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 "Change of plans," Mae texted on Saturday morning.

Scott assumed he was about to be disinvited from visiting her house that night and from serving her and her boyfriend for the evening. He assumed that Mae had come to her senses and decided to cease the kinky game they'd been playing ever since that first time she called him and taunted him with exactly the kind of cuckold dirty talk Scott had craved throughout their marriage.

"I want you here at 3 p.m. The house has gotten dirty again and I want it spotless before Andrew and I return from our date tonight."

Scott was wrong. She wasn't canceling. She was actually giving him more of what he wanted.

"I'll be there at 3," he texted back. "And thank you for letting me serve you."

"Pathetic cuck."

Scott didn't hear from Mae again that morning or afternoon. He showed up at her house at the designated time, though, and was thrilled when she answered the door in a white satin robe. She had a cup of what looked like tea in her hand, her red hair was pinned up, and she hadn't done her makeup yet. It was the first time since their divorce that Scott had seen his wife in an un-made up state and he thought she looked astoundingly beautiful.

"What are you staring at?" she asked.

"You. Sorry. It's just...it's been a while since I've seen you in, I don't know, normal Mae mode and it's...I've forgotten how beautiful this version of you is."

She smiled. It was quick, but she smiled. It was enough to fill Scott's heart with joy. He knew it was foolish to think he stood a chance at reuniting with his ex-wife - she'd been perfectly clear that she couldn't be married to a cuck - and yet he couldn't help himself. He hadn't stopped loving her, after all. She'd just stopped loving him.

"Come in," she said after wiping the smile from her face. "There's a lot of work that needs to be done."

Scott nodded and stepped into the house. Mae shut the door behind him and lingered there for a few seconds. He didn't dare look over his shoulder - it wasn't his place to do anything other than wait to be instructed - but Scott couldn't help but hope that she was taking a moment to admire him or smiling once more and simply hiding that small sign of affection.

"You're going to start by painting my toenails," she instructed. "Andrew likes a nice dark shade of red. Follow me."

Scott followed his ex-wife to her bedroom and enjoyed every single step as the satin robe looked rather fetching on her. He wondered if she'd worn it to tease him, as it was rather short and left quite a bit of her thighs exposed.

Mae sat at her makeup table - a new addition as she hadn't owned one when they were married - and swiveled around in the stool before pointing to the floor at her feet.

Scott fell to his knees in front of his ex and caught her smiling once more. She crossed her legs and wiggled her toes, drawing his gaze down to them. She had lovely feet - she always had - but Scott has never been possessed with a particular desire to do anything with them outside of the occasional rub. In that moment, though, he wanted to bend over and kiss them, so he asked if he could.

"May I kiss your toes?"

"You may."

He bent over and kissed each of her five toes, letting his lips linger against them for a few moments before moving down the line. He kissed the top of her foot a few times, too, mostly because he couldn't resist.

"Here's the polish," she said. "Be careful. It needs to look good. I'll be wearing open-toed shoes tonight."

Scott shook the bottle of polish and carefully unscrewed the top. He pulled it out, wiped off the excess polish on the brush, and then gently ran it from the base of her big toenail to the tip, taking his time to ensure it looked absolutely perfect.

"Thank you for letting me do this," he said.

Silence hung between them for a few seconds before she asked, "You really enjoy this kind of thing, don't you?"

Scott looked up and nodded. "I know it's weird, but I do. I genuinely can't explain it, but it feels good in a really unique way."

Mae studied his face for what felt like the longest time and Scott held her gaze as he wondered what was running through her head. Did she think he was pathetic? Was she considering the benefits of having him back in her life on a more permanent basis? Was she wondering how a man could find pleasure in acts of service and humiliation?

When she leaned back and sipped her tea without saying anything, Scott returned to painting her toenails. He did what he thought was an excellent job and Mae offered no feedback to the contrary, instead uncrossing her legs - and flashing her panties for just a moment - before crossing them once more, this time with her unpainted toenails now resting in front of him.

When he'd finished painting all ten toenails, Scott screwed the top back on the bottle of polish and handed it to Mae. She leaned forward to inspect her foot and smiled at what Scott judged to be a job well done.

Mae then sat back, pulled up the bottom of her robe, and spread her legs. Scott couldn't help but stare at the remarkably sexy-looking pair of white lace panties she wore. He was certain he saw a darkened spot in the material that could only have been caused by wetness.

As he stared, Mae inched her hips forward until her pussy rested at the edge of the stool. She reached down and slowly pulled aside her panties.

"How does it look?" she asked.

"Beautiful. Perfect. It's perfect."

