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"Mmm, you look so good."

Charlotte smiled. It wasn't likely that she looked particularly good while washing the dishes, but she believed Reese when he said it and she suspected he'd have been more than happy to put a move on her the moment she was done.

"Thanks," she said.

"Thanks for what?"

Charlotte looked over her shoulder to see a confused look on her fiancée's face. She felt the same confusion, though for an entirely different reason. "For saying I look good."

Reese's confusion deepened. "I mean, you do look good, but I didn't say anything."

His face and body language indicated he was being genuine, which meant that Charlotte was hearing things, or that she was engaging in a bit of wishful thinking.

"Oh," she said with a smile. "I guess I'm hearing things."

"You do look good," Reese said as his eyes wandered over her body and settled for a moment on her ass, which probably did look good in her black leggings.

"Thanks," Charlotte replied before turning back to the dishes.

She didn't want to share that she was a little freaked out - there was no reason to worry Reese - but she was definitely a little freaked out. She'd heard someone say "Mmm, you look good." The voice had been quite clear. Charlotte wasn't sure what to do about it, so she went back to washing the breakfast dishes as Reese let her know he was going to jump in the shower.

A few minutes later, Charlotte heard the voice again.

"I meant it. You look good."

She whipped her head around but no one was standing there. Charlotte turned back to the dishes and told herself she was imagining things, that her brain was playing some sort of trick on her.

Then she felt a pair of hands on her hips. No one was behind her, but there was no question someone was touching Charlotte. That someone brushed her hair aside and she felt a soft kiss against her neck.

"You're so beautiful."

Charlotte recognized the voice. It was Kai. It was her ex-boyfriend's voice.

"I want you."

She felt him press his crotch against her ass. She felt the stiffness of his cock. She pulled her hands from the soapy water and gripped the edge of the counter.

"I have to have you, Charlotte."

Charlotte felt her leggings being lowered. She felt Kai's stiff cock rub against her ass cheeks before it made its way between her thighs. She moaned as the plump head moved over her swollen, slippery pussy lips. She closed her eyes, bit her lip, and moaned even louder as the cock slipped inside her.

"Fuck me," Charlotte said to an otherwise empty kitchen.

Kai grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled back. Charlotte stared up at the ceiling as she arched her back. Her shirt lifted, exposing her tits. A strong hand grasped one of them while Kai pulled harder on her hair.

"Please, fuck me," she said. "Fuck me hard."

Kai fucked her hard. He fucked her with intense, incredible vigor. His cock pummeled her pussy, filling her with deep thrusts while Charlotte's moans filled the kitchen. Her pussy tingled with desire and those sensations of pleasure ripped through her body, filling her with an irresistible sense of pleasure as Charlotte closed her eyes and completely surrendered to her ex-boyfriend's desires.

Then Charlotte opened her eyes. She was alone. Her leggings were still pulled up. Her shirt was still covering her breasts. She was alone in the kitchen. Kai hadn't found his way into the house and into her pussy. She'd been dreaming. Or, perhaps she really was being haunted.

Charlotte spun around and leaned against the kitchen counter. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She told herself that a haunting wasn't a real thing, and that even if it was, it was always spirits that haunted people, not the enhanced memories of ex-boyfriends that were still alive and well.

The arousal, though, that had been real. The desire had been real. Charlotte could feel it. She couldn't tell if it was purely her imagination or if there was something else going on, but it felt as though her ex-boyfriend had actually fucked her from behind right there in the kitchen of the house she shared with her fiancée.

The arousal was overwhelming. To the point that Charlotte lowered her leggings and masturbated. She lifted her shirt and played with her tits as she played out the rest of the scenario she'd just experienced. She was being taken from behind. She was being taken hard with a hand in her hair and another groping her tits. She was being fucked with depth and vigor and passion. She was being used by a strong, dominant man.

Charlotte came so hard that she sank to the floor. Her bare bottom rested against the cool tile and her heart pounded as she closed her eyes and felt her legs tremble and her toes curl from the aftershocks of pleasure that moved through her.

"Fuck," Charlotte said as she lifted her ass, pulled up her leggings, and sat on the floor to consider the implications of her mind conjuring such a potent fantasy. After all, it wasn't possible that she was actually being haunted. What sort of haunting was purely about sexual pleasure? It had to be that her imagination was running wilder than it had ever run. The fact that it had transitioned from her dreams to her waking hours was a little bit troubling, though, and absolutely something worth keeping an eye on.

Once the strength returned to her legs Charlotte finished the dishes, hopped in the shower after Reese finished, and then headed to the office for work.


"Your ass looks fantastic in that skirt."

