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 "Does that feel good?"

Walt was inside me. I was on my back in our bed. He was thrusting slowly and watching my face with great concentration. Two weeks had passed since he'd last been inside me and he seemed intent on making it as pleasurable an experience for me as possible, perhaps because he was desperate for it to happen more often.

"Yes," I answered softly. "Your cock feels good inside me, Walt."

He smiled and leaned down to kiss me. I parted my lips and offered my tongue and moaned as he fucked me a little faster. I ran my hands down his back and grabbed his ass, squeezing both cheeks and inspiring him to fuck me a little harder.

"Of course, it doesn't feel as good as when Michael fucks me."

Walt groaned and came. After the groan he let out a series of moans, though at first it sounded like he was trying to choke them off, like he wished hadn't cum. I imagine that was true, in fact, as he'd been inside me for no more than a minute, a minute and a half tops.

I was surprised he'd cum so quickly, but there was a part of me that was absolutely delighted. It was proof that Walt was thoroughly aroused by his cuckolding - despite him sometimes continuing to deny that reality - and based on the way he sounded and the way his body shook, it was a damn good orgasm.

After he'd finished, Walt pulled out and rolled onto his back. I looked over to see that he was embarrassed - it was obvious based on the look on his face - and when he turned to look at me he apologized.

"Sorry I came so quickly."

I rolled onto my side and rested my hand on his chest. His heart was pounding, which made me smile.

"You don't have to apologize. I kind of like that you came so quickly, actually."

He seemed skeptical. "Really?"

I nodded and kissed his cheek. "It means it was a turn on to hear that Michael fucks me so well. It means that you like your cuckolding more than you're willing to let on. Plus, it means that I don't have to feel bad about texting Michael to let him know that I'd really like to see him tonight."

Walt stared at the ceiling as he processed what I'd said and then he turned to me and asked, "What about date night?"

"We'll still go to the movies. I'm just going to have sex with Michael before we go. It'll be a quickie. You can drive me to his place and wait in the car."

By that point I'd been seeing Michael for almost two months and in that time I'd slowly eased Walt into the realities of his cuckolding. He was fucking me less often. He was cumming less often. He was doing a little more work around the house so I'd have the time I needed to get ready for my dates with Michael. He was helping me shop for new dresses and lingerie to wear for Michael. He'd taken to driving me to the hotel if Michael booked a room and occasionally dropping me at Michael's house now that we'd started meeting there from time to time.

Walt was still hesitant to fully embrace his cuckolding, but I wasn't bothered by that. In fact, I found pleasure in it. I liked that it hadn't been his fantasy, that he'd come around to being turned on by it because being cuckolded was an act of submission. A deep act of submission, in fact, as he was giving up his rights to my body, which was the one thing a married man almost never gave up.

"I kind of like the idea of sitting in the movie theater with my pussy still tingling from the good, hard pounding Michael's going to give it."

Walt clearly didn't like that idea, which was unsurprising. He'd just cum, after all, so of course he wasn't on board with the notion of waiting in the car while another man fucked me. It was Saturday morning, though, and there was another eight hours before we were due to leave for our date night. By that time I'd make sure that Walt was at least somewhat eager to be cuckolded.

"Can I make you cum?" he asked with such hope in his eyes.

"No. You had your chance, Walt, and you blew it. Michael's going to take care of my sexual needs today. Instead of making me cum you can give me your underwear so I can soak up your cum and then you can get dressed and go make me breakfast."

I saw just a hint of submissive pleasure in his eyes. It was never particularly strong after he'd cum, but I'd taken to insisting that Walt engage in a submissive act of some sort after each and every one of his orgasms and it was unquestionably helpful in keeping him in that headspace.

He rolled over, grabbed his underwear from the floor, and handed them to me. I pulled him close for a kiss - a deep kiss - and then ran my fingers through his hair and said, "You forgot to thank me for the orgasm I gave you."

"Sorry. Thank you, Emmy, for letting me cum, and for letting me cum inside you."

I had a moment of inspiration and put on a slightly stern look before saying, "If you forget again I'm going to make you lick your cum out of me as punishment. A sub should be grateful when he's allowed to cum, after all."

I saw genuine fear in his eyes, as I imagine I would have seen in the eyes of almost any man in that moment. It's unnatural to lick your cum from a woman's pussy, after all.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I am grateful when you allow me to cum. I really am. I won't forget next time, I promise."

