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Thomas looked up from his computer to see Lily, his boss’s assistant, step into his office with a smile on her face and a bottle of Scotch in her hand.

“Lily, to what do I owe the pleasure?” he asked with a genuine smile on his face.

“I come bearing a gift,” she replied before setting the Scotch – a bottle of Macallan 18, in fact – on his desk. “Mr. Andrews wanted to congratulate you on your promotion.”

The gift was unexpected, to the point that Thomas was suddenly a little wary of his boss’s intentions. “Wow,” he said. “This is really generous.”

Lily smiled and sat on the edge of Thomas’s desk. Her skirt rode up and he couldn’t help but glance at the exposed flesh of her thigh, though he cursed himself the moment his gaze drifted. “Mr. Andrews wants you to know that you’re a valued member of the team, Thomas. He believes that you have a long, prosperous future at the company and he knows that you can appreciate a good glass of Scotch more than most men.”

Thomas reached out to grab the bottle of Macallan and ran his fingers over the label. Lily was right. He did enjoy a good glass of Scotch and the bottle was the kind of gift that did make him feel appreciated. He would have poured a glass right then and there if it wasn’t frowned upon to indulge in a drink at work.

“Please thank Mr. Andrews for me,” Thomas said. “I’ve already told him, of course, but please reiterate just how grateful I am to have been given that promotion.”

“I will,” Lily said as she shifted her body just a little, causing her skirt to ride up a few inches more and drawing Thomas’s gaze to her thighs once again. “There is one more thing we have to discuss before I go, though.”

Lily stood and made her way around the office, closing the blinds for each window to provide the sort of privacy that made Thomas nervous.

“Lily, what are you doing?” Thomas asked.

Lily turned and smiled before sauntering across the room with an unnecessarily seductive sway in her hips.

“Lily, seriously, what are you doing?” Thomas asked.

“It’s come to the attention of Mr. Andrews that you’ve been engaging in a little bit of…well, scheming, shall we say?” Lily began as she sat across from Thomas’s desk. “It seems as though you’ve used your promotion as an opportunity to try and set yourself up to take Mr. Andrews’s job. You’re shoring up support among your coworkers – or attempting to, at least – and you’re planning on going over Mr. Andrews’s head and proposing that you’d be far better at running the division than he is. You’ve made promises of promotions to some of your coworkers and you’ve assured everyone you’ve talked to that you’ll be far more generous than Mr. Andrews is when it comes to compensation. Is that correct, Thomas?”

All of it was correct – Thomas had no intention of remaining under Mr. Andrews for years to come – but he wasn’t about to admit to that. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, Lily, and if Mr. Andrews has a problem with me, he can talk to me like a man, instead of sending his assistant to do his dirty work.”

Lily smiled and said, “Mr. Andrews prefers to handle these issues in a different manner.”

Thomas remained silent, as he wasn’t entirely sure how to work himself out of the situation he’d fallen into. Clearly he’d overplayed his hand with regards to rounding up support within his division, as someone had happily ratted him out. Silence seemed like the best option in the moment.

“If you open your email you’ll find a link,” Lily said. “Please do so right now.”

Thomas stared at her for a few moments before turning to his computer and browsing to his corporate email. He saw a message from Lily had arrived mere moments before she’d walked into his office. The email contained a link, just like she’d said it would. “And what might this link contain?” he asked.

“Leverage,” Lily said with a smile.

Thomas’s mouse hovered over the link for a few seconds as he considered whether he wanted to see the leverage that Mr. Andrews thought he had. Realizing he had no choice but to let the situation play out, Thomas clicked the link.

A new window opened to a webpage hosted on the company’s internal server. On the page was a video, though there was no screenshot to give Thomas some idea of what he’d see if he clicked the play button.

“Play it,” Lily said.

Thomas racked his brain for any anything compromising he might have done that could have been caught on video. Nothing came to mind, though that did nothing to slow his heart rate as he clicked on the video.

Lily stood up and dragged her chair around to Thomas’s side of the desk. She sat next to him, crossed her legs, and stared at the screen as the video began with a shot of the cabin of the corporate jet. The low rumble of the engine was the only sound Thomas heard. He glanced at Lily and she offered a smile.

“Where was your wife last weekend, Thomas?” she asked.

“What?” he replied as the question caught him completely off guard. Lily offered no reply. Instead, her gaze returned to the screen.

Mr. Andrews walked in front of the camera and dropped into one of the luxurious leather seats. An elegant-looking woman in a dark burgundy dress followed and sat across from Mr. Andrews, leaving her face hidden from the camera.

“Where was your wife last weekend, Thomas?” Lily asked again.

Thomas leaned closer and studied the woman sitting across from his boss. It was the ring on her finger that caught his attention. He knew that ring. He’d given his wife that ring when he asked her to marry him.

