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“You look really hot,” Dylan said as he buttoned up his shirt.

Adeline smiled and spun around for him. She wore a white turtleneck sweater, a pair of surprisingly tight jeans – she wasn’t typically one for form fitting pants – and a pair of knee high leather boots.

“I’m trying something a little different today,” she said.

Adeline’s outfits usually leaned towards cute, but today she was full-on sexy and Dylan wondered if it was because they were about to visit Mrs. Jameson.

“You don’t look so bad yourself,” Adeline added as she approached Dylan and helped him finish the last of the buttons. She tucked the shirt into his pants and her fingers wandered between his legs to give his caged cock a squeeze before they shared a long, slow kiss. “Are you excited to see the woman that showed you the joys of submission?”

“I think so. I don’t know, I guess I’m a little nervous, too,” he said.

Adeline moved behind Dylan and put her arms around him in a surprisingly reassuring way. She held him tight and asked, “Nervous? Why?”

“Well…I guess it’s just that I did things with Mrs. Jameson that I’ve never done with you and I wonder if you’re going to think less of me once you meet her,” Dylan explained. He knew it didn’t entirely make sense, but he couldn’t shake the notion that Adeline meeting Mrs. Jameson might screw up their relationship.

“Are you talking about sucking cock, Dylan?” Adeline asked.

A wave of arousal rushed through Dylan’s body as she asked her question. That was certainly part of it. Dylan had willingly sucked two different cocks during his summer in Mrs. Jameson’s service, and he’d also taken her strapon, fingers, and a handful of toys in his ass. She’d been far more into humiliation than Adeline. What if Adeline found all of that distasteful and decided she didn’t want to be with Dylan because of it?

“Yes, I’m talking about…that,” Dylan answered. “And the way she would penetrate me and humiliate me, I guess. I don’t know. I’m just nervous.”

Adeline spun him around and gave Dylan a soft kiss. Her lips lingered against his before parting. Her tongue moved into his mouth and he moaned at the sheer pleasure of sharing such a beautifully intimate moment with his girlfriend.

“I love you, Dylan,” Adeline said. “I love that you’re submissive. I love that I’ve gotten to explore my dominant side since we got together. I love that I’ve learned so much about myself and what turns me on. I also love that there’s so much more for me to learn, both about you and about myself. I’m not going to break up with you just because I meet the woman that introduced you to your submissive side. Okay?”

Dylan nodded. “I love you too,” he said.

Adeline took his hand. “Good. Now let’s go next door.”

She maintained her grip on his hand as they left the house and walked next door. Dylan’s heart pounded harder as they approached the front door. Adeline gave his hand a firm squeeze as he reached out to press the doorbell. The singsong chime rang out and Dylan heard footsteps approaching the door.

“Dylan, it’s so good to see you,” Mrs. Jameson said as she opened the door. She looked beautiful in a low cut red dress and heels and Dylan felt Adeline squeeze his hand a little tighter. “And you must be Adeline.”

“It’s nice to finally meet you,” Adeline said.

Mrs. Jameson stepped aside and gestured towards her living room. “Please, both of you, come in. We have so much to talk about.”

Adeline led the way, pulling Dylan into the house with her. They made their way to the living room and sat on the loveseat across from Mrs. Jameson.

“So,” Mrs. Jameson began, “I’m impressed that you managed to do as I instructed, Dylan.”

Adeline looked at Dylan with a smile on her face.

“Why don’t you share my instructions with your beautiful girlfriend, Dylan?” she added.

“Mrs. Jameson told me that I needed to find a dominant girlfriend at college, that she needed to be someone that could help draw out my submissive side, that I wouldn’t be happy with anyone else and that I certainly wouldn’t be able to satisfy a woman that wasn’t naturally dominant,” Dylan explained.

“Now that you’ve been with Dylan, does that seem like an accurate assessment?” Mrs. Jameson asked.

Adeline took Dylan’s hand in hers and offered a smile before turning to Mrs. Jameson. “It does,” she said. “It seems especially accurate now that I’ve taken to cuckolding Dylan. I quite like that I get to have it all because I’m with him. I get to explore my dominant side with a wonderful submissive, and I get to fuck the kind of men that offer a little more than Dylan.”

Dylan wasn’t sure, but it seemed like Mrs. Jameson was proud, like she’d sent him off to college to become his version of a man and he’d come back having accomplished exactly what she’d hoped.

“To be honest, being with Dylan has opened me up in ways I never expected,” Adeline continued. “I could never quite find the satisfaction I was looking for in a relationship and it turns out that was because I wasn’t dating the right kinds of guys. I need a submissive man, and the longer I’ve been with Dylan the more I realize that.”

“And how does it feel to be cuckolded by a woman you love, Dylan?” Mrs. Jameson asked.

