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The first two parts of this story were published a few years ago, so I'd recommend you click here to read those parts before starting part three. That being said, you'll still enjoy this even if you haven't read anything that came before.


Lucas was nervous as he pulled through the gate of the Bannister's estate and up the gravel driveway. It was his fourth time coming to the house to give Grace a tennis lesson and he'd been nervous each and every time.

It wasn't the idea of teaching her to play tennis that made him nervous, though it probably should have, given that he wasn't actually a tennis instructor. Instead, his nerves were rooted in the knowledge that Grace would almost certainly want Lucas to provide her with some sort of sexual pleasure. He wasn't against that, of course, but if Mr. Bannister found out he'd almost certainly go out of his way to make Lucas's life a living hell.

Sarah - the cute bartender at the country club that Lucas had a crush on - had warned him against agreeing to the tennis lessons. Lucas hadn't really had a choice, though. When the wife of one of the most powerful members of the club asks you to give her tennis lessons, you agree to do so without hesitation. Plus, he liked offering her sexual pleasure, most of which had come via his mouth and fingers.

Lucas parked his decidedly crappy car next to the gleaming luxury sedan that Grace drove - no doubt purchased by her husband soon after their wedding day - and took a moment to survey the expansive, genuinely breathtaking house in front of him. Lucas felt a touch of jealousy every time he saw the house, in part because it seemed genuinely impossible that he'd ever come into possession of the sort of wealth needed to afford a home like the one Mr. Bannister had owned for more than a decade.

Lucas also took note of a truck loaded down with what looked like pool cleaning supplies. It seemed that he wasn't the only outside contractor invited to the house that day.

The housekeeper - a stout-looking Hispanic woman named Marta - answered the door a few minutes after Lucas rang the bell and gestured for him to come inside without saying a word.

"The Mrs. is out back. By the pool," she said brusquely before moving past Lucas and into the kitchen.

Lucas slung his tennis bag over his shoulder, made his way through the house, and headed towards the pool, which happened to be very near the tennis court. The grass looked green and remarkably lush - the Bannister's must have employed an exceptionally skilled gardener, as Lucas's parents never could manage to keep their lawn looking green or lush - and he was tempted to slip out of his shoes and walk barefoot through the grass.

Lucas kept his shoes on, though, and was distracted from his momentary obsession with the grass by the sight of a tall, remarkably muscular young man exiting the pool deck carrying a wealth of cleaning supplies. His shirt was much tighter than it needed to be - though Lucas noted that he too would wear tight shirts if he had a body like the man approaching him - and he flashed a bright smile and nodded as he walked by.

Lucas wondered if cleaning the pools of wealthy people was as terrible a job as he suspected. You'd spend your entire day awash in luxury that you'd likely never be able to afford and it was quite likely you wouldn't be treated with any sort of kindness by your customers.

That thought washed clean out of his head when Lucas spotted Mrs. Bannister - or Grace, as she insisted he call her - relaxing in a lounge chair by the pool. She looked radiantly beautiful in a white bikini and her skin glistened with either a fine sheen of sweat or some sort of tanning oil. She had on a pair of sunglasses and her hair looked particularly shiny.

Lucas thought she might be asleep, but as soon as he stepped onto the pool deck, Grace sat up and removed her sunglasses. She offered a bright, charming smile - the sort of smile that likely helped her attract Mr. Bannister in the first place - and crossed one foot over the other in a manner he found astoundingly alluring as his eyes were drawn to her long, toned legs.

"Good morning, Lucas," she said.

"Good morning, Mrs...er...Grace. It's nice to see you."

She swung her legs over the side of the lounge chair and stood. Lucas's pulse quickened as she approached and he tried his best not to stare at her breasts, which bounced rather invitingly within the confines of her fairly skimpy bikini.

"It's cute that you're trying so hard not to stare," she said, making it clear that Lucas had failed in his attempt to hide his desire. "I don't mind if you stare a little, though. I don't spend hours each day working out so that men won't stare at my body."