“I suppose you didn’t actually know where your wife was last weekend,” Lily said. “I’m sure she told you something – I doubt she said she was traveling with Mr. Andrews – but it should be clear that she wasn’t wherever she said she was.”

Erin had told Thomas she was going away for a spa weekend with her friends. She’d even posted a picture on Instagram of her feet poking out of a relaxing-looking bath. Thomas had no reason to doubt the veracity of her claim. Erin wasn’t in the habit of lying to him, after all.

“We should be in the air in just a few minutes, Mr. Andrews,” the pilot said as he popped his head into the cabin.

“Very good,” Mr. Andrews replied.

“What is this?” Thomas asked. “Why are you showing me this?”

“You should have known your place, Thomas,” Lily replied. She offered nothing more, though, leaving Thomas to turn back to the video and watch as Mr. Andrews and his wife sat silently in the cabin while the plane taxied towards the runway.

“You’re very beautiful, Erin,” Mr. Andrews said.

“Thank you,” she replied.

“I like that you put in a great deal of effort to look good for me,” he said. “That speaks very well of your dedication to your husband’s career.”

“What’s he talking about?” Thomas asked as his eyes remained fixed on the screen.

“Your wife loves you very much, Thomas,” Lily said. “Mr. Andrews made her an offer to help advance your career and she jumped at the chance. As you’ll see, she was quite convincing.”

Thomas looked towards Lily as a sense of dread rose in his chest. “What did he do to her? What is this? Why are you showing me this?”

“It’s not what he did to her,” Lily replied. “It’s what she was willing to do for him. For you, really. As it turns out, your wife was willing to do just about anything to ensure that you rose up in the company.”

The sound of the engines roaring to life drew Thomas’s attention back to the video and he watched his wife momentarily grip the edges of her seat. Mr. Andrews smiled and said, “Don’t worry. We’ll be at cruising altitude before long. Then we can have a little fun. How about a drink in the meantime?”

“I’d like that,” Erin answered.

Mr. Andrews gestured towards the flight attendant and said, “Two glasses of Scotch, please.”

The flight attendant appeared in the video not longer after and handed both Erin and Mr. Andrews a drink.

“Tell me, Erin,” Mr. Andrews began as he held his drink, “why were you so receptive to my proposal?”

Erin sipped her drink, crossed her legs in a manner that struck Thomas as surprisingly seductive, and said, “Can I be entirely honest?”

“Of course,” Mr. Andrews replied. “The deal has been struck. As long as you follow through, your husband will be promoted.”

Erin sipped her drink once more, draining at least half the dark liquid before resting it on her knee and saying, “I’ve wanted to fuck you from the moment I first met you four years ago. I restrained my desires – there was nothing but downside to acting on them at the time – but I wanted to fuck you, and when you offered the opportunity to help advance my husband’s career in exchange for certain physical considerations, it was a win-win for me.”

Mr. Andrews laughed as Thomas wondered if that was really his wife sitting across from his boss. Was Erin being honest? Had she really felt desire for Mr. Andrews from the first moment they’d met?

“I can be quite selfish, you know,” Mr. Andrews said. “Especially in a situation like this. I don’t want to be dishonest about my intentions, after all.”

“You intend to use me for your pleasure,” Erin replied. “Is that right?”

Mr. Andrews nodded and sipped his drink.

“When I met you and thought of fucking you, I didn’t imagine you as a tender lover, Mr. Andrews. Thomas is a tender lover. I can enjoy that experience as often as I like at home. I imagined you as the sort of man that enjoyed taking what he wants without any concern for the consequences of his actions,” Erin explained. “Based on your offer and that hungry look in your eyes, I’m fairly certain I was right about that.”

“You were,” Mr. Andrews said. “And since we’re nearly at cruising altitude, I think it’s time you show me that you’re ready to help your husband earn that promotion he wants.”

Erin smiled, finished her drink, and pushed out of her seat. She crossed the short distance between her and Mr. Andrews and straddled him. She took his drink, threw back the Scotch he hadn’t finished, and put the glass aside.

“I’m going to make you a very happy man this weekend,” she said. “And I suspect you’re going to make me a very happy woman.”

Erin leaned down and kissed Mr. Andrews. His hands moved down her back and he grabbed her ass possessively. Erin moaned into his mouth and Mr. Andrews seemed to take that as a sign to go a little further. He pulled up the bottom of her dress and grasped her bare ass cheeks as Thomas felt an odd sensation emanate through his body.

“Are you alright, Thomas?” Lily asked as Erin and Mr. Andrews continued to kiss with rather voracious passion.

“Don’t pretend that you give a damn about how I’m feeling,” Thomas said to his boss’s assistant.

“I’m not pretending,” Lily said. “I don’t care about how you’re feeling, Thomas. Not really. It’s just that I’m fairly certain that you’re aroused.”

