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Bethany was curled up on the couch with a smile on her face. They were supposed to be watching a movie together, but she couldn’t put her phone away. Austin knew what that meant. She was texting with Buck.

“I thought this was my weekend,” Austin said when Bethany finally put her phone on the coffee table.

“It is your weekend,” she replied. “But Buck is my boyfriend and he deserves a little bit of my attention, even when he’s away.”

Buck was out of town and that was supposed to mean that Austin was going to get some time alone with his wife. He hadn’t counted on her spending so much time on her phone and he couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. As unlikely as it seemed, some part of him had hoped that he’d convince Bethany that she didn’t need a boyfriend anymore.

“I let you out of your cage, didn’t I?” Bethany asked.

“You did,” Austin replied. He’d been out of his cage for two hours, though Bethany had yet to venture anywhere near his cock.

Bethany’s phone buzzed again and she picked it up. Austin felt his frustration grow as his wife smiled and tapped out a message to her boyfriend.

“Bethany, please,” he said. “This isn’t fair.”

Bethany ignored him until she’d sent her message. She placed her phone on the coffee table, looked at Austin, and smiled. “There you go with that word again. I’m not sure why you keep insisting that things be fair. What does that even mean?”

“You said this was my weekend,” Austin said. “It’s only fair that you stop texting with Buck so we can spend some real time together. That’s what it means.”

Bethany moved a little closer and reached out to take Austin’s hand in hers. Their fingers entwined and she smiled. “I had a very naughty dream last night. I dreamed about being with Buck, about being on his trip. I dreamed about spending the weekend in a hotel room where we would spend every minute he wasn’t busy fucking. I dreamed about spending a weekend with Buck’s cock buried in my pussy. Now let me ask you, does it seem fair that I’m home with you instead of away with Buck? Does it seem fair that I don’t get to fuck my boyfriend until he gets home on Tuesday?”

“I thought you wanted to spend the weekend with me?” Austin asked.

Bethany rubbed his hand and offered a patronizing smile. “Sweetie, do you really think I’d choose you over Buck if I had the option? The only reason I’m not with him is it was too late to book a flight that wasn’t astronomically expensive and his company frowns on people taking their girlfriends on business trips. If that wasn’t true I’d be on my back in Buck’s hotel room and his cock would be buried inside me right now. He’d be fucking your wife and you’d be sitting here with your little dick locked up in its cage. I’d be cumming on his cock and begging him to cum inside me. I’d be seconds away from an incredible, body-shaking orgasm. Instead, I’m here with you. Does that seem fair?”

“I can make you cum,” Austin said.

Bethany studied his face for a moment and said, “I was just texting Buck about my little fantasy. I was telling him how much I missed him and how badly my pussy missed his cock. I can’t believe how badly I miss him, in fact. It’s like my body is going into withdrawal without him, but since he’s not here I’d be willing to give you a chance. Do you really think you could make me feel good?”

Austin was already hard. He wasn’t sure if it was Bethany talking about her boyfriend – despite the anguish he’d experience since Buck entered their lives, Austin still found cuckolding thrilling – or if it was the idea of actually having sex with his wife that turned him on and he didn’t care.

“Yes, Bethany, I swear, I can make you feel good. I can. I can make you cum. I can give you what you need,” Austin insisted.

Bethany smiled and straddled Austin. She leaned down and they shared an astonishingly pleasurable, passionate kiss as she moved her hips over his crotch. Bethany applied just enough pressure to thrill him and Austin moaned into his wife’s mouth as they dry humped on the couch.

“How long has it been since I let you inside me?” Bethany asked.

“It’s been months,” Austin answered. “I can’t remember.” It was true. His wife had denied him access to her pussy for so long that Austin could no longer pinpoint the last time they’d had sex.

“You must be desperate,” she said with a smile.

Austin recognized that smile. He knew Bethany took more than a little bit of delight in denying him.

“I am,” he replied.

Bethany pulled her shirt off and reached back to unhook her bra. Her hips continued to move over his crotch, only now she was moving faster. It seemed like she was getting worked up, like dry humping Austin was producing the kind of friction necessary to turn her on. It was certainly working for him. Austin felt precum dripping from the tip of his cock and collecting in his underwear. He felt a wonderful kind of pleasure building between his legs, too.

Bethany leaned forward and Austin took one of her nipples into his mouth. He flicked his tongue over the erect flesh and she moaned as her fingers moved through his hair and to the back of his neck.

“That’s so good, baby,” she said. “Fuck, that feels so good. Maybe you’re right. Maybe you can make me cum like I need. Maybe you can make me feel good like Buck does. Maybe you can be the man I need you to be.”

Austin sucked on his wife’s nipple and grabbed her ass as she ground her crotch into his. He moaned with his lips around her flesh and she dropped her hips a little lower and moved faster.

“Do you want to fuck me, Austin? Do you want to feel my wet pussy around your cock? Do you want to sit on your dick until you explode inside me?” Bethany asked.

