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Time for one of my favorite things. Let's make a hound! There will be either two or three rounds of this depending on if I go ahead and add in color or not.

So, background. This is for the scifi story. In said story you know I had to add a faithful animal companion because what story is complete without one? This element hound, properly known as Aiczeots, is technically a reptilian-canid kind of species and is loyal to you and you only. Plus, it's pretty badass, if I do say so myself.

At the moment there are already three options in the story: Blight, Blood, and Chaos. Each breed of hound have different abilities but the same amount of love for you. Your job, making a fourth. So this first round is picking the general element. Obviously blood/body, poison/gas, and darkness/chaos will not be included.



I’m imagining patting an electric hound and lil sparks just traveling from it’s skin to your fingertips and I’m 😭❤️


Static shock kisses from your best buddy 🥺😭


I think Spirit/Energy would fit with Blight, Blood, and Chaos a lot better than the others. Plus, think about a hound that can spirit phase from one place to another. That'd be cool.