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A quick poll to figure out if changes need to be made as I kind of try and focus in and hammer things down before getting back into the major swing of writing.

Basically choose one BUT this doesn't help me if I don't get feedback if you do choose "not happy." If you're not happy then message me somehow (email or discord preferrably cos Tumblr is being a bitch and Patreon doesn't give me notifications about messages sometimes. Unless you comment, you can comment too.) and tell me who you're romancing and what's irking you. Right now the romances under large scrutiny is the poly and Zillah. But again, tell me. Not providing me any feedback if you choose "not happy" just a pointless vote, ima be honest. Like what am I supposed to do with that, it's a lose/lose. This also doesn't mean just because you tell me to jump, I'm going to jump. One opinion doesn't make a majority, but I will read what everyone has to say and take it into account.

All of this null if everyone's happy though. What's that game where the town is walking around with happy faces and if you frown the happy police come to ... well, kill you.

The only romances that won't appear are Rahim, Chris, and Chanara since, well Chris's arc is done unless you're doing J2/J3, and Chanara's and Rahim's is still going the way I've planned. Not to say that the others aren't but part of me feels like there is something missing, taking too long, etc.


Yuu #119

Romancing Syd as M Roe. I have no complained over how it has been played out. I trust ur judgement.


Unfortunately I haven't been able to play the lastest installements, but so far I've romance Syd and Amari and been quite happy with it. I'm not sure how much poly there will be for these two, but I'd be happy about any of it. ^^


I've been trying to romance Zillah as a virgin. I remember playing and, from the content, being confused whether or not the romance stats ported to the new game. I figured that the lack of romance/relationship angst was either because it wasn't written in yet or figured that the virgin factor was just that big of a turn off for him, lol.


You can check the stats by clicking his name. But no, the virgin factor doesn't stop you from romancing him, just from having sex with him in that one scene. You should still be getting the scenes.


I've played through a few different romances but Zillah is my favorite. Girl don't change a THING you're killing it 😊


I'm not unhappy with my romancing of Zillah, I think I'm just impatient lol I live for his tortured, angsty regret of pushing Roe away and I need more lol

Laura Grimes

Syd has had my heart from the beginning and for some reason I can't bring myself to romance any other character, lol. I'm just weird that way, I guess.


I think the Zillah romance fits his character, but I agree with the top comment in just being impatient lol


I really love Rahim's slow-burn romance so far. Most of the time I am drawn to serious characters so I find his route satisfying and in-character. :D


I marked unhappy although I think unhappy would be a strong word for it. I agree with your thoughts that the Zillah romance might be missing something, and I've spent a couple of days trying to figure out what exactly it is but have not been able to pinpoint it. I think part of it could be that there's a kind of... inconsistency with MCs behavior in terms of their (un)willingness to talk to Zillah. There are moments where MC seems to talk to him and then reverts to "wait a minute I'm actually super mad at you!" I'm also not sure if MC has ever truly expressed to Zillah what, exactly, they're upset about. I think generally, Zillah fumbling over his own feelings makes sense, and I don't think it's an issue of pacing, but I do think there's a little bit of... something... that just feels... almost incomplete? about how things are going.


I am quite unhappy as well, but it's mainly because it feels like there 𝘪𝘴 no Zillah romance. It's just avoidance and... well, kind of cold. Like MICH, I think the MC feels inconsistent--MC cuts a lot of slack for Rahim, who is equally as difficult and constantly pushing the MC away, but none for Zillah. And, though Zillah fumbling over the feelings makes sense, there is no forward progress. There's just... nothing. It makes the character feel like a shell, like he's just there with no purpose other than to torment any MC who has feelings for him. Zillah had more of a personality in S2. Probably because more interaction was allowed and he had some fire in him. That fire is gone. I'm glad the Syd-mancers and Ari-mancers are happy, but the only two LIs who hold any interest for me are Zillah and Rahim, and they're both nothing but misery and frustration. When heaped upon the MC facing a future where their soul is completely dissolved into nothingness, it's making my MC want to give up (and that's with an 86 in stubborn) and just fucking end it already. Not like she's got anything to live for at this point.


Responding to this one is odder than the last as this is more about how I just wrote them in general. So let me say this part first so it's not one of those dismissal things, and I think you've been around long enough that you know I don't mean anything rude by this. I can't change the specific emotions someone feels about it, as I can't control you of course. Like, I get exactly what you said and completely valid but changing the romance up due to that when I wrote them how I intended doesn't really ... change anything? Don't know how to word that part. I can say that Rahim makes a big leap in Ep5. Zillah, not so much but that's why I'm doing a double take at his romance right now. Now, if by the end of Ep5 you're still pissed off about Rahim then, yea I don't really have anything better to say in that regard besides my bad. Again I'm relooking over Zillah's romance mostly just cos I'm not happy but I can't say there will be tons of changes where the two of you ignore each other because that's intentional. I wanted that (just how long that last may change lmfao cos I do think it may be a bit too much). So, yea if you want to talk about this more or give me like specific thoughts on places for me to take into consideration then by all means, please do so. I really don't want this to come across as me writing what you said off, cos no, I hear you. I just don't want it to also come across as "oh yea, let me go change everything" when the bones/foundation won't change because I like it where it is.


Oh, I never expected you to change anything. I know better than to think an author will change anything based on anyone's opinion! But you asked for more than a "not happy", so I provided my thoughts on why I'm unhappy with it. I even when back and did a speed run from the beginning the day you posted this poll, just so it would all be fresh in my mind (and mood, since my MC's moods tend to bleed off onto me). Every writer wants to elicit emotions from people, so all I can do is give you the emotions it elicits in me. Maybe it's hitting what you're aiming for, maybe it's not. In the end, it's just one person's opinion. I mean, I get that Zillah is the most difficult of the LIs. Honestly, there's a part of me that's convinced there will be no "good" ending for his route. And that's probably why Zillah's path having nothing to work with is grating. The "visit Zillah" choices are pointless, because we know he'll ignore the MC and slam a door in her face. Then, in episode 4, when Zillah wanted to talk, the MC is forced to slam the door in his face--so it's like the narrative is forcing her to feel nothing for him but disdain, at best, or apathy, at worst. Anyway, sorry for the word vomit, I just wanted to clarify that I don't expect you to change anything and never thought for a moment that what I said would affect what happens. But you asked for input. ;-) I've been around for a while, so I hope you know that, if I didn't love what you write, I wouldn't be giving you my money every month or suggesting it to anyone who asks for IF recs. I just feel like I need to add a warning label for this one to let people know to stay away from Zillah unless they're total masochists. Which, hey, Zillah would love that (so would my MC, just not the emotional masochism!)...


Oh no need, regardless of anything done in the future feedback is helpful to think about. And I'm always thankful for it.