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Winner: Spirit/Energy

The second round details the ability that the hound will be able to make. Each hound has it's own kind of toxin and ways to create it, as well as it's own signature ability. For the poll itself I'll only have the names, but below this is the details of what each power will do.


  • Spirit Phasing: The ability to phase through solid material as well as create short teleportation markers and use them to get from one place to another.
  • Soul Awareness/Empathy: The ability to pick up on different emotions of those around them and manipulate them to some degree.
  • Fear Presence: The ability to envelop one or more individuals in a aura of fear that leaves them paralyzed. And for some, can even die.
  • Energy Shield: The ability to create a shield to deflect 
  • Energy Absorption and Combustion: The ability to absorb the energy of others, utilizing it for itself to charge up an energy power that once fully charged, will combust targets.
  • Illusion Creation: The ability to create an illusion. Typically utilized by creating duplicates of itself when hunting.
  • Possession: The ability to possess certain individuals.



Fear presence sounds so cool