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What do you do when you're a young couple that just finished your freshman year at college and is now looking at spending the summer on opposite ends of the United States, him in Connecticut and her in California?

If you're Alexis Langley and Tim Adler, you make the unexpected choice of deciding that you're both free to pursue casual relationships with other people over the course of the summer.

You don't go into great detail defining what a 'casual relationship' means, but you both agree that summer is supposed to be fun and there's no reason to impede on that fun by prohibiting a bit of kissing, touching, or even a bit of hand and mouth stuff.

You agree that neither of you will have sex - agreed upon as a penis entering a vagina or an anus - with anyone, that pursuing such pleasures would likely ruin your relationship and that preserving your relationship is of great importance. Oral sex is permitted, though neither of you expects to advance to that stage with anyone during the summer.

After you've made love one last time before you leave for your respective homes on opposite coasts, you both agree that your plan is a good one, that it might actually be a truly brilliant way of testing the strength of your relationship, and that there's no reason you should restrict yourselves for the three months of summer bliss before your sophomore year begins.

At the airport the next day you share a long, tearful goodbye - tears on both your parts - running back to each other twice for a long hug and a deep kiss before finally heading to your gates on opposite sides of the city's massive airport. You declare your love for each other multiple times. You promise to text each other throughout the flight and she promises to call when she lands as her flight is longer than his.

More importantly, you promise to visit each other during your summer, her coming to him after a month and him going to her a month after that.

If you're Alexis Langley and Tim Adler, you board your planes confident that you've concocted the perfect plan to have the best summer possible and to emerge from it stronger as a couple.

In a way, you're right, but your summer break will most certainly not go as planned.


Tim was smitten with Alexis from the first moment he saw her in his 8 a.m. physics class. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she wore a pair of nerdy-but-stylish glasses with thick black rims. She had on a pair of khaki shorts and a tank top that was tight enough to display her breasts but not so tight to make it seem like she was eager for the entire world to admire her.

She struck him as beautiful, but not in a showy way. At first he thought she was a little shy, but by the end of the week he understood that she just took the class more seriously than most of the students, himself included.

It was two weeks before Tim found the courage to talk to her and another two weeks after that before he asked her out. When he did it, his heart was pounding so hard he could barely hear himself speaking. He got through it, though, and Alexis said she thought he was adorable and that she'd love to go out with him.

Tim asked if he could walk her to her next class and she happily agreed. Her class happened to be in the exact wrong direction for his next class - and he was late to that class - but it didn't matter in the slightest. As they walked, Tim's nervousness dissipated and they fell into a deeply comfortable kind of conversation of the sort that made it feel like they'd been friends for years despite having known each other for just a few weeks.

Tim had dated prior to Alexis and he'd received a handjob on two occasions, but she was his first for everything beyond that. She proved far more voracious in bed than he'd expected, mostly because he operated under the assumption of most inexperienced guys his age, which was that women were not inclined to have sex, that anything you could get was a minor miracle that one should be grateful for.

Tim quickly learned that Alexis was not that kind of girl. She liked sex. In fact, it seemed to him that she loved sex. She initiated just as often as he did and they often found themselves sneaking into quiet spots on campus - like the little-used women's bathroom in the building dedicated to the English department - when they weren't close to either of their dorm rooms.

It wasn't long before Tim and Alexis were declaring their love for each other and doing so with great frequency. They texted. They talked. They sent voice memos. They said it before, during, and after sex. They said it on dates.

He was smitten like he didn't think was possible. He thought about her constantly, and it wasn't just a sexual thing. He liked spending time with her. He loved it, in fact. He wrote her notes. He constantly thought of things he could do or gifts he could buy that would make her happy. He tried hard to be a good boyfriend and he was absolutely certain he did a good job of it, a fact that Alexis often affirmed, especially when comparing him to guys she'd dated in the past.

Tim was aware that he was not Alexis's first sexual partner. Some of his friends poked fun at him for that, but he never quite understood that. If anything, he felt gratitude for the guys she'd been with before because it seemed quite likely that she'd had good experiences that had left her eager to have more of that, which meant that Tim was having more sex than all of his friends combined.

