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"How do I look?"

Scarlet knew the answer. She'd seen herself in the mirror. Her demon costume looked exceptionally good. The top was tight enough that it pushed her tits up nice and high and the little red pleated skirt was short enough that it showed off her long legs. A pair of red fishnet pantyhose and red heels were perhaps a little over the top, but she was going all-in for Halloween.

The look on Dalton's face confirmed Scarlet's thoughts. She looked good. The fact that he said nothing for a few seconds - instead just sitting there in his angel costume with his mouth hanging open - washed away any lingering doubt she might have had.

"Damn, Scarlet, you look amazing," he finally managed to say. "And hot. You look really, really hot."

Scarlet smiled. She'd been more than happy to do a couple's costume with Dalton, but she loved looking hot on Halloween and she was delighted when he'd been open to the idea of going as a demon and an angel, especially with her going as a demon.

"Yeah? You think so?" she asked before sauntering towards her boyfriend, who stood as a touch of arousal washed over his face.

"You look so fucking hot."

The truth was, Dalton looked good too. He wore a white sleeveless tunic that left his well-built biceps and much of his shoulders exposed and that was more than enough to make him damn near irresistible. It wasn’t the most masculine costume, but it was probably the only time in his life he'd wear something where Scarlet had easy access to his cock. She took advantage of that fact by reaching up under the tunic and caressing him through his briefs as she offered up a devilish smile.

"Don't get too drunk tonight," she said. "This demon wants a stiff angel cock in her pussy before the night is over."

That put a smile on Dalton's face and Scarlet felt his cock come to life. She considered a quick blowjob to tease him - not finish him in her mouth - but she intended on doing plenty of dancing with her boyfriend at the party and there was no doubt in her mind that would be enough to keep him eager to have his way with her when they got home.

"Should we go?" Scarlet asked.

For just a moment she saw disappointment on Dalton's face. It seemed that he too was thinking about a blowjob. "Yes. Absolutely," he said.

They met their Uber driver at the curb and Scarlet noticed him take a long look at her legs as she climbed in the backseat. That was the sort of thing that happened every Halloween and she wasn't the slightest bit bothered by it. It was the one time of year that she dressed to be ogled and she thoroughly enjoyed the attention.

"Wow," the driver said as he pulled up in front of their destination.

Their most successful friend - he'd sold his business for north of $10 million - was throwing his first ever Halloween party and he'd gone all-out, turning his beautiful home into what looked like a spectacular haunted house, at least from the outside. Scarlet was so awed that she simply sat in the car and stared. It wasn't until Dalton reached over and opened the door that she snapped to attention and got out.

"Thanks," she said to the driver before he pulled away. Scarlet took Dalton's hand, looked up at the house, and added, "We're going to have a great time tonight."

The front yard had been converted into a graveyard complete with a trio of remarkably realistic-looking witches standing around a cauldron that emanated a steady stream of fog. A scream occasionally rang out, presumably from some sort of sound system. The chairs on the front porch were all filled with what looked to be zombies and Scarlet let out a good scream of her own when one of them moved as they approached the door.

Dalton laughed and put his arm around her as the door opened without either of them pulling on the handle. The sounds of music and conversation drifted into the night air and Scarlet stepped inside with her hand still entwined in Dalton's.

The house was darkly lit, setting a tone that felt perfect for the holiday. The windows all looked to be covered and the lights were all dimmed. The foyer - which was sizable - featured a massive bowl of candy along with sizable spider decorations crawling up the walls and a gigantic web on the ceiling.

To the left and the right were rooms filled with party guests, all of them dressed in elaborate costumes - the invite had been quite specific that guests would be turned away if they didn't put effort into their costume - though both rooms were dark enough that it was hard to discern any detail in the costumes without getting close.

Most of the guests had a drink in their hands and Dalton leaned in to let Scarlet know he was off to find the bar. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and she melted into the mass of people dancing and let the music move through her. She admired the many costumes on display - including lots of girls that had put in an effort to look sexy just as Scarlet had done - and she was more than happy to welcome the open and appreciative stares of the many men she passed by. Most started by staring at her cleavage, some glanced at the horns atop her head, and a few tried to get a look at her ass. All of it felt good and Scarlet was soon riding high on a wave of exhibitionistic pleasure.

