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So Patreon has a new way of billing now which is actually something I've been hoping they do for a while now. Instead of paying on the first, you are now charged whenever you sign up.

Patrons are charged on  the day they join your membership, and then monthly on that same date.  For example, if a patron joins on the 10th, they’ll be charged on that  day, and then monthly on the 10th. All patrons who joined before your  switch to subscription billing continue to be charged on the 1st of each  month.

So for anyone whose already a patreon, you don't have to worry about anything changing because your date will be the first. If you leave and then decide to one day come back, it won't. It'll be the day you sign up. This also helps for those who want to sign up on the 30th or something and it's like "bro, just wait until the first passes so they bill you twice."


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