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Classification: Mammal

Place of Origin: Miarilia, Lyrae System

Native Language: Mpub'kmë̃

The trarkran basic anatomy is similar to that of the Terran with major differences being their cartilage-based head crests, their tails, and having only four digits on their hands. Their head crests are flexible and hardy and therefore able to be moved in a series of different styles without concern of damage. Crest limitations and growth is specific to the individual with some finding their crest growing only a few inches before stopping, and others finding their crests thicker as well as longer than another's. Their crests are always an ombre color, with the base being the same as their skin and the tip being the same shade as their facial marking. They possess two sensitive ears that sit high up on their heads and are used as a from of expression. They possess flat noses with ridges and a pair of small spikes on both sides of their jaws.

The number of limbs is common to many other sentient beings with them possessing two arms and two legs. They also possess tails with males possessing only one and females possessing two. In both circumstances, these highly flexible tails are used for balance, piercing, and later shown to also be used to care for the young. The tail is strong enough to lift a variety of things and a child is one of them. Due to females being the main hunters, the extra tail allows for additional balance, mobility, and when used during hunts as a rudder allowing sharper turns and a boost of speed during these turns.

The species skin tones range from different shades of brown, orange, and red while facial markings are reliant on their skin tone but will predominantly be shades of brown or grey. Their eyes have been observed to exist in every color save for white and black. Their pupils are slits that can get rounder upon dilation and their brightly saturated irises are large and always resting against a black sclera.

Cosmicium reacts different to all species. For trarkran, it led to a manipulation of their blood, thus allowing for them to inflame their blood and use it as a power source. Able to be utilized as both a defensive and offensive ability, trarkrans must also discharge their in an act called 'flaring.' A buildup of blood and energy can lead to death if not emptied. Severe heat temperatures will also cause the sensation to be done more frequently, while colder temperatures, not as much due to the buildup being burned off to heat the individual.



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