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To say that Thiago was good-looking was to significantly understate his attractiveness. The Brazilian masseur Jared had hired to give his wife a rubdown was as close to a flawless man as Jared had ever seen. He was tall, his jaw seemed to have been chiseled from marble, he was in great shape, and he had no problem showing it off in an exceedingly tight t-shirt.

Jared had gotten Thiago’s name from a friend. That friend had spoken highly of the masseur’s skill and said that Jared’s wife would be thrilled with the gift. It was a little expensive at nearly $300 for an hour’s worth of work, but Thiago was apparently the sort of masseur that earned every penny.

As Jared welcomed the masseur into his home he wondered if the allure of being rubbed by someone so fit, young, and good-looking was a big part of what made it so appealing. What woman wouldn’t want Thiago’s hands all over her body, after all?

As apprehensive as he was about having Thiago rub his wife, Jared couldn’t send the masseur home, not after welcoming him to their home. He would have looked like a jealous fool. Instead, he had Thiago set up his massage table in the living room and went to let Quinn know that she could claim her gift.

“He’s here,” Jared said as he popped his head into the bedroom. Quinn had changed into a short white robe and Jared couldn’t help but admire her legs.

“Panties or not?” Quinn asked as she parted the robe to reveal that she’d already taken off her panties.

“Not, I guess,” he said, mostly because it seemed like that’s what Quinn wanted.

Quinn smiled, closed her robe, and gave Jared a quick kiss on the cheek as she passed by. “Thank you for this,” she said. “You have no idea how much I’m looking forward to a good massage.”

Jared followed to make the introductions. “Thiago, this is my wife, Quinn,” he said. “She’s spent the past month killing herself at work and this massage is a reward for all of that hard work.”

“Quinn, it’s lovely to meet you,” Thiago said.

“Uh…you too, yes, it’s lovely to meet you too,” Quinn said.

Thiago smiled and Jared wondered if he’d made a mistake. Quinn suddenly seemed a little uncomfortable with the idea of getting a rubdown.

“Hey, is everything okay?” he asked quietly.

“Oh, yes, absolutely,” Quinn said with a smile.

She couldn’t seem to keep her eyes off of Thiago and it took a few moments for Jared to understand what seemed like her hesitation. It wasn’t hesitation at all. It was Quinn having the sort of reaction Jared would have had if an insanely beautiful woman in skintight clothes was standing in their living room to give him a rubdown.

“Okay, well, I’ll be in my office if you need anything,” Jared said as he moved past his wife and into his office.

“So, do I just…do I just take my robe off and get on the table?” Quinn asked.

“Yes,” Thiago replied. “I’ll step out of the room for a moment. I’ve left a small towel you can drape over your backside if you’d like, though it’s not a necessity. I’m comfortable with either choice.”

Sometimes, it annoyed Jared that his office was right off the living room as it made getting work done difficult if someone was watching TV. Today, however, he didn’t mind that the small sliver of the living room he could see from his desk chair happened to offer a view of the massage table. Jared looked up to see his wife climb on the table. Her feet were facing him and he could see that she chose not to put the towel over her backside, leaving her completely nude with another man about to come into the room to give her a rubdown.

“Are there any areas you’d like me to concentrate on?” Thiago asked as he entered the room.

“Um, honestly, everything is pretty sore, so I’d say just work me from head to toe,” Quinn said.

“I can do that,” Thiago replied. He grabbed a bottle of oil from his bag, squirted some into his hands, rubbed them vigorously to warm it up, and moved to the front of the massage table. He pressed his hands into Quinn’s upper back and effortlessly moved his fingers over her flesh.

“Ohhhh my God,” Quinn said.

“Does that feel good?” Thiago asked.

Quinn laughed. “Good doesn’t begin to describe it. You are a very talented man, Thiago. I’m fairly certain this is going to be one of the best hours of my life.”

Jared looked down at his laptop and his fingers hovered over the keys, but he couldn’t muster the concentration to even think about work, let alone do any. Instead, Jared looked up again and watched another man’s hands move down his naked wife’s back. He listened to Quinn moan in a way that bordered on sexual. He got a little lost in the slow, almost rhythmic way Thiago’s hands moved down her body.

Thiago oiled his hands once more, moved to the other side of the massage table, and moved his fingers up Quinn’s legs. He started with her calves, rubbing them over and over as she moaned. Then he moved from her ankles all the way to her thighs, stopping just short of her ass.