As she danced amongst a throng of partygoers, Scarlet felt a pair of hands on her hips. They pulled back gently enough that she could easily have wriggled free. She didn't, though. She let the owner of those hands - likely a man given the size of them - pull her body against his. She felt the warmth of his breath on her neck and a surprising rush of arousal moved down her spine and settled between her legs before developing into a thrilling tingle.

"What's a demon doing here with an angel?" he asked. "Wouldn't you prefer to party with someone that can give you what you need?"

Scarlet felt something press into her ass. Something semi-hard. Something that was getting harder as they danced. She turned her head but she couldn't get a good look at the guy standing behind her.

"How do you know what I need?" she asked.

He deftly flipped up the back of her skirt and pressed his crotch against her fishnet-clad ass. For a moment Scarlet was worried someone would see, but the room was so crowded with people that it was likely no one could have spotted his move.

"I know you're not getting it from the angel," the guy said as he took a firm grip on Scarlet's hips, pulled back hard, and then subtly moved her from side to side so she was effectively grinding her ass over his cock through however many layers of clothing he had on. "I know I can give it to you. I know I can help you let out your inner demon. I know I can make sure this Halloween is the most memorable you've ever had."

Just as she was about to respond, Scarlet spotted Dalton working his way through the crowd with a drink in each hand. A moment later, the hands left her hips and she no longer felt the stiffness of a stranger's cock against her ass. Scarlet whipped around to try and catch a glimpse of the man who'd been so brazen, but all she saw was a dark figure effortlessly sliding through the crowd and out of view.

"I don't know what exactly is in these cups, but it tastes good," Dalton said as he approached.

Scarlet looked over her shoulder one more time before realizing it was utterly pointless. She had no idea what the guy was wearing. She only knew he had strong hands and a sizable cock, which wasn't anywhere near enough information to identify him. Oddly enough, it never occurred to Scarlet that she was at the party with her boyfriend and she shouldn't put any effort into identifying another man.

Scarlet sipped her drink - which was delicious - and danced with Dalton as she tried her best to forget the unexpected encounter with another man. She failed at that task, though. She failed miserably, in fact. Over and over she replayed what he’d said. When she closed her eyes she could feel his hands on her hips and his cock pressing into her ass. More than that, though, Scarlet felt desire. Desire that he had triggered. Desire that felt deep. Perhaps she really did have an inner demon that yearned to come out to play on Halloween.

"Wow, is this drink strong, or what?" Dalton asked after emptying his cup.

Scarlet nodded. She wasn't sure how much time had passed since her first sip, but she felt delightfully buzzed in the manner that always made a party more fun.

"How about a refill?" she asked.

Dalton smiled. He liked it when they got a little bit drunk together. "Yeah?"

She nodded. "I need to pee. I'll meet you back here, okay?"

Dalton nodded, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and took Scarlet's cup. She watched him go and then turned to find the bathroom, as the drink had quickly worked its way to her bladder and created an urgent need to relieve herself.

Scarlet slipped into one of four bathrooms on the main floor, locked the door behind her, and took a moment to appreciate the marble countertops, elegant tile flooring, and remarkably spacious shower. Her friend had clearly spared no expense in crafting a truly luxurious home for himself.

Once she'd finished her revelry, Scarlet lifted her skirt to lower her fishnets. Instead, her mind drifted back to her encounter. She felt him lifting her skirt and pulling back on her hips. She felt the bulge of his cock pressing into her ass.

Scarlet closed her eyes, lowered her fishnets, and slipped a hand into her panties. She bit her lip and moaned softly as her fingers plunged into her pussy. She was wet. Soaked, really, and as much as Scarlet wanted to believe that it was dancing with Dalton that had gotten her wet, she knew it wasn't true. She knew it was her constant thoughts of the stranger that had left her in such a state of desire.

Scarlet seriously considered masturbating to a quick orgasm - and it absolutely would have been quick - but she pushed that thought aside as madness and sat on the toilet instead.

As she peed, he filled her head once more. She felt his hands on her hips. She felt his breath on her neck. She felt his cock against her ass. She very nearly reached down to masturbate right there on the toilet, but instead Scarlet wiped, flushed, and checked in the mirror to make sure her costume still looked good.

"I really do look good," she said with a smile as an even greater sense of confidence washed over her.

