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Erica didn’t want to feel resentment towards her husband. She knew it was a good way to ensure that her marriage came to an end.

She couldn’t help it, though. She worked so hard to be the perfect wife, or to get as close as she could to perfection.

She made sure she looked beautiful every day. She styled her soft blonde hair into the loose curls Dylan loved so much. She made sure to wear makeup, but never too much because he didn’t like that heavy look. Most days she made an effort to dress in a way she knew her husband would like because he worked so hard and Erica loved the way he’d smile so brightly at her when she was wearing a pretty dress or the kind of sweater he loved.

Dylan was a wonderful provider and father. He was a wonderful husband in many respects, too. He never yelled. He never drank too much. He was always there for her.

He made enough money at work that she had the luxury of being a full-time mother. She was a housewife and homemaker and proud of it.

Despite all of that, and despite knowing that she was lucky to be with Dylan, Erica couldn’t quite stave off the inevitable sensations of resentment that cropped up.

For years, Erica had staved it off. She couldn’t do it any longer, though. She was being swallowed by a sense of deep dissatisfaction. She needed to experience a kind of sexual satisfaction that her husband didn’t seem capable of providing.

Erica knew her marriage would end if she didn’t do something about it. She needed to address her lack of satisfaction or there was little chance she and Dylan would remain married. She wasn’t willing to go through the rest of her life without experiencing genuine sexual satisfaction.

A particular uninspiring round of sex on a Saturday night was the last straw. Erica knew it was potentially unwise to bring up how unsatisfied she was with their sex life right after they’d made love, but it seemed like the best way to make an impact.

“My needs aren’t being met,” she said a few minutes after Dylan had rolled off of her. His cum was leaking into her panties, which she’d left on and pulled to the side while they had sex because he always seemed to find it so thrilling.

“What?” he asked.

“My needs, Dylan,” she said. “My sexual needs. They’re not being met. I’m not satisfied with our sex life.”

For a few seconds Dylan stared at her in stunned silence. Erica wasn’t willing to let him off the hook, though. She wasn’t going to let this issue drift away. It needed to be addressed.

“Didn’t we just have good sex?” he asked.

“You had good sex, honey. I had…average sex. Did you notice that I didn’t have an orgasm?” Erica asked.

“I did, yeah, but I just figured there was something else going on that prevented you from having an orgasm. Stress or something like that,” he said.

“Did you really think that, Dylan, or do you just not care if I have an orgasm?” Erica asked. She could feel some of the resentment seeping out but she was unable to control it.

Now she had his attention. “No, honey, I care. I really do.”

Erica believed him, but that didn’t stop her from feeling annoyed that he couldn’t really make her cum anymore.

“What can I do?” he asked.

Erica saw the genuine concern in her husband’s eyes. She saw his desire to help and it broke her heart a little because she knew he wasn’t capable. It had taken her years to come to that realization, but it was clear to her that Dylan wasn’t the kind of man that could genuinely satisfy her sexual desires and that he likely never had been. Erica simply hadn’t been experienced enough to know what she wanted out of sex when they got married.

Her heart pounded in her chest as Erica held Dylan’s hand and took a deep breath. She knew what she needed to say, but the idea of the words actually leaving her lips was terrifying. If it went wrong there was a good chance her marriage would change forever, if not end in a dizzyingly quick manner.

“I’d like your permission to sleep with other men,” she said.

Dylan pulled his hand away and scooted to the edge of the bed with a look of complete and utter shock on his face.

“What?” he asked.

“I’m sorry,” Erica said. “But it’s the only way. I know this is totally out of the blue for you, but it’s not for me. I’ve been unhappy for years. I figured something was wrong with me or maybe it was a hormonal thing, but it’s not. I need something more than you’re capable of giving me.”

“Are you saying that I can’t make you cum?” Dylan asked.

“Sometimes you can’t, sometimes you can. That’s not really the issue, though. I can cum on my own, Dylan. A little vibrator or even my fingers is enough. It’s not about cumming. It’s about having great sex. It’s about having mind-blowing, body-shaking sex that leaves me in a place of pure joy after I’ve had an orgasm.”

Dylan looked away for a moment and Erica felt terrible. She knew the conversation wasn’t going to be easy, but she also knew it had to happen. She needed to see if her marriage could be saved.

