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“So, Cole, your wife tells me you’re an artist?” Vincent asked before tipping back his wine glass and taking a sip.

Cole was a little apprehensive around Teri’s boss. She’d gotten promoted faster than expected and seemed to be a rising star and he didn’t want to be the one responsible for slowing her ascent. It didn’t seem logical that offering a dumb answer to a simple question could do that, but Cole didn’t have any experience with the corporate world.

“I am, yeah,” Cole answered.

Vincent stared at Cole for a few seconds before saying, “Well, what sort of artist are you?”

Cole was surprised at how intimidated he felt around Vincent. Part of it was that Teri had talked incessantly about what a brilliant man he was and how great it was to work for someone that possessed intelligence, talent, and exceptional drive. Part of it was that Vincent was taller, broadly built, and imbued with a kind of confidence that Cole had never possessed.

“Right, yes, sorry,” Cole stammered. He felt foolish. He assumed Teri had told her boss a little more about him. “I’m a painter.”

“A painter. Really? There can’t be much money in that, can there?” Vincent said.

Cole felt the sense of inferiority that he imagined Vincent was trying to create. It wasn’t the first time he’d felt it. The other man was right, of course. There wasn’t much money in painting. If he sold a painting he tended to make a lot of money, but that didn’t happen very often.

Before he could answer, Teri joined them. “You’re right Vincent, there isn’t a great deal of money to be made in painting, but money isn’t the most important thing in the world. There’s a lot to be said for doing something that makes you happy.”

Much to Cole’s surprise, Teri sat on the couch with her boss instead of joining him on the love seat. There was plenty of space between them, but it stills truck him as a little strange.

Vincent smiled and sipped his wine once more before saying, “I can see your point, Teri, but there’s something to be said for the freedom that having money offers. I mean, couldn’t Cole paint as a hobby while working a job that actually paid him a living wage?”

When Teri told him her boss was coming over for dinner, Cole had not imagined the evening going this way. He thought it would be a pleasant and potentially awkward couple of hours. He didn’t think he’d have his life choices challenged.

“It’d be awfully hard to find time to spend with my wife if I made that choice, Vincent,” Cole shot back. There was a little more edge to his voice that he would have liked and he immediately regretted his tone.

A quick, hard look washed over Vincent’s face before he smiled again. “Well, at least your wife has proven to be an excellent employee with a varied, genuinely impressive skill set and a work ethic like I’ve never seen before. If she continues to show this kind of dedication and willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done, it won’t be long before she’s making enough money to support your little painting hobby for the rest of your life.”

“Be nice, Vincent,” Teri said as she looked at her boss.

Cole was certain he saw a quick smile flash across his wife’s face as she looked at her boss. Vincent was openly antagonizing him and Teri didn’t seem perturbed by it. In fact, she seemed amused.

“I’d say I’m being quite nice, Teri,” Vincent said. He smiled back at her. “I could have suggested that your husband act like a man and get a real job to contribute to your family’s financial well-being instead of putting all the pressure on his wife to be the primary earner. I didn’t say that though, did I?”

Teri smiled again. This time it wasn’t a quick flash. She wasn’t bothering to hide it. Cole felt blindsided. He felt humiliated, too. Vincent had inadvertently tapped into his insecurities. He didn’t like that he wasn’t a terribly successful painter and that he didn’t make much money. He hated it, in fact.

Teri turned to her husband and smiled. “Don’t feel bad, honey. Vincent just can’t help himself. He’s a competitive, achievement-oriented man. It’s what drove him to build his company from the ground up. It’s what has made him so successful. He just struggles to identify with people that don’t approach work the same way he does.”

Cole thought it was a little strange that Teri was making excuses for her boss with the man sitting just a few feet away. It didn’t seem to bother Vincent, though.

“I suppose I shouldn’t judge you, Cole. I apologize,” Vincent said. “Your wife is right. I’ve always been the sort of man that sees something he wants and won’t stop until I’ve made it mine.”

Cole was certain he saw his wife blush as Vincent explained himself. Teri looked at her boss and her fingers moved to her chest and caressed the small patch of skin that her blouse left exposed.

“Cole likes to go with the flow,” Teri said. “He’s not really the sort of man that doggedly pursues a goal.”

Teri didn’t sound annoyed or angry. It sounded like she was simply stating a fact, and Cole couldn’t really argue with her. He wasn’t a high achiever. Not really. He liked his life. He loved painting. He sold some of his artwork, too. He wasn’t a total failure. He just wasn’t a man like Vincent. He hadn’t started a multi-million dollar business. He didn’t have numerous employees.

“Is she right, Cole?” Vincent asked.

Cole looked at his wife’s boss. He saw the confident smile on his face. He wanted to argue. He wanted to deny that his wife was right. He couldn’t though.

“She is,” Cole said. He tried to sound proud and a little defiant. He didn’t want to come off as ashamed of the life he’d chosen to pursue.