I caressed his face and kissed him as I got a little bit turned on at the idea of making him clean his cum out of me. That arousal ignited a spark of hope that Walt would forget to thank me after his next orgasm and would have to offer his submission as he crawled between my legs, put his tongue in my pussy, and licked up every drop of cum despite absolutely hating it.

"What would you like for breakfast?" he asked.

I was tempted to ask for French toast, but given that Michael was going to see me naked that night I wanted to avoid a carb heavy breakfast. "I'd like an omelet with peppers, mushrooms, and Swiss cheese, please."

He kissed me softly and said, "Coming right up."

Walt's smile was genuine. It was the smile of a man that was excited to serve his dominant wife. It delighted me to no end. He was getting off on his submission and I was going to enjoy a well-prepared omelet, after which I'd have Walt give me a long foot massage before we went shopping to buy a new dress - something fun and flirty - for the night. Then he'd set about cleaning the house while I got ready for our date - and to see Michael - before my husband drove me to my boyfriend's house so I could enjoy a quickie and a great orgasm.


On our shopping trip we bought a fun, flirty blue and white sundress that was wonderfully low cut. We stopped into Victoria's Secret to grab a new pair of nude stockings to go with it - Michael loved the look and feel of stockings on my legs - and I spent most of the drive home caressing Walt's cock while telling him how much I was looking forward to fucking my boyfriend before our date. His precum had left a wet spot in his jeans by the time we got home.

Walt cleaned the house while I took my time getting ready for my date. I paired the stockings with a white garter belt and a matching sheer white bra and panty set that I knew Michael would love. I made sure to call Walt into the bedroom for a quick look at the lingerie - a look that produced both arousal and jealousy on his face - before putting on the dress and depriving him of the chance to touch my half naked body.

We left half an hour earlier than we'd planned - it was genuinely going to be a quickie with Michael - and Walt drove to my boyfriend's house while I once again teased his cock with gentle strokes for the entirety of the drive.

"What's it like to know that you're driving your wife to her boyfriend's house?" I asked.

"It's painful."

His dick was hard and I stroked it a little faster. "Is that all it is, Walt? Just painful. Is your dick hard because it's painful? Or is it a little bit arousing to know that you're going to have to sit in the car while your wife goes into Michael's gorgeous home to get fucked until we've both cum?"

He took a deep breath, glanced at me - and my cleavage - and said, "Yes, it's a little bit arousing."

He was lying, of course. It was more than a little arousing. His resistance turned me on, though. The reality was that Walt probably would have preferred if I'd simply worn the dress and lingerie underneath it for him, if I'd fucked him after our date. That might have turned him on even more than being cuckolded, but that wasn't what I wanted and I was the domme, I was the one in charge, which meant he had to submit, which is what made my pussy absolutely gush with desire as we neared Michael's house.

I gave Walt a kiss on the cheek and got out of the car. Michael opened his front door before I knocked and I saw him glance at the car and smile before he took me in his arms. We kissed with the door open and he gave my ass a good squeeze, no doubt doing so with the hope that Walt would see it.

Walt and Michael had yet to meet, but my boyfriend knew all about my husband. He knew I was cuckolding Walt. He knew that he fucked me better than my husband did and that I regularly informed Walt of that reality. As the weeks had passed, Michael became more and more enamored with the idea of cuckolding my husband, of being the man I preferred to fuck. To my delight, it made the sex better.

"You look gorgeous," he said as we headed for his bedroom. "That dress is incredible. And your legs...they look amazing, Emmy."

"You're going to love what I have on underneath," I replied.

He smiled like a teenager about to see his girlfriend topless for the first time. I loved when Michael smiled like that. I loved that I got to be this pure, perfect thing to him. This woman that had no interest in fighting or busting his balls or making him feel shitty for wanting to fuck me all the time. It was a pure crystallization of why cuckolding is so much fun, as I'd quickly learned over the first few months of our relationship.

In his bedroom, I removed Michael’s clothes as his hands wandered over my body. He caressed my stocking tops and my upper thighs. He found the garter belt and smiled before finding my ass and squeezing it through the thin material of the sheer panties. He rubbed my pussy a little, too, no doubt finding pleasure in the fact that I was quite obviously wet for him.