Every once in a while Quinn moaned in a way that struck Jared as decidedly sexual. Each time it happened, Thiago’s fingers were moving over the upper part of her thighs. Jared would have been worried, but he was contending with something unexpected. For some reason, watching his wife get a massage had him a little bit aroused. His cock was half hard and he was feeling the kind of desire that usually accompanied a foreplay session. It wasn’t foreplay, though. He was sitting in his office chair watching another man rub his wife.

Jared reasoned that it was Quinn’s moans that had turned him on. He’d heard those moans so many times before and they were always when he was turned on. It was during sex, or foreplay, or oral sex. It was almost always followed by an orgasm for Jared, so he told himself that it wasn’t that another man was rubbing her and seemingly turning her on, it was just that his body was used to hearing those moans when he was turned on.

Jared gave up any pretense of trying to work and simply sat in his chair and watched. Each time Thiago’s fingers moved up Quinn’s thighs Jared found himself wishing she would moan. He was a little disappointed when she didn’t and more than a little excited each time she did.

“Would you like me to work your glutes?” Thiago asked.

“Is that my butt?” Quinn replied.

Thiago laughed. “Yes. Sorry. I like to ask. Not everyone is comfortable with me touching them there.”

“Honestly, it would be amazing if you worked my glutes,” Quinn said.

Thiago oiled up his hands and moved to the side of the massage table. He rubbed from Quinn’s lower back to her ass cheeks, moving until his fingers reached the tops of her thighs before starting over.

Jared’s pulse raced and his cock reached a fully erect state as he watched another man handle his wife’s oiled up ass. He felt a little panicky. Quinn wasn’t moaning. There was no way to write off his arousal as a product of some sort of Pavlovian response. Jared couldn’t move, though. He couldn’t do anything other than watch.

“This feels so much better than I thought it would,” Quinn said.

“A lot of the tension in people’s bodies converges in the glut…butt,” Thiago said. “A good massage can help release it. It’s a shame that some people are afraid to let me rub them here.”

Quinn responded with another moan. Jared was certain it was sexual, though he wondered if Thiago encountered that sort of thing all the time. A good massage and good foreplay both produced pleasure, after all.

“Is there anywhere else that people are afraid to let you rub?” Quinn asked. “Anywhere that you’ve found can help release tension?”

“Certainly,” Thiago said as he continued to work the oiled flesh of Quinn’s ass.

“Don’t keep secrets,” Quinn replied. “Tell me. I don’t get massages all that often and I don’t want to miss out.”

Thiago rubbed Quinn’s lower back, over her ass, and down her thighs. “The inner thighs tend to be an area most people aren’t keen on having me rub, and yet there’s always a great deal of relaxation to be found.”

“You can rub my inner thighs,” Quinn said.

“Very well,” Thiago replied.

He oiled up his hands once more and rubbed Quinn’s left thigh. His fingers moved towards her crotch and Jared felt like his heart might leap out of his chest. Another man was getting perilously close to his wife’s pussy and she seemed to be overwhelmingly aroused. That sense of panic increased, though Jared’s cock was so hard it had started to ache.

“Oh, wow,” Quinn said in a far lustier manner than seemed appropriate for the situation. “You’re right, that feels incredible.”

Thiago worked her left thigh for a few minutes before moving to the other side of the massage table and working her right thigh in the same manner. Quinn moaned like she was barreling towards an orgasm. Jared watched with his mouth agape and gripped the edge of his desk, mostly to stop his hands from moving between his legs.

“Thiago, I’m not sure I’ve ever felt a more talented pair of hands on my body,” Quinn said.

Jared released the desk and moved a hand between his legs. He rubbed his cock through his pants.

“That’s kind of you to say, Quinn,” Thiago replied. “Thank you.”

“Is there anywhere else I should let you rub me?” Quinn asked. “Somewhere most people don’t want rubbed?”

Thiago’s fingers moved up Quinn’s inner thigh once more and lingered there for a split second. Jared rubbed his cock faster through his pants. He felt a wet spot in the front. He was dripping precum.

“Well, most men are comfortable letting me work their pectoral muscles, but most women decline to do the same. For perfectly understandable reasons of course,” Thiago said.

“Are you saying you want to rub my breasts, Thiago?” Quinn asked.

He chuckled as his fingers moved up her inner thigh once more. “I’m saying it’s an area that most women decline to have rubbed despite the fact that it can be deeply relaxing.”

