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The Adventures of Mistress Becca is intended to be an ongoing series of one-off stories where I explore dominant fantasies. They'll all be first person stories where you, my sweet submissive boy, are included. You'll do as you're told and you'll make me so happy in doing so. I intend to publish one adventure a week, so get ready for some fun :)

“What’ll you have?” the bartender asked as I took a seat.

“An old fashioned, please. Let’s go with something high-end, too. I won’t be paying for my drink tonight,” I said.

The bartender smiled and went about making the drink as he said, “You sound awfully confident that someone else is going to pay for this drink.”

I smiled at him. “I am. I’m meeting someone and I’m absolutely certain he’s going to pay for my drink. I’m quite certain I could get him to do a whole lot more than pay for my drink, too.”

The bartender’s eyebrows raised as his lips curled into a smile. He was intrigued. “Really? What kind of stuff are we talking about?”

A host of options crossed my mind, but I picked one that I thought the bartender would find utterly impossible.

“I’ll bet I can convince him to change into my panties in less than fifteen minutes,” I said.

The bartender placed my drink on a napkin in front of me and put his hands on the bar as he offered a skeptical look.

“You’re saying that your date is going to willingly put on your panties and wear them for the rest of the night?” he asked.

I sipped the drink and smiled. “That’s exactly what I’m saying. I’m confident he’ll be willing to do a whole lot more than that, but I figured I’d start with something easy.” I put the drink down and savored the taste. “Excellent job on the drink, by the way.”

He still wore the skeptical look. “You don’t believe me, do you?” I asked.

“I do not,” he said. “I can’t imagine any man being willing to do something like that. You’re beautiful, but why would a guy be willing to wear your panties?”

“Why don’t we make it interesting, then?” I suggested.

The bartender stood up and crossed his arms as he smiled. “What did you have in mind?”

“If I win, you make me an old fashioned with the most expensive bourbon you have back there and then I take the rest of the bottle home with me,” I said.

“And what if I win?” he asked.

“I give you a blowjob,” I answered.

For just a few moments he was speechless. I’d caught him off guard with my offer. I couldn’t help but smile.

The bartender recovered his wits and stepped forward to offer his hand. “You have a deal,” he said as we shook.

“I’m Becca, by the way,” I said.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Becca. I’m Mason,” he answered.

“Well, Mason, you better work the rest of the customers at the bar because you’re going to need lots of tips to pay for the bottle of bourbon you’re sending me home with,” I said before taking a long sip of the drink he’d carefully crafted.

Mason slapped the bar, smiled, and stepped away to serve the growing number of people seated at his bar.

Then you walked in. I recognized you from the picture you’d sent me. You scanned the bar and your eyes stopped on me.

I was wearing the low cut red dress I’d shown you a picture of. I’d paired it with red high heels and my dark hair looked impossibly soft and shiny as it cascaded over my shoulders and brushed the tops of my breasts. I smiled and beckoned you to join me at the bar.

I slid off the stool as you came closer and gave you a soft kiss on the cheek as my hand moved to your lower back.

“I’m glad you could make it,” I whispered as my lips brushed gently against your cheek. “Please, sit with me.”

I sat and you slid onto the comfy leather seat next to me. I made sure to shift my body to the right so our legs would touch. I wanted us to be connected.

I reached out and caressed your knee as I waved to the bartender. “Do you know what you want to drink?” I asked.

“What can I get for you?” the bartender asked as he looked at you.

“Uh, I’ll have what she’s having,” you said. “And I’ll pay for her drink if she hasn’t already done so.”

The bartender flashed me a knowing look and I was relatively certain he understood that chances were good that he’d already lost our bet. I was certainly right about you being willing to pay for my drink.

I let my hand drift a few inches up your thigh and leaned closer as I said, “That’s so sweet of you. I always appreciate a generous man.”

“It’s my pleasure, Becca,” you said.