Once he was naked, I stepped back and unzipped my dress. I pushed it off my shoulders and down my body, revealing the sheer white lingerie. Michael took hold of his cock and stroked himself until his erection was utterly throbbing. I thought of Walt sitting in the car as I stood in another man's bedroom with my pussy tingling with desire.

I actually bit my lower lip as I stared at his cock for a few moments. Then I dragged my gaze up his well-built body and stared into his eyes. "Do you want me?" I asked.

He nodded.

"And does it turn you on that my husband is sitting in the car while I'm in your bedroom dripping with desire for your cock?"

"More than I can explain."

I stepped closer and took Michael's cock in my hand. "You like cuckolding my husband, don't you? You like that he knows that you're cuckolding him, that he knows that I think about you all the time, that I crave you all the time, that I yearn to have this beautiful cock of yours inside me."

"Fuck...Emmy...you know I love that. I fucking love cuckolding your husband."

I kissed him as he played with my tits. His hands felt better than usual, which I chalked up to the softness of the sheer material against my skin.

"I was thinking it would be fun to have Walt come along for our next hotel date," I whispered. "I was thinking we could book a room at that hotel with the really sturdy wooden desk chairs and that I'd handcuff Walt to the chair to make him watch as you fuck his wife."

I'd been considering that very notion since the last time we stayed at that particular hotel. I imagined Walt handcuffed - or perhaps tied - to the chair. He'd have to watch - or listen, at the very least - as another man fucked his wife in the hotel bed. He'd have to witness my pleasure instead of simply hearing about it. He'd have to confront the reality that Michael really did fuck me better than him. He'd have to confront the fact that it turned him on, too. There was a risk he'd be turned off, but I figured if he went a week - or maybe two - without an orgasm he'd be out of his mind with desire, especially if I treated him to a little naughty fun before Michael arrived. There's nothing like a slow, wet blowjob from your wife to get you all hot and bothered, after all.

"I'd absolutely be up for that," Michael said with all the confidence in the world. "Do you really want to do that?"

I nodded. "I want to make him submit to it. I want to make him watch. To make him witness your cock moving in and out of my pussy. To make him witness me sucking your cock. To make him witness us kissing. I want him to see it all and I want to make sure he's not allowed to touch himself while he does, that all he can do is sit there and witness every little moment of my pleasure."

"You really are the most incredible woman."

With that, I sank to my knees and took Michael in my mouth. I looked up at him as I sucked his cock and I thought of getting fucked while Walt watched. I knew he wouldn't want to do it. I knew he'd fight it. I knew he'd have to be slowly coerced into offering his submission. I knew he'd find it pleasurable - at least in some way - and I knew I'd have the best orgasm of my life as Michael fucked me while Walt was bound to a wooden chair and made to witness his cuckolding.

After the blowjob I put a condom on Michael's cock, took off my panties, and crawled into his bed. He fucked me in missionary until I came and then flipped me over and took my doggystyle until he came. He pulled my hair a little and spanked my ass more than a few times while taking me from behind, which wasn't how he usually did it. It felt good, though, and I think he liked the idea of sending me back to the car looking a little tousled. It was that thought - Michael doing his best to mark me as his before sending me back to my husband - that gave me a second orgasm while being fucked doggystyle, which was a genuine rarity for me.

Afterwards, I got dressed, ran my fingers through my hair a little while looking in the bathroom mirror - though I didn't put too much effort into looking perfect - and then gave Michael a kiss and asked him to book a room at that hotel for two weeks from now.

He walked me to the door, kissed me after opening it, and gave me a smack on the ass before sending me out to my husband. As I neared the car, Walt got out to open the passenger door for me and I rewarded him with a deep kiss while pressing my body against his. I relented only when I felt his cock press into my stomach, doing so with a smile before getting in the car.

I offered a few details as we drove to the movie theater, doing so while occasionally leaning over to play with his cock and keep him excited. Walt found a parking space and we bought our tickets. I insisted on seats in the back row - I had plans - and Walt happily went along despite our typical preference for sitting a great deal closer.

We got popcorn and a soda and made it to our seats just in time for the trailers. I leaned over to kiss him a few times - just on the neck or cheek - while the first two trailers ran, but when the third came up I leaned over and kissed his neck in a far more erotic manner, pulling Walt's attention from the screen. His lips met mine and I lured his tongue into my mouth while my hand moved between his legs. I stroked him through his jeans and he moaned softly into my mouth.