It was Alexis that first broached the subject of their summer break. She'd done so by saying that she wanted to come visit him in Connecticut. Tim had secretly been stressing about the summer, largely because he couldn't imagine spending so much time away from the girl he loved. He leapt at the chance to have her come visit and quickly suggested that he should come see her in California.

It was later that same day that Alexis asked, "Do you think you'll go to any parties over the summer?"

Tim already had a job lined up, but the hours weren't going to be terribly long and he expected that his summer would be filled with the kinds of fun people his age got up to, which of course included parties. He told Alexis so and shared that because he lived in a coastal town that beach parties with big bonfires were quite common.

"Will there be girls at the parties?" she asked.

Tim paused before answering. There'd been a few instances of outward jealousy from Alexis over the course of their relationship - mostly notably about a girl named Kim that had a math class with Tim and who also happened to possess a rather large pair of breasts - and Tim had handled most of those instances in a rather poor manner. He didn't want to do that again.

"Well, yes, there will be girls at those parties, but there's not much I can do about that."

"Will they be in bikinis?" she asked.

Tim didn't see any jealousy on her face or in her body language, and yet he suddenly felt as though he was walking a very thin line and that if he screwed up he could end up in a painful fight with his girlfriend. Honesty seemed risky, but lying was even riskier, especially if there was a chance he and Alexis would end up at one of those parties during her visit.

"Probably, yes. It can be really hot and humid in the summer, even at night."

Then she smiled, leaned over, and kissed him softly. "You look so scared. It's adorable."

It took a moment for Tim to realize that she'd been fucking with him. "Oh my god! I was scared! I mean, you know, I'm not always so good about handling situations where you might be feeling not good about me being around other girls."

He realized how tongue-twisted he'd gotten and how utterly foolish he sounded, though it only made him laugh harder and Alexis soon joined in.

"Did you forget that I live in a beach town, too? That I'll be going to parties? That I'll there'll be bonfires and girls in bikinis? That there'll be shirtless guys?"

Now it was Tim's turn to be jealous. "Wait, really?" It was a stupid question. Any guy that looked good shirtless would take any opportunity to remove as much clothing as possible at a beach party. It was damn near a rule unless it was unseasonably cold.

"Oh my gosh, are you jealous?" she asked playfully.

He looked away as his mind filled with thoughts of Alexis wearing a bikini around a bunch of shirtless California guys, all of whom were the most attractive men in the world, at least in Tim's imagination.

Alexis pushed his shoulder and then leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. "Are you really jealous?" she asked in a far softer, more understanding tone.

"It's stupid, I know."

"It's not stupid. I felt a little jealous when I thought of you going to a beach party filled with cute girls in bikinis, their bodies looking even better thanks to the warm glow of the firelight and you being deprived of the...well, the kinds of fun you get to have with a girlfriend. I know you wouldn't cheat on me, but that doesn't mean you wouldn't think about what it might be like to have a quick roll in the sand with one of those girls and I don't know, that just makes me jealous."

Tim took a deep breath and put his arm around Alexis. "Okay, well, then I suppose I should admit that I was absolutely jealous thinking of you at a party with all those California surfer guys and their...I don't know, their perfect tanned bodies that seem totally free of any chest hair for whatever reason."

"They are smooth," Alexis noted. "And they do tend to have perfect bodies."

He looked her way to see that she was smiling and very clearly teasing him, but that didn't help with the jealousy, which was now raging quite fitfully in him.

It didn't happen right away, but their plan for the summer was born out of that conversation. It took a little while to get there, but they agreed that they'd throw jealousy out the window, that they simply wouldn't feel it because they would both agree that they could, in fact, have a little fun with someone if they hit it off but that they would see each other once a month with their respective visits to the opposite coasts and that they would return to school having enjoyed the summer without being swallowed by the sort of jealousy that destroyed most long distance relationships.

They should have known their plan wouldn't go off without a hitch, but they were nineteen, so of course they didn't see the overwhelming flaws.


"I miss you already."

Alexis was standing outside the Santa Barbara airport with her suitcases resting next to her. She'd called Tim the moment she'd wrangled them onto a luggage cart and started wheeling them outside to the arrivals area.