“It’s difficult and wonderful at the same time, if that makes any sense. There’s certainly a little bit of pain to it – when she cuckolded me over Thanksgiving break it was tough – but being in love with Adeline seems to make it more exciting, too. I don’t really know why, though,” he said.

“It’s not really important to know why, is it?” Mrs. Jameson replied. “All that really matters is that you’re enjoying yourself and that you two are connected in the most beautiful way imaginable. There’s nothing in the world quite like young love, especially between two people with, let’s say, kinky desires.”

“How long have you been with your husband?” Adeline asked.

“More than two decades now,” Mrs. Jameson replied. “We met in college, just like you two.”

“Perhaps we’ll be lucky enough to be together twenty years from now,” Adeline said.

Dylan hadn’t thought much about the future – the present was exciting enough – but he liked the idea of being with Adeline forever. He couldn’t help but imagine how much fun it would be to continue exploring their kinky desires together for years to come.

“Adeline,” Mrs. Jameson said, “Have you been fucked by an older man?”

Dylan’s eyes went wide at the forward nature of Mrs. Jameson’s question, but given the circumstances it wasn’t actually all that surprising.

“I was with a slightly older guy just a few days ago, but I’ve never been with someone that I would consider an older man,” Adeline answered.

“Is that something you think you’d enjoy?” Mrs. Jameson asked.

Dylan was certain Mrs. Jameson was talking about her husband. Who else would she have in mind?

“If I may, are you talking about your husband?” Adeline asked.

Mrs. Jameson smiled. “I am,” she said. “My husband would very much like to fuck you and I’d very much like to watch while I play with Dylan. If you’re willing, I think we could all have quite a lot of fun. I don’t know if you’ve had the pleasure of watching Dylan suck cock yet, but I think you might enjoy it.”

Adeline squeezed Dylan’s hand and he saw a delighted smile cross her face. “I think you’re right about that,” she said. “I’ve found myself thinking about that very thing more and more recently.”

“Really?” Dylan asked.

Adeline looked at him and smiled. “Absolutely. I know you’ve done it before. I know it’s not scary to you and I’m curious as to what it would look like and how it would make it feel to see your lips wrapped around a man’s cock.”

“I promise you’ll enjoy it,” Mrs. Jameson said. “Especially when you know that Dylan is sucking that cock for you. When you see him give my husband a blowjob to get him nice and hard for your pussy it will leave you dripping wet.”

“Would you do that for me?” Adeline asked as she looked at Dylan. “Would you suck cock for me? Would you give a blowjob just so you could watch someone else fuck me?”

Dylan was caught up in the web of lust the two women were spinning. He nodded vigorously. Of course he’d be willing to do that.

“Adeline, how would you feel about Dylan crawling over here and taking his place between my legs?” Mrs. Jameson asked.

She spread her legs and Dylan couldn’t help but stare between them. The soft material of her dress fell against her thighs, robbing him of the view he craved, but his eyes remained fixed on her crotch.

“I think I’d enjoy that very much,” Adeline said.

Mrs. Jameson pulled up her dress, revealing a pair of red lace panties. “Dylan, why don’t you get naked for me and then you can crawl over here and kiss my pussy.”

Dylan glanced at Adeline and she offered a quick nod. He stood and stripped as both women watched.

“A chastity device,” Mrs. Jameson said as Dylan pulled off his underwear. “How nice. Do you enjoy the control that gives you?”

“I do,” Adeline said. “The desperation that overtakes him when he’s been locked up for a handful of days is intoxicating.”

“How long has it been since his last release?” Mrs. Jameson asked.

“His last release wasn’t that long ago. Just a few days, in fact. Unfortunately, Dylan wasn’t permitted to cum. I was a tease that night. I believe it’s been a few weeks since he last had an orgasm,” Adeline answered.

Dylan unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off, leaving him naked as the two women talked about him like he was a toy. He found that quite thrilling, of course.

“On your knees now, Dylan,” Mrs. Jameson said. “Crawl to me. Take your place between my legs.”

Dylan fell to his knees and crawled towards Mrs. Jameson. It all felt so familiar. He’d spent so much of his summer on his knees for her. He’d worshiped her pussy relentlessly. He’d eaten her ass. He’s sucked her husband’s cock. He’d sucked another man’s cock too. He’d done whatever Mrs. Jameson had wanted because he found it more thrilling than he ever could have imagined.

“Kiss my thighs,” Mrs. Jameson demanded.

Dylan placed soft kisses on both of her thighs as his heart pounded. He wondered what he looked like to Adeline. Did she think he was pathetic on his hands and knees with his cock locked in a cage? Did she find it arousing to see him in such a vulnerable position?

“Mmmm, that’s a good boy,” Mrs. Jameson said. “I’ve missed having you between my legs. I’ve missed your willingness to serve. It’s hard to find a good boy like you, Dylan.”