"Michael loved the lingerie," I whispered. "He couldn't help but stroke his big cock as I stripped out of my dress. He was so turned on for me, baby. He wanted me so badly...and my pussy was so wet for him."

Walt shifted in his seat, pushing his hips forward and adjusting his pants to shift his cock down one of the legs and ease what must have been a bit of discomfort for him.

"His cock was so beautiful and I was so turned on that I couldn't help but get on my knees for him, Walt. I couldn't help but suck my boyfriend's big cock while I looked up at him. I shook my ass for him a little. I batted my eyes. I made it perfectly clear that sucking his big dick makes my pussy wet."

I felt a bit of dampness in Walt's pants and smiled at my ability to arouse him to such a degree that he was leaking precum. I stroked him faster through his jeans, squeezing his cock at the tip each time my fingers found it and providing quite a bit of friction.

"After I'd gotten him good and hard - and swallowed quite a bit of his precum - I got in his bed, spread my legs, and told him to fuck me. I told him to fuck me while my husband sat in his car and waited like a good cuckold. I told him to fuck me hard, to pound my pussy, to make me cum harder than my cuckold husband ever has."

Walt turned to me and I expected him to ask me to stop. He almost always did that as I was on the verge of giving him a cuckold-fueled orgasm. He did it because it wasn't all pleasure for him. There was still so much angst in being a cuckold for Walt. That's why it always turned me on to make him cum that way, though, and why I was absolutely going to make him cum in his pants in the movie theater.

"He made me cum so hard, Walt. He made your wife cum so fucking hard while you sat in the car like a good cuck, just waiting for me to come back out after enjoying my boyfriend's big dick."

His breathing was heavier. His eyes fluttered. His cock throbbed in his jeans. More precum leaked out. "Please...Emmy..."

It was a common refrain from Walt, but I ignored it like I almost always did.

"After I'd cum Michael flipped me onto my hands and knees and took me from behind. He grabbed my hair and spanked my ass while he fucked me. He wanted me to look messy when I came back out of the house, Walt. He wanted it to be obvious that he'd fucked me. He wanted you to be unable to avoid knowing what I'd done in his bedroom. He wanted you to know that he'd marked me, that he'd taken me, that he'd fucked me with such vigor. My ass is red from the spanking, Walt. You saw that my hair was a mess. I didn't bother fixing it before coming out. I wanted you to see that another man had fucked your wife, that he'd fucked her hard, that he'd satisfied her."

I stroked him faster and he closed his mouth tight and groaned. He was close. He wasn't asking me to stop, though. He knew an orgasm was inevitable and he was going to submit to it.

"He fucked me so good from behind that he made me cum, Walt. He spanked my ass. He pulled my hair. He fucked me hard. I begged for it harder and then I had a huge fucking orgasm with his cock so fucking deep inside me. Then I made him cum, Walt. I made my boyfriend cum. I made him fill the condom with his thick, creamy load. I made him cum so fucking hard."

Walt was moments away.

"Oh, and you're going to watch him fuck me, Walt. Soon enough you're going to watch as my boyfriend fucks me. I'm going to handcuff you to a chair and make you watch as he satisfies me in ways you've never been able to satisfy me. I'm going to make you a proper cuckold, Walt. You're going to watch your wife's pussy get stretched out by another man's cock. You're going to hear me beg him to fuck me harder. You're going to see me cum all over that dick."

Walt grunted and groaned and I felt his cock throbbing in his pants. I felt heat spread inside his jeans, too. I massaged the head of his cock to lure out the most pleasurable orgasm imaginable and smiled in complete delight as Walt made a spectacular mess.

"You can go clean yourself up if you'd like," I said when it was over.

Walt looked down at his pants and grimaced at the mess he'd made. He handed me the popcorn basket and moved to stand before stopping himself.

"Thank you for the orgasm," he said.

It was such a beautiful act of submission that I masturbated to a quick orgasm while he was gone. It's the first time in my life I've done that in a movie theater and it was yet another world class orgasm for me.

For what it's worth, I had two more when we got home as I put Walt's mouth to work while telling him once more about how he was going to be cuckolded in person.

Michael booked the room at the hotel I wanted. I cuckolded Walt in person for the first time. It was incredible and I'll tell you all about it next time.



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