"I miss you too," he said. "How was your flight?"

"Good. I watched Anyone But You."

Tim was quiet for a moment. "The one with the hot guy?"

"And the hot girl," Alexis shot back.

"Did it feel like a preview of those California beaches? Shirtless, gorgeous guys with suspiciously little chest hair running around?"

Alexis smiled at Tim's odd - though not inaccurate - obsession with the lack of chest hair on California men. It wasn't an epidemic or anything, but a surprising number of guys were hairless from the waist up when they hit the beach. Tim wasn't entirely wrong that many of them were gorgeous, too, with tanned and toned bodies that absolutely benefited from endless hours surfing. He wasn't wrong that Alexis had spent more than a little time admiring those guys over the years - girls stared at the beach, too, though not as obviously as guys tended to - but she wasn't about to admit that.

"There aren't that many movie star quality guys running around Santa Barbara beaches. I'd have to go down to LA for that."

Again Tim was quiet for a moment and Alexis wondered if he was going to fail utterly at their agreed upon plan to put jealousy aside for the summer. She was confident she wouldn't have much trouble with that, but Tim was different. That was part of what she loved about him, though, so she couldn't help but find his jealousy kind of endearing.

"Well, be sure to avoid LA, then," he said.

Alexis waved at the arriving black Mercedes SUV that her mother sat behind the wheel of. "My mom's here. I gotta go. I'll call you later tonight. I love you, Tim, and I miss you."

"Say hi to Jackie and Earl for me. Tell them I'm looking forward to seeing them in a few months. Oh, and I love you too, Alexis. I love you madly and I miss you desperately."

Alexis smiled at Tim's ability to seem like such a dork - in the most endearing way possible - and then hung up, pulled out her AirPods, and ran into her mom's arms for a tight hug.

"It's so good to see you, honey," Jackie said.

"You too, Mom. It's good to be home."

She smiled. "Were you talking to that handsome boyfriend of yours?"

Tim had met Alexis's parents in March when they'd ventured across the country to take in the cherry blossoms, tour the national monuments, and of course spend as much time with their daughter as possible. Tim had made an excellent impression on both of them, much to Alexis's delight, and she'd been so happy about it that she'd given him a blowjob - and swallowed for him - the night they'd left.

"I was," Alexis said with a smile as she felt herself blushing a little. Tim was the first person she'd been truly in love with and it still felt a bit strange to feel that way around her parents for reasons she couldn't remotely understand. "He says hi and that he's looking forward to seeing you when he comes to visit."

"And your father and I are very excited to show him your hometown. I'm so glad you two stayed together. Most college relationships don't survive the summer, you know. The long distance thing is just so hard."

Alexis wondered if her mother was preparing her for the reality that her relationship might not survive until the fall or if she just didn't hear what she was saying. Either way, she couldn't help but smile before dragging her suitcases to the car and lifting them into the trunk.

The drive home was filled with the sort of updates moms tend to give their daughters or sons when they return home from school. So and so has gotten this job or that job. So and so has died. This vaguely unimportant thing happened in April and it shook up the city. A new restaurant opened on State Street that Alexis's mom and dad just love and can't wait to take her to.

There was a time when Alexis would have rolled her eyes at the mildly informative monologue, but in that moment she found it charming, like she was being welcomed home after a long break with an extended version of a verbal hug.

Alexis felt that same warmth when she walked into her bedroom, which was like warping back in time a year to before she'd left for college, before she'd fallen in love for the first time in her life. It was nice to be back, though she was struck by a sudden desire to have Tim there with her, to be able to drag him into her bed to make out while his hand slowly worked its way under her shirt and into her bra.

"I'm at home now. In my bedroom," she texted. "I just had this thought of you being here and making out with me. And playing with my tits. Now I'm all turned on."

"Now I'm extra sad I'm not with you," he replied. "And now I'm all turned on, because making out and playing with your tits sounds amazing."