Charlotte whipped her head around expecting to see an idiotic coworker standing behind her with a frat boy smile on his face, but instead she saw no one.

The voice had been crystal clear, but the copy room was empty. Charlotte stepped into the hallway and looked both ways, but no one was there. She was hearing things again, and it was an entirely different voice than the one she'd heard in the kitchen.

Charlotte finished copying her documents without another interruption and rushed back to her cubicle. She dropped into her chair and sat for a few minutes as her eyes darted around in search of the person who'd uttered those words.

"God, I want to fuck you so badly."

Charlotte gripped the arms of her chair as the words filled her head. She spun around in search of someone laughing at the prank they were playing, but again she saw no one. Charlotte stood to check the cubicle next to hers but it was empty. She was alone. She was hearing things. Her mind was filling her head with those words.

"Sit on your desk. Hike that skirt up. I wanna fuck you."

Charlotte's knees felt weak. Her pussy tingled. The voice was distinct. It triggered a memory. She closed her eyes and let it wash over her. Years ago she'd visited a boyfriend at work. Alex was the lowest man on the totem pole at an ad agency. His office was tiny and in the corner of the bottom floor. It was dingy and gross, but they were young and he was full of potential and it was actually exciting that he'd gotten the job.

Charlotte had visited to bring him lunch and he'd pulled her into his office, shut the door, and kissed her the moment she stepped in the doorway. They'd been dating a few months and were still in that phase where they were all over each other. The sex had happened quickly as he'd put her on the desk, pulled her panties off, and slipped his cock inside her. It had been good sex as far as her memory was concerned, as she recalled a fairly potent orgasm.

It was Alex's voice she was hearing. It was him her mind had conjured to haunt her.

"I can't," Charlotte said. "I'm at work."

She felt a hand against her breast. She felt lips against her neck. She leaned against her desk and closed her eyes. She felt her blouse being unbuttoned. The hand moved inside her shirt and into her bra. He was a little rough and she bit her lip to keep herself from moaning aloud and drawing attention to her cubicle.

"Get on the desk," he insisted. "I have to have you, Charlotte. I have to fuck you. I have to feel your pussy. I can't wait any longer."

Charlotte hopped on the desk and he pushed her tight skirt up around her waist. They kissed as she felt Alex's fingers pull her panties aside and explore her wet pussy. She felt him rub her clit with his thumb, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body.

"Oh, fuck..." she whispered. "Please, Alex, fuck me. Take me."

His cock slipped inside her. She wrapped her legs around him. They kissed as he fucked her with incredible vigor. Her desk creaked under the pressure but Charlotte didn't care. She was getting fucked like she craved, like she needed, like she deserved.

She closed her eyes and pulled him close. He kissed her neck as she felt every inch of his big cock sliding in and out of her pussy. She heard him tell her how good her pussy felt, how good she made his cock feel, how badly he wanted to cum inside her.

Charlotte opened her eyes and found herself still sitting in her chair. Her skirt was still on properly and her blouse was buttoned up. Her face felt hot and she was certain her pussy was wet, but she'd lost herself in another daydream. Or a haunting. Or whatever the fuck was going on.

Though she knew it was unwise, Charlotte rushed to the bathroom, locked the door, and hiked up her skirt. She pulled her panties aside and masturbated quickly, bringing herself to her second orgasm of the day. She managed to stay on her feet, though that was mostly because the bathroom floor was almost certainly filthy and she didn't want her ass touching it.

"Fuck," she said once more after her climax. This time it was imbued with considerably more concern, though, as Charlotte began to worry that she was on the verge of losing her grip on reality.

Perhaps, though, her mind would be calmer after two orgasms in the span of just a handful of hours.


Charlotte managed to make it through work without another erotic incident. She made it through dinner with Reese, too. Not once did her fantasies jump to mind. Instead, she sat across from the man she loved and talked about the wedding they were planning, where they wanted to go for their honeymoon, and how long they wanted to wait before upgrading to a bigger house.

They did a little kissing in the parking lot and Charlotte felt a fairly intense kind of desire as she got in the car. That desire drove her to tease Reese's cock for most of the drive home by stroking him through his pants and occasionally leaning over to kiss his neck at a red light or stop sign.

"What's gotten into you?" he asked after the third time she leaned over.

For a moment Charlotte was annoyed with the question, but she quickly decided it was perfectly fair of him to ask why she was behaving in an a manner that was unusual for her. After all, she wasn't the girl that played with a man's cock in the car and suddenly she couldn't keep her hands off of Reese.

"I don't know," she answered, though Charlotte knew perfectly well why she was so amorous. "I hope you don't mind."