I smiled at your obvious arousal. We’d done quite a bit of chatting online and I hadn’t been shy about getting you all worked up. You had no idea of my actual intentions for the evening, but you thought you were getting lucky and the way I was touching your leg certainly deepened your belief that you’d get to fuck me before the evening was over.

“Do you like my dress?” I asked.

“It’s beautiful,” you said as your eyes glanced at my cleavage. The dress did wonders for my breasts, pushing them together and making them look even perkier than they usually did. “You smell so good, too.”

“I put on perfume just for you,” I said, which was true. Men love a nicely scented woman, especially when she wears something that leans towards sexy and seductive instead of a typically feminine floral scent.

“Here’s you drink,” the bartender said as he set another old fashioned in front of you. “Should I start a tab?”

“Yes, that would be lovely,” I replied.

The bartender nodded at me and walked away. I imagined he was thinking about the exceptionally expensive drink he’d be making me before long.

“I had so much fun chatting with you on Reddit,” I said, referencing that we’d met during a /r/dirtypenpals exchange that included some exceptionally lurid descriptions.

You turned to me with a giddy smile on your face and I moved my hand just a little closer to your crotch as my fingers moved in small circles.

“I did too,” you said. “You really have a way with words.”

I sipped my drink and leaned closer before saying, “I’m not just good with words. I have an impressive variety of skills, some of which are best-appreciated in person.”

A little wave of uncontrolled desire passed over your face. You were probably imagining some of the sex acts I’d described in our exchange on Reddit. Maybe you were thinking about my talented mouth wrapped around your cock. Maybe you were thinking about bending me over the sink in the bathroom and fucking me from behind.

I moved my hand a little closer to your crotch and continued to move my fingers in small circles. “Are you thinking about me doing something naughty?” I whispered as I leaned closer.

You seemed a little nervous, but you nodded.

I leaned close enough to gently nibble your earlobe before whispering, “Are you thinking about me wrapping my lips around your cock and pleasuring you until you spill your cum in my mouth?”

“Oh God,” you said.

I moved my hand to your crotch and found your erection. I stroked it under the bar and sucked on your earlobe before kissing your neck. I did it all without any concern for the people that were unquestionably watching.

“Is that what you want?” I asked. “Do you want me to suck your cock?”

“Yes,” you whispered in response.

“Will you do something for me first?” I asked.

“Anything,” you said.

I released your cock and took another sip of my drink. “Gain control of your erection and then meet me at the bathroom,” I said.

I put my drink down and walked towards the bathrooms, but not before taking a moment to look back at the bartender and wink. I was about to win the bet.

I slipped into the ladies bathroom and quickly pulled off my panties. When I stepped out into the hallway I saw you approaching with a small, barely-noticeable bulge in your pants.

I held up my panties and said, “I want you to go into the men’s bathroom, go into a stall, and put these on. Come back out and give me your underwear.”

You looked at the black lace bikini cut panties in my hand and slowly reached up to take them.

“Do I have to?” you asked.

I reached out and grasped your cock through your pants. “If you want me to do anything with your cock tonight you’ll have to put my panties on,” I said. “So you either go into the bathroom and put them on or our date ends.”

Spurred on by your obvious arousal, you said, “Okay,” and moved towards the men’s bathroom.

“I’ll be at the bar,” I said. “Make sure you bring your underwear and be prepared to show me that you’re actually wearing my panties.”

You disappeared into the men’s bathroom and I went back to the bar with a victorious smile on my face.

“I suppose I should get started on another old fashioned for you?” the bartender asked.

“You should,” I said. “My date will be back soon and he’s going to be wearing my panties.”

The bartender pulled the most expensive bourbon he had off the shelf and made another drink with a big smile on his face.

“I underestimated you, Becca,” he said. “You worked him over with ease.”

I smiled, finished the last of my first drink, and said, “I’m just getting started.”

You returned just as the bartender placed my second, much more expensive drink in front of me. You sat on the stool and handed me the boxer shorts you’d worn into the bar.

