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A car pulls into your driveway. The driver gets out and opens the back door. A beautiful woman in a floor length red gown with a slit up one thigh steps out, exposing the soft, smooth skin of her leg in the moonlight. A man in a tuxedo gets out after her. He takes her hand and leads her towards the front door.

The woman is your wife. The man is her boyfriend. He took her to a charity fundraiser attended by some of the wealthiest people in the city. He is among those people. Afterwards, he took her to a hotel room where they spent a few hours enjoying each other. Now he’s returning her to you, her loving cuckold husband.

He walks her to the front door as you watch from the window. They share a few words. He reaches up to caress her face. He leans closer and they share a kiss. It’s a deeply passionate kiss. It’s the kind of kiss that two lovers share. Their fingers entwine as they kiss. He steps back and she holds his hand for a moment longer before saying goodbye.

Your wife watches him walk down the front steps and into the waiting car. The driver gets in the front seat and pulls away. Your wife waves goodbye before pulling a key from her purse and unlocking the door. You rush from the window to meet her. As she steps into the house you reach the foyer. She is a vision of flawless beauty. Her hair is long, wavy, and shiny. Her lips are still red – she must have reapplied her lipstick – and her dress looks absolutely perfect, just as it did when she left.

“Did you miss me?” she asks with a smile.

“I did,” you reply. “Very much so. You were all I thought about.”

She moves closer. You watch the way the fabric of her dress moves in subtle waves, exposing her leg with each step. You can see why he selected it for her. It’s perfect. You can also see why it costs the equivalent of a month of your salary. It’s exquisitely made.

“Did you have a nice night?” you ask.

Your wife approaches with a smile on her face. She takes your hand and places it on her hip as she steps closer. She leans in and you smell the perfume she wears for him. “I had a perfect night,” she says. She kisses your neck. Her lips are soft and her touch is delicate. You’ve spent your night pining for her touch and a subtle tease is enough to send goose bumps rushing down your arm.

“Come,” your wife whispers. She leads you up the stairs. You admire the way the thin, soft fabric of her dress brushes against her flawless ass, which looks especially good thanks to the red high heels he bought for her.

Your wife leads you down the hallway. She takes two steps into the bedroom and stops. She pulls your hand around her waist. You press your body against hers. You kiss her neck and she reaches up and caresses the side of your face.

“You thought of me while I was gone?” she asks.

You kiss her neck. She purrs. “I did,” you reply.

“What did you think about?” she asks.

You hold her hips in your hands and pull back gently. You moan as your cock presses into her ass. She moans in return. Your hands move up her torso. You touch the sides of her breasts – she’s not wearing a bra under the dress – and you gently cup her soft, perky flesh.

“I thought of you dancing with him,” you say. “I thought of you sharing champagne with him. I thought of you sneaking away to a dark corner of the party to kiss him. I thought of his hands on your body as you kissed him. I thought of your desire for him.”

“Did that turn you on?” she asks.

You pull back on her hips again. You press your cock into her ass. You make your desire perfectly clearly. “Yes,” you answer. “It always turns me on to think of you with him.”

She escapes from your grasp and spins around. You step closer and reach out. You find her waist and pull her close once more. Your foreheads gently press together as your hand moves past her hips and down her thigh. You find the slit in her dress and your fingers caress her smooth skin. You slowly move up her thigh.

“Did you think of me?” you ask.

“No,” she answers.

Her answer makes you moan in pleasure. It’s one word, and yet it makes you feel such wondrous things. Your fingers move between her legs. You press them against her panties. You feel the dampness there.

Your wife presses her body against yours, pinning your fingers between her legs. She kisses you as you massage the area between her legs. Her tongue darts into your mouth. Yours does the same. She moans.

You run your fingers to the top of her panties and push them past the waistband. They move through her pubic hair and find their way between her labia. Your fingers slip into your wife’s pussy. They find heat and wetness. They find her boyfriend’s cum.

She moans into your mouth. You offer your tongue and your wife sucks on it. She’s voracious. She always is when she returns home from a night with her boyfriend.

She steps back and reaches down to grab your wrist. She pulls your fingers from her panties. She lifts them to her mouth. She sucks her boyfriend’s cum and her juices from them. You watch as your cock throbs painfully in your pants. Her eyes light up with lust as she tastes her boyfriend’s seed.

“He tastes so good,” she says as your fingers slip from her mouth.

Your wife slowly steps back. She reaches the bed and sits. She spreads her legs. You see her red lace panties. You see the wet spot in them. Her fingers move into her panties and she masturbates as you watch. Her eyes close. Her mouth opens. She moans.

“Are you thinking about him?” you ask.

She nods. Her eyes are still closed.

“What are you thinking?” you ask.

“I’m thinking about the hotel room, about sharing a glass of champagne while admiring the most spectacular view of the city I’ve ever seen,” she says as her fingers continue to slowly move in her panties. “I’m thinking about the way he looked at me, about the hunger in his eyes. I’m thinking about the way he kissed me, the way his lips devoured me, the way his hands moved over my body. I’m thinking about his need for me and about how desperate I felt for him.”

She pulls her fingers from her panties. Her eyes open and she smiles at you before taking them in her mouth and sucking them clean.

You step closer and your wife smiles. She reaches up and grabs your shirt. She pulls on it and you bend over. “Will you kiss me?” she asks.

