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"So...are you going to make me wait all afternoon?"

Callie looked up from her salad and saw an expectant look on Rachel's face. "What are you talking about?"

"The guy at the restaurant. The sex. Rick. How did it go when you got home? You haven't given me the details yet."

Callie laughed. Of course that's what her friend had been asking about. Rachel had gotten the ball rolling on the evolution in her sex life with Rick so of course she wanted to hear about it.

"Sorry. Yes, it went better than I thought it would. Rick is absolutely, positively into it."

"Into being cucked?"

Callie nodded. "Yes. When his fantasy crashed into reality he got off on it in a big way. Actually, he's gotten off on it more than once."

Rachel stabbed a small pile of lettuce with her fork as her eyebrows shot up. "More than once? Does that mean you've seen young Cole more than once, or is this an afterglow kind of thing where you and that kinky hubby of yours keep on fooling around?"

"Both," Callie answered before taking a big bite of her salad. The tangy dressing lit up her taste buds as she crunched down on a crouton, but it wasn't really the salad that occupied her mind in that moment. Instead, Callie was thinking of the blowjob she'd given the day before. The blowjob she'd given Cole. Halfway through the day she'd been struck by a sudden an intense urge to have the younger man's cock in her mouth again and less than thirty minutes later she'd made it happen.

"I blew him yesterday," she said. "Cole, that is."

Again Rachel's eyes went wide. She leaned in, smiled, and quietly said, "You slut," in the most appreciative manner possible.

Callie couldn't help but match her friend's smile. "I know. I felt slutty...but in the best way possible. I was kind of surprised at how much it turned me on to indulge in a somewhat slutty desire to suck the cock of a man I barely knew. I got really wet doing it. Hell, I got really wet just thinking about doing it."

"Did he return the favor?"

Callie shook her head. "He asked and he absolutely would have, but I let Rick return the favor for him. I went right home, kissed him, and then put him on his knees and put him to work."

Rachel leaned back and Callie saw what seemed like an appreciative look wash over her friend's face. "Well, look at you. You're just getting right into this thing, aren't you? A week and a half ago you were a faithful wife and now you've turned into your husband's dream woman...and I suppose you're probably the dream woman for the young waiter, too."

Callie thought of the look on Cole's face as he came in her mouth. She thought of the all the praise he'd heaped on her afterwards, too, proclaiming that she'd given him the best blowjob he'd ever had. There was something quite nice about hearing that from such an attractive young man, something that boosted her confidence far more than she'd expected.

"He was quite happy after I'd made him cum in my mouth," she said softly. "Full of praise."

"I'm sure he was. A married woman has given him two orgasms in the span of ten days and he's probably pretty certain that you're coming back for more. I mean, how many women are into sucking a guy's dick and then heading out without anything from the guy?"

"Not many," Callie admitted. She'd quickly realized that was part of the fun of Rick's fantasy, though. She didn't need Cole to make her cum. It was just as much fun - if not more fun - to go home to her husband and let him devour her pussy while his dick throbbed because he was so turned on by her having blown someone else.

"Is it safe to assume you'll be going back for more?"

Callie nodded and took another bite of her salad. She chewed slowly while thinking of the sex she'd had with Cole in the restaurant bathroom. It was the wildest sexual encounter she'd had in years and every time her brain conjured a memory of it she got a little bit wet. It wasn't like her to behave like that, which was probably why it was so exciting.

"You know, I've never really wanted to be married," Rachel opined, "but I kind of feel you now have the kind of marriage I could totally enjoy. You get to be with a good guy but fuck anyone you want? You get to have great sex and a great husband?"

"I know, right? I don't know if Rick will continue getting off on this if it keeps going on, but I think he might, which means we're get to have some serious fun going forward. I mean, when I kissed him when I got home yesterday...I don't know if he's ever been so turned on."

"Wait, you kissed him? After the blowjob? He was into that?"

Callie thought back to the kiss. She thought of how Rick had moaned, how he'd opened his mouth, how he'd sucked on her tongue like he was actually trying to taste Cole's cum. It was the deepest, most passionate kiss she'd shared with her husband in a long time and there was no question it was because she'd sucked another man's cock fifteen minutes prior to walking through the front door and kissing Rick.

"Honestly, it's an understatement to say that he was into it. He loved it, Rachel. He was so hard. His hands were all over me. He was sucking on my tongue. He wanted me so badly."