Mae ran her fingers over her pussy lips and the wet, slippery sounds were like a clarion call for Scott's cock, quickly producing an erection that yearned to be inside her.

"You know, I liked having sex with you," she said while rubbing the whole of her pussy in slow circles.

Scott was stunned at her admission and when he looked up he was equally stunned to see a gentle, genuine smile on his ex-wife's face.

"Of course, now I know that the sex we had wasn't anywhere near as good as it could have been. Now that I've been fucked by Andrew I understand that sex can be much, much better than what you offered."

His dick was harder, but it no longer wanted to be inside her. Now it wanted to be denied the pleasure of her pussy. Now his tongue wanted to be inside her, to taste her, to bathe itself in her wetness.

"And I'll bet there are better men than Andrew out there. I'll bet I could find someone to fuck me even better than my boyfriend does. I wasn't expecting to have my own little sexual revolution after divorcing you, Scott, but I have, and in a weird way it's made me appreciate you. It's made me appreciate that you were brave enough to share the fantasy that ultimately broke up our marriage, because if you hadn't done that I would have spent the rest of my life having mediocre sex with you."

Arousal and angst occupied equal space in Scott's body in that moment. Mae was telling him they'd still be married and still having sex if he hadn't shared his fantasy. She was saying, too, that she wouldn't really have known it was mediocre sex, that she would have been perfectly happy with it. She was telling Scott that he'd blown up the life they had together because he just couldn't keep his fantasy to himself.

The fantasy was part of him, though. To call it a fantasy was to misunderstand it, at least to a degree. Scott had learned - largely through his fantastical play with his ex-wife over the past handful of months - that his desire to be a cuckold was very much a part of his sexuality. It was similar to being straight or gay or bi, except Scott was a cuckold. A submissive cuckold, in fact.

"Do you like this, Scott? Do you like sitting on your knees and watching me play with my wet cunt?" Mae asked.

He nodded. "I love this. I feel...I feel so much. Desire. Pleasure. A touch of cuckold angst because I know I won't ever get to fuck you again, that I don't deserve that. I want to serve you, though. I want to lick your pussy. I want to kiss it. I want to worship it. I want to kiss and lick all around it. I'd also enjoy just watching as you provided yourself with the pleasure you craved. I just...it feels so good, Mae."

Mae pushed three fingers into her pussy, closed her eyes for a moment, and then ran those fingers over Scott's lips. She leaned forward and her fingers pushed onto his tongue. He closed his lips around them and sucked as she slowly penetrated his mouth, studying his face like she was conducting an experiment and needed to document his reaction to having his mouth penetrated.

"I thought about you last night," she admitted before her lips curled into a smile. "Perhaps not in the manner you would have wanted since I thought about you getting your mouth fucked by Andrew's cock. I imagined you on your knees with your hands bound behind your back. I imagined you looking up at him and begging for his dick. I imagined you parting these pretty, remarkably soft lips of yours and wrapping them around his dick. I imagined him grabbing your head and fucking your face. I imagined seeing the struggle in your eyes. I imagined you pushing through because you'd promised that you'd be a good cocksucker for me."

Scott gagged a little as Mae's fingers tickled the back of his throat. She leaned back with a smile and then removed her fingers from his mouth. He was elated that she'd thought of him and actually quite pleased that she'd imagined him being a good submissive cuckold, even if she'd imagined him doing something so humiliating.

"I like that you thought of me," he said softly. "And that you thought of me doing what I was doing in your head."


He nodded.

"You've never done that, have you? Sucked cock, I mean."

"No, I haven't."

"And you're not nervous about it?"

Scott swallowed the saliva that had suddenly gathered in his mouth. "No, I'm nervous. I am. It's...I don't know, it's scary but also exciting, you know? I've...I've fantasized about that kind of thing over the years, even while we were married."

"About sucking cock for me, you mean?"

He nodded.

Mae leaned back as she considered his revelation while studying his face. She then loosened the satin strap that held her robe closed and let it fall open, exposing her perky, bare breasts. Scott's eyes wandered over his ex-wife's body and he found himself awash in desire of all kinds. He wanted to kiss her all over, to worship her breasts and her pussy. He wanted to fuck her. He wanted to watch her get fucked. He wanted all of it.

Mae said nothing as he stared at her body but it seemed to Scott that she'd opened her robe as a reward to him, and it certainly was rewarding to stare at what struck him as utter perfection.

Then she surprised him by leaning forward, putting a hand on the back of his head, and guiding his mouth to her breast. He parted his lips and flicked his tongue over her nipple as she ran her hand through his hair and down his upper back.

"That feels so good," she whispered. "You were always so good at this, Scott."

