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"I had fun tonight," Chad said with a smile.

"Yeah, me too," Chloe replied. "You're a good dancer."

He looked away for a moment, like he was just a little bit embarrassed to be a good dancer. His smile was brighter when he looked back, though, so he couldn't have been that embarrassed.

"You're a good kisser, too," she added.

That put the biggest smile of the night on his face and it prompted Chad to step closer and kiss her again, which was exactly what Chloe was hoping for. She hadn't expected to enjoy her date with him anywhere near as much as she had. She figured he'd have all the downsides of any other jock she'd dated, from the often unearned confidence to the general stupidity to the sense that an orgasm was expected.

Chad wasn't the smartest guy she'd ever been on a date with, but he wasn't a disappointment in any way. He was, in fact, really rather sweet, and he was an exceptionally good kisser. There was something thrilling about being in the arms of someone so strong, too. It felt like a primal thing. Chloe couldn't really explain why it turned her on to be held and kissed by someone so strong, but it absolutely did.

"Can I see you again?" he asked after the kiss.

Chloe nodded. "I'd like that."

"How about Thursday? We've got an away game this weekend so I'll be gone from Friday to Sunday."

"Yeah. Okay. Thursday it is," she said.

He smiled, reached up to caress her face in a far gentler manner than Chloe would have thought him capable, and kissed her again. His hand moved to her lower back and his fingers slipped under her sweater and caressed her skin before traveling just a bit further south and giving her ass a squeeze. It felt good and Chloe moaned softly into his mouth.

"You're really something, Chloe," Chad said. "Beautiful. Sexy. A great kisser. One hell of a dancer, too."

She grabbed him for one more kiss and then they said goodnight and she headed into her dorm. One last look over her shoulder revealed that Chad was also looking and she smiled, waved at him, and headed inside with a surprising kind of delight and lust swirling through her body.

Chloe's night wasn't over, though. Owen was waiting in her room. He wanted to hear all about her date. They were both going to explore the rather thrilling discovery that her going out with another guy was a turn on.

As she rode the elevator to her floor, Chloe considered how honest she wanted to be. Should she tell Owen that Chad was more interesting than she'd expected? Should she tell him that he was actually a good date? Should she tell him that he was an excellent kisser, that his touch was gentle yet firm, that she really liked being in his strong arms while they kissed?

Chloe didn't have answers to her questions as she neared her door. She resolved to slowly reveal the details of her date and see how Owen reacted. If he could handle it, she'd offer all the information. If he couldn't, she'd keep some of the information to herself.

No matter how the end of the night turned out, though, Chloe was going to have at least one orgasm, and with any luck she'd have multiple climaxes. Given how turned on she was, it was an absolute necessity.

Owen was on his phone in Chloe's bed when she let herself into her dorm room. He sat up, set his phone aside, and stared at her with a delightful sense of anticipation in his eyes. Chloe shut the door, turned the lock, and sauntered into the room. She set her purse on the desk next to her bed and stopped a few feet short of her boyfriend.

"You're really cute," she said.

"Really?" he asked.

Chloe nodded. "Yeah. I mean, that's the reason I said 'yes' when you asked me out. You're just really, really cute. In a good way, of course. And I don't know why, but right now you look really good. Like, really good."

Chloe was surprised at how badly she wanted to fuck Owen. She surmised that the surplus of arousal she felt after her date with Chad was the reason for that desire and she was delighted that the lust could be transferred to her boyfriend.

"Well, you look good too," he replied. "Really good, in fact. Somehow you look better than when you left, which doesn't really make sense, and yet is totally true."

Chloe smiled and stepped out of her heels. She took two steps towards Owen and nudged his legs apart with her knee. She bent over, put her hands on his thighs, and ran her fingers towards his crotch until she'd found his dick.

"Would you like to hear about my date?" she asked.

Owen nodded as Chloe detected a hint of angst in his eyes.

"Have you been thinking about it while I've been out? Have you been sitting in my bed and wondering what I've been doing with Chad? With the muscular football player?"

"Yes," Owen admitted.

His cock was already hard, which Chloe took to mean that he was still excited by the notion of her having been on a date with another man. That excitement was clearly served up with a side of anxiety, but that was to be expected.

"Lie down for me," Chloe said.

Owen rolled onto his back and scooted over so Chloe could join him in the bed. She ran her hand under his shirt and kissed his neck softly.

"He met me at the party. He was standing outside the frathouse. He was in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt," she said.

"That's pretty relaxed," Owen noted.

Chloe smiled as she thought of how good Chad had looked in a t-shirt. As it turned out, his body was hot enough that he looked amazing in nothing more than a t-shirt. "It is, but the truth is, he looked good," she said softly. "Really good, actually. Playing football requires being in really good shape, as it turns out."