Dylan’s cock ached in its cage. There was something about the way Mrs. Jameson spoke to him that he found powerfully arousing.

“Adeline, why don’t you come a little closer?” Mrs. Jameson said as Dylan continued to kiss her soft thighs.

Dylan heard his girlfriend’s boots on the floor as she walked across the living room. She sat on the couch next to Mrs. Jameson and he looked up to see a smile on her face.

“Take my panties off,” Mrs. Jameson instructed.

Dylan reached up and gently pulled off Mrs. Jameson’s red panties, exposing the beautiful pussy he’d spent so much time pleasuring.

“Eat her pussy,” Adeline said. “Worship it. Show her that you’re the good boy she thinks you are.”

Dylan pressed his face between Mrs. Jameson’s thighs and worshiped her pussy as instructed. She moved a hand to the back of his head and pulled him even closer as his tongue went to work.

“Dylan served my friends over New Years,” Adeline said. “While I was enjoying another man they enjoyed his tongue, and I understand they used him quite hard.”

Mrs. Jameson unleashed a long, low moan as Dylan worked her pussy. “He’s quite a bit better than when he left for college. You’ve trained him well, Adeline.”

For a few moments the sounds of pussy licking and Mrs. Jameson’s moans filled the room as Dylan sank into the same kind of submissive bliss that he craved more than anything in the world.

“He looks so good between a woman’s legs,” Adeline said. “It’s like that’s where he belongs.”

Mrs. Jameson laughed. “It is,” she said. “It’s always been where he belongs.”

“Does he look good with a cock in his mouth?” Adeline asked.

It was the eagerness in her voice that thrilled Dylan. It seemed that she hadn’t been lying when she expressed an interest in seeing him give a blowjob.

Mrs. Jameson grabbed a handful of Dylan’s hair and pulled him closer, smothering him with her pussy in the process. “He looks like a perfect little slut with a cock in his mouth. It’s like you can see his submissive side come to life when he gives a blowjob. I suspect it’s going to be even hotter knowing that he’s giving a blowjob so his girlfriend can get fucked by the cock he’s sucking on.”

Again they were talking about him like he wasn’t even there and again Dylan found it thrilling. It was humiliating, but he was genuinely thrilled at the idea of sucking Mr. Jameson’s cock before watching him fuck Adeline.

Mrs. Jameson pulled back on Dylan’s hair, depriving him of her pussy and directing his eyes to her beautiful face. “Do you want to be a cocksucker for your girlfriend, Dylan? Do you want to get on your knees and offer your submission to my husband?”

“Yes,” Dylan said. “I want to suck cock for Adeline.”

Adeline moaned at his response.

“Are you grateful that I’m going to let you do that?” Mrs. Jameson asked.

Dylan nodded.

“Does that mean you like being a cocksucker?” she asked.

Dylan closed his eyes for a moment as a rush of intense desire overtook him. His loins tingled and his cock strained against the cage Adeline had locked him in. “Yes,” he said.

“Look at your girlfriend and say it,” Mrs. Jameson demanded.

Dylan looked at Adeline and saw the wild lust in her eyes. It seemed that she was quite keen on hearing him utter those words.

“I like being a cocksucker,” Dylan said.

Adeline smiled and moved a hand between her legs, seemingly without thinking about it.

“Tell her you want to suck cock for her,” Mrs. Jameson demanded.

“I want to suck cock for you,” Dylan said.

Mrs. Jameson pulled Dylan between her legs once more and he put his tongue to work.

“I feel like I could learn so much from you,” Adeline said.

“That’s probably true,” Mrs. Jameson said before moaning. “But it’s also clear you’re doing quite well on your own. Most women don’t discover their dominant side until much later in life and you’ve already taken control of your boyfriend’s orgasms and cuckolded him. That’s quite an accomplishment.”

Dylan savored the taste of Mrs. Jameson’s pussy as he listened to his girlfriend talk to the woman that had introduced him to submission.

“Well, I’d love to get your email address either way. I feel like you’d be a wonderful resource as I continue to explore my dominant side with Dylan,” Adeline said.

Mrs. Jameson laughed joyfully. “It would be my pleasure, Adeline. I’d be happy to offer you any help you desire in using your submissive for your pleasure.”

“Is that your husband?” Adeline asked as Dylan heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway.

“That’s his car, yes,” Mrs. Jameson said. “He’s right on time, as always. You’re going to love him, I promise. He’s going to show you the joy of being fucked by a man with a great deal of experience and skill. Plus, he has a truly beautiful cock.”

Dylan felt like the two halves of his submissive side were about to collide. The kinkier half guided by Mrs. Jameson was about to meet the more passionate half guided by Adeline. He wasn’t sure how the evening would play out, but Dylan was quite certain he’d enjoy every second of it.



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