"And he was okay with you pushing him to his knees?"

Callie nodded. "His eyes lit up when I did it. It was really fucking hot, actually. He just...he just got on his knees and put his mouth to work while I leaned against the front door. I came in thirty seconds, maybe less."

"And did Rick get anything after that?"

"A handjob while I told him how much I enjoyed sucking Cole's cock."

Rachel looked both surprised and delighted. "So he really is into this fantasy. Like...completely and totally into it."

"He really is," Callie said before her lips broke into a smile that she couldn't seem to wipe off her face. It wasn't until that moment that she realized just how happy she was that Rick was actually into his fantasy, that he was into being cuckolded in real life. In fact, Callie felt happier than she had in years...maybe ever, and Rick was at least partly responsible for that. In that moment she decided that he deserved a reward, and one that fit his fantasy.

"So when are you seeing the young waiter again?"

"This weekend. Friday night. He actually asked me to go on a date."

Rachel looked suitably surprised. "Wait, did you accept?"

Callie nodded. "I did. I would have canceled if it bothered Rick, but he was excited. I mean, it's not like it's a real date. I'm married. It'll be something casual and then we'll go back to his place and he'll fuck me."

Rachel leaned in and studied her friend's face. "You're turned on right now, aren't you?"

Callie took a moment to consider her answer and smiled as she realized that she was, in fact, turned on. She nodded and Rachel chuckled.

"I'm jealous of you. I'm genuinely jealousy of you. You're in this moment when you're absolutely living your best life. Where's he taking you for your first date?"

For just a moment Callie felt a rush of pleasure at the notion of going on a first date with Cole. She pushed the thought out of her head, though. She wasn't starting a real relationship with him. It was just a sexual relationship. It was married woman cucking her husband because it turned out that they were both very much into it.

"He hasn't said yet," she answered. "I imagine it will be something inexpensive."

"Sometimes those are the best dates," Rachel mused.

She was right, of course. There was something charming - sometimes, at least - about a cheap date. When you liked the person you were with it was really just a chance to spend lots of quality time with them. Callie wasn't sure if she felt that way about Cole, though, which was partly why she accepted his request for a date in the first place.

"Either way, though, the date ends with you getting fucked by someone you're not married to."

Callie's pussy tingled as her friend articulated how Friday night was going to end. She smiled, crossed her legs under the little outdoor table they were sitting at, and nodded. "Yes, though I suppose you could also include the part of the night where I go home to Rick and share all the details as part of my date. I mean, that part's been a lot of fun so far and I expect that to continue."

"You should try sitting on his face," Rachel suggested. "I bet he'll love that."

Callie considered the notion for a moment and nodded. "You're right. I'll bet he would. In fact, I'm absolutely going to do that."

"Lucky girl," Rachel said.

She was right about that. Callie felt like the luckiest girl in the world.


"You look amazing, by the way."

Callie laughed. "You already said that."


"Before we left."

Rick put his arm around her and kissed her cheek. "Well, it's true. You look amazing. I feel like I haven't seen you in a dress like this in years."

It was just a sundress. Nothing particularly special, though Callie wouldn't have denied that she looked good in it. She looked sexy, in fact, as the dress managed to highlight her breasts while fitting in that loose manner that sometimes looked even better than when a dress was skin tight. Plus, it was awfully short, showing off more thigh than she had since she was in her mid twenties.

"I'm wearing this dress for my date tomorrow," she said. "For my date with Cole."

Rick stopped, stepped back, and his eyes scanned her body. "That's...that's amazing."

Callie wondered if he was thinking about Cole seeing her in the dress. If he was thinking about Cole touching her. If he was thinking that Cole would have easy access to her pussy thanks to how short the dress was.

"I'd like to find something to wear under it, too," she said. "Which is what we're doing here."

They were at the mall. Callie hadn't said why they were going, only that she was going to do something nice for Rick, that she was going to offer him a reward. She wasn't entirely sure that he was going to enjoy helping her pick out lingerie to wear for another man, but she had a feeling he'd find it thrilling.

"Something sexy," she added. "Something that will make Cole want to fuck me the moment he sees it."

Rick was turned on. Just a few words was all it had taken to arouse him. Callie could see it in his eyes and his posture. She could see it in the bulge that had formed between his legs, too. He wasn't hard, but he was on his way to an erection and it delighted her to no end.