“Show me,” I said.

You turned away from me, leaned forward, and pulled down your jeans. The bartender leaned over and saw the black lace panties I’d worn clinging to your ass. You’d done exactly as you were told.

“Good boy,” I said.

You turned towards me and I picked up my drink and offered a toast.

“To men that know how to do as they’re told,” I said.

Our glasses clinked and we both sipped our drinks as I leaned closer and let my hand return to your leg.

“I’m wet,” I whispered. “The fact that you put on my panties like I asked made me wet. Knowing that your cock is encased in the lace that rested against my pussy makes me so fucking wet.”

You reached over and touched my knee.

“No, no,” I said. “Only I get to touch. You don’t get to touch until I give you permission. Do you understand?”

You moved your hand from my knee and nodded. “I’m sorry,” you said.

“It’s okay,” I replied as I leaned a little closer.

I tilted my head and you took the hint and moved your lips towards mine. We shared a long, slow, sensual kiss. You took my tongue into your mouth and offered yours for a sensual dance.

“Do you like doing as you’re told?” I asked after the kiss.

You nodded and I moved my hand between your legs to play with your cock.

“Does it feel good to be in my panties?” I asked.

“Yes,” you said as I gently played with you under the bar.

“Do you want me to make you cum before the night is over?” I asked.

“Yes, please, Becca. Please,” you answered.

I kissed you again. It was probably too much of a kiss for a bar, but it was relatively dark and I no longer cared. I wasn’t lying about being wet. I was soaked, in fact. Desire coursed through my body as we kissed.

“You’ll have to work for it,” I said.

“I’ll do anything,” you answered.

I smiled. That was the answer I was looking for. That was the sign that I could push you far past what you thought your limits were.

“Well,” I began as my hand moved up and down your thigh, “I made a bet with the bartender that I could get you to put my panties on. Obviously, I won. The thing is, I got him all excited too because he figured there was no way he was going to lose that bet.”

“What did you bet him?” you asked.

“I told him I’d give him a blowjob if he won the bet,” I said.

I played with your cock as I took a sip of my drink, which was far better than the first, no doubt owing to the higher quality bourbon.

“But you won the bet,” you said. “So you don’t have to give him a blowjob.”

“I know,” I said. “But I feel bad. I got him excited. I’m sure he was thinking about me taking him in the back and getting on my knees to suck him off. I’m sure he was thinking he’d get to cum tonight.”

I grasped your cock through your pants and panties. You were rock hard.

“I’m sure you’re thinking the same thing,” I said. “Are you?”

“Yes, Becca. I am,” you answered.

I raised my hand to beckon the bartender over. He smiled and said, “Another round for you two?”

“No,” I replied. “I have a bit of good news for you.”

“Oh really?” the bartender said.

“Yes. My date here has agreed to give you a blowjob,” I said.

You posture straightened and you put your hands on the bar as panic washed across your face. I played with your cock and watched as you tried to fight off the arousal.

“I told him about our bet and that I felt bad about getting you excited about the notion of receiving a blowjob and he offered to help remedy that situation by sucking you off. Isn’t that nice of him?” I said.

You said nothing in response. Instead, you sat there and your eyes moved between me and the bartender. You were waiting to see his response. Was he the kind of man that would welcome a blowjob from a random guy?

“That’s very generous of him,” the bartender said as he looked at his watch. “I can take a break right now. Why don’t you come to the back with me and your man here can do as he offered.”

“Let’s go,” I said.

You looked a little dazed, but you followed as the bartender led us into the employees-only area behind the bar. He leaned against a gleaming steel counter and smiled at me.

“Take your pants off,” I said to you. “I want to see what you look like in my panties.”

You looked at me and then at the bartender and hesitated.

I stepped closer and said, “I can show you pleasure like you’ve only imagined. I can do all the things I described in our messages. I can make you cum harder than you’ve ever cum before and I can do it over and over again. You have to earn it, though, so take your pants off and show us what you look like in my panties.”

