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A few things I know off the top of my head that I want to both work on and get out of the way all kind of revolves around Superstition. 


  • Amari's Milestone: I want to attempt to get back on that since I'm in the Superstition mindset. And then that opens up the ability to reopen me doing milestone stories and other smaller games. Just don't want a backlog.
  • Superstition S2 Update: Before S3 comes out I want that S2 update out. If I can get that out quick and in a hurry then S3 will come out right around the time I want it which is October. On one hand S2 doesn't need nearly as much updating as S1 but it also is having a few rewrites in terms of Amari's romance, Chris's NB/Male romance, and then a few other areas that I think are lacking. So there's that. We'll see though. I mean, no rush but rush.
  • Superstition S3: I am *stares at episode* adding an episode in. So Ep2 will now be Ep3 and so on. Beta testers as always will be able to play and get things early but Superstition doesn't get an early access kind of thing because that's too many links *stares at ToA* and well it's free so ... yea. You will get early access to the DLC that always comes out though.

Throne of Ashes

Waiting on the last Ruben CG before and I will update the ToA Official Link page with the folder holding them. This page will be where all the CG's will be held in the future as well. And yes, you need to be a current patreon to access them. As I have said numerous times before, they will not appear in game because it will then completely ruin the game for mobile users.

Sci-Fi Project

I talked about this on the Discord because it was causing anxiety to have a project that gets some attention but at the same time keep it quiet. I don't want you guys thinking I'm just sitting idle when I'm not so yea. I also am kind of tired of just not being able to work on what I want to work on and then thinking "but I have all of these series that need writing." Sometimes you just gotta live your life and hope for the best along the way.

... Getting back to the point, I never actually spoke about it here. There is a sci-fi project in the works, I have an artist doing concept art for the aliens and one for the characters themselves. I've been always kind of wanting to do something sci-fi so we'll see how it goes. I can tell you it's a space opera/fantasy more because all that scientific shit is a yea no. Yes, you can fuck some aliens because who would I be if you couldn't. MC wise it's more on par with Phoenix MC and less like Insight and Superstition's. There's a personality that you can of course work but there's a lot of traits that are already there and a arc and redemption that's needed.

I won't put out a demo or anything until I have a good chunk sitting there. And that's going to be a while cos *points to more important, already existing series* I guess I can share the pictures though cos why the heck not. If the project dies it dies. *waits for my friend to hit me upside the head for typing that*

Monthly Story - Romance Poll

As I have promised myself in the past to do, I will now mostly be dividing up the different genders to give more spotlights to well ... non-male characters. This romance poll will have females. The next time a romance poll comes around it will be NB's and yea, you get the picture. I'll ... *focus* I'll add fantasy but you guys *cough*



Since you mentioned Chris's S2 romance, if you have time and/or this even makes sense to you, I always felt like the scene where MC goes with Chris to the bar to investigate and he can end up getting caught making out with someone didn't really carry through to the next scenes/development of their drama as much as it could've (should've?) because it kind of happened and MC could be mad about it at the moment but then the moment passed and that was it. I felt like it was something that MC should've been able to address in the dream sequence at least (since that seems to be the point where you can choose to either repair things with Chris or perm break up)