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“I’m telling you, some guys are really into fucking married women,” Rachel said. The couple at the table next to their glanced over and Rachel shot them a dirty look before turning to Callie and continuing. “They get off on proving that they’re better than the woman’s husband. I swear, for some men, it’s a challenge they can’t wait to tackle. You tell them you’re married and they can’t wait to get inside you and prove that your husband is comparatively ineffectual in bed.”

Callie knew a crowded restaurant wasn’t a great location for a conversation like the one they were having, but she couldn’t help it. She’d opened the door, after all, by mentioning that her husband Rick had brought up the idea of Callie sleeping with other men.

“What’s your hesitation?” Rachel asked. “If Rick’s into it, why wouldn’t you fuck other guys? We’ve been friends for a long time. I know you’re into dick, and I also know that you’re a little frustrated with your sex life as currently constituted.”

“Jesus, Rachel, I get that I brought this up, but could you be just a little quieter? I don’t want the entire restaurant knowing my sexual history,” Callie said.

Rachel smiled, leaned a little closer, and said, “Why? You have nothing to be ashamed of. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be a little bit slutty sometimes, and I think we both know that you get off on being a little bit slutty sometimes. I do too. I’m pretty sure that’s why we’re such good friends.”

“Ladies,” the waiter said as he arrived with their meals and placed them on the table. “Does everything look good?”

“It certainly does,” Rachel said as she surveyed the food. “I have a quick question, though.”

“Of course,” the waiter replied.

Rachel looked at Callie, smiled, and turned her attention to the waiter. “What’s your name?”

“Cole,” the waiter replied.

“Cole, do you think my friend is beautiful?” Rachel said as she gestured to Callie.

Cole turned to Callie, smiled, and said, “Yes. She’s very beautiful.”

“I agree,” Rachel replied. “Now, my friend is married, but her husband is interested in her having sex with other people. I know that might sound strange, but it’s true. Accepting that it’s true, does knowing she’s married make you more or less interested in having sex with her?”

“More,” Cole answered.

Rachel smiled at Callie, as if to say ‘I told you so.’

“Is your husband really interested in that?” Cole asked. “You sleeping with other people, I mean?”

“Yes, he is,” Callie admitted. She felt deeply self-conscious, but Rachel had already put everything out there and she saw little reason not to answer a simple question.

“And there’s something about having sex with a married woman – especially one that has permission to play with other men – that’s quite appealing, isn’t there, Cole?” Rachel asked.

“There is,” Cole answered. “There really is.”

“Callie and I went to college together,” Rachel said. “Every single guy she was with – and I mean every single one of them – said she gave the best blowjob they’d ever had.”

Callie considered kicking her friend under the table, but there was a small part of her that found what Rachel was doing oddly thrilling and she decided to see how it would play out.

“Is that right?” Cole said.

“It is,” Rachel replied. “The secret, as Callie revealed to me, is that giving head turns her on. Most women aren’t like that, so they don’t put in much effort. Callie, on the other hand, loves the sense of control she has with a man in her mouth. She loves being able to give him pleasure that way, especially when it leads to the kind of fucking she craves.”

Rachel was unquestionably going too far, but Callie didn’t stop her and neither did Cole. Her friend happened to be right. Callie had always found it thrilling to give a blowjob, almost entirely because she got off on how good she could make a guy feel. She liked having that sense of control over a man’s pleasure.

“Callie,” Rachel said, “Do you find Cole attractive?”

Callie looked up at the waiter and he flashed a charming smile. “Yes, I do,” she answered. “In fact, he’s very attractive.”

“I agree,” Rachel replied. “So, if you were going to take your husband up on his offer to step outside your marriage, is Cole the sort of man you’d do that with?”

Callie considered shutting the conversation down, as it had clearly ventured into territory she wasn’t entirely comfortable with. She didn’t, though. She was excited. More excited than she’d felt in a long time. Callie wasn’t entirely sure why, but it seemed reasonable to think that the idea of fucking Cole – a stranger, really – thrilled her. So, she gave an honest answer. “Yes, he is.”

“You know, I couldn’t help but notice that the women’s bathroom had a lock on it,” Rachel said. “I suppose that’s for the privacy of the restaurant’s guests, isn’t it?”

“It is,” Cole replied.

Callie looked across the table at her friend and then up at the waiter. She was certain that if she got up to go to the bathroom, Cole would follow. If she wanted, she could fuck another man. She could give in to the sense of desire she felt. She could unleash the slutty side of her that had been in hibernation since she’d started seeing Rick.

It was just too alluring an opportunity to pass up. “If you’ll excuse me,” Callie said, “I need to go to the bathroom.” She pushed her chair back, smiled at Cole, and headed towards the women’s bathroom.

“Have fun,” Rachel called out.

Callie stepped into the women’s bathroom and leaned against the door. Her pulse raced as she took a few moments to debate the wisdom of what she’d decided to do. Would Rick be mad at her for fucking someone else without telling him first? Would Cole even want to fuck her or would she end up embarrassed if he chose not to follow her?