Austin released her nipple and looked up at his wife. Pleasure rushed through his body as she continued to move her hips with such swiftness. “Yes…please…let me fuck you,” he said. “Let me make you feel good. Bethany…please.”

Bethany leaned down and kissed him. Their tongues met for a sensual dance and Austin grabbed her ass and squeezed it. Bethany moaned into his mouth and Austin felt himself losing control. He felt his orgasm approaching. He panicked, but it was too late. He couldn’t stop it. It felt like his brain was screaming at him to stop so he could actually fuck Bethany, but it was too late.

Austin groaned and came in his pants. He closed his eyes, leaned against the couch, and unleashed his seed in a thoroughly embarrassing fashion. It felt spectacularly good, though. He’d been in chastity for three weeks before Bethany had released him before their movie began and clearly his body couldn’t wait to actually be inside her before he climaxed.

“What happened?” Bethany asked.

Austin opened his eyes and saw the smile on his wife’s face. She knew what happened.

“Did you cum?” she asked.

Austin couldn’t answer. He couldn’t even hold his wife’s gaze. It was too embarrassing.

“Did you cum in your pants, honey?” she asked with obvious amusement in her voice.

Austin wished the couch would open up and swallow him. Yes, he’d been locked up for a long time, but it was still humiliating to cum in his pants.

“You did, didn’t you?” she asked. Bethany reached down and felt between his legs. “That’s okay. It happens…well, not to most guys, but it certainly happens to some guys. Guys like you, I guess.”

“It was…the chastity, it was too long,” Austin said.

“It wasn’t the chastity, sweetie,” Bethany replied. “Lots of men can go three weeks without an orgasm and not cum in their pants. This is just who you are. You get too excited, and I think you might be a little too selfish. I mean, if you hadn’t been thinking so much about yourself and your orgasm you might have found a way to hold off. At least you could have tried to fuck me. Instead, you burst in your pants and I didn’t even get my clothes off.”

“I’m…I’m sorry,” Austin said.

Bethany caressed his face and leaned closer to give him a soft kiss. “I know you are. Do you want to make it up to me?”

Austin nodded.

“Good. I’m going to FaceTime with Buck and he and I are going to have phone sex. While we do I want you to go down on me, okay?”

It felt like a fitting end to Austin’s misadventure. Just a few minutes ago he was certain he would fuck his wife, make her cum, and show her that she didn’t need Buck. He’d failed so spectacularly in that endeavor that now Bethany was going to have phone sex with her boyfriend while Austin was demoted to using his tongue. He was, in effect, going to be her sex toy. “Of course,” he replied.

Bethany climbed off his lap, grabbed her phone from the coffee table, and called Buck as she sit and spread her legs.

“Hey,” Buck said.

Austin moved to his knees between his wife’s legs and reached up to pull her panties off.

“Hey there,” Bethany said. “It’s good to see you.”

“It’s good to see you too,” Buck replied. “I wasn’t expecting a call. I thought it was you and Austin tonight.”

Austin looked up and Bethany glanced at him. “It was,” she said. “But Austin…well, he had a little accident. We were fooling around – I was going to give him what he’s been craving for so long – and he came in his pants before we even got naked.”

Buck laughed and Austin was grateful the phone wasn’t facing him. It would have been too humiliating to see the joy on Buck’s face at knowing that Austin had failed as a man.

“I’m sorry to hear that,” Buck said. “I’m doubly sorry I’m not there. You know I wouldn’t let you down like that.”

Bethany smiled. “I do know that. That’s why I called. I was hoping you’d be willing to help me out.”

“I’ll do anything I can,” Buck said.

“Then why don’t you get in bed and take your cock out for me,” Bethany replied.

She pointed to her pussy and Austin took the hint and moved between her legs to put his tongue to work. He heard Buck climb into his hotel bed and he imagined the other man pulling out his cock and stroking himself.

“I miss that cock,” Bethany said. “I wish you were here.”

Every word was painful for Austin. If he hadn’t just cum he might have found it arousing, but absent the desire that he’d expelled along with his cum it was just humiliating.

“What would you do if I was there?” Buck asked.

“Mmmm, you know I like to have you in my mouth,” Bethany replied as Austin dutifully licked her pussy. “So if you were here I’d sit you on the couch and get on my knees between your legs. I’d suck your cock like a good girlfriend is supposed to. I’d make sure you were absolutely mad with desire for me by the time I was done.”

“That sounds good,” Buck said before moaning. “I do love the things you do with your mouth.”

“I only do them for you,” Bethany said.

Austin looked up to see his wife glance at him.

“Only for me?” Buck asked.

“There’s only one man in my life that deserves that kind of pleasure,” Bethany replied. “You’re the only one that fucks me like I need to be fucked so you’re the only one that deserves to have his cock worshiped. Austin can’t even get inside me before he cums. You’d never disappoint me like that, would you baby?”

“Have I ever let you down before?” Buck said.

Bethany moaned. “No, you never have.”

“If I was there, would I get to eat your pussy?” Buck asked.

“No. That’s a job for a cuckold,” Bethany said.