He looked at her, smiled like he was the happiest man in the world, and said, "I don't mind at all."

That put a smile on her face and Charlotte considered freeing her fiancée's cock and giving him a blowjob for the rest of the ride home. She decided against it - mostly because she didn't want to get in a car crash - but the mere thought of it managed to surprise her.

There was no need for either of them to mention having sex when they got home. It was a foregone conclusion. Charlotte rushed to the bedroom with Reese right behind her and they kissed furiously while taking each other's clothes off. Once her skirt, blouse, and jacket were in a heap on the floor, Charlotte stepped back, flirtatiously removed her bra and panties, and turned to crawl into the bed.

She looked over her shoulder, smiled at Reese, and shook her ass while on her hands and knees. His eyes met hers and then slowly moved to her backside. She could feel the wetness and heat between her legs and she hoped that Reese could see it. Some part of Charlotte hoped that he'd get in the bed, slide his cock into her pussy, and take her hard from behind.

He didn't, though. Instead, Reese crawled into the bed next to her and rolled into his back. He pulled Charlotte on top of him and she felt a mild sense of disappointment that she tried her best to hide. Reese didn't say anything and his cock remained stiff as she took it in her hand and kissed him, so there was a very good chance he hadn't even noticed.

Charlotte's disappointment quickly washed away as Reese's fingers found their way to her pussy and penetrated her while their tongues mingled. He rubbed her clit with a sense of genuine expertise - he'd always been good with his fingers - and she moaned into his mouth while a renewed sense of desire washed over her.

"Fuck me," Charlotte said as she rolled onto her back.

Reese smiled in a delighted sort of way - Charlotte wasn't a prude when it came to dirty talk, but she wasn't always so direct with her desires - and he moved between her legs and gently kissed his way from her stomach, to her breasts, to her neck, and finally to her lips.

Their tongues mingled once more as Charlotte guided his cock inside her. She closed her eyes and arched her back a little to help him bury every inch in her pussy and then Charlotte ran her hands down his back and grabbed two fistfuls of his ass.

"Fuck me, Reese," she said.

His cock moved in and out of her at a slow, gentle pace. He always started that way. It was gentlemanly of him, really, as she usually needed just a little time to get used to him before it felt great. Charlotte didn't need that time tonight, though. She was wet and eager and she wanted to be fucked hard.

"Harder, Reese," she said. "Fuck me harder."

He delivered. He always delivered when she gave a clear instruction in bed. He kissed her neck while fucking her harder and Charlotte ran her hands up and down his back as her moans filled the bedroom.

She closed her eyes and Reese grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head. He fucked her harder and leaned down to kiss her neck, sucking on her flesh and gently biting it before flicking his tongue back and forth over it. He kept her wrists pinned above her head with one hand while the other made its way to her breasts to roughly play with her soft flesh, eliciting a series of loud moans from Charlotte.

"Does that feel good?" he asked. "Do you like it when I fuck you like that, Charlotte? Do you like it when I fuck your tight little pussy nice and hard?"

"Yes, it feels so fucking good when you fuck me like that," Charlotte replied.

She opened her eyes and for a moment a deep kind of fear ran through her. Reese wasn't on top of her. His hand wasn't pinning her wrists to the bed. His hand wasn't playing with her tits. It was Dave. It was the ex she'd dreamt about a few weeks ago. It was the one that had fucked her in a hotel room, the one that wielded a wondrously big cock.

It was Dave's cock inside her. It was Dave satisfying her. It was Dave in her bedroom instead of Reese. It was him she'd gone to dinner with. Him she'd teased in the car. Him she'd guided into her pussy. Him that was pounding her so beautifully. Him that had taken control in a way her body responded to with desperate desire.

"Fuck me harder, Dave," she said. "Please, fuck my tight little pussy harder."

The thrusts stopped. The cock pulled out of her. Charlotte closed her eyes and opened them again. Reese was sitting back on his knees with a horrified look on his face. His cock had already deflated.

"Who's Dave?" he asked.

Charlotte wasn't sure what to say. She'd fucked up. She'd massively fucked up. She'd said another man's name while her fiancée was inside her. She'd broken Reese's heart. What else could he possibly have felt in that moment?

She'd ruined everything. Her mind had ruined everything.

The haunting by her ex-boyfriends had ruined everything.

Charlotte had no other option. She had to be honest. She had to tell Reese that she'd said an ex-boyfriend's name. It would be painful, but an obvious lie would be far more painful in the long run.

She'd tell the truth, apologize profusely, and try and fix the damage she'd done. That was all Charlotte could do. With any luck, Reese wouldn't be anywhere near as mad as he had every right to be.



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