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Ello. So today's poll, as the title says, is about reworking Superstition Ep5 - Best in Show. Mostly cos I don't like the dog show idea, never really did, and it's keeping me from actually getting excited about an episode I was so pumped to do. The new episode ideas will be below. Act One is still pretty much good, a bit of rewriting but still pretty much the same.

Walk Down Memory Lane: This turns the episode into a more relationship focused one. Of course, this means shorter but it also means that you get to focus and strengthen some bonds (or fuck em up) before Ep6 bomb hits. You'll also get to talk to characters that have been gone for too long (Uncle Matheus I'm looking at you). So less of a big plot though one will still be present due to a need for it.

In It for the Chase: This will take Adoel's angel prophecy lead and magnify it. Pretty much the same as any other episode just switches the focus from the dog show to Adoel.

Old Meets New: That title is a work in progress. This has bits of both the first and the second but in a diminished capacity. But brings in your new Purgatory friends and your angelic and demonic ones for a clash.


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