Owen looked a little jealous and Chloe found it kind of delightful. It would have been weird if he wasn't jealous. After all, she'd been on a date with another guy and she'd just told her boyfriend that the other guy was in really good shape.

"He took my hand and led me inside," she continued. "We talked a little as we got something to drink. He told me I looked beautiful - really beautiful, he said - and his eyes wandered over my body more than once."

Chloe's hand moved between Owen's legs and she was pleased to find that he was still sporting an erection. She stroked him a little as he turned his head and their lips met for a deep kiss where she offered her tongue.

"How did you feel?" Owen asked. "At a frat party? With this guy? With him staring at your body?"


He nodded.

"I liked being at the party with a hot guy," she confessed. "I liked that he was looking at me like he wanted me. I liked that he told me I was beautiful and that he meant it."

Owen's dick seemed to get harder and he moaned a little. He enjoyed all of that too.

"Does that bother you?" she asked. "Or does that excite you a little bit?"

"It excites me a little bit," he admitted. "Or maybe more than a little bit."

Chloe thought of how she'd felt when Chad eyed her. He hadn't been disgusting about it - he wasn't licking his lips and talking about how he was going to fuck her until her pussy was sore - instead he'd been almost polite about it, like he couldn't help but look but was just a little bit embarrassed that he'd surrendered to his desire to check her out.

"There was music playing, of course, and lots of people dancing, so I suggested that we dance," Chloe said. "Chad hesitated at first, but I managed to drag him out there with me. As it turned out, he was a good dancer. He moved to the rhythm of the music a lot better than you'd think and...well, he seemed to know just when to touch me, when to pull me close, when to let me move away so he could pull me back again."

Chloe unbuttoned Owen's jeans and tugged the zipper down as she kissed his neck. She pushed his pants down to his knees and his underwear followed, freeing his cock. Chloe thought about taking him in her mouth, but she intended on fucking Owen before the night was over and she didn't want him getting too excited.

"He touched you?" Owen asked.

"Of course he did," she replied. "We were dancing. We were on a date, too. Have you ever been on a date where you didn't touch the girl at all?"

Owen looked a little embarrassed. "Well, yeah, but I guess I've been on a few bad dates in my life."

Chloe smiled. "You're adorable, you know that?"

She kissed him. Not a soft, quick little kiss. A deep kiss meant to show that she wanted him, that she was into him despite him being a little bit of a dork. That's part of what she liked about him.

"Fuck, you're such a good kisser," he said.

"So are you, you know," she replied. "Very good, in fact."

"You helped with that," Owen said with a smile.

That was true. He hadn't been a great kisser when they'd gotten together. He learned quickly, though, and unlike most guys he was more than happy to have Chloe offer him pointers at how to get better, both with kissing and anything else sex-related.

"Did you...did you kiss him? Did you kiss Chad?" Owen asked.

Chloe smiled as she saw the trepidation and desire on Owen's face. She stroked his cock, leaned in, and whispered, "Yes, I kissed him. While we were dancing. At least that was the first kiss. A slow song had come on. He pulled me close. Our bodies move together to the rhythm of the music. He tilted his head. I tilted mine. He leaned in. Our lips met. It was...it was really good."

Chloe felt herself get a little lost in the memory of the kiss. It had been electric, though. Exceptionally good. Just a hint of tongue. Nothing too aggressive. His strong hands had remained on her waist, holding her tight enough to inspire the kind of desire that seemed to emanate directly from the sense of strength Chad exuded.

"Fuck...it's so weird to be turned on and totally jealous at the same time," Owen noted.

Chloe laughed. "That must be strange. Is that okay, though? I don't have to keep going with the story?"

"No, don't stop," he said.

"After a little bit of kissing and dancing for a few more songs, Chad took my hand and led me into another room. It was dark and from what I could tell there were quite a few couples in there fooling around. Kissing, some light touching, that sort of thing. Chad led us to a big armchair in the corner of the room, sat in it, and pulled me onto him so I was sitting across his lap," she explained.

Owen rolled onto his side and gently pushed Chloe to her back. He kissed her neck and ran his hand down her chest, over her stomach, and under her skirt. His fingers danced over her inner thighs as he asked, "And did you join those other couples in fooling around?"

She moaned and arched her back a little as Owen's fingers approached her pussy before turning back and heading towards her knee once more. "We did. Right away, too. It felt so good, Owen. He's such a good kisser and his hands...they moved at just the right pace and to all the right places. It was like he knew exactly when he could go a little further...when he could graze his hand over my breasts, when he could squeeze them, when he could run his hand under my shirt to play with my tits in that sexy little pink lace bra I wore for him."

Owen moaned as his hand slipped under Chloe's shirt. The moment he touched her breasts in the sweater she moaned too. His touch felt good. Exceptionally good. Just as good as Chad's touch had felt, in fact, if not more so. Chloe was far more aroused in that moment - she'd spent most of the night turned on and it seemed that her desire just kept building - and she felt her nipples harden as Owen played with her.