“I’d like you to rub my breasts,” Quinn said.

For just a moment Jared thought he might cum in his pants as he heard his wife utter those words. He felt more of that same sense of panic, but his arousal overwhelmed it. He wasn’t the slightest bit certain why he wanted to watch Thiago rub his wife’s breasts, but he wanted it and he wanted it badly.

“Very well,” Thiago said. “Flip over for me.”

Quinn flipped onto her back and directed her gaze into Jared’s office. She stared into his eyes and he grabbed his cock and rubbed it under the desk. He wasn’t sure if Quinn could see it, but in the moment he rashly decided that he wanted her to know that he was turned on.

“Would you like the towel?” Thiago asked, suggesting that Quinn might want to cover her pussy.

“No, that’s alright,” she said.

Thiago oiled his hands and stood at the front of the massage table. He ran his fingers from Quinn’s shoulders and down the sides of her torso, brushing gently against her breasts with his thumbs. He moved under her breasts and up her chest. It seemed to Jared like he was teasing her by touching everything but her breasts.

Thiago repeated the process once more before finally grasping Quinn’s breasts in his hands. Her moan was immediate and decidedly sexual. Jared wasn’t just hearing things. His wife had clearly abandoned all pretenses and was now being perfectly clear about just how turned on she was.

“Thiago…that feels so good,” Quinn said.

Jared watched his wife’s hips move subtly, like she was dealing with an unbearable feeling between her legs. He wondered if she was subconsciously trying to stifle a desire to masturbate.

“Oh…God…” Quinn said as Thiago took her nipples between his oiled fingers and gently rolled them.

It was obvious he’d gone beyond a simple massage. He was clearly trying to arouse her. Jared knew most men would have kicked the masseur out of the house, but he’d discovered that he was not most men. He was so turned on he couldn’t think straight.

Thiago released one of her breasts from his grasp and his fingers moved down her chest, over her stomach, and into her pubic hair. He stopped short of playing with Quinn’s pussy and Jared couldn’t believe that he was disappointed.

“Thiago…please…” Quinn said. “Please, make me cum. Please.”

Thiago moved to the side of the massage table. One of his hands moved between Quinn’s legs. He slipped two fingers into her pussy while working her clit with his thumb. His other hand moved to her breast and he massaged the slippery flesh. Jared watched while vigorously rubbing himself through his pants.

Quinn moaned and lifted her hips off the table. Her hand moved to Thiago’s chest and down the front of his shorts. Jared couldn’t see it from his angle, but he was certain his wife was playing with the Brazilian’s cock through his shorts.

Thiago continued his quest to give Quinn a happy ending. He worked her breasts and her pussy with his skilled fingers. Her moans were unabashedly sexual at that point. They were loud and wild and Jared knew that she’d cum soon. He’d heard those moans before, though he couldn’t remember the last time they were so vociferous.

“Oh…fuck…Thiago…I’m cumming…I’m cumming!” Quinn cried out.

Jared watched his wife’s toes curl as she climaxed with one hand gripping the edge of the massage table and the other seemingly gripping Thiago’s cock.

Thiago pulled his fingers from her pussy and released her breast as Quinn came down from her climax. He turned towards the office and Jared saw that he was hard and rather large, which he took to mean that Quinn had effectively given him an over-the-shorts handjob while she was on the verge of her orgasm.

As Thiago stepped away Jared stared at his wife’s body, which looked absolutely perfect. Her skin was shiny from the oil and her nipples were still hard as a rock as her chest heaved. She sat up, swung her legs over the edge of the table, and hopped off.

“Thank you,” she said.

“It was my pleasure,” Thiago replied.

Quinn gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, “I’d like to book another appointment, if that’s okay. Same time next week?”

“Absolutely,” Thiago replied. “I’m looking forward to it.”

Quinn remained naked and in the living room as Thiago packed up. She watched him fold up the table and he glanced at her a handful of times. Each time Quinn smiled at him. Jared remained at his desk with a painful erection between his legs.

Quinn walked Thiago out without putting on her robe. Not long after the front door shut she appeared in the office doorway. “Come to the bedroom,” she said. “You deserve an orgasm too.”

Jared hopped out of his seat and rushed after his wife. He was still confused by his desires, but he wasn’t going to pass up the chance to have the orgasm he craved. Working through the confusion could wait until later.



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