“And I can’t do that for you,” he said after a few seconds of silence.

“No, you can’t,” Erica answered. It felt harsh, but she’d decided to be entirely honest with him. Caressing his ego seemed pointless. He needed to hear that he was, unfortunately, inadequate at meeting her needs.

As the initial shock seemed to wear off, Dylan moved closer to his wife and reached out to take her hand in his.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

She smiled and said, “I still want to be married to you. I still want to have sex with you. I just want your permission to have sex with other men, too. I know that might seem kind of weird, but I need this.”

Dylan gripped her hand tighter, like he was holding onto it for dear life.

“Who would you be having sex with?” he asked.

Erica wondered how honest she should be. Should she make it obvious that she’d already picked someone out, or should she be vague about it so Dylan wouldn’t necessarily know that she’d been doing a little flirting at the gym and had selected someone she knew would be both willing to fuck her and would provide the kind of orgasm she craved.

Erica chose to be as honest as possible. “His name is Marco. We go to the same gym.”

Again a surprised look crossed Dylan’s face. Erica wondered if her level of dissatisfaction was finally starting to sink in.

“Have you already done something with him?” Dylan asked.

“No, honey. We’ve talked a handful of times and flirted a little, but we’ve never even touched. I know he wants me, though, and I know he’ll be willing to have sex with me if I explain my situation,” she said.

“How do you know?” Dylan asked.

“Because a woman knows when a man wants to have sex with her,” Erica answered. “Just like I knew you wanted to have sex with me when we met in college.”

Dylan smiled. “I wanted you from the moment we met,” he said.

“And you had me, many times. And the sex was good. It really was. Even if I’d known that eventually it wouldn’t be good enough for me I still would have married you, Dylan. You’re a wonderful husband and father. You’re the man I want in every way except for one, which is why I want to meet my sexual needs outside of our marriage while keeping you.”

“Can I think about it?” Dylan asked.

“Of course, honey,” Erica said. She leaned over and kissed Dylan’s cheek. “I’d like to know soon, though. This isn’t a problem I’m willing to let fester for much longer, okay?”

“Okay,” he said.

Erica kissed him again and let his hand go as she got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. “I’ve got to get cleaned up,” she said.

She closed the bathroom door and flipped the switch to turn on the overhead fan to make a little noise. She was going to get cleaned up, but she needed to masturbate first.

Erica put the toilet seat down and sat on the edge as she spread her legs and pulled her panties aside. She closed her eyes and let her fingers slip into her pussy to scoop up a little of Dylan’s cum to make her clit nice and slippery.

Marco popped into her head as she masturbated. She saw his charming smile, his olive-colored skin, and the muscles he worked so hard to sculpt on his near-daily visits to the gym.

The fantasy quickly shifted to her bedroom, with Marco in her husband’s place. Erica was on her back. She was naked. Marco was between her legs and his cock was inside her as they kissed. They made slow, sensual love at first as Erica’s lust built to a fever pitch.

She urged the fantasy version of Marco to fuck her harder. She urged him to fuck her married pussy and make her cum like she so desperately needed. Marco delivered as Erica moved her hands over his muscular back and down his arms. The chiseled, sexy Latin fantasy man between her legs pounded her until she had the kind of orgasm she’d been fantasizing about.

A slightly less pleasurable orgasm ripped through Erica’s body as she got herself off in the bathroom. She felt a twinge of guilt in the aftermath, but only a twinge. It had been years since Dylan had provided her with a satisfying orgasm. He didn’t have it in him anymore and Erica deserved something better.

“Hey,” Erica said as Dylan walked into the kitchen early the next morning. “How did you sleep?”

“Not that well,” he said.

She stepped closer and he opened his arms. Erica welcomed the warm hug. “Sorry about that,” she said. “I could have picked a better time to talk about it.”

“There’s no good time to talk about something like that,” he said. “But I did have a lot of time to think.”

Erica looked up at him and saw a surprising smile on Dylan’s face.

“I love you, Erica, and all I really want in life is for you to be happy, so I’m okay with you sleeping with other people as long as you’re being truthful when you say you want to stay with me,” he said.