After no more than thirty seconds the door opened and Cole stepped inside. He turned the lock and stepped in front of Callie. He studied her face for a few moments and leaned in. His lips hovered achingly close to hers for a few moments before she took the initiative and kissed him.

The moment their tongues met it was as if a dam burst open inside Callie. Pent-up desire poured out of her and into Cole. She moaned as he moved a hand up her torso and played with her breasts through the thin, soft material of her dress. Callie pressed her pelvis into his and felt his erection, which doubled as proof of his desire.

“Are you sure about this?” Cole asked. “Is your husband really okay with this?”

“He is,” Callie answered. “Are you really okay with fucking a married woman?”

Cole answered by kissing her. His hands moved down her back and under her dress. He ran his fingers up the backs of her thighs, grabbed her ass, and lifted Callie off the ground. She instinctively wrapped her legs around him as Cole held her against the wall and kissed her with surprising vigor. It seemed that he was more than okay with fucking a married woman.

"Have you ever fucked a customer before?" Callie asked.

He shook his head. "I've never really wanted to fuck a customer. Not until tonight."

His grip on her ass felt firm and his tongue did wondrous things in her mouth, luring Callie deeper into a state of desire. She thought about Rick. She thought of going home and telling him that she'd gotten fucked in a restaurant bathroom, that she'd cum on the cock of a young waiter, that she'd let out her inner slut for a few minutes and that her pussy had been soaked at the mere idea of doing it.

Callie wanted to make sure she had the naughtiest possible story to tell her husband, so she said, "I want to suck your cock."

For a moment Cole's eyes went wide with surprise and Callie delighted in being able to catch the young man off guard with her desire to give him head. He set her down and she immediately reached for his zipper and tugged it down. Her fingers disappeared into his fly and freed his stiff cock.

Arousal coursed through Callie's body as she touched another man's cock for the first time since she started dating Rick. It felt naughty and a little dangerous and she liked it. She liked the idea of having Cole in her mouth, too, so she squatted in front of him, looked up, and wrapped her lips around the plump head of his dick.

"Oh, fuck," he said.

Callie watched Cole's face as she sucked his cock. She watched the pleasure wash over him. She watched the desire grow. She saw just a hint of the animalistic need that almost always came over a man as his arousal built while a beautiful woman sucked his cock. Callie hoped that Cole could see the desire on her face, too, that he could see how much she enjoyed having him in her mouth.

What he couldn't see was that Callie was looking forward to telling her husband that she'd had another man in her mouth that night. That she was going to tell Rick right before he leaned in to kiss her. That she couldn't wait to see the look on his face as he wondered if she was telling the truth, if she really had given a blowjob to another man, if another man's thick, throbbing cock really had been between her lips and deep in her mouth.

"Fuck...that feels so fucking good," Cole said. "Oh my god...your friend was right...I don't think I've ever gotten a blowjob that feels this good."

Callie would have enjoyed making him cum in her mouth. She always enjoyed the look on a man's face when he released his load onto her tongue. In fact, she'd forgotten just how much she enjoyed that look until she'd taken Cole's cock in her mouth.

He wasn't going to cum in her mouth, though. Callie was going to get fucked. She was going to complete Rick's fantasy. She was going to fully unleash her inner slut in the restaurant bathroom.

"Do you have a condom?" she asked.

Cole pulled one from his pocket - she wondered for a moment if he always had a condom with him or if he'd borrowed one from a coworker - and she grabbed it, tore it open while sucking his dick, and then rolled it down his stiff, spit-soaked shaft.

Callie stood, hopped on the bathroom counter, and spread her legs. She pulled her panties aside and Cole stepped between her thighs without saying a word. She took his stiff, latex-wrapped dick in her hand and guided him into her pussy.

Cole moaned and Callie smiled. "Does that feel good?"

"Fuck yes," he said. "Does my dick feel good inside you?"

Cole was a little longer and quite a bit thicker than her husband. It took a few seconds to adjust to his thickness, but it felt good and she nodded and kissed him before saying, "You're bigger than my husband, and I like that. You're deeper inside me. You're stretching me more than he does."

Callie thought of Rachel's assertion that men love to fuck a married woman, that they love to prove that they're better than her husband, that they can satisfy her far better than he does.

"Do you think you can fuck me better than he does?" she asked.

Cole smiled and leaned in. "Damn right I can."

He fucked her hard. He fucked her with power and passion. He fucked her like a man with something to prove. He fucked her like a man determined to show that he was better than her husband, that he could make her pussy feel better than any man ever had.

"Oh...fuck...that feels so good," Callie said as she wrapped her legs around the young waiter.

"Yeah? You like that dick? I'm fucking you good? I'm fucking that married pussy good?"

Callie liked that he called it her married pussy. She liked thinking about Rick. She liked the idea that she was giving her married pussy to someone who wasn't supposed to have it. She liked it so much that she was suddenly on the verge of an orgasm.

"Harder," she said. "Fuck me harder and make me cum all over that big dick!"

