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“Wow, this place is huge,” Timothy said as he marveled at the sheer size of the Victoria’s Secret he and his wife had just stepped into.

“It’s the biggest Victoria’s Secret in the world,” Brianna said as she took her husband’s hand in hers. “That means there’s all kinds of naughty lingerie for me to try on.”

Brianna smiled and pulled Timothy closer for a soft kiss.

“Isn’t that exciting?” she asked.

Timothy was beyond excited. There were few things in the world he enjoyed more than watching his wife try on lingerie. She had an astoundingly sexy, fit body and she was the kind of woman that loved dressing up in skimpy, sexy things to show off.

“You know I love seeing your body in lingerie,” Timothy replied. He pulled Brianna close for another kiss and then whispered, “You know how badly I want to fuck you when I see you all dressed up in something skimpy and sexy.”

Brianna smiled and let out a delightful little laugh as she grasped Timothy’s ass and gave it a good squeeze.

“I do know that,” Brianna said. “So let’s see if we can find something that will make you absolutely wild with desire for me.”

Timothy was already wild with desire for his wife, but she knew that. This was all an elaborate, lusty form of foreplay. She’d spend the day teasing him with sexy, lacy things and then they’d go home and pay off all that flirty fun with a round of vigorous sex and two exceptionally pleasurable orgasms.

Timothy followed his wife as she made a beeline for a part of the store Victoria’s Secret had reserved for what they called the “provocative” lingerie. It was filled with the kind of lacy, strappy lingerie that had become so popular in the past few years.

Brianna pulled a sexy, semi-sheer light blue bra and panty set off one of the racks and held the pieces up against her body.

“That will look incredible on you.”

Timothy turned around to see who had taken the words out of his mouth.

“Sorry,” the tall blonde guy standing there said as he looked past Timothy to Brianna. “I couldn’t help myself. You really will look incredible in that.”

Timothy spun around to see if his wife was as weirded out by the stranger as he was. Brianna didn’t seem to be put off by it, though. In fact, she wore a strange kind of smile that made it seem like she was flattered.

“You really think so?” Brianna asked. “It seems like the kind of piece that might only look good on a model.”

Timothy stared in disbelief. It seemed like his wife was flirting with the guy.

“As far as I can tell you have the body of a model,” the stranger said.

Timothy’s eyes went wide. The other guy was openly flirting with Brianna in front of him. The fact that she giggled at his comment and actually twirled her fingers in her long blonde hair only made it worse. She was flirting back!

“What do you think, honey?” Brianna asked as she finally turned her gaze back to Timothy. “Would I look good in this?”

“You’d look amazing,” Timothy said. “Of course you’d look amazing.”

Brianna’s eyes drifted to the tall blonde stranger. She smiled at him. “Should I try it on?” she asked.

“You should,” the stranger replied before Timothy could say anything. “I’m Brad, by the way,” he added while extending his hand.

Brianna shook it and said, “I’m Brianna. This is my husband, Timothy.”

Brad offered Timothy his hand and nearly crushed his fingers, which seemed to be purposeful.

“Do you work here?” Timothy asked.

“No,” Brad replied. “I’m pretty sure they only hire women here.”

Timothy looked up into the taller man’s eyes and for a moment it seemed like they were having a standoff. Then Brad smiled, stepped back, and said, “I just thought your wife would look amazing in that lingerie she picked out and I decided to say something.”

He hadn’t offered an apology and Brianna didn’t seem the slightest bit offended, so Timothy decided he was going to let it go.

Then, Brad asked, “So, are you going to try it on?”

Timothy was ready to yell at the guy but Brianna beat him to the punch. “I am,” she said with a flirty smile on her face.

“I’d love to see how it looks on you,” Brad replied.

“I’d love to show it to you,” Brianna replied.

She walked towards the dressing room with the lingerie in her hand and Brad followed behind. Timothy stood between the racks of skimpy underwear and stared with his mouth agape. What was happening? Did his wife know Brad? Were they playing some sort of crazy game? Was it all part of a plan, or what she really flirting with a stranger and agreeing to model lingerie for him?

Eventually, Timothy followed behind them. He watched Brianna disappear down the hallway and into one of the dressing rooms and took a few moments to study Brad. He was at least six inches taller than Timothy and there was no question he was fitter and at least a little better looking. He seemed bigger, too. Just bigger in every way.

Timothy couldn’t help but feel a little jealous. Every woman that walked past them into the dressing area took a moment to glance at Brad and none of them gave Timothy a look. Even the sales girls, most of whom were quite beautiful, stared at Brad.

Then Brianna emerged from the dressing room. She looked astoundingly hot in the bra and panty set. Timothy didn’t feel the arousal he’d been hoping for, though. Instead, he felt jealous because Brianna looked at Brad when she stepped out of the dressing room. She looked right at the total stranger she’d been flirting with. She wanted to know what he thought and she didn’t seem to care what her husband thought.