Alexis smiled, closed her eyes for a moment, and thought of the sex she'd had with Tim before they left. She thought of being on top, of closing her eyes and slowly riding him while he played with her tits in that perfect, gentle manner he'd had since the very first time they got naked together. Most guys were so rough with a woman's breasts - to the point of causing pain that most women wouldn't speak up about - but Tim was never that way. His touch was perfect and in that moment, Alexis was desperate for it.

A knock on the door pulled her from that revelry, though. "Honey, your dad was hoping to take you out to dinner. He was thinking he'd go straight from work to the restaurant. How does that sound?" her mom asked.

"That sounds perfect," she answered.

Alexis's phone buzzed and she looked down hoping to see another text from Tim, perhaps one with a dirty tinge to it. Instead, it was from her best friend Jenny, who was inviting her to a party that night. A party that she promised everyone would be at. Alexis told Jenny she'd be there, tucked her phone into her pocket, and went to freshen up for dinner.


It was midnight and Tim was in bed. He'd spent the better part of the night with his family. They'd all made dinner together and hung out for hours. Tim's parents had even let him have a glass of wine, though he would have preferred a beer.

It was good to see them, though, to spend actual time with them at home. It wasn't quite the same when they visited him at school. It was quick and chaotic and he'd been preoccupied with Alexis even though she'd been trying her best to make a good impression on his parents.

Tim was once again preoccupied with his girlfriend, only this time she wasn't there. She was 3,000 miles away and she was at a party. A party on the beach, in fact. The exact kind of party they'd both talked about going to. The kind of party that Tim would absolutely attend at some point that summer. Alexis had just gotten to it a great deal faster than him.

She'd texted an hour ago to say she was going to the party and that she'd try and stay in touch. He'd texted back that she didn't need to bother with that, that he just wanted her to have fun.

As Tim sat there in his bed he regretted saying that. He wanted to hear from Alexis. He wanted to text with her. He wanted to talk with her. He wanted to FaceTime with her. He wanted to be with her. He ached to be with her, in fact.

That ache - or the sexual part of it, at least - had led Tim to his photo albums, specifically to a folder where he stored a handful of slightly naughty pictures Alexis had sent him over the past few months. There was a shot of her in a Victoria's Secret fitting room modeling lingerie she'd been considering buying for him. She looked so good that Tim's cock stirred to life the moment he saw the picture.

He wanted to masturbate, to try and make the ache go away with an orgasm. He knew it would really only be a distraction, but in that moment the idea of distracting himself for a little while and then going to sleep felt nice.

Instead, Tim pulled up Instagram and made his way to Alexis's feed. She'd already posted a few pictures of Santa Barbara, including a sunset shot from that night right as the party was getting underway.

She'd posted a few reels, too - she'd always been much more active than him when it came to posting - and the beach looked even better on video.

To kill time, Tim browsed the feeds of people tagged in Alexis's recent posts. It felt a little weird to be looking at her girlfriends from home - all of whom were beautiful - but Tim's hand stayed firmly away from his cock and his mind never drifted towards sexual thoughts, so he told himself there was nothing wrong with a little bit of mild social media stalking, if for no other reason that he might lose his mind if he didn't do it just a little.

It was while watching the recent reels of a girl named Jenny that Tim saw something that stopped him in his tracks. He pressed his finger against the screen to pause the video and leaned in to make sure he wasn't losing his mind.

He wasn't. The video was from that night and Jenny had caught a perfect shot of Alexis standing by the burgeoning bonfire and watching the sunset next to a guy who had his arm around her. Tim couldn't make out much in the way of detail - Alexis and the guy were two of many people in the frame - but there was no question that someone else had his arm around Tim's girlfriend.

It felt worse because Alexis was wearing a bikini top along with a pair of tattered denim shorts. The guy's hand was on her bare skin. His arm was pressed against her bare back. He was shirtless, too, and of course he looked fucking smooth and fit, like some kind of goddamn surfer out of a magazine.

Tim started the reel over and watched intently to see if he could discern any sort of intent with the arm around the waist. Were they just old friends who were catching up? Had she just met him and he'd put his arm around her without asking and a second later she would have slipped out of his grasp and told him to fuck off?