Thomas offered no response. It wasn’t possible that he was aroused. He couldn’t be. Only someone truly fucked up would be aroused at the sight of his wife offering herself to another man.

“Is that your cock I feel pressing into me?” Erin asked. “Are you turned on?”

“I certainly am,” Mr. Andrews answered.

Erin kissed his neck and climbed off his lap. She fell to her knees in front of Mr. Andrews and hastily worked his belt open, unbuttoned his pants, and tugged on the zipper. She looked up at him, bit her lower lip in an impossibly seductive way, and reached into his underwear to free his cock.

“I’m glad to see I wasn’t wrong about you having a big cock,” Erin said as she ran her fingers up and down the long, thick shaft she’d just freed from another man’s pants.

“Did she know she was being filmed?” Thomas asked.

“No,” Lily replied. “Your lovely wife has no idea her infidelity has been captured on camera.”

Thomas gripped the arms of his chair as a sense of fury came over him. His anger wasn’t directed at Erin, though. It was at Mr. Andrews, his piece of shit boss.

“Take a breath, Thomas,” Lily said as she inched her chair closer and reached out to touch his arm. “This goes on for quite a while and I don’t want you getting yourself too worked up.”

Erin kissed the head of Mr. Andrew’s cock and smiled. Her tongue slipped from between her lips and she ran it over the underside of his beautiful dick, eliciting a moan.

“Take me in your mouth,” Mr. Andrews said in a strong tone that Thomas had heard around the office. “Show me that you know how to make a man feel good.”

Thomas watched his wife give another man a blowjob. The camera angle didn’t show all of her face, but he could see her mouth moving up and down Mr. Andrew’s cock. He could see his wife sucking someone else’s cock and for some reason he didn’t feel anywhere near as angry as he thought he would.

“She’s quite good,” Lily said as she inched her chair even closer. She ran her fingers up Thomas’s arm and added, “Does she suck your cock like that, Thomas?”

“Stop,” he said.

Lily’s hand moved to his leg and she replied, “Stop what, Thomas?”

“Stop touching me. Stop talking, please,” he said.

Lily’s hand moved up his thigh and she leaned closer to whisper, “It’s okay if you’re enjoying this, Thomas. Mr. Andrews sent me because he wants you to enjoy this. He wants you to be able to enjoy and celebrate the sacrifice your wife made to ensure you got the promotion that you didn’t really deserve.”

“Lily, please,” Thomas said.

Lily’s hand reached his crotch and she grasped his half-hard cock through the thin material of his slacks. “Don’t fight it, Thomas. Just watch your wife suck cock. Watch her pretty mouth bob up and down on Mr. Andrew’s big dick. Watch her give another man pleasure. Watch her surrender her body for the sexual satisfaction of a better man.”

Thomas felt a flash of anger at the suggestion that Mr. Andrews was somehow better than him. He looked at Lily and readied a rebuttal, but she unzipped his pants and her fingers quickly grasped his cock and stroked him in his boxers.

“No more talking,” she said. “The video’s just about to get good. Give it your full attention, Thomas. We both know you’re turned on right now. We both know you want to see your wife give her pussy to Mr. Andrews.”

A moment later Erin pulled off of the cock in her mouth and stood up. She lifted the bottom of her dress, pulled down her panties, and straddled Mr. Andrews. She reached down and grasped his cock. He smiled and a moment later he was inside her. Erin sat down on another man’s dick, rolled her head back, and moaned.

“Fuck, your dick is so big,” she said. “You feel so fucking good inside me.”

Mr. Andrews reached up and slipped the straps of her dress from Erin’s shoulders, revealing her naked breasts. He took them in his hands and squeezed roughly, eliciting a pained look and a lusty-sounding moan from Thomas’s wife.

“Your wife’s not the first woman to accept Mr. Andrews’s offer,” Lily said as she freed Thomas’s cock from his pants and stroked him. “She is the first to enjoy herself, though. The other women seemed to hate it, as most women would. They did it for the promotion, the money, and a little extra power for their husbands. Erin’s enjoying herself, though. She likes how rough he is with her tits. She likes the idea of giving herself to her husband’s boss. She likes the idea of him using her body for his pleasure. Your wife’s a slut, Thomas.”

Thomas groaned as his cock surged in Lily’s hand. He hated himself for experiencing even a shred of pleasure, but he couldn’t help it. It wasn’t just that a beautiful woman was jerking him off, either. Despite the humiliating nature of what was unfolding on screen, Thomas was aroused by it.

Mr. Andrews pulled Erin close and took one of her nipples into his mouth. She rode him hard as her moans filled Thomas’s office. Lily was right. Erin wasn’t just putting on a show. Those were real moans. She was genuinely enjoying herself.

