow, seriously, what are you talking about?” Drew asked.

“Our marriage, sweetheart,” Willow replied.

She pulled her fingers from her slippery pussy and gently rubbed them over Drew’s lips. They felt warm and wet and her touch was enough to calm his mind and send a renewed wave of desire through his body.

“I know it’s not what you expected, but I think you’ll come to understand that our marriage is going to work best if I’m in charge,” she explained.

Drew opened his mouth to argue and Willow promptly pushed her fingers onto his tongue, making it impossible to say anything. The subtle taste of her pussy proved quite pleasant and for a moment Drew was content to keep quiet as Willow did as she desired with his mouth.

“I’ll be making most of the decisions from here on out,” Willow continued. “I’ll ask for your opinion when I want to hear it, but that won’t happen often.”

Willow pulled her fingers from his mouth and slid them back into her pussy, which was still quite wet.

“Willow, I’m sorry, but I don’t understand,” Drew said. “I…have I done something to upset you? Did I say something wrong at the ceremony or at the party? Did I accidentally insult you? Why are you doing this?”

“Drew, sweetheart, you’re wonderful. You’re the most amazing man I’ve ever met and you were wonderful at the party. You were so good to my friends and family. Your toast was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard. There’s a reason I chose you. You’re the perfect man for me. That’s why I know you’re not going to fight me on this. I know that you’re going to accept being in a female led marriage. You’re going to accept that I’m better as the decision maker, that I should even be making decisions for you, such as when you’re allowed to cum,” Willow explained as she pulled her fingers from her pussy and placed them into Drew’s mouth once more.

He didn’t fight her. He could have turned his head or closed his mouth. He could have picked up his rather skinny wife and lifted her off of him so they could have a real conversation. He didn’t, though. Instead, he let Willow push her slippery fingers into his mouth. He let her move them in and out, kind of like she was fucking his face. He did so while his cock remained fully erect.

“It won’t be so bad,” Willow said. “I promise. I’ll be a good wife. I’ll make sure you’re satisfied. I’ll make sure you’re happy. I’ll make sure we’re both happy. I think, if you’re being honest with yourself, that you like the idea of being in a female led marriage. You like the idea of your wife being in charge of everything, of having the burden of decision making taken away from you.”

Drew couldn’t answer as Willow continued to slide her fingers in and out of his mouth. He felt an odd sense of comfort, though. He wasn’t sure she was right about him being happier, but he liked the idea of being freed from some of the more annoying day-to-day decisions that life often presented.

Willow pulled her fingers from Drew’s mouth, leaned back, and placed her hands on his thighs. He stared at her pussy – it looked absolutely perfect – and hoped that she’d play with his cock despite her promise of denying him an orgasm on their wedding night.

“I will be implementing some changes, though,” Willow said.

Drew felt a little nervous as he asked, “Like what?”

“You’ve hung out with your friend Dave for the last time,” she informed him. “He’s a misogynist, an asshole, and a bad influence. You will refuse all future contact with him. I won’t have my husband spending time with someone that thinks so little of women.”

Drew was so stunned by her declaration that he said nothing. He’d clearly misinterpreted what Willow meant when she said she’d be making the decisions in their relationship.

“That doesn’t seem fair,” Drew finally said.

“Fair is not my concern, Drew,” Willow replied as she sat up and slid her pussy tantalizingly close to his cock. She leaned down, kissed his neck, sand added, “A female led marriage isn’t about fairness. It’s about both of us recognizing that I know what’s best and embracing that. It’s about you doing as you’re told and doing so without argument or hesitation. It will take some time for you to get to that place, but I’ll help you with accepting your new reality.”

“How?” Drew asked, though he was a little fearful of the answer.

“You’ll be punished,” Willow said.

“Punished? What does that mean?”

“When you fail to live up to my expectations you’ll be punished. I’ll have to figure out what kind of punishment motivates you, but you can expect to experience a greater number of days between your orgasms if you can’t do as you’re told. I will also use corporal punishment if necessary. I’d prefer not to take you over my knees and redden your ass, but I’ll do it if you can’t behave,” Willow explained.

Drew wanted nothing more than for his wife to tell him that it was all a joke. He wanted her to slide back, sink onto his cock, and laugh about the terrified look on his face before fucking him. There was no indication she was joking, though. Willow seemed deadly serious.

“I know it seems scary right now,” she said, “And it’s going to be hard at first. You’ll fight me because it’s not what you’re used to. Most men would be horrified at the idea of giving up control. You’re trained by society to believe that you should be in charge, and maybe some men should, but that won’t be the case with us. You won’t be in charge. You shouldn’t be in charge. I should be. I will be, and if you get out of line I will punish you harshly to ensure that you learn your lesson. Do you understand?”

Drew felt himself nodding, seemingly before he’d decided to do so. The joyful smile that spread across his wife’s face was unexpectedly thrilling, like he was already reaping the reward of being good for her.

Willow slid back a little further and dropped her pussy onto his cock, catching Drew off guard and enveloping his loins in the kind of pleasure he’d been fantasizing about for two weeks.

“We’re still going to have sex,” she said while slowly lifting her pussy off his cock. “It will be less frequent than you’ll want, but it won’t be up to you. I decide when we have sex. I decide when or if you get to cum during sex. Technically, we’re having sex right now but you’re not allowed to cum. You’re not allowed to do anything other than lie there and let me do as I please.”

Willow sank down on his cock again and Drew gripped the sheets. He wanted to grab his wife’s ass and fuck his cock up into her. He wanted to claim her pussy on their wedding night. He wanted to cum inside her. He did none of that, though.

When Willow lifted her pussy from his cock Drew let out a frustrated groan. His bride laid next to him and kissed his neck as she ran her fingers down his chest and stomach. She grasped his balls and squeezed them hard enough for a hint of pain to develop.