It still felt weird to stare - especially now that she was just a few steps away from him - but Lucas did let himself enjoy one glance at her spectacular breasts, which looked even better in their slightly sweaty state.

"Did you just finish a workout?" he asked.

Grace smiled, looked down, and ran her fingers over the sweat that coated her breasts. She did so in a manner that struck Lucas as astoundingly seductive and he was unsurprised - though embarrassed - to find his cock stirring as he watched.

"You know, I guess you could say that I did just finish a workout."

Grace's fingers moved towards her lips, but before taking them in her mouth she smiled, stepped closer to Lucas, and pushed them onto his tongue instead. The salty taste of her sweat filled his mouth and he groaned when she reached out with her other hand and grasped his cock through his shorts, stroking him a handful of times until he sported a throbbing erection.

"Did you see that gorgeous young man leaving?" she asked.

He nodded.

"He gave me quite a workout. Two orgasms worth, in fact. It's the most vigorous sex I've ever had, though with a body like his, it shouldn't be surprising that he can generate quite a bit of power. It's not the kind of sex I always want to have, but it's nice to get fucked like that every two weeks when he shows up to clean the pool."

She was sweaty because she'd had sex. Because she'd cheated on her husband. A fact she'd just admitted to Lucas, unless of course Mr. Bannister was well aware of his wife's extracurricular activities and was more than happy to let her pursue her pleasure as long as she gave him what he wanted.

"Actually, I need a small favor from you, Lucas," Grace said as she pulled her fingers from his mouth.

"Anything," he replied without hesitation.

Her smile was bright and genuine. "You're such a sweet boy. I have two condoms I need you to dispose of. I'd flush them, but the plumbing in the pool house isn't great and there's a chance they'd come right back up. Robert isn't entirely unaware of the fact that I sometimes pursue my pleasure elsewhere, but he'd react very poorly if he was confronted with direct evidence of it, so if you wouldn't mind carrying the used condoms out with you when we're done? Perhaps you could tie them off and put them in your tennis bag?"

"Of course," he said.

Grace surprised Lucas by pressing her body against his and kissing him softly on the lips. He closed his eyes and for a few blissful seconds her tongue entered his mouth and swirled with his. Lucas's cock throbbed like it had never throbbed before and in that moment all he wanted was to have sex with the beautiful woman kissing him. Despite knowing it was an impossibility - she'd been clear they wouldn't be having sex - his body wanted no part of logic or reason in that moment.

Grace stepped back with a satisfied smile on her face - she seemed quite delighted at his erection and perhaps at what must have been a look of total, blissful devotion on his face in that moment - and said, "You'll find the condoms in the trash bin in the pool house bathroom. While you're dealing with that, I'll change for our tennis lesson."

She walked past him and into the pool house and Lucas followed with his tennis bag once more slung over his shoulder. He stared at Grace's ass the entire time and wondered if she was swaying her hips so significantly because she wanted to captivate him or if she simply walked like that all the time.

"In there," she said while pointing towards the bathroom.

Lucas wanted to follow her wherever she was going, but instead he stepped into the bathroom, set his bag down, and picked up the trash bin. As she'd said, two used condoms rested in the bottom of the plastic bag that lined the bin.

It wasn't until that moment that Lucas realized he'd agreed to handle another man's used condoms and that he'd absolutely have to tie them off if he didn't want the pool guy's cum all over his tennis bag.

He took a deep breath, reached in, and pulled out one of the condoms. He held it up for a moment and stared at the impressive volume of cum in the tip. Lucas considered upending it and pouring it into the sink, but he reasoned that he'd almost certainly get a little bit of cum in his tennis bag if he did that, so instead he tied off the condom and set it on the counter before reaching into the trash bin for the second.

"Jeez," Lucas said as he held it up. This one had even more cum in it - it must have been the first one he'd used - and Lucas was hit with a gentle wave of jealousy as he thought about the pool guy fucking Grace. He thought of the condom in his hand moving in and out of Grace's pussy while wrapped around another man's cock. He wished it had been wrapped around his cock. He wished desperately he'd been the one to fuck her, perhaps in the bed in the pool house or on one of the lounge chairs.