“I was wrong,” Brad said. “You look so much better than incredible, Brianna. You look perfect. You look better than any Victoria’s Secret model. You should be in the catalog.”

Timothy thought he was laying it on a little thick, but it clearly worked for Brianna. She was beaming and she broke into a runway-style saunter with her hands on her hips as she approached them.

He knew he should have been watching his wife, but Timothy couldn’t help but watch Brad. He saw the other man’s eyes devouring his wife. He saw the obvious lust there and he just couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t believe Brianna was allowing it to happen. He couldn’t believe his wife wouldn’t tell this guy to fuck off so they could continue their day of flirty fun.

“Would you mind if I picked out something for you to try on?” Brad asked Brianna as she reached the end of the dressing room hallway.

Brianna flashed a giddy smile once more and said, “Not at all.”

Brad reached out and gently touched the exposed flesh just above Brianna’s right hip. Timothy watched his wife close her eyes for just a moment and smile as the other man touched her.

“I’ll be right back,” Brad said.

The moment he was out of earshot Timothy turned to his wife and said, “What are you doing? Why are you flirting with this guy?”

Brianna smiled and closed the short distance between them. She pressed her lingerie-clad body against his and gave Timothy a kiss on the cheek.

“It’s just a bit of harmless fun, honey. Plus, it’s kind of cute how jealous you’re getting,” she said.

“Are you sure it’s harmless?” he asked. “You seem like you’re really into it.”

Brianna kissed his cheek and her lips brushed delicately against his flesh as she moved to Timothy’s neck and kissed him once more. Her tongue danced over his skin for a few moments before she whispered, “I might be enjoying it just a little bit.”

Timothy couldn’t help but succumb to her erotic charms. His cock was stiff in his pants and he reached out to touch her lingerie-clad body. His desire to fuck Brianna overwhelmed everything else happening in his head.

“Think of it as if I was an actual lingerie model,” Brianna said as she stepped back. “Those women are married too and I’ll bet lots of guys masturbate to them, so it’s not the craziest thing in the world to model whatever little piece of lingerie Brad brings back.”

Timothy knew it wasn’t the soundest argument his wife had ever offered, but he couldn’t bring himself to vociferously disagree. He was still almost fully erect, after all, and it she hadn’t really done anything wrong.

Brad returned before Timothy could say anything. He held up an exceptionally sexy-looking piece of black lace lingerie and said, “This is the Strappy Teddy, and as you can see you’re going to look absolutely amazing in it.”

Timothy noticed right away that the back of the teddy was made entirely of black straps, including what was essentially a g-string that would leave the entirety of his wife’s ass exposed.

Brianna smiled as she took it out of the other man’s hands and said, “I can’t wait to try it on for you.”

She spun around and walked back towards the dressing room and Timothy was absolutely certain the exaggerated sway in her hips was on purpose. Brianna seemed to be enjoying the attention from Brad.

“Your wife is very beautiful, Timothy,” Brad said. “Do you make her feel beautiful?”

“I think so,” Timothy replied. He wasn’t entirely sure what the question meant.

Brad smiled and said, “If you think so then chances are good you don’t.”

“How do I make her feel beautiful?” Timothy asked.

“A woman wants to feel overwhelming desire from her man. She wants to feel like he can’t go another minute without having her. She wants to feel like his lust for her is so overpowering that he can’t think about anything other than being with her. He can’t work. He can’t eat. He can’t concentrate. He needs to be with her so badly that he’ll forgo everything else in life for the chance to make love to her,” Brad explained.

Timothy was about to respond when Brianna emerged from the dressing room. She wore a confident smile as she put her hands on her hips and struck a pose like she was modeling for the catalog. Brad was right. She looked amazing.

“Brianna, you look even better than I thought you would,” Brad said. “It looks like your body was made for that teddy. You’re indescribably sexy in it.”

Timothy was quite certain his wife blushed a little as she began to walk towards them. The sway was there in her hips and she beamed with confidence.

She stopped a few feet away and Brad said, “Why don’t you spin around for us.”

Brianna flashed her giddy smile again and spun around. Timothy’s eyes went to her ass – which was entirely exposed except for the quarter inch thick strip of black fabric running down her crack – and he was certain Brad was staring at the same thing.

Brad moved a step closer as he said, “I don’t know how your husband is still standing here. If I was him I wouldn’t be able to contain my desire for you. I’d have to have you.”

Brianna looked over her shoulder, but it wasn’t Timothy she gazed at. It was Brad.

“Does that mean this sexy little teddy turns you on, Brad?” she asked.

Brad answered by closing the distance between him and Brianna with one long step and grasping her waist. He pulled her close and his hands moved over the soft lace of the teddy before moving to her naked ass and grasping it.

“Yes, that’s what it means,” he whispered before leaning down and kissing her neck.

Timothy felt like his feet were made of concrete. For some reason, he couldn’t make himself move as another man groped and kissed his wife. He wondered why Brianna didn’t seem interested in stopping it either.

“You know, I could use some help getting out of this,” Brianna said as she pushed her ass back into Brad.

