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Boop de boop. Boop boop de boop.

My condolences to all of us who lives close to the equator cos dis bitch hot.

Um, alright so let's get into this. Bullet points because this month is kind of just tunnel vision.

  • Makaio Ch1 is out for First Mates. Her prologue and chapter one will be out for Deckhand and up probably next week. I really want to try and see if I can deliver you guys the entire demo (Prologue - Ch2) but I'm not sure that's going to be possible without making you guys wait another month. So, yea, somewhere near the 6th probably.
  • Ruben's full and completed route should be out this month. I'm going to speak positively but won't give a definitive date. Again, a post will be out soon that details what you will get, how to get it, etc. And basically detail how it will go for the rest of the routes as well.
  • This month is me pretty much just getting Ruben ready. So again, lazer focus.

Commissions :: CLOSED

Update: All 3 slots have been filled and thus this will be a commission month!

Yea. Ok, so I'm going to do it like this. I'll open commissions, regular three spots. If no one wants any then I'll just put out requests. Yea ... I like that idea. So still send requests, if I do get commissions then I'll just do the requests for August. I will say that I will prioritize fantasy since this is my last fantasy month before Superstition comes back in.



Say we wanted to order a commission (assuming there are still spots left) - should we message you directly on patreon?


You can either message me through Discord, email, or send a message through patreon. Whichever convenience is better for you.