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I was in a good mood. A really good mood, in fact. I could feel it as we made dinner. It was like I was floating around the kitchen, and there were times when a smile would just break across my face for no apparent reason.

My husband, Russell, noticed it too.

"You seem like you're in a great mood," he said. "Did you get a promotion? Did we win the lottery?"

I felt the elevated sense of happiness, but until Russell mentioned it, I hadn't really thought about why. It had been a perfectly normal day at work - an office job tends to result in a lot of perfectly normal days - and it hadn't come with a promotion, a lottery win, or anything else truly spectacular that might make someone feel like they're on cloud nine.

It hit me the moment Russell mentioned it, though. There was really only one reason why I'd be in such a good mood, and when I realized it I felt kind of silly. I was also worried that sharing the honest truth might run the risk of upsetting my husband.

"Okay, don't be mad," I said. Of course, a worried look immediately came over his face, just like it does for everyone who's just heard their partner tell them not to be mad. "Someone asked me on a date today. At the grocery store after work. We'd passed by each other a few times, we'd smiled at each other each time, and then the third time we passed by each other he stopped and asked me out."

I know it might sound silly, but that was absolutely the reason I was in such a good mood. You see, the guy that asked me out was the sort of man that I assumed could get just about any woman he wanted. He was well-dressed in an expensive-looking suit, he was fairly tall, he was exceptionally good-looking, and he looked to be in great shape. Those are the things that a woman tends to judge a man on in a first impression kind of way, and he ticked off every box. Because of that, my confidence went through the roof the moment he asked me out, and that boost in confidence put me in a great mood, even if I hadn't put two and two together at the time.

Now, to Russell's reaction. I expected he might be a little jealous and perhaps a little annoyed in the way that men sometimes are when their wives or girlfriends attract the attention of another man. I thought he might ask me why I smiled at the guy, or if I'd done more than smile at him.

He didn't seem jealous, though. He didn't seem annoyed, either. Instead, it seemed like he was trying his best not to show any reaction at all, like he was suppressing whatever had come up for him.

"What did you say?" was the first thing he asked.

The question caught me off guard, to the point that I took a few seconds before answering. I mean, why would it even be a question? Did Russell really think I would accept another man's request for a date?

"I told him I was married," I finally answered.

"Oh," Russell replied, and I swear there was the briefest flash of disappointment in his eyes. It was the most confusing thing. "What did he say to that?"

I can still remember how disappointed Jesse - that's the guy from the grocery store - looked when I told him I was married. It was overt, not like the brief flash on Russell's face. I assumed that was because he was the sort of man that was rarely turned down when he asked a woman out, which is probably why he was confident enough to do so in the middle of a grocery store before we'd even properly met. His disappointment didn't last long, though.

"He said it was a shame - that he was certain we'd have fun together - and then gave me his number and told me to call him if I changed my mind," I explained.

"Fun together?"

I smiled as I thought of the way Jesse had looked at me when he'd uttered those particular words. He'd let his eyes wander over my body and he'd done so in an overt manner, making it perfectly clear that he was drinking me in from head to toe and doing so with a slightly lustful look on his face. He was, in a not so subtle way, making it perfectly clear what he meant by 'fun together.'

"I think...well, I mean, I don't want to speculate about what he meant," I said, mostly because it seemed unwise to explain to my husband that another man had clearly meant that he thought the sex would have been exceptionally good.

Russell smiled and moved towards me, closing the short distance between us. He reached out and grasped my waist before running his fingers over the soft material of my skirt - I was still dressed in my work clothes - and caressing my ass.

I wouldn't say I was confused by Russell's seemingly sudden desire for me as a response to someone else asking me out. After all, that kind of jealousy-infused sexual desire is pretty common, I think. If someone else wants something you have, you tend to value that thing even more, after all.

"So, you're in a good mood because another man asked you out?"

Both his hands were on my ass at that point and his voice was laden with desire, so much so that I couldn't help but absorb some of it. I nodded.