"Impressive, isn't it?"

Lucas jumped in surprise and nearly dropped the condom as his head whipped around. Grace had changed into a tight white sleeveless athletic top and a remarkably short tennis skirt and he suspected she wasn't wearing a bra, based on the fact that her nipples were quite clearly poking through the material of her top.

"He's cum in my mouth before," she continued. "He cums more than any man I've ever been with. There's something hot about it, though. Something that makes him seem so much more virile than other men. Do you cum that much, Lucas?"

He shook his head and Grace reached out and stroked him through his shorts as she pressed her body against his. Her breasts felt wondrous - and he was now certain she wasn't wearing a bra - and his cock once again reached a remarkably stiff state with little effort on her part.

"You're not really the sort of man my handsome pool guy is though, are you?"

Lucas shook his head again and Grace leaned in and kissed his neck.

"That's okay. To be honest, more women would prefer to be with a man like you - long term, I mean - than a man like him. With a guy like that you have to worry that he's going to cheat on you. Plus, getting fucked like that would get tiresome if you were taking it every day." She smiled. "Taking it a few times a month, though, is glorious, Lucas. So glorious that my pussy is still tingling with pleasure."

She unzipped his shorts and freed his cock. Lucas's heart raced as Grace stared into his eyes and took him in her hand, offering slow, gentle strokes while her lips curled into a smile.

"Does it feel good when I stroke your dick, Lucas?"


"Is it strange to be holding another man's cum while you get a handjob from a married woman?"

"Very much so."

Grace reached up and took the used condom from him. She stroked him a little faster and then in an instant she'd placed the used condom on his cock. With one hand she sealed it around the base of his cock and with the other she stroked the head while bathing it in the pool guy's thick load.


Lucas was horrified, and yet it felt so good. He could have stepped away. He could have pried her hands from his cock. He didn't, though. He just stood there and watched as the cum-filled condom covered his cock while he got a handjob from a beautiful married woman.

"Shh, Lucas. Don't fight it. You know it feels good. You know you like having his used condom on your cock. You know you like wearing the condom that another man used to fuck me. You know you like that your dick is bathed in the cum he produced while fucking my tight little pussy."

She was right. He did like it. Or at least his body liked it. It felt so fucking good. So astoundingly hot. If she kept it up he was going to cum and he was going to cum hard.

"Grace...I'm close..."

"Then cum for me, Lucas. Let me give you this. Let me give you this gift. Let me show you the pleasures of trying something new, of stepping outside your boundaries, or surrendering to that part of you that's a kinky little freak."

Lucas was getting a handjob with another man's cum-filled condom around his cock. It was kinky as hell. Was she right? Was he a kinky little freak? Did it matter? He couldn't think straight. He couldn't think about anything other than how good fucking good it felt.

Lucas came in the condom. He pressed his hands against the bathroom wall to keep himself from falling and he came in the condom. He cried out and then clamped his mouth shut just in case anyone was close enough to hear.

Grace leaned in to kiss his neck. Her breasts pressed into his body. It was glorious. Her lips were soft and her tongue so skilled as it danced over his skin. It was perfect. Utterly perfect.

"Thank you," he said afterwards.

Grace pulled the condom from his cock and held it up. Cum coated the entirety of the inside and his dick, too. "You're welcome," she replied. "Now tie this off and get it in your bag. I can't have my husband finding out that I made two different men cum today."

The way she smiled made Lucas wonder if Mr. Bannister would have been angry at hearing that little bit of news or if he and Grace had a far stranger relationship than Lucas imagined.

"When you're done, I'd like you to make me cum before we have our lesson."

Lucas took the condom and smiled. "It would be my pleasure."

"I know. You like putting your tongue where another man's cock has been."

The notion made him uncomfortable, but before Lucas could voice his rejection of that notion Grace kissed him. It was a deep kiss. A passionate kiss. She grabbed his hand and put on her ass, too, washing away any argument about liking to put his tongue where another man's cock had been.