“Of course I am,” Teri said before turning to her boss. “That’s why I fell in love with him. It was so different from what I’d grown up with. I couldn’t help but be drawn to how relaxed Cole was. I loved that he was so eager to pursue his passion, and to be honest, he’s an exceptionally good painter. His work is beautiful.”

Cole couldn’t help but feel like there was a “but” coming.

Vincent moved his hand across the couch cushion towards Teri. Cole watched as his wife slid closer to her boss, seemingly at his command.

“Things have changed though, haven’t they?” Vincent asked. “You’ve changed.”

Teri nodded. She moved closer to Vincent. Soon she was sitting next to him. Cole watched as another man caressed his wife’s leg.

“You yearn for something more in a man now, don’t you?” Vincent said as he looked at Cole while running his hand over Teri’s leg in the tight skirt she’d worn to work that day.

“I do,” Teri said as she looked at her husband.

Cole felt frozen, like he couldn’t move from the couch. Vincent was openly groping his wife and he wasn’t doing anything about it. He just sat there and watched. For some reason, he didn’t feel compelled to get off the couch and try and stop it.

Vincent carefully placed his wine glass on the coffee table and put his arm around Teri. He used his other hand to slowly unbutton her blouse, all while Cole’s wife looked into his eyes. It was almost as if she was challenging him to do something. After all, another man was undressing his wife.

Cole saw the challenge. He knew that he was supposed to do something. He didn’t, though. Instead, he watched as Vincent reached into Teri’s shirt and played with her breast. Teri’s eyes closed and she moaned quietly as her boss slipped his hand into her bra.

Cole looked at his wife’s boss. They stared at each other, one man eagerly disrupting the sanctity of the other’s marriage.

“Your wife and I have gotten very close since she started working for me,” Vincent said. “Her work ethic and devotion to the company’s well being is exactly what I look for in an employee.”

Teri turned to Vincent and kissed him. Cole watched as his wife’s tongue pushed into another man’s mouth. He listened as she moaned while Vincent’s hand worked eagerly inside her bra.

“He gives me what I need, Cole,” Teri said after the kiss. “He gives me what I didn’t even know I needed.”

Cole watched his wife unzip her boss’s pants and pull out an exceptionally large cock. Teri leaned down and wrapped her lips around it as Vincent’s hands snaked into her hair and pulled it out of the way, giving Cole a perfect view of his wife sucking someone else’s cock.

“Teri, please, stop,” Cole said. “Don’t do this.”

“This isn’t the first time she’s done this, Cole,” Vincent said. “It’s just the first time you’re going to watch.”

Teri’s eyes were closed as she sucked Vincent’s cock. Her mouth moved up and down the shaft in a rhythmic motion. She moaned quietly as her boss stared at Cole.

“Like she said, Cole, I give your wife something she didn’t even know she needed. I offer her something a man like you can’t offer,” Vincent said.

“Please,” Cole said. It was all he could say. It was all he wanted to say. For some reason, watching his wife blow another man didn’t bother him nearly as much as he thought it was supposed to.

“It’s okay if you like watching, Cole. Some men are into that. Some husbands don’t mind it at all,” Vincent said as Teri’s mouth continued to bob up and down on his hard cock. “You’re not the first husband I’ve cuckolded.”

Vincent’s fingers entwined in Teri’s hair. He pushed her deeper on his cock. A look of satisfaction crossed his face as stared at Cole. He was fucking Teri’s mouth and she wasn’t doing anything to stop it. She seemed to welcome it, in fact.

“Powerful men like me have long cuckolded men like yourself, Cole. It’s happened for hundreds, even thousands of years. Women like your wife find pleasure in offering themselves to someone stronger, wealthier, and more skillful in bed than their husbands.”

Vincent pulled Teri’s mouth off his cock. A trail of spit ran from her lips to the tip of her tongue as she gasped for breath.

“Isn’t that right, Teri?” he asked.

Teri looked at her husband and smiled. “Yes.”

Vincent didn’t say anything. He simply directed Teri’s mouth back to his cock and she opened wide. Once more her mouth was being fucked by her boss.

“Do you see why your wife has advanced so quickly at my company, Cole? She’s shown this kind of dedication from day one. She does whatever is required to get the job done, which is a rare quality in an employee.”

Cole considered that his wife had been working for Vincent for 18 months. Had she been offering him sexual service for that long?

“Yes, Cole,” Vincent said, seemingly reading his mind. “Your wife offered me her mouth on her first very day on the job. She made it very clear she was willing to do whatever it took to show me that she wanted to be part of my inner circle, that she had what it took to be a valued member of my team. She was right, too.”

Vincent pulled Teri’s mouth off his cock once more. He released her hair and said, “Go kiss your husband, Teri.”

Teri stood up and sauntered towards Cole. He remained seated. He was transfixed by the spectacle. He wanted to be angry, but he couldn’t quite muster it. Instead, he was oddly aroused.

Teri stopped in front of Cole. She bent over. Her lips were still slippery with saliva. Vincent stood up and walked behind her.

“Kiss your husband, Teri,” Vincent said as he pulled up Teri’s tight skirt and pulled down her panties.