"I was thinking a bodysuit," she said. "Something that I can wear under the dress. Something that fits like a second skin. Something tight and lacy and sexy. Would you be willing to help me pick that out, Rick? Would it feel good to help your wife pick out a piece of lingerie that another man can fuck her in?"

Rick's bulge was bigger now. So much so that he looked down, backed up to a bench, and sat. Callie was tempted to straddle him right there in the mall, but she resisted and instead sat next to her husband, leaned over, and kissed his neck softly.

"Are you hard, Rick?"

"Yes," he admitted.

"Because you like the idea of helping me pick out lingerie to wear for Cole?"

He closed his eyes and nodded as she kissed his neck a handful of times.

"I was thinking that you could help me pick it out, but that you won't get to see me in it until I get home. I want Cole to be the first man to see me in it, to enjoy me in it. I want you to know that someone else's hands were on my body, that someone else's cock was inside me first, that you're the second man to enjoy me in the lingerie we're about to pick out."

"That sounds incredibly hot," Rick admitted.

He turned to her and Callie kissed him. She was unabashed in her desire, too, offering her tongue and caressing Rick's cock through his pants for just a moment before leaning back, smiling in utter delight, and noting how overwhelming her desire felt. If they were home Rick would already be between her legs, but Callie was grateful that they were out. She’d decided to hold off on an orgasm until her date with Cole.

"I'll head inside and get started. You can join me when your dick gets a little softer, okay?"

Rick nodded and she rewarded him with one more kiss before getting up and walking towards the lingerie store with a distinct sway in her hips. Callie looked back and blew her husband a kiss before stepping inside and smiling at the wealth of options to entice both her husband and the younger man she was going on a date with.

She couldn't remember the last time she'd been so excited to buy lingerie. It was yet another in an ever-increasing collection of reasons that Rick's cuckold fantasy was so much more thrilling than she'd ever imagined it would be.


As Callie had expected, Cole opted for a relatively cheap date by taking her to a mini golf and go kart center just outside of town. What she hadn't expected, though, was that she'd have such a good time. Cole was, as it turns out, fun to be with. He had a relentlessly optimistic approach to just about everything, he was more interested in Callie than he was in talking about himself, and he seemed to have a perfectly calibrated sense for when it was appropriate to touch and kiss her.

The sex was better than she'd expected, too. They went back to Cole's apartment - which was far nicer than most guys his age could manage - and fucked three times. The third time happened as a result of a rather deep kiss as Callie was set to leave. She'd gotten so turned that she'd dragged Cole back to his bedroom and let him have his way with her one more time before getting dressed all over again and heading home to complete her evening by giving her husband what she hoped would be the best orgasm of his life.

Though Rick would have met Callie at the door, she'd texted to let him know she wanted him naked and in their bed when she got back. She took her time upon returning home, setting her purse on the kitchen counter and looking through that day's mail as she thought of her husband in their bed going out of his mind with desire.

Eventually, Callie went upstairs and slowly walked down the hallway until she stood in their bedroom doorway. Rick was naked and his dick was hard as a rock. The hunger in his eyes was intense and Callie could see he had to restrain himself from getting out of the bed and rushing towards her.

"How was your date?" he asked.

"It was...it was perfect, actually."

Rick ran his hands over the sheets. Nervously, in fact.

"We played mini golf and went go karting. It was...well, it was like I was in my twenties again and I have to admit, I really enjoyed it."

Callie sauntered into the room and Rick sat up a little. It looked like he was going to swing his legs over the edge of the bed but she put up a hand to stop him.

"Lie on your back."

He inched his hips forward and back. Callie reached out and ran her hands over her husband's chest and stomach. She skipped over teasing his cock and instead ran her hand down one leg and up the other. Only then did she take hold of his stiff cock.

"Are you feeling a little jealous?" she asked. "About me having gone on an actual date?"

Rick nodded.

"And about me enjoying that date?"

He nodded again, though Callie noticed that his cock throbbed in her hand and a big drop of precum appeared at the tip.

"Cole couldn't keep his hands off me on the date. He touched me every opportunity he could. I asked him to help me a few times on the golf course. Not because I needed it, but because I thought it would be fun to feel him behind me, to feel his body against mine, to give him a little preview of how I might let him fuck me later."

"Oh, fuck, Callie."