Erica smiled and stood on her toes to kiss her husband.

“I am,” she said. “I really am. I promise. I love you, Dylan. I love you and I love our family and the life we’ve built and I want to be together forever. I just need this one thing to get better, and now it will.”

Dylan looked into her eyes for a few moments and then smiled before saying, “Okay. I believe you.”

Erica felt a little lighter on her feet as a sense of joy spread through her. She was surprised Dylan had decided so quickly and more than a little surprised that he was willing to let her have sex with other people.

“Go get ready for work while I make you breakfast,” she said.

Dylan smiled, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and Erica turned to the refrigerator to pull out the ingredients for an omelet.

Forty five minutes later her husband was off to work and Erica hopped in the shower. She didn’t normally get showered before going to the gym, but this was a special day. She was going to explain to Marco the arrangement she and her husband had come to and see if he was willing to be the other man in her marriage.

After a thorough cleaning in the shower Erica blow dried her hair, did a little bit of makeup – full makeup at the gym always looked ridiculous – and pulled her blonde hair into a ponytail. She gave her naked body a quick look in the mirror and concluded that even a genuinely hot guy like Marco would find it pleasing if he saw her naked.

Erica couldn’t help but smile as she imagined actually taking the next step with Marco. She’d fantasized about him so often and he’d already been responsible for countless self-provided orgasms on her part. She considered having another one before going, but ultimately decided it would be more fun to be buzzing with arousal when she saw Marco.

Knowing what she intended to accomplish at the gym, Erica picked the sexiest workout clothes she owned. The Lululemon sports bra was skimpy – and didn’t provide much support, but that didn’t matter – and her nipples poked through the material without much resistance. The workout pants she went with her more like a second skin, and their low waist meant there was plenty of flesh exposed.

Erica gave herself one last look in the mirror and smiled. She loved the way she looked – all that working out was going to pay off today – and she knew Marco would feel the same way.

The plan was simple: Erica would do her usual workout – which always include a little flirting with Marco – and then she’d make her proposition right before he usually disappeared into the locker room to get cleaned up. If he wasn’t interested at least she could leave without the rest of the workout being impossibly awkward.

Getting through her usual workout proved to be a little more difficult than she expected. Now that Dylan had given her the green light, all Erica could think about was having sex with Marco. Every time he smiled at her she thought of him smiling at her while they were in her bed with her legs spread and his cock about to enter her pussy. Every time he walked by Erica wanted to throw herself into his arms and kiss him with the built-up desire of years of sexual dissatisfaction.

The end result was that she’d reached a place of near desperation by the time the workout was over. She wasn’t sure she could form coherent sentences, let alone explain that she’d just been given permission to have sex outside her marriage.

Marco eased any nerves Erica had about him saying no when he opened their post-workout conversation by saying, “You look amazing today. Truly amazing. Are you doing something different?”

Erica wondered if she was projecting a sense of availability or desire that Marco was responding to, though it was probably just that she was wearing a skimpier outfit than usual.

“Well, it’s possible that you’re picking up on a change in my life,” Erica said as she moved a little closer to the sweaty, gorgeous Latin man she’d fantasized about for months.

Marco smiled. Erica hoped he’d picked up on the suggestiveness in her tone. “Oh yeah? What’s that?” he asked.

“I asked my husband if I could sleep with other men,” Erica said. Again she’d decided that directness was the best approach. “He said yes.”

Marco seemed caught off guard for a moment. He knew Erica was married and outside of a little light flirting she’d never done anything to make it obvious she was eager to have sex with him. This was different.

“Really?” he said after a few moments of silence. “He said yes?”

“He did, Marco,” Erica said as she took another step closer and looked up at him. She reached out and her fingers moved over his sweaty, muscular forearm. “I told him I already had someone picked out.”

Marco’s hand moved to the exposed, taut flesh of Erica’s stomach and to her waist. His delicate, skilled touch felt spectacularly good.

“Your touch is enough to thrill me, Erica,” he said. “It would be a dream come true if you wanted more.”

Erica was aware they were standing in a public place and that they’d already drawn a few stares, so she wasn’t willing to go further in the gym.

“I want more, Marco,” she said. “I want it all.”