“I want you from behind,” Mr. Andrews said after a thorough cock ride.

Erin dismounted, spun around, and got on her knees on her seat. She reached back to flip up her dress and expose her bottom, and for the first time Thomas saw his wife’s beautiful face in full.

Mr. Andrews stood, stepped behind her, and pressed his cock into Erin’s pussy. For the first time Thomas noticed that his boss wasn’t using protection, though that slightly alarming news only brought with it a surge of arousal.

“Fuck me,” Erin said. “Fuck me hard.”

Mr. Andrews did just that. He put a hand on her shoulder and another on her lower back and he pounded Erin with exceptional vigor. She closed her eyes and moaned, and once again Thomas couldn’t help but conclude that she was enjoying herself. The look on her face was one of pleasure, of a woman getting something she craved, and since Mr. Andrews couldn’t see her face there was no particular reason for Erin to fake it in that moment.

“Do you fuck her like that, Thomas?” Lily asked.

“No,” he replied. They almost never had doggystyle sex, mostly because Thomas didn’t really enjoy it. He liked being able to look into his wife’s eyes as they made love. He liked being able to kiss her, and fucking her doggystyle didn’t really allow for any of that.

“It looks like she wishes you would,” Lily said. “It looks like she’s thoroughly enjoying being fucked doggystyle by Mr. Andrews.”

Thomas nodded and Lily stroked his cock a little faster. Mr. Andrews moved his hand from Erin’s lower back to her ass. He rubbed her smooth cheeks slowly and then lifted his hand and delivered a swift blow. Erin cried out in pain, but Thomas was quite certain he saw pleasure on his wife’s face soon after.

“You’re a very naughty girl, Erin,” Mr. Andrews said.

“I can be,” she replied. “For the right man.”

Mr. Andrews spanked her ass again and asked, “Is your husband not the right man? Does he not inspire you to be a naughty girl?”

“I love my husband, but he doesn’t fuck me,” Erin said as Mr. Andrews continued to pound her from behind. “Sometimes a girl needs to be fucked. She needs to be taken. She needs to be used.”

Mr. Andrews smiled and reached down to rub his thumb over Erin’s asshole as he fucked her from behind. She moaned and he smiled. It seemed that every little thing Mr. Andrews did only enhanced her desire.

“Would you let me have your ass if I wanted it, Erin?” Mr. Andrews asked.

Before she could answer, he pressed his thumb against her asshole and it slipped inside her as his cock continued to fill her with deep, hard thrusts.

“Would you?” he asked.

Erin looked back at him, smiled, and said, “Yes.”

Much to his embarrassment, Thomas climaxed as his wife confirmed she’d have anal sex with his boss. Lily stroked him right through his orgasm as he made a mess on his pants, his desk, and the floor beneath him.

All the while Mr. Andrews continued to fuck Erin with his thumb in her ass. He worked his cock and his finger in and out of her and she moaned like a woman possessed.

“Why did you show me this?” Thomas asked.

“You are Mr. Andrews’s subordinate,” Lily answered. “You forgot that and you did your best to try and usurp his position. You won’t do that again. If you do, this video – and the others Mr. Andrews made with your wife over the course of their weekend together – will be used to humiliate both of you. It will be distributed to your friends and family and her employer. Do you understand?”

“What if I quit?” Thomas asked.

Lily stood and smiled. “You belong to Mr. Andrews now, Thomas. You will not quit. You will keep your job. You will do as you’re told. You will do everything you can to protect his position within the company. In fact, you will help Mr. Andrews continue to rise up.”

“And if I don’t?” Thomas asked.

“He took your wife’s ass during their weekend together,” Lily said. “It’s quite the video. Far more explicit – and embarrassing for you, I’d say – than the one you just watched. If you don’t do as you’re told – if you don’t recognize that you belong to Mr. Andrews now – that video will make its way online. His face is hidden, but your wife’s isn’t. She looks like a common whore offering her ass for a man’s pleasure and everyone will see it. The worst part is, it’s clear that she enjoys it, Thomas. The world will see her enjoying taking another man’s cock in her ass and talking about how her husband is damn near worthless in bed. Is that what you want for you and your wife, Thomas? Do you want that video online? Or are you going to be good?”

“I’ll be good,” Thomas said. There was no question in his mind that Mr. Andrews would put the video online. He’s clearly underestimated his boss, and his wife, for that matter.

“Good,” Lily said as she straightened her skirt and turned to leave. “I’ll be keeping an eye on you, Thomas. If you misbehave, I’ll ruin your life.”

Thomas felt a chill run down his spine. He’d planned on finding a way out from under Mr. Andrews and his assistant, but suddenly that felt far riskier. Perhaps accepting his fate was the only choice that made any sense.



Shubham Sharma

This one is damn hot! Looking forward to seeing how the ass fuck turned out!