"I'll be on the tennis court," she said. "You can eat my pussy there."

She walked away - though not before lifting her skirt and revealing that she wasn't wearing any panties - and Lucas turned his attention to the condom.

He tied it off and placed it in his tennis bag. He washed his hands and his cock in the bathroom sink - an odd experience, to be sure - and then waited a bit for his erection to fade before heading out to the tennis court to service Grace's pussy before he got down to the real reason he was there, which was to make sure she was actually good enough at tennis to ensure she and Mr. Bannister had a chance to win the doubles tournament at the end of the summer.

Grace had Lucas drop to his knees on the court and then lifted her skirt and pulled his head to her pussy. He licked her clit while her fingers were entwined in his hair. He lost himself in the rather intense pleasure of making the woman standing above him quiver with orgasmic delight and he bathed his tongue in the sweet taste of her juices while she came - and came rather hard.

Afterwards, Lucas offered an hourlong lesson - this time focusing on the finer points of her backhand - and was treated to a wealth of pussy and ass shots as her skirt kept flipping up. By the end he was nursing a partial erection - recovery times were quick at his age - and he was also quite pleased with the progress Grace was making.

"You're getting better," he said as they both drank from ice cold bottles of water.

She smiled. "I have a good teacher."

Lucas was surprised to feel a genuine touch of pride, and a bit of shyness at the idea of being good at almost anything.

"I hope I'm teaching you a few things about yourself," she added.

He nodded. It would have been foolish to deny that fact.

"You need to have actual sex, though, Lucas. With a girl. A girlfriend, ideally. Someone you can explore with. Someone say...cute and blonde and working as a bartender at the club?"

"Sarah?" he asked.

Grace nodded. "You're going to ask her out. Today, actually. You'll do it at the beginning of your shift. You'll walk right up to her and ask her if you can take her out for dinner."

Lucas recoiled at the idea of doing something so nerve-wracking and so full of potential for rejection.

"Don't make that face. You're going to ask her out and she's going to say yes. She likes you, Lucas. I've seen it. She's just not sure if you like her. So you're going to show her that you do by asking her out. You're going to take her out. You're going to be impressive. Eventually - though not on the first date - you'll have sex with her. You'll hopefully have lots of really good sex, aided by my teachings, which we'll get to as soon as you secure that first date."

Lucas envied her confidence, as he was absolutely certain that Sarah would reject his request for a date.

"If you don't ask her, I'll have to tell my husband that you showed me your cock in the pool house. He won't like that, Lucas."

The look on her face made him absolutely certain she'd do it, and facing the anger of Robert Bannister was a far worse fate than being rejected by Sarah, which meant Lucas would be asking her out that day at work.

"Okay, I'll do it."

Grace kissed him on the cheek and let her lips linger for a few seconds. It was enough to make Lucas's cock tingle with desire.

"Good boy," she said softly. "I promise, she'll say yes. Try your best to seem confident, but Sarah likes you enough that she might find it cute if you're hopelessly nervous, so don't worry too much. Oh, and when you take her out, make sure it's a decent place. You don't want it to be overly fancy or stuffy - you're young, after all - but no fucking fast food."

"No, of course not."

Grace smiled. "Good. Now off with you. Go ask that girl out. Show her that you like her, Lucas, and I promise you'll have the summer of your life."

Lucas grabbed his tennis bag - making a note to dispose of the two used condoms as quickly as possible - and headed across the expansive and lush lawn and towards the house.

Despite everything that had just happened - the kinky orgasm, the pussy licking, the relentless flashing of her pussy and ass - all Lucas could think about was Sarah and how overwhelmingly nervous he felt about asking her out.

He'd do it, though. He had the motivation he needed, so he'd do it. Maybe she'd reject him, but he was going to do it even if the nervousness made him throw up afterwards. He was going to task her out.




LOVE this series! Especially that Grace loves bikinis, tennis outfits, and making him eat her pussy instead of fucking her!