She turned the phone around to show Buck that Austin was doing his duty. He tried to bury his face in her pussy but he couldn’t avoid having to look at the man his wife now called her boyfriend.

“Look at that,” Buck said. “It looks like he’s doing a good job.”

Bethany turned the phone around again and smiled at her boyfriend. “He’s doing a very good job, but his tongue just can’t compare to your cock. Show it to me again. Let me see that beautiful dick of yours.”

Austin looked up to see a smile cross his wife’s face. She was looking at her boyfriend’s cock. She must have been. He was eating her pussy while she was staring at another man’s cock and fantasizing about it.

“How would you want my cock if I was there?” Buck asked.

“I’d want to ride you,” Bethany replied. “Just like I was going to ride Austin, only you wouldn’t cum in your pants. You’d slide into my pussy and fuck me until I had the orgasm I needed. You’d make sure I was satisfied before you took your pleasure because that’s the kind of man you are.”

Austin heard the sound of cock stroking. Buck was masturbating. He was thinking about fucking Bethany and jerking off.

“Stroke your cock for me,” Bethany said. “Stroke that beautiful cock while you think about my pussy. Think about my pussy milking you. Think about my tight, wet pussy swallowing your cock and riding you until you explode.”

“Do you want me to cum inside you?” Buck asked. “Do you want me to flood your pussy with my cum?”

“Yes,” Bethany replied.

They were both getting close. Austin felt his wife’s thighs trembling around his head and her hand moved into his hair and she took a possessive grip and began to gently move her hips, rubbing her clit over his lips and tongue.

“Say it,” Buck said.

“Cum inside me,” Bethany replied. “Cum in my pussy. Cum in my tight married pussy!”

Buck grunted and Austin imagined his cock sending a load high into the air as Bethany watched. She tightened her grip on his hair and her thighs closed around his head before she unleashed a beautiful orgasmic scream.

“What an unexpected delight,” Buck said. “Thank you for calling.”

“Thank you for making me cum,” Bethany replied.

Austin suspected that was partly directed at him. Bethany was hammering home the magnitude of his failure.

“Can I call you a little later?” she asked.

“Of course. I’m here whenever you need me,” Buck said.

“Okay. I’ll talk to you then. I love you,” Bethany said.

“I love you too,” Buck replied.

Austin sat back. He knew Bethany felt that was about Buck, but hearing her say it felt exceptionally painful.

Bethany put her phone down and smiled at Austin. “We need to get you cleaned up and put back in chastity,” she said. “But before we do that, I need one more thing from you.”

Austin couldn’t find the words to reply. Bethany leaned forward and reached out to caress his face. Her touch was impossibly gentle and soothing.

“I don’t want you to complain about your place in our marriage anymore. I don’t want you to complain about chastity or a lack of sex or orgasms. I don’t want you to complain about the time I spend with Buck. I know that you understand why our marriage has changed and I want you to accept that. I want you to accept your place. Will you do that for me?” Bethany said.

Austin still felt a little of the resistance that had been with him since the first time Bethany suggested that she wanted Buck to be more than someone she slept with. It had waned over time, though, largely because Bethany had proven time and again that Austin wasn’t the man he thought he was.

“Yes, I’ll do that for you,” he said. There was no point in fighting it. Not anymore. Not after surrendering to long term chastity. Not after wearing panties with some regularity. Not after cumming in his pants with just a little bit of dry humping.

Bethany leaned closer and offered a soft kiss on the lips. “Good,” she said. “Now let’s get you cleaned up and back in your cage. I bought you a new pair of panties, too. Don’t you think it’s fitting that you wear them tonight?”

“Yes,” Austin answered.

“I think so too,” Bethany added. “I want you to wear just the panties to bed, too. I want to be able to feel them when I cuddle with you. I think that would be nice. I think it’s a nice reminder of your place for both of us.”

She walked him into the bathroom and unbuttoned Austin’s pants and pushed them to the floor with his underwear. He stepped out of his clothes and Bethany picked them up.

“Now you get cleaned up while I throw these in the washer. I’ll be back with the panties and your chastity cage,” she said.

Austin turned to the mirror and turned on the faucet. He felt the last of the fight drain out of him. He was the man his wife said he was. It was time to accept it. His marriage would never be the same. It was time to accept that too. Buck was the better man so he got Bethany and Austin got whatever small treats she was willing to offer him.

It wasn’t the outcome Austin had envisioned when Bethany had first slept with Buck. He thought it would be a fun diversion that would spice up their sex life. Instead, it had changed both their lives in ways that seemed impossible to reverse.

Austin resolved not to be depressed about it. Instead, he was going to do everything he could to be the best version of himself. At least that way he’d get to reap the occasional reward. He’d get a handjob here and there. He’d get to watch Buck and Bethany have sex. Perhaps he’d get to have sex with his wife from time to time. He knew what she wanted him to be, so that’s what he was going to be. He’d be supportive. He’d stop complaining. He’d be the husband Bethany needed him to be.

The End.



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