She smiled as there was no doubt she'd managed to conjure an image in Rick's head of Cole fucking her from behind.

"Did he like the lingerie?" Rick asked.

She leaned over and kissed him softly. "He loved it. He loved that you helped pick it out, too. In fact, I'd say he really loved that."


Callie nodded. "Would you like to see it? Would you like to see the lingerie that Cole fucked me in? Three times, by the way."

"Three times?" Rick's cock throbbed. "Yes, I want to see you in it."

Callie stepped back and pulled the sundress over her head. She let it fall to the floor, ran her fingers through her hair, and then put her hands on her hips before slowly spinning around.

She and Rick had selected a red lace bodysuit. It fit like a glove, looked perfect against her tits, and was semi-sheer over her pussy. The back was a lovely thong, too, so she was certain she looked good from every angle and Cole had certainly seemed to agree with that notion.

"Holy shit," Rick said. "It looks even better than I thought it would."

Callie closed the short distance between them and crawled on top of her husband. She sat across his thighs and stroked his throbbing cock while he moaned and arched his back a little.

"I sucked his cock before the first time we fucked," she said softly. "We were in his living room. He was on his couch. We'd been kissing furiously. Kissing and touching in that way you do when you're first with someone where sometimes it's almost as much fun to make out as it is to have sex. I was in his lap. I was grinding on him while he played with my ass. I could feel how hard he was. I took the sundress off and leaned back and he had this look...this incredible look of desire on his face as he saw the lingerie, Rick. He was so turned on. He wanted me so badly. He wanted your wife so badly, Rick. So I got off his lap, got on his knees, and sucked his dick."

Rick moaned. "I know you like to give head."

Callie leaned down and kissed the head of his cock. "I do, and it turns out that I really, really enjoy giving head to Cole. There's something about the way he looks when I have him in my mouth, the way I make him feel. You know what else, though?"


She sucked gently on the head of Rick's cock, causing his legs to vibrate from the pleasure. "He likes that a married woman is sucking his dick. He loves it, in fact. He likes that he can see my engagement ring as I stroke his cock. He likes that I'm a happily married woman and that I just can't help but get on my knees so I can take his long, thick, stiff young cock in my mouth."

Callie was certain her husband was close to an orgasm. Close enough that she had to stop playing with his cock. Instead, she crawled forward and sat across his chest while thinking of Rachel's advice.

"He fucked me three times," she said while pulling aside the red lace that covered her panties. "Including once right before I came home. I was on my way out. He pulled me close for one more kiss. His tongue slipped into my mouth and my pussy was immediately on fire with need. I had to have him again, Rick. I had to fuck him again. I had to let him have my body again. I had to let him fuck my married pussy one more time."

Rick's eyes lit up and Callie dragged her hips forward and sat on his face. He moaned and his tongue went to work immediately. Rachel was right. Rick was into it. He was turned on. He knew he was licking the pussy another man had just fucked and he was getting off on it.

"Does my pussy taste good, baby?" Callie asked as she too got into it. "Does my married pussy taste good after Cole's big cock was nice and deep inside it?"

Rick couldn't speak - she was smothering his mouth with her pussy - but he could nod, and he did so as vigorously as possible from his position.

Callie moved her hips back and forth as she got more turned on. She rode her husband's face right until she was on the verge of an orgasm. Then she slid back down his chest and dropped her pussy onto his cock.

Rick's face was a wet mess and Callie leaned down to kiss him. She tasted herself on his tongue and lips and she rode him hard as he moaned into her mouth.

"Did he fuck you better than I do?" Rick asked.

Callie thought of the last time she'd fucked Cole and how she hadn't really known the answer to that question because she'd had sex in a bathroom. She knew the answer now, though.

"Yes, he fucked me better than you do."

Rick smiled, closed his eyes, and came inside her. The smile washed away and a look of deep pleasure took its place. Callie ground her clit into his pelvis and quickly joined her husband in climaxing.

It wasn't quite as good as the orgasms she'd had with Cole, but that was to be expected. Cole was new and young and eager to impress her. The orgasm with Rick was really fucking good, though, and in a way it felt better because Rick was the man she loved, a notion that put a smile on her face as Callie lowered her head and rested it next to his.

"I love you, Callie," he whispered. "Thank you for the orgasm."

"It was my pleasure," she replied. "Believe me, it was my pleasure."



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