Russell held my gaze for a few moments and then he unzipped my skirt. I offered no resistance as he worked it over my hips and pushed it to the floor. My panties followed and then he lifted me onto the counter - a display of desire and strength that I found enthralling - and stepped between my legs.

He leaned in and kissed my neck. It felt incredible. Electric, really, like one simple kiss had set loose a tidal wave of desire that washed over me.

"Why did he put you in such a good mood?" Russell asked as he slowly unbuttoned my blouse while showering my neck in soft, seductive kisses. "Was he good looking?"

I moaned, in part because Russell's lips felt so good against my neck and in part because I didn't really want to answer the question. I wasn't worried about him getting angry, but it seemed so odd to tell him that I found another man so attractive while we were in the midst of foreplay.

"Natalie...was he good looking?" Russell asked, making it perfectly clear that he wanted an answer.

"Yes," I answered. Jesse was a very good looking man. If I'm being honest, he was probably the best looking man that had ever asked me out. Of course I was flattered. Of course I was riding high when I got home.

"And it felt good?" Russell asked. "You liked that a good-looking man asked you out? Is that why you're in such a good mood?"

By that point, I was aroused in an uncommon manner. It was the sort of desire where I could feel it throughout my body. Russell's seeming desire - he kept on kissing and touching me in a manner designed to turn me on - was a big part of that, though. There was something about what had happened at the grocery store that turned him on, too, and he was very clearly working his way to fucking me. Because of that, I let go of any nerves about answering his questions or sharing my feelings about what had happened.

"Yes, it felt really good," I said. "It felt good when he smiled at me. It felt good when I saw him checking me out after we'd passed each other. It felt good knowing that he was attracted to me, that he...that he...that he wanted me."

Russell's fingers moved between my legs and into my pussy. He penetrated me slowly and rubbed my clit with his thumb. I reacted like he'd just set off a bomb between my thighs. The pleasure was just so intense that I couldn't help but moan, and moan loudly. I was, as it turned out, far more aroused than I thought, as my clit was clearly engorged and eager for pleasure that my husband's thumb provided.

"You're soaked," he said.

I moaned. I don't think he was looking for a response. He seemed to like that I was wet, though, as there was genuine delight in his voice when he said it.

"Did you get wet when you realized he wanted you, Natalie?" he asked. "Did you get wet when he asked you out, when he said that you two could have had fun together?"

"Yes," I answered. It was the unvarnished truth. In any other situation I would have lied, or at least shaded the truth. I was too turned on to think straight, though, so I simply offered the truth.

With his fingers still inside me, Russell tried to take his pants off. He couldn't quite do it, though, so I reached down to help, knowing full well that he intended on fucking me.

I was astonished when I wrapped my fingers around his cock. We'd been together eight years at that point and I knew my husband's cock exceptionally well. I knew how it felt in my hand. I knew how the head felt, how the veins felt, even how his balls felt. That's how I knew he was harder than any time I could remember. He felt a little thicker, too, like more blood had rushed to his cock than at any point in our relationship.

He pulled his fingers from my pussy and I placed the head of his cock between my labia. He took his time working his cock inside me - I was soaked, but his dick was dry - and when he first bottomed out in my pussy our eyes met as he remained still with every inch of his shaft buried in me.

"Did you want him, Nat?" he asked. "Did you get wet because you wanted him?"

"Yes," I said.

It was true. I wasn't saying that I wanted to cheat on Russell or that I even considered accepting the guy's invitation for a date. I was just saying that my body wanted him.

At that point it wasn't a surprise that Russell liked my answer. It was, however, a little bit of a surprise that he fucked me with such vigor in response to my answer. It felt incredible, too. I was sitting on the kitchen counter with my legs wrapped around him and he went at my pussy hard, filling me with his exceptionally stiff cock while kissing my neck before his lips found their way to mine. Our tongues indulged in a deeply erotic dance and I even sucked on his a little, mostly because I know how much he likes it.

"Tell me you wanted him," Russell said breathlessly.

"I wanted him," I replied.

He fucked me harder. "Tell me you wanted to fuck him."