“There will be no complaints or you will be punished,” she said softly. “I will not be married to a disobedient man.”

“I’m sorry,” Drew said.

Willow released his testicles and caressed them. “It’s okay. I know you’re new to this. You’ll still be punished when you’re disobedient, but the punishments won’t be terribly harsh in the beginning. If a few months go by and you can’t get your act together, then I’ll truly make you suffer.”

Drew still couldn’t quite wrap his head around what his wife was saying. Everything she described was foreign to his concept of marriage. There was no compromise. There was simply him doing what she wanted.

“I’m not going to take a chance with your orgasms, though. You’ll be going into a chastity device tonight and you’ll come out only when I allow it,” she said.

“What?” Drew said. “What does that mean?”

“It’s a small, safe device for your cock to stay in. It prevents you from getting hard unless I unlock you and give you permission to get hard. There’s no better way for a wife to control her husband’s orgasms, which is why you’re going in one tonight,” Willow explained.

“How often will I get to cum?” Drew asked as a sense of panic overtook him.

“As often as I desire it. If you’re good for me, you’ll get to cum more often. If you’re very good for me you’ll get to fuck me more often. If you’re not, it could be months between climaxes.”

Drew moved to sit up and Willow placed a firm hand on his chest and pushed him onto his back once more. She straddled him with surprising swiftness and squeezed her thighs around his torso in a mildly painful kind of way.

“You’ll be required to make me cum on most days,” she said. “You’ll work to make it good, too. You’ll become an expert with your mouth and fingers and we might get a strapon for you to fuck me with if you’ve misbehaved and you’re not allowed out of your cage. Or, I could find another man to fuck me.”

“What? No,” Drew protested. “Why would you do that? You don’t have to do that. I can take care of your needs.”

Willow laughed. “I certainly hope you can, because whether I take a lover or not won’t be up to you. It will be my decision to make and if you can’t satisfy me then I’ll find someone that can and you’ll have to watch.”

“Willow, no. Don’t. Don’t do that,” Drew said as a true sense of panic washed over him.

“If you’re good for me, I won’t have to,” she said. “If you’re not, I’ll fuck someone else and you’ll stay in your cage until you learn to behave as I desire. Do you understand?”

Drew nodded.

“Good. Now I’m going to sit on your face and you’re going to make me cum while you think about everything I’ve said. I want you to embrace this, Drew. I want you to be a good husband for me and I promise I will be a better wife than you ever thought possible. It will be difficult at first – perhaps painfully so – but in time you’ll come to understand that accepting my leadership is the only way for you to be truly happy,” Willow said.

She smiled and lowered her pussy onto his mouth. It felt like she was asking Drew to commit to so much more than making her cum, like his willingness to lick her pussy and get her off would also signal his willingness to accept being in a female led marriage.

Drew wasn’t sure about anything in that moment, but he put his tongue to work. Willow seemed so confident and she was so reassuring about making him happy that he wanted to go along with it. He wanted to surrender control and let his beautiful, smart, driven wife take over. He believed her when she said the journey would be difficult, but he couldn’t resist her. He couldn’t say no. He wasn’t fully on board yet, but he was willing to go along on the journey.

“That’s it,” Willow said. “Use your tongue to make me feel good. Show me how dedicated you are to my pleasure. Show me that you want to make me cum. Show me that you can be a good husband. Show me that you’re okay with this being the only kind of sex you get to have on our wedding night.”

Drew moved his hands to her ass and gave it a good squeeze, eliciting a moan from his wife as she began to move her hips over his mouth. She was getting into it, which he loved.

“Make me cum and then I’ll put you in your cage and we can begin your training as the perfect husband. We can begin our female led marriage in earnest,” Willow said.

She was making it clear that she expected willingness on Drew’s part. If he made her cum, he was signaling his desire to do as she demanded. As scary as it seemed, Drew was caught up in it. He was ready. He kept working his wife’s clit and eventually she had a loud, lusty orgasm. Juices dripped out of her pussy and onto his face as her thighs trembled with pleasure and her moans filled the room.

“Thank you,” Willow said as she climbed off of his face. She leaned down to give him a soft kiss and said, “Stay right here and don’t you dare play with your cock. I’ll get the chastity device and we’ll get you locked up so you can be good for me.”

For a split second Drew contemplated stealing a little bit of pleasure. He knew he couldn’t cum in the short time it would take Willow to retrieve the device, but it would feel so good just to play with his cock a little. The threat of genuine corporal punishment was enough to make him refrain, though.

Willow returned with a small, cock-shaped steel cage in her hand and smiled. “Once you’re locked up our marriage truly begins.”

She crawled between his legs and placed the pieces of the chastity device on his stomach. She picked up a thin metal ring, held it up so Drew could see it, and said, “Do you accept that our marriage will be female led?”

“I do,” Drew said.

Willow slipped the ring over his cock and worked his testicles through it. She picked up the steel sheath that would hold his cock and said, “Do you accept that you will be punished for disobedience?”

“I do,” Drew said.

Willow placed the tip of his cock in the sheath and with a little bit of effort managed to fit every bit of his mostly-flaccid shaft inside. She picked up the lock and said, “Do you accept that I’m in control in our marriage, that I make all the decisions, and that it’s your duty to abide by my decisions?”

“I do,” Drew said.

Willow clicked the lock into place and crawled on top of him. They shared a long, deep kiss that brought with it a considerable rush of pain as his cock tried to get hard in its steel prison.

“You’ve made me a very happy woman,” she said. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Drew replied.

Willow rested her head on his chest and he put his arms around his wife and gently ran his fingers over the soft, semi-sheer material of her bridal lingerie. He had no idea what his future held, but there was something undeniably exciting about that.



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