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“I’m so sorry, but I’ll be half an hour late,” you texted your wife. “Meeting is running long. Have a drink without me.”

You’d both gotten so busy with your careers that you started spending less and less time together. It got easier to put on your leisure wear and hang out in front of the TV after work instead of making an effort to stay connected. That’s why you instituted your twice-monthly date nights. You’d both get dressed up, go out for drinks and dinner at a new restaurant, and if things went right you’d get a hotel room and spend a few hours – or the whole night – having some fun.

You know she’s going to be annoyed that you’re late. You both promised you’d make every effort to carve out time for your dates. The moment the meeting ends you rush out of the office. You stop in the bathroom to make sure you look good and head for the elevators. Your Uber is waiting the moment you exit the building and you hop in for the quick ride to the restaurant.

“Thanks,” you say before departing the car and adding a tip. You pull open the door and immediately spot your wife at the bar. Her long blonde hair is hard to miss and her ass looks spectacular in the little black dress she chose for your night out.

Your wife is engaged in an animated conversation with another guy. A good looking guy, in fact. You move to join them when she leans in and touches his arm while laughing. She’s flirting with him. She’s absolutely flirting with another man.

You stop and sit at a table that offers a view of the bar. They’re both laughing. You see his eyes glance at your wife’s ass as she turns to the bartender to order another drink. She looks back at him and sees him eyeing her body. She smiles. It seems like she’s enjoying the attention.

He leans closer and reaches up to brush some of her hair aside. That’s the moment where your wife should lean back or walk away. She doesn’t, though. She smiles at him and it seems like she’s leaning a little bit closer.

His hand moves to her knees and he says something. It brings a smile to her face. His fingers move to the inside of her leg and you watch as he rubs her. Your wife’s dress is too tight for him to move much further up her thigh, but it certainly seems like he’d try if he could.

Your wife says something and he smiles. You wish you could read her lips. Did she tell him his touch felt good? Did she tell him she wanted to feel more of it? Did she offer up some sort of little joke?

You know you shouldn’t be watching. You should be over there. You should end the flirtation between your wife and this stranger she met at a bar. You can’t bring yourself to do it, though. You don’t really want to admit it, but you’re turned on. The sensations in your body are unquestionably those that come with arousal. It feels like it’s slowly spreading from your loins to the rest of your body. Your heart is pounding. You’re just a little lightheaded.

You watch him lean closer as his fingers move under your wife’s dress. You see her smile. You see their lips meet. They share a kiss. It’s slow and tender. Your wife’s mouth opens. His does the same. You see just a hint of her tongue. It’s a hell of a first kiss.

Your wife is kissing another man and he’s caressing her thighs. He’s doing everything he can to turn her on and it seems to be working. She seems more than happy to be kissed, too. Is she punishing you for being late and not taking date night seriously enough? Is she simply exploring something that makes her feel good?

The kiss finally ends and he says something to her. Your wife glances towards you and smiles. She turns to him and replies. He smiles at her. His hand moves out from between her legs. He reaches back and pulls out his wallet. He pulls a hotel key from it and slides it onto the bar. He’s propositioning her. He wants to fuck your wife.

She takes the key and slips it into her purse. He leans in and they share another kiss. Her hand moves to his leg. It moves up his thigh. She comes awfully close to playing with his cock in a bar but she doesn’t quite get there.

He stands up and says goodbye. He walks away and your wife turns to you. She beckons you to come over. You slide out of your seat and walk towards her. Your cock is half hard and it’s noticeable, but you’re not going to leave her sitting there alone.

“What was that?” you ask.

“It seemed to be something you enjoyed quite a bit,” she replies before glancing between your legs.

You can’t deny your excitement so you don’t bother trying to put up a fight. “Did he give you a key to his room?” you ask.

“He did. He’s staying at the Ritz-Carlton right down the street,” she replies.

“Why did you take the key?” you ask.

Your wife smiles, picks up her glass of wine and takes a long sip. “Why not?” she replies. “Are you saying you don’t want me to go to his room?”

“No, that’s not what I’m saying,” you reply. The words spill from your lips before you have a chance to think about them.

Your wife seems surprised by your answer. “Are you saying you want me to go to his room?” she asks.

Is that what you want? Is that why you were so turned on watching them kiss? Do you want your wife to go to his room? Do you want her to fuck him?

“I don’t know,” you say. “Is that what you want?”

“Would you stop me if that’s what I wanted?” she asks.

It feels like you’re playing a game of chicken that could have a rather impactful outcome and you’re not sure how to proceed. You know that most men would be infuriated after watching their wives kiss another man. You know you’re not. In fact, you’re turned on.

“No, I wouldn’t,” you say. It’s quite literally the truth. If your wife left the bar with the intention of going to the stranger’s room, you wouldn’t stop her. Part of you would want to, but you wouldn’t stop her.

She studies your face for a few moments, like she’s not sure you’re telling the truth. “He was a good kisser,” she says. “A very good kisser.”

You see her smile as she thinks about the kiss she shared with him.

“I liked the way he touched me, too,” she says. She looks away for a moment and bites her lower lip. Then she looks back and smiles before saying, “I’m wet. For him.”

Your cock is hard. You’re not sure why, but it is. You wish it wasn’t. You wish you weren’t so enthralled with what she’s saying, but you are.

“You should…you should go to him,” you say. “You should go to his room. You should do what you want to do.”

“How do you know I want to fuck him?” she asks.

It feels like she just confirmed her desire. “Because I can see it in your eyes. I can see it in your face. I could see it when he kissed you. You want him.”

Your wife smiles. She grabs her purse and stands up. “You’re right,” she says. “I’ll see you at home tonight. Make sure you wait up for me. I’ll make sure your night is as memorable as mine.”

True to your word, you make no move to stop her. You watch her go. She looks back and smiles before leaving the restaurant. She’s going to another man’s hotel room. She’s going to fuck him. She’s going to fuck another man and you’re sitting at the bar with an erection.

You order a drink. You’ll finish it and perhaps have another. You’ll think about your wife and the other man fucking. You’ll let your desire grow. You’ll embrace the strange, unexpected feelings. Then you’ll go home and enjoy whatever pleasures your wife has in mind for when she’s done with him.



Aj Alford

I hope there is a follow up to this.... It is SO Hot!