You nod. She pulls your lips to hers. She kisses you. Her tongue pushes into your mouth. You taste him. She moans. You know it thrills her when you’re willing to taste him on her lips and tongue. You know it drives her wild that you’re willing to be dirty like that.

“He was in my mouth tonight,” she whispers as your lips hover close to hers. “I was on my knees in this dress. I unzipped his pants. I pulled out his cock. I devoured him like a good girlfriend does. I swallowed him. I looked up at him and I saw the lust in his eyes as I gave him what he craved.”

She kisses you again. You think of your wife pleasuring her boyfriend as her lips part and her tongue moves into your mouth. You think of her tongue moving over the head of his cock. You think of her lips sealed tight around his shaft. Your cock aches.

She pushes you back and stands up. She reaches up and loosens the simple knot that keeps her dress on. It falls to the floor, revealing her breathtaking body.

“I was his tonight,” she says. “Willingly, happily, eagerly. I was his to do with as he pleased.”

You step closer. You reach out and caress the soft skin of her hip just above her panties. Your fingers move to her lower back and you step closer. She looks up at you as her breasts press into your chest.

“What did he do with you?” you ask.

She smiles. “He made love to me. He made love to your wife. Twice.”

Her words are carefully chosen and skillfully deployed to thrill you. Her hand moves between your legs and she unzips your pants. Her fingers venture inside and she finds your cock, freeing it from the confines of your clothing. She strokes you.

“Did you think about that while I was gone?” she asks. “Did you think about him making love to me?”

Your heart pounds in your chest. You’re nearly breathless as you say, “Yes.”

“Did you enjoy thinking about that?” she asks. “Did it turn you on to think of your wife willingly giving her body to another man?”

“Yes,” you say. The pleasure is so intense that you’re lightheaded for just a moment.

She releases your cock and pulls your shirt over your head. She unbuttons your jeans and they fall to the floor. Your underwear follows. You step out of them and kick your clothes aside.

Your wife kisses you as her fingers find your cock once more. The kiss is tender and she strokes you slowly. She’s in no hurry to make you cum.

“We climaxed together,” she says. “I was on my back. He was between my legs. His thrusts were slow and deep. We kissed as he made love to me. We were one. We were connected in the most beautiful way possible. I came first. A moment later he came inside me. He flooded my womb with his seed.”

You moan as she fills you in on the naughty details of her evening. You picture his cock inside her. You picture them both cumming. You picture another man releasing his seed inside your wife.

“Do you want me?” she asks.

“Desperately,” you answer.

She smiles, releases your cock, and falls into the bed. You admire her perfect body. You think of him on top of her, between her legs, inside her. You think of his lips on her breasts, on her neck, on her lips. You think of them both moaning as he makes love to her.

“I’m yours,” she says.

You smile and crawl into the bed. You slip your fingers into the waistband of her panties and slowly pull them off. Her pussy is soaked. Her labia are shiny from their combined juices.

“Take me,” she says.

You crawl into the bed once more. You kiss her stomach. Your lips slowly make their way up her body. You take one of her nipples in your mouth and she moans while her fingers move through your hair and down your back. You kiss her breasts. You pleasure both her nipples. You drive her wild.

She can’t take it anymore. She pulls your lips to hers. She kisses you. Your tongues entwine as she reaches between your legs and finds your cock.

“I need you inside me,” she says. “I need you to make love to me.”

She guides your cock to her pussy lips. She takes you inside her. She grabs your ass. She makes you fill her.

You groan as her pussy swallows your cock. The folds of warm, wet flesh milk you with every thrust. Your wife kisses you. Her hands move over your body. You run your fingers through her hair as you kiss. She wraps her legs around you and you reach down to caress her thighs as you make love to her. Your thrusts are slow and deep. You want to savor the sensations coursing through your body. You know it has to end, but you want it to last.

You think of them as you make love to her. You think of another man between your wife’s legs. You think of her passion for him. You think of her desire for him. You think of her need to have him inside her. You think of her need to have him cum inside her. It deepens your desire. It enhances your pleasure.

“I can’t stop thinking about you and him,” you say.

“That’s okay,” she replies. “Let your mind go there. Let your desire guide you. Let those thoughts bring you pleasure. Think of him between my legs. Think of him inside me. Think of his cock filling me. Think of me moaning for him.”

She pulls you close and moans. You think of her moaning for him. She wraps her legs tighter around you. You think of her doing it for him. You think of him sliding in and out of her.

“Cum inside me,” she says. Her voice is wild with lust. Her moans get louder. “Please, cum inside me.”

You think of her saying it for him. You can’t hold back. Your thrusts pick up speed. Your moans get louder.

You cum inside your wife. You keep thrusting. You spill your seed in her womb, mixing it with his. Your wife cums with you. She holds you tightly against her body as she climaxes. It feels like she never wants to let you go.

She kisses your face and neck in the aftermath of your mutual climaxes. Her lips are soft and they linger against your skin for a few moments each time. You smile. You feel deeply in love with your wife.

“I wonder which of you is going to get me pregnant,” she says.

You groan. Her words are thrilling in ways you can’t comprehend. You just know that it turns you on. If you hadn’t just cum you’d make love to your wife again.

“I hope it’s me,” you say.

She kisses you. It’s passionate. Ever since she went off birth control her desire seems unquenchable.

“Will you make love to me again?” she asks.

“Of course,” you say. You’ll make love to your wife as many times as she desires.



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