Scarlet turned, unlocked the bathroom door, pulled it open, and very nearly screamed in fright at the sight of...well, of the devil. Or, more accurately, a man dressed in a black suit with a red tie and a face that looked exactly as Scarlet imagined the devil would look with streaks of red and black makeup expertly applied to generate a truly frightening effect.

He stepped into the bathroom and Scarlet stepped back as her heart pounded. He turned and locked the door. He slowly spun around and offered a smile that somehow made his face look a little scarier.

He approached and Scarlet backed up until she was standing against the wall. He stopped just in front of her and placed a hand against the wall right next to her head. He smiled once more and with his other hand he reached down and rested his fingers against her knee.

"Where's your angel?" he asked.

Scarlet recognized his voice. He was the man she'd danced with, the one she hadn't seen. He moved his fingers up her inner thigh, caressing her skin through the fishnets and eliciting a moan as the nervousness she'd felt melted away under a tidal wave of arousal.

"He's...he's getting me another drink," she replied.

The devil smiled and leaned closer as his fingers pressed against her panties. He rubbed them in slow circles and Scarlet's legs trembled from the intense pleasure.

"Then we have a little time," he said.

Scarlet offered a hesitant nod and he applied a little more pressure as he rubbed her pussy.

"Is my dirty little demon wet?" he asked.

"Yes," Scarlet answered softly.

He smiled. "Do you want me to give you what you crave? What your angel can't give you?"

Scarlet couldn't help herself. She wanted him. She wasn't sure why, but she wanted him. Her body wanted him. It was screaming at her to do just about anything he wanted, to surrender to the arousal she felt in the hopes of experiencing the potential thrill he offered.

"Yes...please," she whispered.

The devil smiled, reached between her legs with both hands, and roughly tore open her fishnet pantyhose at the crotch. He pulled Scarlet's panties aside and plunged two fingers into her pussy. He went so deep, so fast that it hurt for a moment, but pleasure soon followed.

Scarlet suppressed a moan and closed her eyes as he fingered her and worked her clit at the same time. She heard the wetness emanating from between her thighs and felt her toes curl in the heels while her legs trembled so hard Scarlet worried she might collapse on the bathroom floor.

"Open your eyes," he said.

She looked up at him and saw a genuinely devilish smile that took on much greater weight given his face makeup. He looked borderline menacing, and yet there was something irresistible about him, about his confidence, about the skill he displayed with little more than his fingers.

"Did you enjoy my desire for you?" he asked.

Scarlet thought of the erection pressing into her ass as they danced. She thought of how good it felt, of how her body had clearly wanted more than to dance with him.

"Yes," she said softly.

"Feel my desire," he instructed.

Scarlet slowly reached out as he fingered her. She moaned - as quietly as possible - while he worked her clit and that moan got louder when her fingers found his erection. She stroked it and he smiled.

"Do you want it?" he asked.

Scarlet's voice was barely audible as she replied, "Ye...yes."

He leaned in until she felt the warmth of his cheek against hers and his breath gently tickling her ear while he added a third finger to her pussy and worked her faster and harder. "Then say it," he whispered. "Say what you want. Confess your desires."

Scarlet unzipped his pants and her fingers slipped inside. She felt the warmth of his stiff shaft and freed it. She took him in her hand and stroked him slowly as her ability to think clearly drifted away.

"I want you," she said.

"Confess," he replied.

"I want your cock," she pleaded.

"Not good enough. Confess."

"I...I want you to fuck me. I want you to fuck me like...like the devil would...not like an angel would," she said.

He pulled his fingers from her pussy, stepped back, and said, "Show me how badly you want it."

He made no gesture and offered no other instruction, but Scarlet knew what he wanted. She stepped towards him and dropped to her knees. She looked up at him, wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock, and leaned in to take him in her mouth.

"Mmm, that's it," he said. "Suck my cock. Show me how desperate you are to be fucked like a dirty little demon needs to be fucked."

Scarlet's pussy gushed as she sucked cock like a woman possessed. It was not a slow, sensual blowjob. It was wet and sloppy. Her mouth moved up and down his shaft at a rapid pace and she filled the bathroom with moans while doing so. Her lips and chin were soon coated in her saliva and so was his big, beautiful dick. Scarlet began to stroke him as she sucked, twisting her hand as she did to demonstrate just how badly she wanted to make him feel good.