"Just like that," she said. "He touched me just like that. I moaned for him, Owen. I moaned while his tongue was in my mouth and his hand was under my sweater and on my tits."

"Holy fuck," Owen replied as his fingers found her nipple through the bra and he applied just enough pressure to make Chloe's pussy tingle.

"I felt him get hard for me," she said. "I was sitting in his lap and I could feel his stiffness, Owen. I could feel his desire for me."

"Did it feel good to know he was hard for you?" he asked.

She looked at him, smiled, and said, "I got really turned on. I really did. I really liked that he was so hard for me, that he wanted me. I liked that kissing me and playing with my tits had turned him on so much."

Owen kicked off his jeans and underwear and moved to his knees to take his shirt off. He crawled between Chloe's legs, ran his fingers under her skirt, and took her panties off. He wanted to fuck her and Chloe desperately wanted him inside her.

"On your back," she said.

Owen rolled onto his back without a moment's hesitation and Chloe straddled him. She was already a little hot so she took off her sweater, but she kept the bra on. She liked Owen thinking of Chad's hands on her tits in the bra.

"I touched his cock a little," she said while guiding Owen into her pussy. "Not much, just a little tease. A little bit of stroking and caressing while we kissed and he played with my tits. He moaned for me as I did it. I really liked that."

"You're so wet," Owen said. "Fuck, your pussy is so wet." He moaned as she moved her hips back and forth and then asked, "Did you get wet while you were fooling around with him?"

Chloe rested her hands on his bare chest, leaned forward, and nodded. "I was soaked, baby. I really was. He had me so turned on that my panties were actually wet. Soaking wet."

Chloe rolled her head back and began to bounce her pussy on Owen's cock. He reached up to play with her tits and she moaned as memories of her date with Chad and the pleasure of the moment melded together to create an intensely arousing sexual experience.

"He asked me on another date," she said. "He walked me home, we made out in front of the dorm a little bit, and then he asked me on another date."

Owen's eyes went wide like he hadn't been expecting that outcome. "What did you say?"

"I told him I'd love to go on another date. I'm seeing him Thursday," she said. "He's got an away game this weekend so he's not going to be around on Friday or Saturday."

Owen closed his eyes, arched his back, and moaned like he was awash in the most incredible pleasure. Chloe took that to mean he was on board with her going on yet another date with Chad.

"I was thinking I might do something nice for him," she said. "Kind of like a good luck thing before the game."

"What did you have in mind?"

She smiled as a naughty idea came to mind. "I was thinking I'd suck his cock."

"Oh, fuck!"

Owen came inside her and Chloe was delighted that she could give her boyfriend an orgasm by suggesting that she was going to suck another man's cock. She was turned on by Owen's pleasure - and a little bit by the idea of blowing Chad - and her orgasm came rolling down the pike soon after Owen spurted inside her.

Chloe closed her eyes, squeezed her legs tightly around Owen's hips and thighs, and then cried out as an orgasm exploded from her loins and quickly spread to the rest of her body, leaving her trembling with pleasure and moaning in a manner that felt completely out of her control.

It wasn't until she opened her eyes that Chloe realized she'd dug her fingernails into Owen's chest, leaving distinct red marks behind when she released her grip. He didn't seem to mind, though. A great orgasm tends to make it easy to ignore discomfort, after all.

"Are you really going to suck his cock?" he asked.

"I might," she replied. "I do kind of like the idea of him getting on the bus to leave for the game the next day and thinking of me and the pleasure I gave him the night before. I kind of like the idea of him playing hard and trying to win in the hopes that I'll give him another blowjob when he gets back. I guess I don't know if guys really think that way, but I like the idea of Chad thinking that way."

"Guys do think that way," Owen said. "And Chad will absolutely be thinking that way."

"Well then, I guess I'll give him a blowjob on Thursday," Chloe said with a smile. "As long as you're okay with it."

"Weirdly, I am," he replied.

She leaned down and kissed him. "For what it's worth, I don't think it's weird. I don't know why, but I think it's hot that you're into me fooling around with Chad, which is why I'm hoping you'll be available Thursday night."

"Yes, I will," Owen said without hesitation. "Anything else can be canceled, I promise. I'll be available."

She smiled, lifted her pussy from his cock, and cuddled up next to him. "Do you think you could go again?"

"Yeah, absolutely. Just give me like fifteen minutes and I'll be ready."

Chloe wanted to cum again and she wanted to cum with Owen's cock inside her, though she would probably indulge in thinking about Chad a little bit. He was an awfully good kisser, after all, and he really did know how to touch her exactly like she desired. Thankfully, Owen would love to hear all about it while they fucked for a second time that night.



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