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Your wife looks absolutely perfect in a soft, semi-sheer pink babydoll with a pink lace thong. She’s in bed with her boyfriend and she’s just pulled his shirt off, exposing the impressively muscular chest and stomach that she can’t seem to keep her hands off of.

She smiles at him as her hands move over his body and he leans closer. Their lips part like they’re going to kiss. He leans in and then pulls back, like he’s teasing her. They both laugh before she pulls his lips to hers. Their joy quickly turns to lust. You see her mouth open. You see their tongues dance in that way they do when two people are completely lost in their passion for each other.

His hand moves under the soft chiffon of her babydoll and up her taut stomach. He runs his fingers over one of her perfect, perky breasts and you hear her moan in that quiet, approving way that tells him she wants more. She wants to feel his hands on her body. She wants him to play with her nipples.

He kisses her neck and your wife glances at you as she moans. You see that irresistible smile break across her face as she gives herself over to the man she’s been seeing for the past six months. Most of the time she lets you watch because she knows it thrills you like nothing else. The stiff erection between your legs is proof of your desire. They’re still indulging in foreplay and already you’re heading towards the peak of your arousal.

“Take your pants off,” your wife says to her boyfriend.

He smiles and they kiss again. Their tongues dance again. She runs her hands down his chest and undoes his belt as their lips remain sealed together. She unbuttons his pants and quickly pushes her hand inside them. It’s his turn to groan. Your wife has found the cock that’s brought her such pleasure for the past six months.

“Take them off,” she says. “I want to feel your cock in my mouth.”

You feel that surge of pleasure that always accompanies your cuckolding. It’s the kind of pleasure that lures you back to this experience over and over again. You still battle the angst that comes with being a cuckold, but each time you watch them have sex you experience a level of pleasure that you’ve never been able to replicate. It’s addictive. You crave it all the time, so you always end up back here, watching your wife and her boyfriend surrender to the white hot desire that fuels the great sex they’ve been having for half a year.

It seems that your wife’s promise of oral pleasure is enough to motivate him to finally remove his pants as her boyfriend quickly pulls them off along with his underwear. Now he’s naked in your bed and your wife can’t help but wrap her fingers around his cock. She strokes him as they kiss again. Her fingers move up the cock that’s both longer and thicker than yours. It’s the cock that’s been inside her a great deal more than yours has in the past six months.

“You’re so hard for me,” she says.

“You know I can’t resist you,” he replies.

Your wife smiles says, “Lie down. I want to make you feel good.”

It’s the way she says it that turns you on the most. There’s a quality to her voice that indicates just how badly she wants to make him feel good. She’s not just saying it because she thinks he wants to hear it. She’s saying it because she truly wants to make him feel good.

He lies down and your wife strokes him as they kiss. The white chiffon of her babydoll looks absolutely perfect on her body and he can’t help but play with her breasts. He moans into her mouth because her fingers are exceptionally talented and she’s making him feel good even before she fellates him.

Your wife kisses his neck and chest. She kisses one of his nipples and playfully bites it. She laughs as he yelps from the pain. She kisses her way down his hard stomach. She rubs her breasts over the head of his cock. She rubs it against her neck and then takes her place between his legs.

She looks up at him and kisses the plump head of his cock. She kisses it all over. She gets her tongue involved and he groans.

“I love your cock,” she says.

She’s never said that to you. She says it to him all the time. She says it to him because she really feels that way. She loves his cock. She’s told you she loves his cock. She loves it because it makes her feel so good. She loves it because it’s attached to a man that knows how to fuck her exactly like she needs.

Your wife kisses her way to the base of his cock and then licks her way to the tip. She wraps her lips around it and takes him into her mouth. He groans immediately. She maintains eyes contact as she works the head with her soft, talented lips and mouth.

You know how good her mouth feels. You haven’t experienced it in a long time, but you know how good it feels. You know it’s a wondrous treat. You know there’s nothing quite like a blowjob from your wife. Now those are his to enjoy. You don’t get them anymore. The man that makes her cum like she’s always wanted gets blowjobs from her.

You’re in the room, but they barely pay attention to you as they indulge in their need for each other. You’re allowed to watch, but you don’t participate. You simply enjoy their lust for each other from your place against the wall. You’re allowed to masturbate, and you will, but you know that if you start too soon you’ll also cum too soon.

He reaches down and pulls your wife from his cock. They kiss as his fingers move into her panties. She moans as he plays with her pussy.

“I want to taste you,” he says.

Your wife smiles and lies on her back. He pulls her panties off and moves between her legs. He kisses her thighs and she smiles. He kisses her pussy and she moans. He pushes his tongue inside her and your wife closes her eyes. He licks her clit and she reaches down to run her fingers through his hair.

“That feels so good,” your wife says. “You make me feel so good.”

You seethe with jealousy. Watching him go down on her always makes you feel that way. You can’t help it. That was the one thing you were convinced you did better than any man. He’s good at it, though. He makes her feel good. He makes love to her with his tongue. He uses his fingers. He’s not just trying to get her wet so he can fuck her. He wants to make sure your wife is satisfied, so he eats her pussy beautifully.

She pulls him from between her legs after a long, lovely oral session. They kiss and then he smiles.

“I need your cock inside me,” your wife says.