Cole looked into his wife’s eyes. He didn’t move as she came closer. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to kiss her. She’d just been sucking someone else’s cock. He couldn’t seem to turn away, though.

When Teri’s lips were just a few inches away from her husband’s her mouth opened and a moan escaped. Cole’s eyes darted up to the man standing behind his wife. The look on Vincent’s face made it clear that his cock was buried inside Teri’s pussy.

“Is he fucking you?” Cole asked.

Teri nodded and kissed her husband. Her slippery lips pressed against his. Her tongue pushed into his mouth. For a few moments, Cole resisted, but only half-heartedly. He quickly relented and welcomed Teri’s kiss. He welcomed her tongue in his mouth. He welcomed her moans of pleasure.

Teri’s hands pressed into Cole’s thighs as she braced herself against Vincent’s thrusts from behind. Cole was lost in a fog of lust when the kiss ended. He looked into his wife’s eyes. He saw her desire. He saw her pleasure.

“Does it feel good?” Cole whispered.

“It feels better than sex ever has,” Teri answered. “So much better.”

Cole felt genuine pain. Teri hadn’t said it directly, but she’d implied that sex with Vincent was better than sex with him had ever been. There was a reason she’d offered herself to her boss on her first day at work. There was a reason she’d clearly been offering herself to him in the 18 months since that day.

Teri’s hands moved up Cole’s thighs and between his legs. Her fingers wrapped around the erection he knew was there. He was embarrassed by it, but it felt immensely good when she stroked it. Any shame washed away and was replaced by desire.

Vincent continued his relentless assault on Teri’s pussy from behind as Cole witnessed it all in an up close and personal manner. His cock throbbed as Teri stroked it through his pants. He couldn’t believe this was happening. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t known his wife had been having an affair for 18 months. He couldn’t believe any of it, and yet he didn’t want to stop.

“Take your husband’s cock out, Teri,” Vincent demanded.

Teri unzipped Cole’s pants and pulled out his erect cock.

“Stroke him. Jerk off his little dick,” Vincent ordered.

Teri did as she was told without hesitation. Cole didn’t think his cock was that small, though it certainly wasn’t as large as Vincent’s. The thought left his mind as soon as it entered, though. The feeling of his wife’s fingers moving up and down his throbbing erection was overwhelmingly pleasurable.

“Do you want me to cum in your wife, Cole?” Vincent asked.

Cole looked up at the Teri’s boss. He looked in the man’s eyes. He looked over his face. He saw someone thoroughly enjoying himself, someone that was executing a plan he’d likely had in his mind for many months. He saw a man that loved power and control more than anything.

There was a part of Cole that wanted to say no, that wanted to deny Vincent the pleasure he clearly sought. That part of him wasn’t going to win any internal arguments in the moment, though. Cole was far too aroused for that. Plus, he worried that defying Vincent and his wife might end up costing Teri her job, or at the very least stunting her growth within the company. Instead of fighting, Cole let his desire answer for him.

“Yes,” he answered.

“Say it, baby,” Teri said as she stroked Cole’s cock faster.

Cole looked at Vincent and then at his wife. Teri had pure lust in her eyes and a look of absolute pleasure on her face. She loved her boss’s cock.

Cole looked up at Vincent once more and said, “I want you to cum in my wife.”

Vincent smiled. It was a grin of victory. It was one of a confident man that always got what he wanted.

He fucked Teri harder. He groaned and buried his cock inside her. He pumped his cum in her married pussy.

Teri stroked Cole’s cock faster. She used his precum as lube. She tightened her grip. She made her husband cum.

Cole closed his eyes and imagined Vincent’s cock unleashing semen in his wife’s pussy. He imagined it happening over and over, as it almost certainly had over the past 18 months. For some reason, that was enough to fuel a hugely powerful orgasm for him. His body thrashed as cum spewed from his cock while Teri stroked him slowly, adding even more pleasure to his climax.

Cole hadn’t realized it, but his wife had cum too. All three of them had experienced incredible orgasms, and in the aftermath the room was filled with the sound of their heavy breathing and nothing more.

Teri pulled up her panties and adjusted her skirt. She buttoned up her blouse and grabbed her wine to take a long sip, finishing the glass.

“Cole, darling, while I finish preparing dinner I’d like you to prepare the guest room. Vincent will be spending the night in our bed and you’ll need somewhere to sleep.”

Cole looked at Vincent and saw the same victorious smile. He’d just ejaculated inside another man’s wife and now he was going to spend the night in their marital bed. Cole knew Vincent would be cumming inside Teri again that evening. He also knew he couldn’t fight it at this point. He’d let it happen. He’d asked for it to happen.

He nodded, stood up, and walked to the guest bedroom knowing full well that he’d be sleeping there that night while another man slept in his bed and fucked his wife.




I love the stories where the cuckold is unexpectedly (to him) watching his wife for the first time. This story is hot! Love it when hubby is made to say what he really wants, for his wife's boss to cum inside her. Win! Win! Win!