Erica had to work against her innate desire to refrain from kissing Marco right there in the gym. Her body wanted it. If she’d closed her eyes and let go her lips would have found their way to his.

“I can’t wait, Marco,” Erica said. “I need you now if you’ll have me.”

“Let’s go to my car,” he said.

Erica felt her knees wobble as she considered the notion of having Marco inside her. She nodded at his suggestion and he picked up his bag and headed towards the door.

“Are you sure about this?” Marco asked after they pushed out into the daylight.

“I’ve been waiting years for a moment like this,” Erica said. “I’m absolutely certain I want you to fuck me in your car.”

She was past being coy about it and had moved on to fully embracing taking advantage of her husband’s willingness to share her. Much to her delight, there was a bulge in Marco’s shorts before he pulled open the car door and ushered her into the back seat.

Marco drove a Range Rover with tinted windows, providing a surprisingly roomy backseat and as much privacy as Erica felt like they needed.

She pulled her sports bra off and had her pants around her knees before he’d climbed in and shut the door. Marco stripped as quickly as possible and Erica straddled him the moment he was naked.

They kissed in the kind of feverish way she hadn’t experienced in years. Their hands moved over each other’s hard, sweaty bodies as Erica’s desire built to a wild place. She wasn’t sure if it was sweat or wetness dripping from her pussy, but she was soaked.

There was no need for foreplay. They’d both clearly been thinking about each other in a decidedly naughty way for the duration of their flirty relationship and they were ready to fuck.

Erica reached between their legs and grabbed Marco’s cock. He was long and thick and his exceptional size caused her to moan.

“Fuck, you’re so much bigger than my husband,” Erica said without thinking. She felt a little embarrassed, but Marco had a big smile on his face.

“Take me inside you,” he said. “Go slow if you need to.”

Erica rubbed the head of Marco’s cock along her swollen pussy lips and moaned. Even the tiniest bit of penetration was intensely pleasurable. Once he was lubed with her juices she took the head inside her and slowly sat down on it.

Erica groaned as Marco filled her. His hands moved over her ass and back and up to her breasts, where he gently played with her nipples, sending shockwaves of pleasure to her pussy.

“Marco…fuck, you feel so good inside me,” Erica said.

It wasn’t an apt description of what she felt, though, and her pleasure wasn’t just because Marco was big. It was because she was realizing a fantasy with him. It was because she was fucking someone other than her husband for the first time since they started dating. It was because she was having sweaty sex in a car and all she cared about was pursuing her pleasure. Nothing else in the world mattered in that moment. Someone might have been watching through the windshield, but Erica didn’t care. All she cared about was slowly, sensually riding the big cock that filled her pussy.

“It’s perfect,” Erica said. “It’s absolutely perfect.”

She kissed Marco and their tongues met as she began to ride him harder and faster. He grabbed her ass and gave it a good squeeze while helping her bounce up and down on him.

After years of mediocre sex, Erica was surprised to find her orgasm approaching just a few minutes after taking Marco inside her. She quickly ascended to a place of mindless bliss where it felt like everything else fell away and all that mattered was the big cock moving in and out of her and the strong pair of hands grasping her.

“Erica, I’m not going to last long. Your pussy is perfect,” Marco said.

Erica smiled and kissed him as she rode harder. “It’s okay,” she said. “Cum with me. Cum when I cum.”

“Inside you?” Marco asked.

“Yes. Cum inside me. I’m on the pill,” she answered.

They kissed and Erica rode him at a thrilling rhythm as her orgasm approached. She felt her fingers and toes go numb in the most beautiful way imaginable and experienced beautiful vibrations of pleasure emanating from her pelvis.

“God, Marco, I’m cumming!” Erica cried out.

Marco grabbed her ass and groaned as he kept pumping his cock up into her pussy. Then he stopped. Erica felt his cock throbbing and his hands squeezing her ass in time. She was cumming. Marco was cumming. She was cumming on another man’s cock in a car in the gym parking lot and that man was cumming inside her. It was perfect.

Afterwards, Erica sank down and took every inch of his cock inside her as she rested her head against his shoulder.

“That was incredible,” she said between deep breaths.

“I really hope we can do that again,” Marco replied.

“We will,” Erica said.

There was no question they would. She was just getting started.



