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This is such a weird way of trying to figure out if I should keep something or not. The reason I ask is because I know a few people actually dislike knowing what the characters don't know. This opening is a bit like Ep4 with how it opened up with Maurine, Asmodeus, and Michael. Giving the reader insight to what Roe doesn't know. But this one is just present day. 

Simple Keep or Trash for the poll. Plus a sneak peek at what's going on with our favorite angels in the process:

Taking a deep breath in, Adoel gathers their courage and taps at the large door before entering. They step into the decadent office that always seems to draw an immense feeling of envy from within them. They crave to hold the power that this room emanates. To stand behind a desk and look down at those who enter with a bored look within their eye. Fantasies. That’s all those thoughts will ever be. One can see an improvement in their rank but such an ennoblement is rare. Every other century perhaps, but even that seems far too frequent.

“Report,” Michael says, keeping his attention on the papers before him. 

“Maurine Theron was successfully -”

“What of Rahim?” Michael groans, “I’ve already heard the reports from your subordinates.” His tone grows harsh, “and trust me, I am not impressed by your ability to lead and sway.” They open their mouth in defense but decide against it. Michael isn’t interested in explanations, simply facts.

“Rahim is,” they hold their tongue, closing their eyes and wishing that they had better news or even had contrived up a lie beforehand. Instead they’re faced with the simple biting truth that they failed. Their biggest accomplishment. The entire reason Michael had placed so much trust in them will be the reason they’d be demoted to nothing more than a mere errand messenger.

“Rahim is being swayed away from us,” they finally confess, aware of Michael’s steely and unwavering gaze.

“And how is that happening?”

<<if $RCRomance >=2>>\

“It’s that group of his! And that fucking human he seems so attached to.”

“You mean to say that you’re being upstaged by a mere human?”

“No,” Adoel shouts, shrinking back when Michael lets out a long and knowing hum. If they could choose to disappear right then and there then they would gladly choose such an existence.

<<elseif $RRomance >=10>>\

“It’s that group of his! And Death’s fucking vessel.”

“$name,” Michael corrects, “you may as well use ?his name if you are going to be defeated at ?his hands.”

“I’m not,” Adoel growls, shrinking back when Michael lets out a long and knowing hum. If they could choose to disappear right then and there then they would gladly choose such an existence.


“It’s that group of his! Being around Death’s fucking hybrid.” Michael hums, a sound that causes Adoel to curl up within themselves. If they could choose to disappear right then and there then they would gladly choose such an existence.


“Or maybe, you just don’t have the hold on him that you once did.”

“I do. I just need -”

“What? You need what?” Michael roars, “more time? Another angle to work? I actually believe that your presence has expedited his retreat.” Adoel’s mouth opens, “did I tell you to speak?” Their mouth closes instantly. “You will be kept on this assignment. But that is solely due to the chances of your disappearance raising far too many questions.”

Adoel bows, “please. Allow me one last chance.”

“No. This is all far too critical for me to trust you with. You will do as I instruct.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Go to the group. But your focus will no longer be on Rahim.” Adoel stands in silence as he listens to Michael’s plan. They would never voice such thoughts but either Michael’s plans would either ruin everything, or he alone would be the reason why the angels won in the end.



I personally love knowing something in advance of my character. It allows me a better, fine tune, emotionally speaking, role-play.


I vote keep it. I think different POVs in stories keeps things interesting... it's always nice to see what/how other characters think at times.


I really love these types of things. I’m always a fan of seeing how characters think and act when you aren’t present. Like, I see why some people wouldn’t like it if they just want to make their choices in the moment and not think know something ahead - but that goes away on a subsequent play through anyway. If I don’t want the insight I can always skip over that section anyway \o/


Often times with the triggering scenes you add "if you don't want to see x select this option to skip" perhaps something like that could be added here if you think it will be a problem? But I do like this scene it gives you a feel for why Adoel is doing what they are doing from their own perspective, which is interesting :)