He was pounding me. He pounding my exceedingly wet pussy on the kitchen counter and he was doing so while quite clearly thinking about me having sex with someone else, or at least desiring sex with someone else. In the moment, though, I wasn't thinking about any of that. I was just as caught up in my desire as Russell was.

"I wanted to fuck him," I said. "Russell, baby, I wanted to fuck him!"

Our eyes met as he reached up to caress my face. I smiled and he traced his thumb over my lower lip. It was a simple move, and yet there was something about it that struck me as exceedingly sexy. I responded by taking his thumb between my lips and sucking on it as I held his gaze. I swirled my tongue around it. I took it all in my mouth. I sucked hard and Russell moaned as his cock continued to move in and out of my utterly soaked pussy.

He pulled his thumb from my mouth and kissed me. He ran his fingers down my back and grabbed my ass, squeezing it hard as he fucked me a little faster.

"Tell me you wish you were fucking him right now," Russell said.

I moaned for him. I moaned because his cock felt so good inside me. I moaned because I was close to an orgasm. I moaned because there was something so wildly naughty about what he was asking me to say that I couldn't help but find it arousing.

"I wish I was fucking him right now," I said. "I wish I'd told him to forget about a date. I wish I'd dragged him out to his car. I wish I was sitting on his dick in his backseat right now. I wish it was his hands all over my ass. I wish my tits were bouncing in his face as I rode his big dick."

For a split second I worried I'd gone way too far, that I'd let my lust guide me down a dangerous and potentially destructive path. Then Russell came inside me. He buried his cock in my pussy and he came. Much to my delight, he had the good sense to reach down and use his thumb to rub my clit, bringing me to the orgasm I so desperately craved. It took just a few seconds, meaning that we came together, our bodies entwined with me on the counter and Russell standing between my legs.

We stayed like that for a few minutes. Neither of us said a word as the sounds of our heavy breathing filled the kitchen. Finally, Russell stepped back and pulled out of me. His cum followed, spilling onto the kitchen floor in a manner that made me laugh. I grabbed a few paper towels and held them against my pussy to prevent any further leakage and smiled at my husband, who suddenly looked a little nervous.

"So...that was..." he began before trailing off.

I stepped closer, kissed him on the cheek, and said, "That was amazing. Thank you."

His shoulders relaxed and he quite literally breathed a sigh of relief. Clearly he'd been worried that he'd gotten carried away, that urging me to confirm my desire for another man had - after my orgasm, at least - left me feeling annoyed, or angry, or just weirded out. In that moment, standing there in the kitchen, I felt none of those things. Admittedly, some of those feelings would come later, but in the moment all I felt was a lovely sense of post-orgasmic bliss.

"I guess we should finish dinner," Russell said.

I nodded. "Let me get cleaned up.” I gestured to the mess of cum on the floor, “And if you wouldn't mind cleaning the floor."

Russell nodded and I kissed him on the lips, held it for a few seconds, and then headed for the bathroom. It wasn't until I'd sat down on the toilet to let his cum leak out of me that I took any time to process what had just unfolded in the kitchen.

The simplest interpretation was that Russell found himself turned on at the notion of another man asking me out and followed that down a path of pleasure that included him enjoying the idea of me fucking that man.

It also seemed possible that Russell had enjoyed the idea of me being...well, a bit slutty, I suppose you could say. After all, he'd insisted that I tell him I wanted to fuck the guy, and he'd cum as I described acting in a decidedly slutty manner by dragging Jesse to his car and riding his cock without having said more than a few words to him.

In the moment, though, I had no idea what had been going through Russell's head as we fucked. I did know, however, that I found the whole thing arousing enough to have a fantastically pleasurable orgasm, so no matter what he'd been thinking, I wasn't in a place to judge or be insulted. After all, I'd happily been led down that naughty path and I'd been the one to take the fantasy to a far naughtier place.

As you'll see in future installments, our little adventure in the kitchen wasn't a one time thing. It was, in fact, the start of something new in our marriage. Something that introduced us to a whole new world of unexpected pleasures that proved thrilling - and at times a little dangerous, at least for the health of our marriage - to explore.

I hope you'll come back for the next installment :)



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