“I’d be happy to help you with that,” Brad said as his hands moved back to Brianna’s waist before drifting up her body to her breasts.

Brianna turned her head and looked at Timothy before saying, “Honey, why don’t you pick out something you want to see me model. In fact, pick out a handful of things. Feel free to take your time.”

Brianna took Brad’s hand and led him down the hallway and into the dressing room she’d emerged from. Timothy stood there and did nothing.

He heard his wife giggle. It was quickly followed by the faint sound of kissing. Timothy knew what was happening in the dressing room. Of course he did. He knew what was happening and he stood there completely paralyzed.

When he heard his wife’s quiet moan emerge from the dressing room Timothy was finally spurred to action. He spun around and headed back into the store to do exactly as Brianna had requested. He was going to pick out lingerie while she almost certainly had sex with another man in the dressing room.

Timothy browsed the section of the store reserved for the sexiest lingerie. Brianna had already tried on two pieces from that section and it seemed to provide a massive boost to her confidence, though Brad’s interest likely played a part in that as well.

After ten minutes Timothy headed back to the dressing rooms with a handful of items. He saw two girls emerge with smiles on their faces.

“They’re totally fucking,” one of the girls said as they walked by.

“I know,” the other replied. “It sounds like really good sex, though. I kind of wish I was the one getting railed.”

Timothy stopped for a moment as he felt a little lightheaded. He was almost certain that Brianna was going to fuck Brad when he walked away, but it felt different to have it acknowledged. His wife was having sex with another man. Brad’s cock was inside Brianna’s pussy. It was happening in the dressing room.

She wasn’t cheating on him. Timothy could have stopped her. He simply declined to do so. He let her take the other man to the dressing room knowing full well that they were going to have sex. He still wasn’t sure why he’d done it.

When Timothy reached the dressing rooms the sounds of sex were obvious. He couldn’t believe they hadn’t been thrown out. There was no question someone was getting fucked in Brianna’s dressing room. There was no question she had Brad’s cock inside her.

Timothy didn’t move. He stood at the end of the hallway and he listened. He held lingerie in his hands for his wife to try on and did nothing as she fucked someone else.

Worst of all, he had an erection. His cock was hard. It was hard enough that he had to hold the lingerie in front of him to hide the fact that he was so stiff.

The moans stopped a few minutes later. Brianna had moaned in the way she does before she cums. Brad had given her an orgasm in a Victoria’s Secret dressing room. Timothy assumed the other man had cum as well. He assumed they’d had sex, they’d had orgasms, and they would soon step out of the dressing room.

It took a few more minutes before they stepped out, but eventually Brianna and Brad emerged fully dressed and walking arm-in-arm. She held the two pieces of lingerie she’d modeled in her hand as they approached Timothy.

Before saying anything to her husband, Brianna turned to Brad and said, “That was incredible.” She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him. What seemed like it was going to be a simple, friendly peck on the lips turned into something far more passionate that included a surprising amount of tongue as Timothy watched from just a few feet away.

“Text or call anytime you’re in the mood for a little more of what we just did,” Brad said as he reached down and gave Brianna’s ass a good squeeze.

“I will,” Brianna replied before they shared another kiss. “You can count on it.”

Brad walked away and for a few moments Brianna watched him go before turning to Timothy.

“I don’t need to try anything else on,” she said. “I found the lingerie I’m looking for.” She gestured to the pieces he held and added, “You can just leave all that here.”

Timothy dropped the lingerie on the counter and followed his wife to the register. He wanted to say something, but he couldn’t quite find the words.

“Don’t worry,” Brianna said as she turned to look at him. “I’m still going to fuck you when we get home. You’ll just have to deal with someone else’s cum being inside me.”

Again Timothy felt lightheaded. Again he felt arousal coursing through him. He watched his wife smile. His desire was almost certainly obvious.

“We both know you would have stopped me if you were actually upset, so let’s just have fun with this, okay?” she said.

Timothy nodded and the girl at the register called them over. Brianna paid for the lingerie that she’d likely been fucked in and the girl wrapped it in tissue paper, slipped it into a bag, and handed it over.

“Have a good day,” she said.

Brianna offered her hand and Timothy took it. The day had gone differently than he’d expected, but ultimately they were heading home to have sex and Timothy was well aware that despite the strangeness of it, he badly wanted to fuck his wife after Brad had filled her.

“I can’t wait to fuck you,” he said as they stepped out of the store. “I really can’t. This was all so hot and I’ve been turned on for an hour. I can’t wait to fuck you.”

Brianna smiled and pulled him close for the kind of kiss she’d enjoyed with Brad. The faint taste of another man lingered on her lips. It made Timothy want more.

“Let’s hurry home, then, because I can’t wait to feel you explode inside me,” Brianna said.

She hailed a cab and they hopped in. Timothy adjusted his pants to hide his obvious erection and spent the ride home dreaming about how good his wife’s pussy was going to feel when he sank inside her. He couldn’t wait.