It felt notable that she'd called him Scott and not cuck, that she'd used his name at all. It felt more intimate and it filled him with hope once more. Scott knew that hope was likely foolish but he couldn't help himself. It felt so good to harbor even a ridiculous idea of getting back together with his ex.

Mae directed his mouth to her other breast and Scott worshiped her perfect flesh. He listened to her soft moans and offered a few of his own as she continued to run her fingers through his hair and down his back.

After giving him a wealth of time to worship her breasts, Mae sat back, took his head in her hands, and pulled his mouth to her pussy. "Worship," she said.

Scott moaned as he slipped his tongue inside her and soaked up her juices. He kissed, licked, and sucked on her labia. He kissed all around her pussy. He gave her clit a wealth of attention, too, and he did so while looking up at his ex-wife and enjoying the pleasure that washed over her face as he followed her instructions.

"You were always so good at this, too, but I think you've gotten better, Scott," Mae said as she stared down at him. "Is that because you're eating pussy without any hope of fucking me? Because you know your cock will never be allowed inside me again, that using your tongue is your only hope of pleasuring me?"

He nodded. He'd always enjoyed going down on her, but it was different when he'd done so with the intention of turning her on so they could fuck. In those cases he'd absolutely been thinking about sex. In this case he was only thinking about pleasing her with a small portion of his brain dedicated to fantasizing about licking Andrew's cum out of her, which was deeply pleasing for a cuck like Scott.

"It turns me on, you know," she said. "What we've been doing since I called you that day. It turns me on."

She was being genuine, so much so that Scott stopped licking her clit and softly kissed her inner thighs.

"It's weird that it turns me on and I'm still coming to terms with certain parts of it, but it turns me on."

There was so much Scott wanted to say, but he remained silent, instead staring up at his ex-wife while showering the space between her thighs with gentle affection.

"I came last night," she said. "Had an orgasm, I mean. While I was thinking about you. About you being a cocksucker. I actually said it out loud. I called you a cocksucker. You weren't here, but I called you a cocksucker while I played with my pussy. I called you a cocksucker, Scott, and I had an orgasm. Afterwards I decided that I was going to have lots of orgasms tonight, that I was going to fully let go and let my arousal guide me, that I was going to pursue these desires that I don't fully understand, that I was going to use you like a cuck and get off on that."

"Nothing would make me happier," he replied.

Mae grabbed a handful of his hair and he saw a touch of aggression wash over her face as she pulled him into her pussy. His nose and lips pushed inside her and for a moment he struggled to breathe before she relaxed her grip.

"I believe you," she said. "Though we'll see just how far you're willing to go to please me. I'm not really sure how the night is going to unfold, but it seems possible that I might ask more of you than you're willing to give. I don't know why, but I like that it feels so unpredictable."

"I do too," he replied, which elicited a bright - albeit brief- smile from Mae.

"Well, there's quite a bit of work to be done before the night really begins. You'll find a list of chores on the kitchen counter. I expect them all to be finished before Andrew arrives and I expect you to be available to dress me in my lingerie."

"I'd love that," he said. "Should I start the chores now?"

"Yes, you should. It will take a few hours to do my hair and makeup. I'll call you when I'm done and you can dress me. If you try and peek into the bedroom before that I'll send you home. Remember, tonight is not about your pleasure. It's about mine and Andrew's. You're just a fucking cuck here to make our night better."

Scott's dick throbbed. "I understand," he said. "And thank you so much for allowing me to be here tonight."

She surprised Scott by leaning down and kissing him deeply. She offered her tongue in a slow, sensual manner and Scott sank into it as a wealth of feelings rose up in him, among them a since-buried sense of love for his ex-wife. It was a painful thing to feel - she'd made it clear she couldn't be with a cuck in a long term way - but it was the sort of pain that felt so good.

The kiss filled Scott with hope that would probably end up hurting him. He couldn't help but feel like she wouldn't have kissed him like that if she didn't feel a little something for him, though, something that he could perhaps stoke into love, even if it was a different kind of love than the one they used to share.

"Go do your chores," she said softly. "I'll call you when I'm ready to be dressed for Andrew...for a real man."

"Of course," Scott replied.

He got up and Mae turned towards the mirror at her makeup table. Scott strode out of the bedroom and glanced over his shoulder to get one last look at her.

Mae was looking at him in the mirror. She looked away right as he caught her eye, but she was looking. That hope grew bigger. Scott was convinced he had a chance to win her back in some fashion.

He just had to be a good cuck, to serve her needs above all else. Then he might get to have what he wanted, and being a good cuck couldn't be all that hard, right?



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