You did as you were told and moments later your pants were on the floor and both the bartender and I were staring at your cock in my black lace panties.

“Now get on your knees,” I said.

You hesitated again, but this time only for a moment before falling to your knees in front of the bartender.

“Take his pants off,” I said.

You reached up and unbutton the bartender’s pants. You pulled them down. I stepped closer to him and we shared a kiss as I played with his cock.

“He’s going to suck your cock now,” I said.

“I can’t wait,” the bartender replied.

“Take his cock out and get to work,” I demanded.

You looked up at me with a touch of fear in your eyes. I found it thrilling. I leaned against the counter and pulled up the bottom of my dress. I showed you my pussy. I showed you how wet I was.

“I’m turned on,” I said. “Your willingness to do as you’re told makes me wet. Your eagerness to please thrills me. If you really want to make me happy you’ll suck his cock like a good boy.”

You reached up and pulled down the bartender’s briefs, freeing his above-average cock. You wrapped your fingers around the base and leaned closer.

“Just do it like you’ve seen girls in porn videos do it. Wrap your pretty lips around the head of his cock and suck. Use plenty of tongue, too,” I said.

You did as you were told. The bartender groaned. I pulled his lips to mine and we shared another kiss as I reached between my legs and played with my pussy while you sucked dick.

“That’s so fucking good,” I said as I masturbated. “Suck that dick like a good boy. Make him cum in your mouth. Make him feel good.”

My pussy was soaked as you worked the bartender’s cock like a good boy. I could see that you were overcome with a certain kind of lust, too. I loved how eager you were to give head and how badly you wanted to make him feel good. I loved that you were being such a good cocksucker for me.

“How’s he doing?” I asked the bartender.

“He’s pretty fucking good,” he replied.

“You hear that?” I asked. “You’re a good cocksucker.”

You moaned around the cock in your mouth. You tried to take more of him. You stroked him. You played with his balls. You did everything you’d seen girls in videos do.

“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” the bartender said.

“Make sure you catch it all,” I said to you. “His cum is your reward for being a good cocksucker. Don’t waste it. Take it on your tongue and show it to me after he’s done unloading.”

The bartender gripped the edge of the steel counter and groaned. His cock pulsed and his seed spilled onto your tongue. He filled your mouth.

“Show it to me,” I said.

You opened your mouth and I saw the lake of cum on your tongue. I played with my pussy and a few moments later had an orgasm as you waited on your knees with your mouth open.

“Swallow,” I said afterwards.

You swallowed.

“Fuck, that was incredible,” I said as I fixed my dress and looked over at the bartender.

“It really was,” he said.

I looked down at you and smiled. “How does it feel to be a cocksucker?” I asked.

“Good,” you replied.

“Good,” I said. “I want you to go home and masturbate into my panties tonight. I want you to cum with them on. I want you to cum into them and then sleep in your mess. Do you understand?”

You looked confused and a little disappointed. “But what about me?” you asked.

“What about you?” I replied.

“Aren’t you going to give me a blowjob?” you asked.

“No,” I said. “I’m going to give you my panties. I’m going to give you instructions. I’m going to let you take a picture of your cummy panties and send it to me after you’ve climaxed. Then, maybe, if you continue to be a good boy I’ll actually make you cum at some point in the future. It won’t be happening today, though.”

I gave the bartender a kiss on the cheek and said, “It was lovely meeting you. I hope you enjoyed tonight as much as I did.”

“I did,” he said.

I smiled at you and walked out, leaving you on your knees with your dick still throbbing in my panties. I was absolutely certain I’d be getting a picture later. Of course you were going to cum in my panties like I told you to. You’d just sucked cock for me. Why wouldn’t you go even deeper?





harry balzac

Oh fuck yeah!!!! I loved the Taboo & teasing. The things women can get us guys to do. Y'all really do have all the power.