Dozens more questions ran through his head as Tim watched the reel over and over. He lost track of how many times he'd seen it by the time he resolved to message Alexis. His fingers hovered over the keys as he thought of what he wanted to say and then he realized he was being insane.

He took a deep breath, set his phone down, and reminded himself of the deal he and Alexis had made. It was within her rights to let that guy put his arm around her waist. It was within her rights to kiss that guy, to let him play with her tits. Hell, it was within her rights to let that guy go down on her or give him a blowjob if that's what she wanted.

For a moment Tim was gripped with the overwhelming certainty that their little pact had been an act of absurdity. Complete and utter absurdity. What the fuck had he been thinking? Why had he told his girlfriend it was okay if she fooled around with other guys? Just so they wouldn't return to college feeling resentful that they'd prevented each other from having a genuinely fun summer? That was insane.

Then Tim considered that he was allowed to have a little fun if he wanted to. He considered that he could put his arm around a girl at the party he was going to just a few days from now. He considered that he could kiss that girl, or play with her tits, or finger her, or get a blowjob from her if he was insanely lucky.

Then his mind jumped to an image of Alexis on her knees in front of the guy who'd had his arm around her. It was a vivid image. The guy was sitting on a piece of driftwood with his shorts around his ankles. They were somewhere on a dark part of the beach and Alexis was on her knees in the sand in front of him.

The image in Tim's head came alive and he watched Alexis's head bob up and down in the guy's lap. For some reason Tim could only see it from behind. He knew his girlfriend was giving a blowjob but all he could see was the steady movements of her head and the look of pleasure on the guy's face.

Tim shook his head to dissolve the image and noticed that he had an erection. A mysterious, baffling, annoying erection. Why would he be hard? Why would that imagery of Alexis prompt an erection?

The erection - and the arousal coursing through him that had caused it - won out. Tim lowered his underwear and took hold of his cock. He stroked it and reveled in the intense pleasure that followed. It felt different. Better, somehow.

Tim pulled up the video again. He watched it over and over. He saw the other guy's arm around Alexis, around his girlfriend's waist. He saw that she was slightly leaning into the guy. His mind jumped to the idea that she liked the way he touched her, that she wanted him to touch her more.

Again he conjured imagery. This time the guy and Alexis were in a car. In the backseat. They were kissing fiercely. His hand was in her bikini top. She was moaning into his mouth as he played with her breasts. She had her hand on his cock, stroking him through his shorts.

Tim pulled his underwear entirely off and set them on the bed next to him. He was going to cum. It was inevitable. He didn't want to cum, not while that imagery danced through his mind, but he had no control over it and he certainly had no control over the powerful sense of arousal he felt.

"I want to suck your cock," Alexis said in Tim's mind. She said it to the tanned, smooth-chested blonde guy in the car. She'd said it to Tim a handful of times since they'd started dating so it sounded so perfectly clear in his head, like he was replaying a memory. Only now she wasn't saying it to him. She was saying it to someone else. To some gorgeous California guy.

Again Tim envisioned his girlfriend blowing someone else. She was in the car. In the backseat. Her bikini top was off. The guy was playing with her tits while she sucked his cock. Her head bobbing up and down. The wet sounds of the blowjobs Tim had received now played in his head. It was like he could feel Alexis's hand and mouth on his cock while he envisioned her blowing someone else.

Then Tim's cock erupted. He grabbed his underwear to catch his load just before it spilled from his cock and then pleasure ripped through his body. His toes curled and his legs shook. His mind went completely blank for a few moments and then a smile crossed his face as his loins continued to tingle. He gently rubbed the head of his cock with his underwear, eeking out a few extra tremors of intense pleasure before setting his phone down and tossing his boxers onto the floor.

Tim sat naked in his bed and wondered what the fuck had just happened. Had he really just masturbated to the idea of his girlfriend giving someone else a blowjob? What the fuck was wrong with him?

More importantly, though, Tim knew very well that it would happen again. The arousal had been too much. His brain had already registered the excess of pleasure he'd experienced and would undoubtedly lure him back to that same headspace so he could experience more of it.

That felt like it was going to be a problem and Tim wasn't at all certain what to do about it.



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