You unzip your pants. You can’t help it. The foreplay was so beautiful, and like always it left you immensely aroused. Your dick is stiff. You pull it out. You stroke yourself slowly and it feels spectacular. Those first few strokes are always the best. Your cock is alive with pleasure from the voyeuristic experience and it’s like you might set off a bomb in the form of a great orgasm if you stroke too fast.

Your wife plays with his cock as he reaches for the box of condoms on the nightstand. He has one halfway out when she grabs his arm and stops him.

“No,” she says. “Not tonight.”

“Are you sure?” he asks.

“I’m sure,” she says. “I want you to cum inside me.”

Your wife has never had unprotected sex with her boyfriend. She’s not on birth control and she’s always been adamant that it’s not worth the risk. She’s not an irrational woman, even when she’s lost in a state of lust. She doesn’t make decisions lightly, which means she’s thought about this.

“Wait,” you say. You’re not okay with this. She didn’t talk to you about this. It’s a huge decision. It’s not the sort of decision to made in the heat of the moment.

Your wife turns to you and says, “I want this. I need this. I’m ready for this. I’m ready for him to cum inside me. I want him to cum inside me.”

Each time she says it you feel a surge of desire. Your cock throbs in your hand. You know you look foolish trying to argue with your wife while holding your erection, but that’s the situation you’re in.

“But you’re not on birth control,” you say.

Your wife smiles and strokes his cock. “I know,” she says.

“But what if…what if you get pregnant?” you ask.

She places his bare cock inside her and he slowly fills your wife’s pussy. They share a kiss as he begins to thrust.

“What if that’s what I want?” she asks.

He kisses her neck as his bare cock slowly moves in and out of her. Each thrust brings him closer to cumming inside her. Each thrust brings you closer to cumming, too. As much as you object to the notion of another man having unprotected sex with your wife, your cock seems to find it enormously arousing.

“That’s not…that’s not what I want,” you say.

Your wife closes her eyes and moans. They kiss as he fucks her faster. You see their tongues mingle as the sounds of sex fill the room. Your hand moves up and down your cock despite the angst flooding your body.

“Please,” you say.

“Isn’t this what you want?” your wife asks.

“No,” you say.

“Are you sure? Your cock is so hard and you’re still stroking yourself. It seems like this is what you want. It seems like you want me to have unprotected sex with him. It seems like you want him to cum inside me. It seems like you want his seed in my womb,” she says.

You feel that telltale surge of desire in your loins. Your cock has never felt so hard. Your balls are tight. You’re just a little bit lightheaded. You’re turned on. There’s no question you’re turned on. You’re overwhelmingly aroused, in fact.

“Please,” you say. It’s all you can muster. You can’t stop your desire. He’s not going to stop. She’s not going to stop him. He’s going to cum in your wife’s unprotected pussy and it turns you on.

“This is what I want,” your wife says. “I want him to cum inside me. I need him to cum inside me.”

They kiss again. He thrusts in and out of her body. You can hear the wetness of her pussy as he fills her. You can hear her moans as she turns his attention to her. They’re having unprotected sex. If he cums inside her he might get her pregnant. Another man might get your wife pregnant.

Your dick is hard. Rock hard. Painfully hard. You stroke yourself faster. The fight goes out of you. It’s what she wants. It’s her decision to make. You don’t want to think about what it might mean if her boyfriend gets her pregnant. You don’t want to think about how that would change things.

“Harder,” she says. “Please, fuck me harder.”

There’s no stopping it now. You’d have to physically pull him off of her and he’s stronger and bigger than you. You might not be able to do it.

You know that look in your wife’s eyes. You know what it means. You know she’s lost in her pleasure. You know she can’t help herself. You know nothing can stop her from getting what she needs, and what she needs right now is his cum inside her.

“I’m close,” he says.

He’s offering her a chance to have him pull out. You know he’d do it if she asked. He’s letting her know she doesn’t have to take the risk.

Your wife grabs his ass. “Cum inside me,” she says. She’s making it perfectly clear what she wants. She wants him to cum in her unprotected pussy. She wants to take the risk.

He smiles. He wants it too. Of course he does. What man wouldn’t want to cum in a beautiful woman’s pussy?

They kiss as he fucks her harder. They kiss as she squeezes his ass. You see her legs tremble just a little. You know she’s close.

“Cum inside me,” she says in a low, strained voice. She’s so close. “Cum in my pussy. Cum in my pussy.”

He’s close too. He’s fucking her harder and faster. He’s pursuing his orgasm. He’s moments from cumming in your wife’s unprotected pussy. He’s moments from potentially getting her pregnant.

“I’m cumming,” she says. “I’m cumming!”

She pulls him close as he keeps thrusting. You see the pleasure wash over her face. You see yet another beautiful orgasm that her boyfriend has provided her.

“I’m cumming,” he says not long after. His thrusts slow as he empties his load into her womb.

A deeply-satisfied smile crosses your wife’s face. She’s happy. She’s truly happy. She’s happy because he just came inside her. She’s happy because she might have just let another man get her pregnant.

You cum. Your cum spurts into the air and lands on the hardwood floor in front of you. Another man just came in your wife and you’re cumming all over the floor. She’s not looking at you. She’s kissing his neck. In this moment, she barely knows you’re in the room.

“I love you,” she whispers as your orgasms finishes.

He looks at your wife and smiles. His cock is still inside her. His cum is inside her. “I love you too,” he says.

There’s no question your life has changed. You’re just not sure how quite yet.



Brian King

An I love you and admittong she wants his baby. Not cuckholding she's moved on.