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I'm going to have to figure out about a better way to tell you guys when new stories have been added because the only alternatives I can think of is the Monthly Forecast or just changing the date but that's for people checking.

(Should be bug free but I'm in a rush and we know even when I'm being patient bugs still appear.)

Don't know. Anyway a Request: Poly story has been added (basically porn with no plot) and I will also be moving the milestones and any other games to that post. They'll stay up but that's a better central hub than having all these links around.



Excited to read the story, but I can't seem to access it. The Custom Name doesn't work, and when creating a char for any story (also tried the others) I can't get past the hair and eye looks, it just gives me "Reload" and "Back to Story selection" options. Am I missing something here?


Name bug is fixed. And after creating your character you can then just play the game you want, so the latter is not a bug. Just choose "Back to Story Selection" then choose the story you want since you already created your character.