He smiled, stepped back, and bent over to lift Scarlet to her feet with almost no effort. He grabbed a handful of her hair and walked her over to the sink. She rested her hands on the marble countertop and he stepped behind her, flipped up her skirt, and guided his cock into her soaking wet pussy from behind.

He buried every inch of his cock inside Scarlet, tightened his grip on her hair, and looked at her in the mirror as a smile slowly crossed his face.

"Is this what you want, my little demon?" he asked. "Do you want the devil to fuck you?"

Scarlet's pussy gushed and her legs trembled. Without so much as a thrust he'd turned her on like few men ever had. "Yes, please, fuck me," she said. "Please, fuck me."

"I'm going to do more than fuck you though, aren't I?" he said with a smile. "Because once I start, I'm not going to pull out until I'm finished. Do you understand?"

A small, quiet voice in the back of Scarlet's head told her to walk away. She ignored that voice. Instead, she paid attention to the voice demanding that she surrender to her desire and beg him to fuck her.

"Yes...I want you to fuck me...and I want you to cum inside me," she said. "Please, fuck me and cum in my pussy. Please...just fuck me."

That devilish smile appeared on his face once more and he gave Scarlet what she wanted. He fucked her. He didn't come anywhere near making love to her. It wasn't sensual. It wasn't slow. It was hard and fast. It was animalistic. It was vigorous and at times overwhelming.

It was also incredible. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She gripped the counter tight enough that her knuckles turned white. She had to work hard not to scream from both the pleasure and the discomfort of being fucked so hard by such a big cock.

"This is what you needed, isn't it?" he hissed. "This is what your angel can't give you. What he'll never be able to give you."

"Yes...fuck...yes. He can't fuck me like this. He won't. He can't. He just fucking can't."

Scarlet looked at herself in the mirror. She looked at the devil fucking her from behind. She looked at the aggression in his eyes and on his face. She felt it in the harshness of his thrusts. She surrendered to it, to being fucked by this total stranger, to being used for his pleasure.

It wasn't just his pleasure, though. Scarlet was barreling towards an orgasm. A massive orgasm. An overwhelming orgasm. One that already had her thighs trembling so hard they were getting weak, like she'd just finished a ten mile run.

"I'm gonna cum," she said hurriedly. "Fuck, you're gonna make me cum! Please, fuck...cum inside me!"

He tightened his grip on her hair and fucked with a kind of power Scarlet had never felt before. It was enough to put her over the top and into an orgasm that briefly felt as though it sent her to another world. Scarlet closed her eyes and everything went silent as pleasure exploded outwards from her pussy, running down her legs and up her spine. She felt lightheaded and utterly joyful in a manner she was certain she'd never felt before.

When the world came into focus once more he was cumming inside her. Scarlet watched his face in the mirror and felt a second wave of pleasure, both from the orgasmic aftershocks and from the surprisingly intense delight at having made this man - this stranger - cum inside her.

When he was finished, he pulled out, tucked his cock back into his pants, and looked in the mirror to make sure his costume still looked good.

Then, he turned and headed for the door. "Wait, who are you?" Scarlet asked.

He unlocked the door, turned, and smiled at her. "I'm the devil," he replied before walking out.

Scarlet rushed over, but only to lock the door. There was no point in trying to follow him as he'd almost certainly just disappear like he'd done before.

After locking herself in the bathroom once more, Scarlet sat on the toilet to let him leak out of her. As his cum dropped into the water, she closed her eyes and smiled at the tingling sensations resonating through her entire body.

Scarlet's fingers found their way between her legs. She rubbed her plump, sore pussy lips and gently penetrated herself. She brushed her clit with her thumb and moaned at the renewed sense of pleasure.

A moment later - and seemingly without really thinking - Scarlet took her fingers in her mouth. She tasted his cum and immediately reached down with her other hand and began masturbating.

It started slowly, but soon Scarlett was well on her way to another orgasm as his cum dripped out of her and the taste of it danced on her tongue. She re-lived the fucking she'd just experienced and in less than a minute she'd cum again. It wasn't quite as potent as the first orgasm, but it was still damn good.

Scarlet was also quite certain it wasn't going to be the last time she came to thoughts of fucking the devil. That was a memory that would live with her for a long, long time.



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