Cole delivered. He fucked her harder and Callie came. She closed her eyes and held her breath for a moment before the orgasm exploded outwards from her loins. Her fingers and toes tingled. She saw stars. Her legs kicked open and she pressed her hands into the bathroom counter and leaned back as it became exceptionally difficult to control her body.

"Fuck..." was all she managed to say as she came down from her climax.

Cole had a smile on his face. He'd fucked her better than her husband and he knew it. He hadn't cum, though, and Callie couldn't leave the bathroom until she'd made him cum.

"Would you like to fuck me from behind?" she asked.

Cole nodded eagerly and pulled out.

Callie slid off the counter, turned around, and pushed her ass towards him. He slid into her from behind. He put a hand on her hip and another on her shoulder. She looked up and saw herself in the mirror. She saw a man she wasn't married to behind her. She saw pleasure on that man's face as he fucked her.

Callie couldn't get enough of the look on his face. Cole was having the time of his life. He was fucking a married woman in a restaurant bathroom. He was living out a male fantasy and he was enjoying every second of it.

"Wait," she said.

To her surprise, Cole stopped thrusting immediately. "Is everything okay?"

She smiled, nodded, and reached into her purse to grab her phone. "I want to film a quick video. I'm not sure my husband's going to believe me, but when I show him a video of you pounding me from behind he'll know for certain that I made his fantasy come true. Are you okay with me filming?"

"Fuck yes," Cole said. "I don't know your husband, of course, but I think you should capture the moment where I cum. I think he might love seeing another man cum while in your pussy."

Callie's thighs trembled a little and her pussy got wetter as she smiled at the young man whose cock was still deep inside her. She pointed her phone at the mirror, hit record, and said, "Fuck me, Cole. Fuck me while I make a video for my husband."

Cole grabbed her hips and fucked her hard from behind as Callie filmed it. She looked right into the camera via the mirror. She wanted Rick to feel like she was staring right at him when he watched the video. She parted her lips and moaned.

"Your cock is so deep in my pussy," she said. "So much deeper than my husband's cock goes. So much fucking deeper."

Cole looked at her in the mirror and then put a hand on her shoulder to get more leverage. He fucked her harder and asked, "Does my dick feel better than your husband's?"

"Yes," she answered.

He fucked her faster. "Am I fucking you better than he does?"

Callie could tell he was getting closer to cumming. His breathing was a little more ragged and wild. The sound of his body slamming into her ass filled the bathroom.

"You're fucking me so much better than he does," she said. "You already made me cum so fucking hard but I'm going to cum again. I'm going to cum all over your cock."

With Cole's hand on her shoulder Callie didn't need a hand to balance on the counter, so she reached between her legs and rubbed her clit. Waves of pleasure roared through her body from the gentle rubbing and she closed her eyes and let out a wild moan.

"Cum for me," she said. "Fuck me hard and cum!"

Cole's hand moved from her shoulder and into her hair. He grabbed a fistful of it and pulled back. It was the first time in her life anyone had pulled Callie's hair while fucking her. She never thought of herself as a woman that would enjoy that, and yet she came the moment it happened. She came so fucking hard she nearly dropped her phone.

Her orgasm seemed to put Cole over the top as he buried his dick inside her, pulled hard on her hair for a few seconds, and then released his grip and leaned forward as he grunted and groaned.

Callie looked into the camera and smiled. "Another man is cumming with his cock buried deep inside your wife's pussy, Rick. I just made your fantasy come true. I hope it was everything you wanted it to be."

She blew him a kiss and added, "For what it's worth, it was much better than I thought it would be and I'm pretty sure I'd be happy to make your fantasy come true again, and again, and again."

Callie stopped recording, slipped her phone into her purse, and turned her head to kiss Cole.

"Can I give you my number?" he asked.

She laughed softly. "I'd like that. I have no idea if my husband is going to enjoy any of this, but you were excellent and I'd absolutely enjoy fucking you again."

"The feeling's mutual," he replied.

Cole pulled out and tossed the condom into the trash before tucking his dick back into his pants. Callie pulled her panties over her pussy, made sure her dress looked as it had when she walked into the bathroom, and fixed her hair. Then she took Cole's number, gave him a deep kiss, and walked out of the bathroom with him following close behind.

As she walked back to the table, Callie wondered about sending Rick a text. Should she let him know she'd made his fantasy come true, or should it be a surprise?

She decided to text him. She'd let him know that she'd just made his fantasy reality. Then she'd take her time getting home. She'd enjoy dessert and another drink. She'd enjoy chatting with Rachel. She'd enjoy driving Rick crazy with anticipation.

Then she'd go home and see if he really was into his fantasy. She'd see if he'd enjoy hearing about his wife having sex in a restaurant bathroom, if he'd enjoy kissing her knowing that she'd sucked another man's cock, if he'd enjoy watching a video of her being taken from behind.

With any luck, it would be a thrilling end to a night that had thus far turned our much better than Callie had anticipated.

Part 2 coming soon…



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